Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience, Part Two

In our last installment we took a short cruise around a Russian neighborhood where we saw one mobile vehicular unit lead us in and several posted foot and vehicular surveillance units observing us as we passed. Some of the themes I told you to remember were the posted vehicle with a car door open due to heat, the lack of AC in vehicles, the patterns of activity that repeat because surveillance teams learn what works in a sector and then tend to use the same spots on successive follows, and the pedestrians posted at intersections acting as commit units to call which route you took. You will see that material again in this post.

Lets take a slightly longer route, but this time we will look somewhere else. I love my wonderful Russian friends-to-be, and don’t want to push my luck any more with them by offering insight into their operations beyond merely opening the door to this in my readers minds by using the media demonization of Russia to convince by readers what they are seeing is hostile action.

How about Bulgaria?

We are going to use an industrial zone, which has several advantages, and several disadvantages. First, in a civilian area, today’s surveillance frequently purchases residences on corners surrounding intersections, which means you can hit an intersection and not see someone with a sightline to your position, because they will be hiding in a house. You’ll see this in our fourth edition on Sri Lankan motorbike surveillance in a Sri Lankan Neighborhood, where the few intersections you come to with no vehicles or pedestrians, always have someone outside the house in the sunlight watching you pass, despite the obvious heat which is keeping everyone else in the shade.

As I have been doing this in different nations, I have noticed different places do surveillance differently. Some is related to the environment. Go to Turkey, and you will see a lot of motorbikes. They are everywhere anyway, you can hop on and off them quick, they can zip around in traffic so you don’t get caught, and they can go off road to scoot around the margins and get ahead of you out of your sight. Go to Guam, and most of it is vehicular, because it is too hot in the sun to run foot surveillance.

But in other cases the differences are deeper than just what is used. I am not sure whether you are seeing a difference in hostility to the google car, where one place aggressively reveals themselves to intimidate it, while another tries to hide more to avoid frightening it, or if it has to do with resources available, to just differing styles of surveillance. Some places seem to have the posted unit hide as much as possible at the intersections, even, I suspect going inside local stores and peering out. Other places puts them in the open, possibly under a theory people ignore any threat posed by the obvious. Some places follow you into neighborhoods aggressively, others just document you went in, and either leave you be while in there, or covertly conduct their observation from houses they own in the neighborhood and use as observation posts.

What you will see here is probably the most similar to what you will see in America, if you are involved in politics, with the possible difference I have noticed America seems to replace the posted units at intersections with vehicles driving out of the street. But the rest of this is dead on, even down to the cover vehicles. This will be interesting, because it will show you how the coverage has no fear of exposure, because it has no fear of you suspecting it.

To be clear, if we head to revolution, this is probably not what you will see if real surveillance shows up to confront a threat to (((Them))). Imagine as you watch this, how you would do this if you wanted to hide. How posted units could go inside businesses and peer out, or use a ghillie suit from a field. How ten following vehicles could be replaced with a sky-blue drone 400 yards up that you would never see. How pole surveillance could hide hidden cameras wired into the internet, removing the need for anything you would see.

That is the puzzle really, because this is not surveillance. You could do the same thing, be much more effective, even gather much more intelligence, and hide. You would never be at risk of exposure, or lawsuits, or even violent retribution from a target that snapped. You would get more intelligence because your target would relax, act freely without paranoia, and even be happier as they continue to believe the myth of privacy and freedom. It would even avoid any hostile relationship. They could do this much better, for less money, and less risk. But they do not. It is almost as if this is, actually a department devoted to intimidation, using surveillance as a plausible cover for its real activities and purpose, perhaps to aid in snaring civilians who want to serve their government into it. Regardless, if you fall under this (and I increasingly believe most will in their lifetimes on our present trajectory, this is what it will look like in the US.

Start by checking the traffic density on this map. Google’s overhead airbrushes traffic out of the streets so they will look empty from above, so it is of no use for this. But this map is perfect because it does not airbrush out traffic. This map is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise. The route begins at the center bottom, and you will travel up, make a right at the “T,” then follow the loop counter clockwise, before returning to the dirt road at the first intersection on the side street, where you took a right at first. You will see the route we will take has exactly zero cars on it, and judging by sun position it is about the same time of day, making it likely useful as a low-traffic backstreet for a detection route. You drive there, you know you shouldn’t see anyone, and when traffic is around you, you can begin to understand that there is a high likelihood it is there for you. The more traffic, the higher the likelihood.

Obviously I already know what you will see here. So let me say this is what you could expect of a first rate, well funded, competent surveillance operation, performing the pseudo-harassing, semi-covert surveillance that politically oriented figures will tend to receive. Again I emphasize, this is not what you would see if you were a really high end threat they deemed surveillance aware, and who they wanted to hide from. They can disappear, if they want to, and they would if they thought you were about to provide them with blackmail. If you let it be known through your internet searches that you are about to pick up a couple of tranny midgets for a three-way, meth-fueled sex romp, you will not see this. But what we will encounter in our day to day, when not offering up copious blackmail, will tend to work like this, and look exactly like this.

This shows good manpower, and more intricate cover vehicles, probably drawn from a robust domestic informant program similar to America, where these are actual trade vehicles driven by actual tradesmen, who run surveillance on the side for the domestic intelligence apparatus in between jobs. This is more like what you will see in the United States, including the overkill, and clearly from what you will see, they have not opted for full-stealth mode, as they do not in the United States.

It is amusing to me that I see tangible evidence that Russia, the land of the supposedly “evil” dictator Vladimir Putin, is vastly more privacy-conscious as a government, exerting far less aggression and more professionalism in surveillance against even hostile intelligence threats, than you will see the supposedly more freedom-driven American citizens of Cabal, Inc show to its own fellow citizens. But I digress.

We begin with a shot pointing back on the highway, in the August 2015 timeline.

On a highway, there are two ways you will be followed. Either with a team, or with the phased coverage you will see a lot more today. A team is a group of people who agree to follow you. Literature (if you can believe it) claimed FBI mobile surveillance teams were composed of 12 people in six cars (each with a driver and dual purpose navigator/foot surveillance), and they could deploy multiple teams on one target if circumstances warranted it. Other reports say MI5 will assign a team of 25 to one target for 24/7 coverage. That is not what you will see though, unless you are a terrorist or criminal.

We deal with Cabal’s machine, which according to the supposed Rothschild is not even a Roth creation. Rather the people just above us (politically) created the informant network of the machine and repurposed it to political harassment to maintain control over the population. It uses a sort of phased coverage, where you have people deployed everywhere like a Police agency, and phases of them are guided by radio to follow you as you pass through each of their sectors, and then that phase hands you off to the next phase in the next sector. Both will look the same behind you – they will tend to stay back, if possible keeping other cars between you to limit your sightlines. Ironically the rear view mirror is not going to reveal much when trying to detect if you are being followed.

Because they have a limited number of cars, and they don’t want you to recognize them, deployed surveillance teams in stealth mode are supposed to keep the majority of the team so far behind you it is out of sight. Only one vehicle should maintain “command,” or visual contact with you, and it will maintain a set following distance which offers the greatest balance between keeping as much distance as possible, and yet having the fewest instances of temporary loss of visual contact at turns. It is accepted it will lose visual contact with you on some turns, and each time it will notify the rest of the team of its loss of sight, the position, and the speed you are doing. It will then notify the team it has either reacquired sight, or it has lost you when it should have regained sight. If you disappear, navigators or central control will then begin calculating how far you could be away, based on the last known speed and last known location, combined with time since the last sighting, and the team will break up to head to every possible place you could be, at high speed, to try and reacquire you, based on a knowledge of how far you should have gone.

In America, when dealing with the machine here, it will work quite differently in most populated places. Highways appear to have their own phase of coverage, composed of individuals, spread out over the highway, just driving the highway all day. When they get the call you are heading toward a highway on-ramp, they will try to get in the right place by the entrance ramp to get on you. Occasionally they may pull up to a car and look in to verify the driver’s description if they are uncertain they have the target vehicle.

