Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience – Part Twelve, Preparing The Murder Of Irah Sok

This is one post from my series on the Stasi-like US Domestic Surveillance machine, which has been spread out into American neighborhoods, drawing upon citizen spies embedded in the communities. It is the pointy end of the larger intelligence operation which has taken over the United States of America, and it is what is commonly referred to as “gangstalking” in conversations online. In these pieces, I use the photography of the Google car, and the fact the Google car appears to be under surveillance, to show you what being under surveillance looks like, and what you will see when confronted with the US Domestic Surveillance machine.

For the other post, referenced herein, where a Postal Service Truck of Death can be seen staking out a future crime victim’s home, see here.

The story begins with a strange one – A Navy Vet appears set up by the machine to have ATF swoop in and seize his legal guns, and now they will not return them:

While he was tied up with that ATF drama, three home invaders then hit his sister’s house, shot her in her head, in front of her child and husband, and then fled in an unsolved crime.

Her name was Irah Sok.

By all accounts, a well-loved pillar of the community with a thriving photography business, which I have to say, did quite high quality work.

This murder, combined with his strange treatment, and the odd coincidences of his arrest, piqued my curiosity. And sad to say, knowing what I do, I assume strange unsolved murders will often be Domestic Intelligence-related.

So I decided to check out her life, and look for any indices of surveillance operating around her in the months before her murder.

To begin we will cruise by her photo studio. Oddly enough in a series of photos taken in February of 2022, in Washington State according to Google, months before the shooting, where it is so cold there is salt on the cars due to icing, in front of her photo studio is what looks like a surveillance vehicle with the driver’s window open, despite the temperature:

If you go back, throughout this series, I have often noted how keeping windows open to observe sound is a common procedure you will notice with surveillance vehicles. Under conditions like this it might as well be a door decal which says, “Surveillance Inc.” But this will get more interesting. Stay with us.

You will notice copious condensate coming out of his tailpipe. So the car was cold, on an overcast winter day, either early or late because her sign’s lights are on, and he has his window open to the outside and has been running the engine for  while, probably to power his heater.

Domestic surveillance appears to park different cars around in different parking lots, I assume for when they are shorthanded on drivers, so they can swap cars mid-follow and increase and vary their number of “silhouettes.”

During my own early shock and awe phase, as they flooded cars by to impress me, I once saw the same driver go by in two different cars in a mall parking lot away from a residential area, during cold weather. The second car was blowing steam out of the exhaust pipe since it had just been started and was cold. I assumed they drove by in their car, then headed to a nearby lot in the mall where another car was parked, started it up, and cruised by me again to make me think there were all these cars, each with different drivers.

Also note, his other passenger side window is very open. So on the side which the Google car was coming from, where it would have a direct sightline to his car, the window was open, but less open, as if he closed it a bit as he saw it approaching to be less obvious. On the far side, where he would be at the Google car’s 4 or 5 o’clock after it passed, and the Google car would probably not be looking back, he opened it much more. Notice it gives the driver a better sightline to the google car through that rear-view side mirror. You can almost see the driver in the mirror. On an overcast winter day, in early morning or toward evening, in a cold car:

So if you continue driving, another pickup just happens to drive between you and her studio, just as you pass it. Could be coincidence, but curious, as I have done these analyses in a lot of lots, and do not see cars often doing that just as I pass, let alone just as I pass a potential target business I am suspicious of. Like I have said, they seem to pride themselves on timing things like that:

Plus, although people buy bright yellow cars, I think surveillance actually has some reason to buy brightly colored cars, maybe to draw attention and distract from the obvious surveillance vehicle, or to stimulate amygdala during harassment operations. Where I am, bright yellow, and a neon-puke-green are very common among their vehicles. And of course bright red is so noticed by gangstalkees, it was included in the famous meme by some  4Chan Targeted Individual who is under this (click for full size):

A word on what we are doing here for the newbies. You probably cannot spot surveillance. It actively seeks to blend in and look normal. You can only spot surveillance by looking for odd coincidences. People who move when you do, people who end up in the right spot to watch you make a decision, people who just happen to be in the right spot, or do the right thing for surveillance, by chance, over and over and over throughout your travels. If you are not under surveillance, it will happen here and there. But if you re under surveillance, it will happen over and over and over again, because surveillance makes it happen. We are looking for things which could be surveillance, which happen so many times, it is probably not chance.