If you drive fast and pass cars, each phase will spread out in traffic ahead of you, and as you pass cars, you will be passing surveillance. What you may notice as you pass is people either talking on their phones, talking to themselves, or engaging in some behavior which covers their mouth, like smoking, itching their noses, and so on. Again, just things I have noticed which may be of use to you.

Here in Bulgaria, we begin on a highway. We are going to pass the cars ahead of you, and see if any of the drivers do anything unusual, which you would not do, if a car with a giant fucking camera ball perched precariously on a post on top of it, bristling with wires and cameras pointing in all directions, were to drive along side of you.

First car’s driver is unremarkable, though he may not be looking at a car which would look very interesting to me.

If he studiously avoided any eye contact with a Google car, I would say he glowed in the dark, but with the face blurring, it is tough to tell. But his driver’s side window is open. When I look at oncoming traffic, which I would expect to mostly not be surveillance, it appears most of the drivers have their windows closed. An open driver’s window is common to surveillance people as it will allow him to listen to any sounds which might be relevant to his mission, from an unknown acquaintance of your’s yelling at your car as it passes, to someone sneaking up on him.

Second car is the same, window open, no looking at the Google car with the big google ball.

Both drivers are old, so maybe their eyes don’t work well. However if you control your speed with the arrow key, you will notice that you, the second car, and the third car are initially all driving quite fast. Car # 2 drives the same speed as you and the car in front of him to stay ahead of you, but as you approach, he suddenly taps the brakes and slows, allowing you and the car in front of him to zoom past at similar high speed. If you turn around and continue moving forward looking back, using the back arrow, you will see the first car come up on his ass quite rapidly after you pass him.

That is something surveillance would do, as surveillance wants to see you but does not want you to see them. They want to minimize your visual contact with them, to maintain their ability to operate around you in the future. If you make keen note of this guy’s face, he can hardly follow you into a grocery store tomorrow, or you might recognize him and wonder why you are seeing him everywhere.

So he was driving fast while you were behind him, until you passed him and were looking in his windshield at his face. Then he tried to create as much distance as possible between you (and your camera ball) as quickly as possible. Could be, and because this is the google car it probably is, but if this were you, it would be low probability, if even. I highlight these as I have no doubt that because this is the google car, some of these vehicles around you are surveillance, so you can look at them to see what you would see in real life if you were under coverage. Also, keep an eye on open windows, which allows a surveillance operator to more fully experience the environment around their car, as it also allows them to cool a car without air conditioning.

As we are driving, we pass this.

Again, when I see vehicles while performing surveillance detection, I ask, where are they going, what are they doing, and could I see myself doing that if I was them. If I were the driver of that car, why would I park there. Was I going to meet somebody in that business? If so, when I pulled off, I would drive into the business’s parking lot. Zoom out, look at the car and picture yourself parking it there. Where did you go? Would you walk there, or get back in your car and drive up? Why did your female passenger open her car door, if you just jumped off? If I was doing something I would expect to draw surveillance, my assumption would be that was a posted unit, the girl was the driver, and she pulled off, hopped in the passenger seat, and then sat there updating her handler via text message on your passing. She was hot, so she opened her door, as is almost a procedure for them when forced to stop their car (and you saw this in the last edition in Russia as well). It looks like a good example of poor cover for action, aka reason for being where you are loitering. These are the types of rare events working for you when surveillance is working against you. Would you have spotted it as you drove by, if you were not looking for coverage? Would you have seen it if you were looking for someone following you, and didn’t know that real coverage isn’t in your rearview mirror, but rather looks like that?

Next car is this guy.

His face is blurred, but he appears to be looking at the google car, his window is closed, and I would say either he is the most elite-level surveillance guy you will see, or he is just a regular joe going about his business when a weird-looking google car drove by him. Unfortunately those look the same, so either way he is not probative. Fortunately it is my assumption a google car is probably not the highest surveillance threat, and probably doesn’t get the best operatives assigned to it, so he is probably just a guy.

We saw the woman parked in the last lot with her door open, so it is possible they are having people pull off into lots to wait in case you take them, so when we hit the next pulloff, we scan the lot. It is a car dealership, and we have a car with a woman sitting in the passenger seat:

Again, you can’t say she is surveillance, because that could be completely innocent. But if surveillance wanted to have someone waiting in each turnoff (that seems to be procedure in the US, when possible) that is what it would look like.

Also note how the guy you are passing again has a driver’s window open, won’t look at the google car, and hit the brakes as you passed.

If you back it up and look in his window when he is right next to you, his expression would make me very suspicious after my experiences. Notice his ramrod posture and total, blank-eye’d focus – a stiff, awkward focus forward, as opposed to a relaxed, easily distractible, absent-minded curiosity about everything he is passing on his way driving somewhere. Again, he could have just had an argument with the girl in the car. It could be anything. But in detection, you are taking in everything, and looking for a preponderance of anomalies that may point toward you being under surveillance. I would factor this as one anomaly, albeit not decisive.

As we continue, and hit the next turnoff, there is this car pulling off the side. They appear to be watching someone in the lot. If that is surveillance, it would be very good surveillance, because you can’t tell anything from it. Although if you go back, and look at it from the earliest moment, you will see it was sitting there, or creeping very slowly, for a while, although as you came up on it, it began to slowly pull off the side of the road, and turn its nose away from you as you pass.

Plus there is nothing really of interest in that lot. I’d also wonder if they are curious about something in the lot, why not just pull in it? The gate is open. So they could have been trying to turn their car and faces away from the camera just as it passes. Also the driver’s window is open, allowing better transmission of sound and smell from outside, and cooling the car.

Note that as we are driving, we are passing oncoming traffic, and all of their driver’s side windows are closed. So the open window thing is not something common in Bulgaria. It seems to be the cars around you.

As we drive, a car passes us, and its passenger looks at the car and camera. With surveillance, could be, might not be, but the only thing that is relevant is it is not probative, so you move on.

So nothing big, but you have gotten a good look at highway surveillance, with at least one, and maybe two or three static units stopped by the side of the road, whether you saw it or not.

We will take the next right here. A good surveillance operation will not want you to see a car follow you onto a turn off. And yet if you take a turn off, they will want to have somebody capable of following you onto that turn off. This will usually mean they will either get cars on turnoffs ahead of you, and have them wait for you to arrive, at which point if you turn off, they will begin moving as if they had just turned off before you, or they will arrange a car to come at you from the oncoming direction, time their arrival to land at the intersection when you do, and have them turn off just before or just after you.

They assume you will think that if they were coming from the opposite direction, where you had been heading, they came from somewhere else and couldn’t possibly be following you. If you don’t take the turnoff, they can let you pass and once you are far enough ahead, pull a U-turn and rejoin the surveillance team behind you, while either someone else gets ahead of you, or assets loitering ahead of you are contacted and coordinated to move toward your position and get ahead of you.

Again, these days surveillance is not a small team of twelve operators, but rather a large agency, often ten to twenty times as large as your local Police Department (or more in some areas) when civilian volunteers are factored in. It is arrayed around areas like Police would be, listening to the radio (or waiting for a text on their cell phone) for orders to temporarily join one operation or another. When done covertly for surveillance, the effect will look like what you will see here. If the operators do not betray themselves with strange behavior or clearly mouthing the name of the street you are taking (radioing your turn), the only thing you may notice is that whenever you make turns like this, someone strangely just happens to turn off from the oncoming lane and come in behind you or in front of you, and the only time you find yourself alone is when you travel a road with only one entrance and one exit.

The point being, intersections are points of high surveillance exposure and lots of activity. This is because you could do a lot of things, and they need to have a lot of people to do those things before you, so when you do them, you won’t see somebody do it after you and think they might be following you. So as you begin to become proficient in detection, you will notice your alertness will always spike in response to activity levels at intersections. You’ll see what I mean before we are through.