It is an important skill. You can know your guns, have multiple blackbelts, be an explosive expert, have any range of lethal skills. But if you do not know how to spot surveillance, you don’t stand a chance. You are like a helpless baby, especially facing what has been built in America. Surveillance will poison your milk while you are out shopping, and you will never have any idea.

That is where these posts come in. They are designed, not just to show the surveillance machine in America, but to school you and bring you up to speed on how to operate in this most dangerous environment. In the posts, you can actually click the links, and see what you would see, if you were in a car under surveillance, because on Google streetview, you will be looking at real, live surveillance watching you in the google car.

You will be skeptical. It has taken me ten years to come to terms with what I see every day. But take a few of these surveillance detection posts in, ask yourself what are the chances, and you will begin to see it. I promise you. We have thousands of people right here who have come to realize what they are looking at.

As you will see, if Mrs Sok had seen this course, she might be alive today.

So lets cruise to the murder scene, and see whether there is anything which could be surveillance around Irah Sok’s house.

We are going to start inside the cul de sac, where the arrow below is, because this is interesting.  The timeline is where the Google car was exiting the cul de sac, and the photos were taken in August of 2018:

Here is what you see. The arrow is pointing at the back window of a car parked by the side of the road, which will pick up and lead the google car out of the neighborhood, just as the Google car reaches the corner.

His pickup was perfectly timed to the google car approaching the corner and coming into sight. What he is doing is called a “cheating command” position, where instead of following a target, you drive in front of them.

It is possible it is a resident who just happened to start driving away the very moment the Google car happened to come into view, but again, it is highly coincidental, and the way you spot surveillance (which tries to appear normal) is repeated statistically coincidental occurrences that correlate to your movement. You cannot look at surveillance and see it – it is designed to look normal. You can only see the repeated coincidences of unusual occurrences, which pile up on top of each other. And again, this gets better as we go on.

You would only see this kind of surveillance in a neighborhood of high importance to the surveillance. If there were not an active surveillance target in here, they would simply let you enter, post on the entrance, and pick up up when you left.

They do not like you seeing their cars, and little cul de sacs like this cannot have a mobile vehicular unit follow you or monitor you without you seeing it. They needed eyes on the Google car for this spot because one of these houses is under active surveillance, and they were willing to burn this car to do it. There is something in here they are interested in.

Here are a few of the shots of the car leading you out as you exit. These photos were taken in August of 2018, according to Google. As you are driving in these shots, Irah Sok’s home, where she was murdered, is just to your left. So the surveillance car had parked by the side of the road before it, and passes it as it picks up and leads you out:

Now something serendipitous for our statistical analysis. We will change timelines again, mid-street, from August of 2018, to the newer timeline of February of 2022, six months before the murder. When I do these pieces, I frequently get these chance occurrences of good luck. Now we get to drive this street a second time, four years later, in the middle of the day, when everyone should be at work, and see if there was a car in here the second time too, which could have been watching us.

Seeing one set of eyes in an isolated cul de sac once, and having it move when you move is unlikely, but not definitive. But if every time you are in this street, there is a car there, that is the kind of statistical anomaly which points to surveillance. Especially a small cul de sac, in the middle of the day. So let’s visit this street in 2022, six months before Mrs Sok’s murder, and see if there will happen to be another set of eyes which just happen to be there as we are driving by:

Yes, we have a postal service truck, parked, in the middle of somebody’s driveway, and not by a mailbox.

And as in the previous case where we saw a US Postal Service Truck of DeathTM staking out the entrance to the house of a (doggie) murder victim, he is parked exactly opposite the front door of the murder location.

The house on the opposite side of the road is the address listed for the husband of the murder victim here.(To confirm the name of the husband, here is an article on the murder. I normally would not want to dox, but I will assume in the interest of justice, he will not mind me pointing to publicly available records, so readers can see I am not making all this up.)

The reason he chose that particular spot is her front door was recessed, behind the front line of residences there. As a result, he had to be right there to have eyes on her front door. Any farther up the street and it would be blocked from view by the front of the house next door, any farther down the street, and it would be blocked by the garage next to the walkway. Go to this link, and swing back and forth by dragging your mouse while holding down the left button, and look at how perfectly he is positioned to watch that door. It is creepy.

So six months before Irah Sok is murdered, you drive down her street, and they have a Postal Service truck posted exactly opposite her front door, with its lights on, in the only spot with a sightline to her front door. And he will remain there as long as you are on the street. And if you drive past her wedding photography business, there is another surveillance vehicle posted directly in front of her wedding photography business, with the windows open, six months before her murder. And her brother is jammed up by ATF in an intel op which puts him on ice and takes his guns, just before she is murdered.