Now we will take the next right onto the side streets we will use for this detection route, and jump into the March 2012 timeline.

Did you spot the three guys loitering, with a sightline to that intersection, where they could see you jump into the turn-off lane?

Might be, might not be, but again we have a major intersection with people on foot that could call whether you took that turn, if traffic slowed down other vehicular units unexpectedly, and they needed a call on it. Remember static posted units at intersections, because you will be seeing this material again. And again, and again.

As we saw in the last example at the gas station, surveillance people tend to have patterns they engage in in the areas they operate in. Most have done it for a long time, often from childhood, because it is the Secret Society and they are raised in it. They find spots which serve their purposes, and often share them. So follows on different days, even with different teams, can look similar. So you might see the same position occupied by different units at different times if you are taking the same route on different days.

Fortunately here, we can see how this intersection looked during another follow by staying on the highway. If you stay on the highway instead of taking the turn, you will jump to a different trip timeline (Aug 2015), from the one where you turn (Mar 2012). If you do, you will note that when you were heading in the same direction on another trip, the same spot is again occupied by a different set of people out on foot:

Again, I’d ask how often are people out on foot at that intersection, and that spot, when targets are not passing by? Especially given it appears to be a gated entrance to a used car sales lot, where people are supposed to pull in and pull out, and these people are blocking the entrance while not doing anything of note. And of course if you turn around and look back at the intersection in this different timeline, you notice you happen to have an SUV pulling out as you pass. Remember later on that there was traffic at this intersection on a different timeline when you passed. It will become significant at the end of our route here.

If you switch over into the oncoming lane, you will notice people situated similarly relative to the turnoff on the other side of the highway, in front of some little shop that sells clay pots and yard sculptures:

The shop is almost empty because that is a small garden center and according to google that timeline was March of 2012. That’s probably a procedure, to set static positions up just after the intersection, with a sightline to whatever you do. My guess is they want somebody stationed at the turns in a static position, to make sure someone is there who can call if you took the turn or continued past. Vehicles on the road are subject to traffic, and could get trapped behind people and lose you or not see what you do, so the static unit makes the call on whether you turned or not. In surveillance speak, texts say they call it a “commit” position. They may try to drop off people on foot, and not station them in cars when possible, so they can continue to use the cars later. If you saw a car there now, and saw the same car somewhere else later a ways away, that can be evidence of surveillance. But they can use cars too, I am sure.

If you continue to the intersection while in the far lane of the main road, you can look across the intersection and see a car stationed at the end of the road we will take, parked catty-corner at the end of the road, off on the dirt. If you took the turn down that road on this trip from this far lane, that car would have turned into you, and come at you, as if it just happened to be leaving just as you arrived, and the dance would have begun. But you were driving by so fast, they called that you weren’t taking that road, so the unit just sat there:

The silver sedan parked by the side of the road was probably also ready to pick up and start moving had you gotten into the turn lane and slowed as you approached the intersection. But you never slowed, it was radio’d in, and he just sat there. Notice again, a random overhead, shot around this time of day, showed no traffic back there, and as you will see, there really isn’t much back there for people to be traveling around to. And again, if this is you, and you see this, you have to take every possibility with a grain of salt. We know this is surveillance on this go-around because this is the google car, but in your real life, this could arguably be normal background noise. This isn’t about telling you what to think in your own life. All I am doing is showing you here what real surveillance looks like as it tries to look normal.

Now go back, and continue your turn in to that side street on the other side of the highway.

First thing, again, is you have two cars poised on the side street opposite you, ready to turn off in each direction.

We’re just generally noting traffic density and positioning at intersections. That street literally only serves the two buildings on the corners there, if you look at the overhead:

So you have to ask, how often are cars turning out of it? What are the chances that intersection is a bustle of activity on both sides when you just happen there to turn off. Again, it is a Google car, it will be under surveillance, so if it seems unusual, at least some of it has a good chance of being coverage. Plus, this is what someone familiar with coverage would look out for, so it is a good example. I wouldn’t conclude anything, given we don’t know when this is, and it is not impossible cars are leaving on lunch, or something similar. But if you are looking at your own situation, you are looking to see if you are ever alone, or if you reach an empty intersection. Clearly, as you will see in this case of real surveillance, you are here and here is a bustle of activity.

Now get in the lane on the highway to turn into this side street. Look at the street as far down as you can, before you hit the turn, for any vehicle that might be staged the way you saw a vehicle staged when you were traveling the other way on the highway. If you do that, you will see this:

That is some sort of delivery van set up there. Get used to seeing commercial vehicles being used in surveillance. There is a Johnsonville Brats commercial along those lines which is uproarious… because it is real.

Complete the turn and you have two vehicles at the end of the road facing you (the one in the back is the staged van still parked), as well as a third car which turned off just before you, and is driving just ahead of you. Remember our Russian example began with a pedestrian with a baby stroller on the corner and a car which turned off ahead of you.

You will see the first car immediately coming at you.

Again, he doesn’t look at the google car, despite the big camera ball, and the incredibly intricate mounting system you can see in the reflection of his windows here.

I’ve seen google cars several times, and today I would still be looking on with great interest, but not him. Again, one, he has been briefed on the fact he will be following a google car, so for him it is no surprise to see it. Two, this may be the fiftieth or sixtieth follow of a google car he has done, so it is nothing unusual. And three, he has been trained to ignore targets, so a suspicious target will not catch him glaring at them, and wonder if he might be surveillance. So this is a behavior that is unusual in a normal context, but one which would make perfect sense if he is surveillance assigned to track the google car’s travels

Often in places like the US, where surveillance is very broadly deployed, you will see at least one unit stationed in a neighborhood exit just as you enter (or even as you pass by, able to enter it). They are probably looking in the front of your vehicle to confirm occupancy one last time before you potentially make contact with a residence in the neighborhood. If you are of greater interest to them, you may get the same treatment every time you drive away from your house as well, to confirm occupancy at the beginning of your travels. If you want to have fun, get a mannequin with a wig in your passenger seat, and periodically pull it up and push it down when no cars are around, as you drive along. You will see surveillance second guess themselves, wondering if they have inadvertently lost your car and picked up a lookalike at some point, which means somebody will have to come in for a closer look to confirm you are their target.

Next up is the second car that was staged there as you turned off, a trade van which opted to wait and create spacing to lengthen the period over which you were observed, and he does look, as he talks on the phone.:

The looking almost makes me think he is innocent, even as I wonder who he is on the phone with. But I recognize he was staged, back when you first turned off, and waited until you came into view to pick up and move. You can see the delivery truck sat motionless in the road for some time after you turned off, not moving and letting the first little SUV get ahead of it. Here is a photo when you first turned off, and you can see the little SUV leading it was stacked right in front of it, to the point he was on its tailgate:

Here is what it looked like going the other way, just after you passed the delivery truck:

You can see how far ahead that first little SUV got. You can actually see that the delivery truck was sitting there from the two shots you got as you took the turnoff from the highway, but you might not have noticed it unless you knew to look for that specifically. So he was staged, and only began moving when you turned on the street. If you can pick up on it, cars sitting that only move as you come into sight, seen over and over again, means you have surveillance coverage.

Again, a little thing of no significance if you are not involved in politics, or business, or if you don’t have any other reason you might be being watched. But if you have reason to think someone may be after you, like you are posting memes on the Chans, or you hang on the Ron Paul Forum, that is what you look out for. And yet, would you have noticed it if you weren’t scanning the horizon for strange indices like this?

If you look behind you, a vehicle has turned off behind you from oncoming traffic on the highway and will now follow you to the next intersection. You are in the bubble.

Again, with a car in front of you, a car behind you, two cars driving opposite, and two cars at the opposite side of the intersection, there is a lot of traffic here just as you arrive, and I would wonder to myself if this side street is always this busy, given how little there is back here on the overhead. Although we don’t know timeframes from the overhead traffic shot at the beginning, I am thinking probably not, but we will see as we continue to drive.

As we continue, you will see this vehicle.

Notice, there is nowhere for him to get out of the vehicle and go. This is an office supply delivery truck which pulled off the road, headed down a dirt road with no offices on it, for a fair way, and stopped in a spot where there is nowhere to go. If I were that driver, and I wanted to pull off this main road to have lunch or make a phone call, I would pull just off it in a way so pulling back on it would be easier when I decided I wanted to continue on my way. And if I was going in that building he is parked in front of, I would have entered the parking lot thirty feet behind him, so I would not have to walk around that fence. But not him. He is just sitting in a place with nothing around, and nowhere to get out and walk to. My guess is after you get out of sight, he will turn around and take up the staged position the last staged delivery truck just left. In the meantime, he is the static unit posted at this intersection and the next, since he has a sightline to both, which guarantees your decision at this decision point, and the next decision point, is transmitted to the team.

Notice also the positioning. Surveillance people are trained to maximize their sightlines to you, and minimize your sightlines to them, and they are trained to, when possible, use their mirrors. A car turned away from you at an angle that allows him to use that side rearview mirror to watch you lets him see you without you seeing him. Now if they need a foot unit to follow you into a store, that guy can do it without any fear you will realize that you and he crossed paths before. They will also use such positioning of you, to stay in the blindspot relative to your vehicle when possible. Their ideal would probably be to be in a car positioned like that, at your five o’clock.

Also, when you are under coverage, a lot of your coverage will be specialty trucks like this. Most of them appear real. Either the surveillance people take on real jobs, or they recruit these people in these jobs into the Secret Society, under something like Operation TIPS. If you get one which isn’t real, you probably have problems as the comments there show.

When you get to the end of this first straightaway, if you take the dirt road off to the left by that van, you will shift timeframes, so we will do that later so as to maintain continuity of travel on this route. It is a dead end with nothing “operationally significant” to a surveillance operation, so it will be a good example of what you will see if you ever take such a path while under coverage.

Instead however, for now we will take a right, and continue on.

Soon you come to another intersection. Notice, another car is approaching from the oncoming lane as you approach it. As you pass it, it will have a GPS mounted to the windshield.

Obviously, oncoming traffic at intersections can always be innocent, but I always register it as a weak indicator. If it happens at almost all intersections, even in areas like this (you are about to see the road this car is on has almost no traffic), then it can begin to give you an idea those cars are not arriving at the intersections you arrive at, just as you arrive at them, by chance. Again, you have to ask the probability, on a road with no traffic, that just as you arrive at the intersection, a car is always coming right at you.

Also, in just observing the traffic levels back here, if you look back, just as the car behind you is turning off, another car has arrived at the previous intersection:

At this intersection, you can go straight on a long road with no side streets, or take a left, and shift timeframes again. So we will go straight to maintain continuity. The lack of side streets on this road is a problem for surveillance, because any following vehicle cannot turn off, which raises the possibility of a target feeling as if they are being followed as time goes on and the car behind them stays behind them. Surveillance knows this and tries to avoid that, so the car behind you will turn off, and they will either post a vehicle here or send another vehicle to follow you as far back as possible to make sure you don’t double back. They opted to have a vehicle follow you but it will stay so far back it will almost be invisible. If you were actually of interest, and not a google car, I would have assumed they’d have called in one of the planes most security services keep in the air for just such occasions.

As you start down the road, you will notice the oncoming car takes a right, which is a road that will take a path that parallels this road (and backtracks to where he just came from, if he follows the entire loop). Also, another car has just arrived at the intersection behind you, and will turn off and follow him.

They may now drive at very high speed on the parallel street, to get to the far part of the loop ahead of you, and turn off it so if you turn off halfway through this loop and continue in this direction rather than looping back, they are ahead of you on that street.

So to recap traffic at the last intersection, light SUV behind you turns off, oncoming car turns off, second car behind you turns off, SUV turns off side street and heads back to the main drag away from you (you have to zoom as you drive away to see it), and finally a light SUV/truck turns on from the second intersection back behind you and maintains a set following distance behind you, literally as far back as he can be so you won’t see him, while maintaining sight of you from behind:

He is not really following you to make observations, he is just making sure you don’t double back. If you look back unzoomed, this is what you would see:

So long as you just drive through, he will just tail you from that far back. But if you stopped and got out on foot, he would drive by as he radioed it in, and all of a sudden the traffic driving by would increase substantially, probably in both directions, and the passing vehicles would have offloaded foot surveillance just out of sight which would suddenly just happen through, pushing baby carriages, riding bikes, and walking dogs. Again, you can use that information to test whether you have coverage if you ever run a real-life counter-surveillance detection route.

Again, if this is just some schulb who has no involvement in politics, it could all be coincidence, though I would be suspicious when it seems they are following a training manual procedure to the letter with staged placements. But obviously, this being the Google car, in Bulgaria, which is noted for the aggression of its security services, you pretty much know what you are looking at.

In the US, along this route I would expect to encounter dog walkers, joggers, bikers, parked cars, and I would expect at least one observation post in at least one of the buildings. I would also expect a ton of pole surveillance all along the road wired into either an observation post or sent to a central control over internet connections, all monitoring you along the route remotely. Any US route in an area of operations which surveillance has found to be problematic will be altered to make it less problematic with technology. And of course I would expect ten or fifteen oncoming cars at least over the course of this drive, and more if I was stopping and getting out on foot. I would expect, in my own life, probably five times the coverage you see here, and if I had just reached out to the Russians, or otherwise pissed my coverage off, it would be up to twenty times this. Someday, when all of this has come out, I’ll post a video of literally, a non-stop caravan that lasted about twenty minutes, bumper to bumper, driving slowly by me in a remote parking lot, just to show off manpower, with everything from delivery vehicles, to dirt bikes, to fucking airstream-like towed campers. There is a reason I can see this all so clearly.

Bulgaria appears less well-funded, less well-equipped, and less manned however, at least in this area. Or it doesn’t care as much about the google car. It doesn’t seem nearly as aggressive as in the US. Regardless, they will still closely monitor any area where you could make contact with someone. Bulgaria is obviously making sure nobody contacts that Google car without it being documented.

There were roofers here:

They looked legit. Between the ladder and the bucket, it seems unlikely a surveillance operator would have that on hand and roll it out just as a cover. In the US, they could be TIPS operatives in the Secret Society who are legitimately employed as roofers, and do surveillance part time, getting a text/alert on their cell phone from their handler as you approach and going online with their handler/control as you pass. But here, that is probably not the case. Click the photo though, and notice that the white car parked on the right side of the road has a sightline to you, as you come in close proximity to the roofers. That will be significant.

Then there were these two guys.

Pointing to them being innocent is that it appears somebody was hosing down that vehicle to clean it off, so they’d have a reason for standing there. Strange however is the guy who is standing with his back to the road, and who has no curiosity of what car is driving behind him or who is in it. If I was standing talking to that guy, I just see myself standing there facing him. And even if I had my back to the road, if I heard a car driving by, I’d give a glance to the road as the car passes.

Odd too is all the security cameras at that facility, one of which, right above them, appears to be pointed at the road, possibly to grab plates. Then again, it appears to be a heating oil delivery company, so maybe the cameras and all the antennas on top of the building would jibe with that. Then again, heating oil companies often offer service contracts, which means employees can get free access to the interior of homes, so maybe Bulgarian Secret Police might use a company like that as a cover for surveillance, and then tuck some secret facility away back in an area like this as long as they are there.

It might even be why the Google car decided to run back here, to give Cabal a quick peek at the lay of the land in this area in the event they ever wanted to come back here. I am beginning to wonder if you could map out the locations of secret foreign intelligence operations centers in countries Cabal is hostile too, by looking at where the google car has chosen to run into one remote area, while neglecting many other similar areas right nearby. If you zoom out and look at the maps, street view is quite spotty in a lot of these areas.