You see why I feel God put me here to do this, and I have no choice but to publish these.

Fortunately for our paranoia, we know USPS cannot be associated with domestic surveillance, nor is the entire agency an intel honeypot designed to trick you into handing them physical copies of interesting intelligence materials you do not feel safe sending digitally, with a promise your physical copy will never be opened, examined, or cataloged, because that would be against the law.

Our valiant Postal Service employee will sit there the entire time you are driving the street in this timeline. You will see him arrive, and park, just seconds before you approach this spot, later in the piece.

Someone speculated these may not be real Postal Service vehicles, and surveillance has bought a bunch of these, and simply pulls them out of the storage facility they rent whenever they want to sit outside a tier one target’s house as the google car passes.

While I can say I have seen a fake Fed Ex truck, and a fake Police SUV, I do not know if this is, or is not fake, nor do I think you can tell. I do know my local operation has taken over the Post Office, even setting up a perimeter of pedestrian coverage all around the building securing it. So it would not surprise me if it is a real employee in a real truck.

On the other hand there is a guy who posts reptilian conspiracy videos on youtube who I have linked to here, who is gangstalked in LA. He posted a video of an LA Sheriff’s Department helicopter flying in circles over him. A helicopter buff in the comments linked to the LA Sheriff Department’s aviation site which listed their aircraft inventory, identified the model cirling him in the video, and showed the Sheriff’s Department did not have that model of helicopter in their fleet. This thing bought a helicopter and painted it in LA Sheriff’s Department markings, and was flying it around LA harassing randos.

This is the game, but it is not a game. You are a target of an intelligence operation bigger than the CIA, with greater penetration into our communities than the CIA probably has anywhere, and there is a decent chance they killed this girl in a targeted hit, maybe using members of a local street gang as cutouts. This is the American version of the East German Stasi. Given our leadership today, it is not surprising somebody built it.

Now we hit the intersection. You have your cable/fiber truck and two people out on their front yard.

There is no knowing with certainty what the people are. I put the chances of the mail truck being surveillance at 99.99999% based on my experience, given there is somebody in it just sitting there opposite the target residence. I’d say the same for the fiber truck, if there were a guy sitting in it, just cooling his heels there and not doing anything:

And there is a dude just sitting in it, not doing anything, and watching that intersection in his side rear-view mirror (a surveillance technique to minimize the exposure of the operative to the target, compared to parking facing the intersection, where the target sees through the big open windshield that there is someone in the truck, awkwardly looking at them.) Nice smart watch.

You also have a couple of walkers at your 6 o’clock, but it is much more difficult to tell if they are surveillance. I would have to cruise this whole area and get a feel for the statistical likelihood of walkers, and weigh it against the fact this street seems to be of high interest to domestic surveillance. If they are, Mrs Sok was a high-priority target for some reason:

It turns out probably two to three minutes before the above photos, we were approaching the target intersection behind us, going north, and just as we reached it, the walkers reached the corner, so based on the perfect timing, I would increase the likelihood they were surveillance:

If every intersection you come to, every corner you hit, somebody is there, you have surveillance. It is the most basic rule. Surveillance needs people at that decision point to call which way you go. If you have surveillance, they will put them there reliably. If you do not have surveillance, they will not.

They were timed to post on that corner just as we hit it, and then return to moving. It looks weird, but again, you see it often enough you begin to just accept, this is how it works.

The surveillance is huge on timing movements perfectly, and when you are under coverage, you will see their people, again and again, hit intersections just as you do. I have the advantage of having undergone the shock and awe phase, during which both of these women would have held their wrists to their mouths, and talked into them while pinching their cuffs to try and freak me out, so for me, it is a little clearer what this is.

The google car turned right at this corner, heading east on this (technically still the target’s) street away from the target’s residence. But the Google car also came out of this street, before crossing over to the target’s street heading toward the target residence, and Google combined the timelines, mixing the photos. So near the intersection, you will shift to your exit from this street, before crossing the intersection and heading to the target’s house, generating the photos we saw in the beginning.

As a result, at the entrance to this cul de sac you get a few photos of the mail truck you saw before, just before you crossed the intersection. So when we turn on this street, we see what we would have seen right before we encountered the mail truck. The mail truck was driving, and was about to pull over and stop, just seconds before we entered the street and passed it. Undoubtedly somebody radioed into his earpiece the target was coming, and he needed to post up and wait outside the target house.