Regardless, they are not probative to any detection effort.

There was a guy digging right after that, and a fork lift operator running a fork lift off the side of the road on the opposite side. The digger is on the left in this shot with his back to you, and the forklift is the orange thing behind the fence:

The digger is probably more likely legit than not. His hole has taken a while to dig, and he has a pickaxe laid out, which a surveillance guy jumping out of his car with a shovel for cover would probably not think to grab. Of course he has his back to you as you approach to conceal his face, he is holding some sort of spade instead of the shovel, and he never actually moves or uses it during the entire time you approach, pass, and travel on (and if he was using it, it is not clear to me what he would be doing with it from that position).

It is possible he was a passing surveillance guy (maybe even the navigator of the car you are about to see), and saw the tools laid out, parked quickly, jumped out and grabbed them, and posed. In the US it would not surprise me to find he flashed a fake FBI badge at the real digger, told him to move to concealment, and picked up the spade himself to pose. A good surveillance guy would probably do exactly that. So when under coverage, never relax. But here, the probability probably favors this guy being legit. Likewise the forklift guy is on his way, and probably isn’t anything either. Either way, neither is probative.

But all of these people in this area are a risk of contact. If this were a spy mission, you and any of these people could exchange contraband or documents. So when you are under coverage, you will not get to have uncontrolled contacts without somebody there to get a closer look. Knowing this is obviously relevant to detection, since if you see innocent people, that is when surveillance will move in close and make sure you are completely covered and could not even “brush pass” something off. And that is when they will be most obvious.

Enter white car:

Driver’s window open, he is texting on his phone, and parked strangely in the oncoming lane to improve his sightline to the road near the roofers and the other people on the opposite side of the road. Moreover, there is literally nothing for him to get out of that car and go to. One side of the road was an empty dirt field, the other side is a wall with a chain-link fence on top of it:

The problem surveillance probably identified, and he is designed to address was that the roofers were there right after a turn in the road which obstructed the following vehicle’s sightline, as were these other people, if they were legit. So there would have been a moment when you could have jumped out and thrown a satchel to the roofers, jumped back in your car, and been on your way. Or one of the people standing around could have feigned crossing the road as you passed, and you could have tried a driving brush-pass which could not be seen unless you had someone right there. White car is there to make sure that didn’t happen.

In real life, if you feel you should have coverage for political reasons, or you are operating as a spy overseas, or you have pissed off someone wealthy or powerful, this is one of the stronger indicators you would see. Somebody sitting in a car with no reason to be there. It is always possible that guy just stopped there to answer a text from his wife. But his elbow on the window frame, as if he has been there a while and is in no rush, the use of the phone as you pass, and his being the only car you see, who just happens to be set up with a clear sightline to the people you just passed, is pretty strong.

Of course it is worth noting before we move on that my impression is surveillance people are lower in the hierarchy of intelligence work, with it often even being used as a sort of entry-level position to vet prospective recruits. So surveillance would probably not have been read in on the presence of any secret facilities back here, or what the security situation around them was.

It is entirely possible that had a guy jumped out of the google car with a submachine gun, the guy on the fork lift would have jumped off with an AK, the two roofers would have hopped out prone on the far side of the roof looking over the top and come up with a couple of SVK sniper rifles, and the two guys in the entrance to the oil place would have pulled out their own weapons to meet him. If my hypothesis, that google streetview was being used by Cabal as a cover to “innocently” scout out intel facilities in Cabal-unfriendly countries, then all the shots it takes could be much more interesting than they look. And these streetviews will be a goldmine as a training tool for making the general populace more surveillance-aware.

The truth is if you are a private sector entity, and you want to accumulate the trappings of a real intelligence agency without real intelligence agencies noticing, having something like google would be a gold mine. It is no wonder it is Cabal-central.

It is interesting that as you drive back here, you will see nothing, except in this one place where the building is capturing passing plates, has lots of antennas, you have roofers working on one side, a dirt-digger on the other, a forklift guy who is sitting in a forklift which seemingly does nothing as you pass, a couple of guys are standing in the entrance of the facility, and a car is sitting watching all of it in the distance. It almost feels like the opening scene of a Burn Notice episode. I am telling you, the guy who wrote that was a high-level, anti-Cabal subversive trying to prepare people for what was coming by giving them the weapons Cabal didn’t want them to have. If you love America and see Americans as your brothers, you want to make everyone strong, and whoever wrote Burn Notice fit the bill to a T. If you want every American weak and clueless, then you can’t, by definition, view them as your brothers and equals. You view them as your serfs, and weaken them as best you can.

As you move on, you see why White Car set up back that far away from everything, and on the wrong side of the road. He wanted to maintain eyes on you as long as possible as you take the next turn. Surveillance people have been doing these things a long time, and after a while these little considerations come to them almost second nature.

You’ll notice as you continue, there is a dead dog by the side of the road.

It is a little thing, but since we are here and you can see the example, surveillance often produces roadkill in its areas of operations, at least when they initially move into an area. Vehicular surveillance involves a lot of driving at high speeds just outside of the target’s sight in an effort to get ahead of them. They want the target to drive and see people standing around and parked where they are going, rather than following them in their rearview mirror. So while I have no idea how this dog died, I do know if a target was driving on the other street, his following coverage would have hit this road and driven as fast as humanly possible to get ahead of the Target at the next intersection. That type of driving, done regularly, will produce an uptick in road kill of pets, raccoons, and other wildlife, at least until it kills back the local wildlife and pet population. It is one of the minor indices I would notice based on experience.

Travel on, and you will come to the next major business. As you get there, despite this place being so isolated, somebody has just parked their vehicle, exited it, and is going inside:

Go back to the earliest moment you saw this guy here, as you were coming out of the turn, and you will notice he is standing by the gate:

It is possible he arrived at that business just as you arrived and decided to head in. But again, this is a low traffic area selected as a detection route specifically because if you pass every business, it is unlikely there will be people at every business to watch you. And yet, every business we pass, there somebody is, either going in or coming out.

Then as you drive past the next business, look behind you:

So you drive on to the intersection at the end of this road. Remember intersection decisions need to be called by a “commit” unit, which observes the turn and radios it to the team, so they can hustle just outside your sight at the margins to get ahead of you. Do you go right, or do you go left? Somebody needs to have eyes on you, and it will be a static unit.

Look in front, and there is a guy in what appears to be a mask, standing with a few cows:

So you turn left and begin driving. For amusement, after you have been driving a bit, check the white truck off in the distance of this shot. It is the little white dot on the horizon in the fully zoomed Google image:

Fully zoomed out it is entirely invisible, it is so far back. I suspect it is the white truck that was following you at a set distance at the beginning of this journey. By the time you exit this road in about 45 seconds it will have traversed the entire road you just traveled, probably at almost twice, and maybe three times your speed. And then when you pull off on another street, it will drive off at a normal, slow speed.

Again, these things can be innocent. That guy could just have been in a rush on that straightaway. That is why I chose the Google car, in a foreign country, combined with an overhead of the route you take to determine traffic levels beforehand. Because it is the google car, you know it is under surveillance. And because of the overhead, you know there is no traffic back here. So what you see with it will be very similar to what you would see if you were under surveillance, in an area with little traffic. This is really the best way I can see to give you the experience and mindset of being under coverage, and let you see how you play probabilities to try and tease out the likelihood you have coverage.

I would guess that not every single one of these things I have cited thus far is surveillance coverage. But given this car is certainly under some coverage as it travels, a fair number of them almost certainly are, and now you have the experience which normally only elite level spies get while serving overseas, and you have a much better idea of how coverage works.

For a moment, imagine you were a spy in a foreign country, about to go meet a source, but you couldn’t be followed. You thought you lost your tail, but took this side street loop to run a quick detection route, and saw all of this. Would you ever assume you had lost your tail?

There isn’t much else back here, so we’ll continue back to the second intersection where this loop returns to.

Now you come back to the intersection we passed before. Here you are looking back at that little white truck which zoomed up behind you at high speed:

We’ll go back the way we came now and take that little dirt side road we saw when we first started. Take a right and head straight back the way we came, and stay to the right at the next intersection, going straight.

You will switch time frames, from the time frame when you first came through here, to the new time frame after making the loop. If you get to the earliest frame from that new time frame, you will notice this commercial vehicle was following you as you approached the intersection:

Believe it or not, that is what a lot of surveillance vehicles look like, and the guy inside it in the US will likely actually do that job. So if it is a plumbing truck, there is a good chance if you called that plumber, and surveillance was interested in you, that guy would show up and happily go inside your house, and be happy to be left alone in your basement to poke around. That was the entire point of Operation TIPS.

The road you are now taking is a dead end with nothing operationally significant on it. So you will not be followed into it, because when you turn around and head out, surveillance does not want to bump into you face to face. As you head in, judging by the shadow of the google car, it appears you first bear right after the turn, at the small building in the middle of the road, and head up a small hill, then you back down until just before the building, and head to the left of it.

Right after you start past the left of the building, this truck comes down the hill, possibly to try and follow you out, assuming you gave up on this path and were about to leave:

Again, it could be innocent, but you have to ask what are the probabilities that back here, and especially up there, where there only a few vehicles on the overhead, a truck happens to come tearing down at that moment. How many drive down there per day? What are the chances that in that ten second window it would happen right then. If it happens once, it might not mean anything. But if those unlikely probabilities build up, and you see those low-probability events repeat over and over, you may be looking at something.

You can continue in on the dirt road, but it goes nowhere, and I saw nothing of interest. Of course, if this was real life, I would be flying down that thing. There is a huge network of dirt roads back there that pop out onto main drags all over, meaning surveillance either needs massive manpower to try and cover all the possible exits, at points quite far away from here where there is enough activity to make their presence not seem out of place, or they need to move in closer and get on those dirt roads to keep you in sight, letting you see them in places where you would normally not expect to see anyone.

It looks like that is actually perfectly skirting the boundary between how to spot your surveillance by making following you tough, and how to lose your surveillance by making it near impossible to follow you. But since this is google and the trail stops there, we are going back out the way we came. But if you ever encounter that in real life, hit the accelerator and get as far as you can as fast as you can, before anybody can get ahead of you. Then once you are outside the bubble, bolt for freedom, and see how different things look once you are outside the bubble.

One thing which will surprise you is how different things can look outside the bubble, and how acclimated you became to an unnaturally large amount of traffic everywhere. For a long time I was making excuses for why no matter where I went, there were vehicles just happening to drive by me.

Finally, you have to juggle timeframes as you exit because they used some imagery from when you went in, and some from when you went out on the road leading back out, but as you exit, you will notice that just as you get to the intersection, two cars happen to pass in both directions:

Now to give you an idea of how surveillance detection becomes an art as it alters how you subconsciously perform probability calculations, I will end this exercise by asking you this. You have driven both of the streets back there that this intersection feeds into. On both legs of the drive, you never saw one car drive opposite you, and you only saw one follow you, racing at ultra-high speed to catch up to you as you reached the end of the loop. You spent a lot of time back there, and saw almost no traffic. And what you did see behind you, likely would not have been back there had you not been back there.

This is confirmed by the overhead, which also showed nothing.
Judging by sun position, that looks like the same time of day, and you literally have zero cars on the entire loop.

How much traffic have you seen at this intersection, each time you have approached it? It has been packed, with multiple cars going in all directions every time you came to it, and cars stopped, just sitting off the side of the road. How many cars have you seen with people in them just loitering, only to pick up just as you came by?

I will tell you now, this place is deserted this time of day, when you are not around. Totally empty. One car every half hour empty. My own assumption would be almost all of this that you saw was for you. And bear in mind, I have not been years looking for these two examples you have seen so far. I have looked at one small rural Canadian town I thought might have coverage if Cabal was everywhere (it did, and will be a future article), one Russian neighborhood which was a bad example because I didn’t see it had apartments which amped up the population density (diluting the surveillance signal), and then one other Russian neighborhood which had it and was a good example, and these two examples.

Now this will not work everywhere. Since I wrote the above I have done more detailed searches, and one interesting thing I notice is some google car trips in some countries have no surveillance on them. Ukraine is one example, and it is also a Cabal hotspot. I assume surveillance there didn’t want to waste time hunting around after these cars, so they simply pulled Cabal strings and got their drivers driving the google cars. The google cars there are probably assigned to teams conducting follows of regular citizens who were just minding their business.

The surveillance issue in America does raise an interesting question I cannot answer. Somebody in America has their arm into the cookie jar up to their elbow, and in a very dangerous way for themselves. Let Americans realize what has been created and what is operating against them and their families, and whoever is at the top of it will be hunted for the rest of their lives. Imagine every American realizing an actual technological infrastructure was embedded in their society that was designed to allow random neighbors to eavesdrop in the most private corners of anyone’s house they wanted – and it included people stationed in homes nearby which were actually using that tech and doing that.

And then it gets worse. Those are not rank and file FBI, carrying out lawful orders. Those are regular citizens, who show up to work, harass a guy for some authority and watch him break down, until he actually self-immolates to get away from it. And then they get an order on their cell phone, and go off to the next job. I have known a lot of law enforcement. I have never known any cop who would do that. I don’t know why they view everyone else as such an outgroup, or if they are so terrified of the machine themselves they do it out of duress, but I know something is terribly wrong. And I know when it is exposed, it will be a civil war, not just because of the personal intrusion on each individual, but because of the greater moral issues involved.

Even if I had never seen it, the idea of fellow Americans using superior numbers and government resources to haunt Brian Mancini until he killed himself is so horrific, I would support anyone doing whatever had to be done to destroy it, legal or not. The bottom line is I do not think a lot of men today have tuned out. I think they are bored as fuck, with no greater cause to align themselves with. When this becomes fully exposed, I expect it will become that greater cause.

Regardless, this potential sentiment, which I assume would be widely held in America, opens up an enormous opportunity for Russia on many fronts. First you have the blackmail aspect. Russia could easily expose this using their intelligence agency and their global news organizations to send the story global. Basically Russia holds the lives of the people running this in their hands. With one tweet, and a well done expose, this story could end up at the top of Drudge for a year or more. And that would be the trigger for an Apocalypse.

What would the people in charge of the Cabal surveillance state in America give Russia to buy their silence? I had previously assumed Russia had just as bad a system in place in their nation oppressing their people, and the two organizations had some sort of unofficial agreement to not expose each other’s domestic operations. But that appears to not be the case. Russia’s security service seems to run only a bare bones surveillance operation targeting threats to the motherland. It has nothing to lose. So why hasn’t Russia exploited this yet? Or have they?

Second, in the “gang-stalked,” you apparently have thousands of American citizens who are disaffected with their own nation’s security services, and ripe for recruitment into Russia’s intelligence operations within America’s borders. Many have listed their names and telephone numbers online. Others would be easily findable through youtube. I would bet after exposure of the entire operation, if there weren’t an immediate civil war, there would be at least tens of thousands of Americans, if not hundreds of thousands willing to work for Russia against a “US government” they saw as their own enemy for spying on them and their fellow citizens. Cabal is a threat to American National Security in many ways.

So I see two facets by which this “surveillance state” has weakened America considerably in it’s cold war with Russia. And yet I do not see any obvious sign Russia has exploited this. I am sure Russia knows, as it is all over the internet. Additionally, around 2012 Cabal apparently had Russians targeted by this for some reason, to which the Russian retaliated against our diplomats overseas, as reported previously here. I have no idea the answer to these questions, they are just questions which inevitably arise when you examine the mechanisms and realize the American Cabal is far more vulnerable that the Russian government, and the Russians play hardball in the realm of espionage.