All the time you drive there, and he never exits his truck, or does anything but just sit opposite that house. There may even be cameras on the mail truck, and they are watching from the command center, or the nearby neighborhood observation post as you drive by him. Or he was Facebook Live-ing you with his phone and command was watching:

Again, you don’t need to just look at the photos above. Click over to Google streetview, and take the drive yourself, and look round, as if you are in the car, running a surveillance detection route yourself. It is better training for the apocalypse than the time you spend at the range.

If we continue east on the cul de sac across the intersection, heading away from the target residence, but looking back toward it, we enter the earlier time frame, where we have just turned on this street, and the walkers have just begun to cross the target street after we turned. We see that in this timeline, they also had a truck that was driving out just as we would have entered that street, had we turned left (west) to drive to the target residence when we were at the intersection. Now it sits at the intersection and watches us for a bit as we drive away from the target resdience:

It is interesting to continue down this cul de sac on the other side  of the intersection, because you have no eyes on you there, once you are out of view of the intersection. Similar street, but no cars on it. No residents in yards, no walkers, nobody. That is normal for a cul de sac in the middle of the day. What you saw above is not.

Next intersection for the next cul de sac north of the target street, they have a car driving by, the fiber guy from the last one still has a sightline, and they send this dogwalker, but she is a bit hesitant to turn the corner I think, because she has been told to post across from the street, and she is hoping you won’t notice her now, so when you see her later, it will be the first time. Notice her toe is right next to her heel, which is not really a mid-gait position, and is more like you want to look like you are walking, but not really advance. Even her brown dog is not walking:

When you exit, she is right across the street, seemingly picking up her dog’s stool:

It is possible she is legit. Or she could be faking picking up stool just at this moment, so her face is obscured and the target would think she has a reason to be there that is not related to him. If she didn’t seem to be pausing in the first shot, and she wasn’t hitting the corner just as you hit this corner, I would be ambivalent. The problem with surveillance is, it is taught to look like it belongs. “Cover for status,” “Cover for action.” Why would someone like you belong there? And belonging there, what are you doing which explains why you are there that moment, and does not involve watching someone? It is not enough to just be a resident standing there looking around for no reason. You want to be doing something like walking a dog, or gardening, or getting mail, so you blend in completely.

Interestingly, if you look behind you now as you head north, you will notice as you were driving the cul de sac street, a car appears to have been paralleling you on the target street opposite you, and when you turned out of this cul de sac, it popped out of the empty street you drove opposite the target’s residence, and continued straight across the intersection, back toward the original target residence:

And now you have another car which will arrive at the next street up, just as you arrive at it, as well as a walker just about to walk up the street:

Of course you turn up the next street, and in your last view of the dog walker, she hasn’t really moved. She is still at the edge of that dead grass patch just standing there. She could be letting her dogs sniff, although they are not really sniffing, and seem on pause too. None of this is 100%, but it is curious, especially since there is nothing where she is looking:

Now you have another walker who will have a sightline to you as you drive. What I am going to do here is post a picture of the walker with the Google car next to them, splice in the overhead map showing where the Google car and the walker are on the street on an overhead. Then we are going to drive, and see how far the walker moves, compared to the Google car. Here is the walker next to the Google car:

Now we will drive, and look back, and see how far they get. He will manage to walk to just past the nose of this pickup which you can just make out on the upper left in the picture above. So under him on the right, I will put the overhead map of when the Google car was there to mark his position, and on the left will be the Google car’s position when the photo was taken:


According to Google’s map, you traveled about 750 feet, starting from a slow turn speed. The walker has traveled 20 feet. I would say the Google car sped through here, but as luck always has it when I do these pieces, he could not because all along the street are these things, which I would assume he nearly obeyed, since he has the camera on top of the car, and there is a bump and you cannot avoid it:

If the Google car did, say 20 mph, then the walker did 1/37.5th of that, or .53 mph. The spread of “average walking” paces is 2.5mph on the slow side to 4 mph on the fast side. So your walker is walking 1/5th the lower bound of average speed and one eighth the higher bound of “average” speed – as he is trying to get somewhere. Or he is just loitering near the corner.

I went to the next cul de sac intersection north, checked all the timelines, drove down the street and back, and literally nothing the entire way. Likewise, if you take the street south of the target residence, and head away from the target residence here, you will see no activity in the street for a good long way. Go and drive either one, you will see a dramatic difference. Not a single walker, car, bicyclist, resident, just empty. No longer in a street next to the target street, and it was empty.