Regardless, now in google street view, you have a tool to develop your own surveillance awareness, and practice counter-surveillance detection routes and surveillance detection.

But I warn you, this Bulgarian intelligence operation was a skeleton crew compared to what you will see in the US in real life. That dude didn’t self-immolate for no reason. If they think you have spotted them, they will literally buy houses around you (if they aren’t already in them), and they will radiate you through the walls. As you begin to think in these terms, and notice these coincidences, you will begin to see it in your own life, and it is a threat of unimaginable proportions.

If you let it know you saw it, it will become a huge headache. You have been warned. Plan now, and visualize that you experience the shock when you see it, feel the instinctual urges associated with a deep primal threat, and then put on a totally blank poker face, and purposely look away and pretend you don’t notice it.

Always hide your power level.

At least until the revolution begins. because I will guarantee you, 100%, as of now, one is coming.

Spread r/K Theory, because this is a well that will never run dry.

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5 years ago

“Even if I had never seen it, the idea of fellow Americans using superior numbers and government resources to haunt Brian Mancini until he killed himself is so horrific, I would support anyone doing whatever had to be done to destroy it, legal or not.”

I was thinking about this earlier today. I have no doubt it’s why there’s the sudden crackdown on hate speech. Because if the wider population knew of this, it’s hard to imagine them using any other kind of language.

Furthermore, while it’s clear that Trump/Q are trying their best to use the legal system, I am quite sure that it will prove ineffective to achieve total eradication. Cabal is older than the US legal system and its key characteristics are avoiding detection, plausible deniability, and issuing orders without written records. Even if recordings are captured the verbiage in those conversations will be sufficiently vague to raise reasonable doubt in criminal proceedings.

However, basic network analysis will enable the White Hats to identify the key nodes. They will find the real bad guys issuing orders, the corrupt local politicians and cops, and the ronin who come in for special jobs. I suspect many of these people will be on the receiving end of deniable direct action.

Yes, I think that things are going to get that bad.

5 years ago

This is ridiculous.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“Did you check the Russian one, by any chance?”

Yes, and I’m even less convinced now having read both parts in the series. What you’ve shown so far are normal, everyday people going about their lives. Some stare at the conspicuous looking Google car, while others are too preoccupied or oblivious of their surroundings to ever take notice, but nothing in their behavior is out of the ordinary. We can make up many elaborate theories that fit the bill just as well: perhaps they are all are leaving car their windows open to lower fuel efficiency and drive up global oil prices. Ultimately, there is just as much evidence for that theory as there is for them being “eyes of the cabal.”

This is confirmation bias at its finest.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I’ve ran into this machine and it’s power. And while I am a little uncertain about your assertions in this article, I know that they are out there.

I’ve had a few freaky incidents happen to me. Like pulling into a grocery store parking lot and walking to the entrance and seeing a message for me hand-written on a car window that I passed. Now, was it vague enough to possibly be something else? Sure. Plausible deniability rules. And if you go and talk about it to anyone, they will accuse you of delusions of reference. But the fact that this message was so strongly related to my life and simply not the thing to otherwise write on a car, was telling.

More importantly, I walked past it on the way to the entrance. Which means that they knew where I habitually parked. They knew what I was going to do before I did it. Not inconceivable if you have enough intelligence/surveillance.

Of course, being somewhat vague these kind of events trip a level whereby you become primed for delusions or ideas of reference. If you can’t get control of your mind, it can really screw you up.

This stuff is out there. The techniques are very well refined and that means only one thing: these people have a lot of practice. They are working outside the law and with high level psychological knowledge and operational skill. Which means there’s been a holocaust of psychologically violated people in this country. Because all of this is happening outside of due process and review.

So there are people running around pulling these antics and harassing people, with stunts that cause you to sound crazy if you report them to friends. And if you make the mistake of going to police or to a community mental health practitioner, they’ll write you up as crazy and gaslight you about it. I knew what was going on, and I went to see a counselor just to deal with the anxiety/depression of it all. The counselor began gas lighting me, subtly letting me know that they were in on it.

Dear God, unless you’ve experienced it you can’t imagine the horror of it. The feeling of being isolated and alone and persecuted is beyond imagination. I can only forgive those who participated because I know that most of them couldn’t even conceive of how horrible the experience really is.

To this day I’m not only horrified that this occurs, I’m truly stunned that anyone could want to participate. I can’t imagine wanting to do this to anybody, no matter what kind of bad things they may have done. These people really are sick.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Don’t let the trolls waste too much of your time or emotion, this one may be an innocent with a limited IQ or he may be part of the harassment campaign against you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“Maybe chicks stand around the google car, and then change tops and put on wigs and get ahead of it so they are standing around it in a different place.”

No, not maybe. They have different shoes, different pants, different tops, different hair both in color and cut, because they’re different people. We can’t tell their height or build because of the difference in perspective. At most they look to be roughly the same age. There’s nothing odd or suspicious there. If they are the same person you better provide something more substantial to go by than low resolution photographs.

Secondly, Finland is an ally of the United States. There is nothing to hide. We know from the Snowden leaks that neighboring Sweden scoops up the majority of all Russian Internet traffic, as it has to pass through Swedish territory, and sends it straight to the NSA. It’s not too speculative to then say that Finland, given its geographic position to snap up Russian radio traffic, has a similar deal in place.

Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“directed energy weapons hidden in houses which you can’t defend against. ”

Have you tried some of the EMF exposure mitigation strategies which have been publicized since 5G became a thing? You can buy at auctions and from government surplus 8′ parabolic antennas which can be positioned to shield your bedroom from any impinging radio-frequency (RF) energy. If you get a large-diameter parabolic antenna, you can reflect any RF energy which has been directed toward you and protect yourself while you sleep (and therefore while your body is repairing the damage you’ve already received). If you buy at auction or from government surplus some high-quality RF measurement instruments, you can also measure and triangulate the direction from which the RF attacks are being sent into your home. Aim the parabolic reflectors (antennas minus the circuitry) directly back at the source. That’ll show ’em. Let the attackers steep in their own brew.

For less than a hundred dollars, you can buy a large-diameter parabolic antenna with a broken transceiver unit (the center piece). For self-protection from RF attacks, you don’t need the center-piece. Just. Do. It.

You can also buy a silver-cloth bed shield, which will shield your bed from mosquitoes as well as from biological weaponry and RF attacks. Be sure to buy one which has a very fine and pure silver mesh fabric. Yes, this defense can be expensive, but is very worth it and is effective against an array of attack vectors.

God bless you with strength, sanity and a sense of humor. I am politically associated with several groups which may have merited me surveillance, but being “on the spectrum” has its perks. I can be oblivious to things like people staring at me, judging me, etc. And I have very few actual habits, doing things differently every day just for the feng shui of it. From what I’ve read on this site, it seems I’m a nightmare for surveillance. May We the People reclaim our God-given unalienable rights within my lifetime. I pray I live to see the Right Use of Will become a reality in daily life.

5 years ago

Hey AC,
You cook up a PDF of this one like last time? Just in case your site gets Heartsied.
Hope you’re backing your data up.

Reply to  Spectrely
5 years ago

Yes, I hope AC is looking into alternative platforms in case WP goes after him/us.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

That’s good to know, I had assumed it was WP because of the error that adds the WP stuff to the end of the web address and the link to WP.

5 years ago

A couple comments/questions:

1) Many cars have built-in, or subsequently added, cameras, often used to defend the car’s owner in a lawsuit. I suppose it’s possible to put a camera on each side of the car, as opposed to just the front and back. And, theoretically, it should be possible to review what was seen later. How does this fit into your schema? Recommended? I’d think it would deter them to know they’ve been captured on digital film.

2) It seems that there are two hugely divergent approaches to surveillance: First, be defensive, hyper-aware, and expectant — your choice.

But one could just give in, secondly.

I have nothing to hide, AC. If they want to put cameras in my house, they can go ahead! They’d be bored out of their skin watching me edit and write for hours on end, for there’s nothing I do, now, that’s even remotely interesting — I’ve completely accepted this new incarnation. Do they want to watch me sculpt? Paint? Play with fibers? Do they want to watch me clean, cook, take out the garbage? Shower? Do they want to watch me ride horses? Dressage interest them? Maybe jumping is interesting to them. How about hiking? I don’t travel much, so there’s no international connections. Do they want to listen in to the conversations I have with other women, several times a week over lunch? There, I’m mostly the listener, not the talker. I like to observe and think, not self-reveal. They’d get nothing.

Bottom line: There’s nothing I do that’s blackmailable. Nothing I do is illegal — okay, I tend to speed. Almost nada, then.

I can’t think of anything I do in life that’s remarkable. And that’s the rub, AC.

(Having said that, I’ve had four people this week come to the door and ask to install different security systems after I disabled and cut the wires of a very old system. One even asked for me by name, which I denied. There’s been other stuff like this. But … is this chance/odds or surveillance?)

The question to ask is why bother surveilling a law-abiding bore like me? There has to be a motive. They’d be spreading themselves too thin watching every wee person who drives.

3) I’m far more concerned about my computer than my car. I bought a new car a couple months ago which has all the computer crap on it that new cars seem to have, and I suppose someone could take control of the computer and drive me off the road … but again, why bother? I’m happily a nothing-citizen, now. What would they get from my computer?
— My amazon account? Who cares.
— My long-winded daily prayers? It would do them good to read them.
— The books I edit? They’re all highbrow and above their pay grade.
— The stuff I write under pseudonyms or ghosting? Again, highbrow, commercial, political or religious. None would interest them.

You have yet to prove motive, their motive, and until you come up with a reason for an average Joe/Jane to be surveilled, I’m going to take it easy. But I must admit that the knocks on the door, information given to me (about you, once), and other oddities do unnerve me a bit. But you’ve raised my awareness — my unnerving is due to the good stuff you write, AC.

Yes, the eyes are a bit wider, now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

If you haven”t ever seen the old Maverick episode “The saga of Waco Williams” you should watch it.
You remind me very much of Waco and that is a very high compliment.

I tend to fall somewhere between Waco and Maverick due to personal circumstances but it would be my highest ambition to be like Waco and I hope you get the kind of happy ending he got and you deserve.

Reply to  K
5 years ago

“Bottom line: There’s nothing I do that’s blackmailable. Nothing I do is illegal — okay, I tend to speed. Almost nada, then.”

What does this have to do with anything?

Let’s say that for whatever reason they imagined that you could be a threat. You don’t even need to think of yourself as one. But let’s just say they imagined you to be. Could be due to a simple paperwork error. Or perhaps someone you know is envious of your talent and is wiling to tell cabal something that will rouse their concern.

So they put you under surveillance.

And they find out who your friends and relatives are. They find out where you socialize. They find out what your dreams are. They learn about your business and professional aspirations.

And then they spend 10 years slowly unraveling everything in your life until you have absolutely nothing and are staying at a homeless shelter.

How much do you really have to lose? You have EVERYTHING to lose because let me tell you this machine makes the Imperial japanese Army seem downright humane. I am not exaggerating in the least. If they decide you are a threat, you will either be eliminated or you will be sufficiently destroyed so that all of your dreams and everything you had in life will be lost.

To the point where jumping off a highway overpass seems like a heavenly sense of relief. It took less then 6 months for them to drive that latest guy to it.

You have everything to lose.

Wake the fuck up if you value anything.

Sam Adams
Sam Adams
Reply to  K
4 years ago

The “I have nothing to hide” mindset depends on ignorance of the true motives behind the Cabal. Whether or not you would be embarrassed if every tiny detail of your personal life appeared on the screen at an NFL game, there remains the primary motivation of the Cabal – total control over your life.

If they cannot motivate you through fear-porn promulgated by the lying lame-scream media, then they try shaming and blaming. When those also fail, then they come after you personally with power=plays and ways they try to seduce you and compromise you. Failing that, they come after your income stream and render you destitute. If your social circle supports you in your destitution, the Cabal will then isolate you from your social circle.

It’s just how they operate. They seek and WILL find a way to either control your every action, or they will destroy you. Yet there ARE ways We the People can yet prevail. Just don’t be lulled into complacency by the fairy-tale that you “have nothing to hide.” Because that’s not the only metric by which the Cabal plans to control you.

5 years ago

The remarkable thing about Cabal is that if it couldn’t corrupt people we are supposed to trust, it would be powerless. Everywhere I look at where it’s effective there is someone engaging in fraud or the use of force. Ayn Rand once wrote much about fraud and force being the root of evil. It really is just a big criminal shakedown. But it inflicts enormous costs on our society and culture. Because TRUST is the essential lubricant to human productivity and cooperation. Trust is essential to cultural growth and elaboration.

The amusing thing is that I’ve known some cabalists who talked a big talk about being honorable and decent. And really they are the lowest of the low. They not only ripoff their victims, they make the entire world poorer.

It’s quite possible that the economic growth we’ve experienced thus far has been the result of just barely pushing cabal back. We might be astounded by the levels of wealth and living standard that could be produced.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

The most interesting blog in the world.

FWIW, I’ve seen the Google car, as well, in an American urban metropolis, and it captured my attention rapturously. No way people in Bulgaria aren’t staring at it.

Just another Steve
Just another Steve
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

I lived in Silicon Valley when the Google car-cams began. At first, I stared and took in all the tech which was visible (and which I could safely surveil while driving).

After several encounters, and after having been clued in to the evil which was being planned for the use and abuse of the images being captured, I avoided looking at the vehicles, or obscured my face. Sometimes I would tail the vehicles to see where they were targeting for surveillance. That was in the early days, before the “driverless car” nonsense began.

Protect yourself and your community from this endless surveillance. Inject as much dross and “noise” as you can so that the collected data is useless.

5 years ago

Another good movie to watch is Disney’s old “North Avenue irregulars”.

It chronicles what may have been an early experiment in recruiting unsuspecting people to do cabal surveillance.

There was a single mob that was targeted and the op was shut down at the end (or so the movie tells us) but a bunch of innocent GOD fearing Americans willingly ran a surveillance op because they were told that the Treasury Department needed their help to clean up their corruption infested town.

Who knows what some people at the bottom have been told about their targets or who they are working for?
It could be that some really deserve a “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” but unfortunately for them when they are exposed we will have no way to tell them from the scum who know that they are involved in a criminal conspiracy.

5 years ago

On last thing I forgot, the Romanian Secret Police used to have an estimated 20% of their population as unpaid informers in addition to their regular agents if I remember correctly, they had a police state and could intimidate them into it but running such a large operation is not at all impossible.

5 years ago

Been following the series – how did you pick Stara Zagora? I have relatives from that area and from a couple villages close by. I did the same type of google drive-along in those villages and was amazed to see how many pedestrians are on the street – esp during a colder time of year. I’ve been there in the summertime and rarely see anybody. Strange

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Thanks for the detailed response and advice – very much appreciated. I’ve been traveling there since the 70’s as a child, right through the fall of communism until as recently as a year ago. You can imagine the changes that have occurred over the years. I don’t doubt any of your suspicions. One key note would be the mass exodus of the younger generation in the past 10 – 15 yrs – both from the smaller villages and from the country to find work…that might explain the high number of elderly people in your immediate vicinity.

I always practice situational awareness whenever I travel – and this series has been very enlightening. Thanks again

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I know…I thought to myself, what are the chances? Looking fwd to the Canada instalment – could get downright spooky!

5 years ago

[…] arriving at the intersection at the same time as you, and calling your decision to the team. Bulgaria seems more in love with the static position at the intersection, despite the fact this makes its surveillance more obvious by always having somebody loitering at an […]

2 years ago

[…] Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience, Part Two […]