It makes me think that place would normally always be empty that time of day. I tend to think what you just saw was a surveillance perimeter set up around that house. And the surveillance went back to at least 2018.

It is possible the surveillance is unrelated to the murder, though clearly their street was a focal point, as was her business. I have no doubt somebody was at least listening in her house, as she was killed, and they know exactly who did it. And I am sure the local PD at some level knows “they” are out there, and I will bet they whisper about the weird shit amongst themselves, and wonder what was up with this.

Why the surveillance is there is the mystery. A home invasion, in that neighborhood, is not something which would be on my radar. The place looks delightful. It is hard to think it was entirely random. And I should add, all this Google imagery predates the murder. So the surveillance did not show up after she was killed.

I tend to rule out the idea she was a criminal, this was law enforcement surveillance, and she was just killed by fellow criminals as surveillance stood by. She does not look the part, and if surveillance was unrelated, and she got hit by some fellow criminals, and the surveillance was normal law enforcement, how has the crime not been solved? A gang of men who murdered a beautiful young mother, in front of her child, by shooting her in the head? Even if she was a criminal, regular law enforcement would have parallel constructed a case by now, and wrapped these guys up. What you are looking at is likely not FBI, or local PD. As I have said, what I see has to have allowed 9/11 to happen, assuming 9/11 was not an actual operation run by the command of this thing – which may not be a sound assumption.

If I was afraid to die, this would be a real headfuck, because we don’t know why they select us for this, and I have had exactly this type of coverage, all my life – and zero discernable reason for it. I was surrounded by their kids in school, I can remember being like five or six and thinking it strange every time I went on the back deck I saw cars drive by. It is outside my house right now. I suspect more than a few reading this are in a similar spot. It is possible they might be choosing people for some reason we cannot imagine, and maybe everyone under this is at some risk of the randomly arranged death, if they are not prepared to confront it and make a mess of it.

It is interesting the girl is physically beautiful, and I assume in some areas, there are voyeurs in the local surveillance operation who would have nothing better to do with their time than set up on a girl like her, to watch her and her husband in intimate moments on video. Among the surveillance I would not even be surprised if they accumulate stuff like that for the pervs at high levels. It is even possible the Texas surveillance crew, in the video on the surveillance page, which is drugging the food in the fridges while girls are at work, and then raping them when they pass out at night after eating dinner, is videoing it for some sort of video archive like that.

There could even be an entire secret porn website, made up of accumulated surveillance videos of hot couples, filmed with hidden cameras in their bedrooms, which were installed by the local surveillance while they were out at work each day. They could offer secure access to the site to elite assets like Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, and Hunter Biden to surf it, as some sort of perk.

Nothing would surprise me with this thing. In fact I would be surprised if anyone has not had their privacy invaded by this thing, given it’s scale, its embedding in every neighborhood, and the way things really work among the powerful. It is not like anyone would believe it possible if you told them. There is a near-zero risk of exposure or consequence, and our societies are run by psychopaths and the sexually over-driven.

But the fact surveillance went and seemed to target her brother before her murder, makes me think the murder might have been something they really needed to keep him away from, because there was more of a connection to it.

I have said before, surveillance gets trained up on photography and cameras because they use them in the field. Once they are placed into real cover-lives in society, many start side photography businesses to earn a little extra because they have such extensive training, and probably to use it as a cover for why they are prowling around with high-end camera rigs in public. I figured this out by researching my own surveillance and seeing it firsthand.

It is always possible a local surveillance operator with a side photog gig saw a petite Filipino immigrant who had no power and was in the way of somebody’s photography side-hustle, and wanted to take her out. And then somebody looking things over pulled her brother’s file, saw he was a vet who rolled with an arsenal out of a John Wick movie in the trunk of his car “just-because,” (which I would bet he got trained up on, with bucks like that)… and then they saw he just retired… and they worried he might just decide to come to town to do a little digging into who killed his little sister, and figure out what happened himself, since he has nothing else on his plate.

Having the local cell in his neighborhood set him up, and then call ATF in (probably just telling them he was some sort of problem, without any further detail), to disarm him and keep him unbalanced, is not at all impossible in that rule-less, law-less world of the United States domestic intelligence service. It is how intelligence would operate.

Another interesting coincidence in the video above is, when her brother went in to talk to the ATF supervisor who could have released his weapons, that supervisor was off on a National Guard call-up so he could not make contact with him.

When you face an intelligence operation, coincidences which work against you are rarely coincidences. I would wonder if domestic intel arranged his call-up for this, to get him out of the way while they dealt with this guy. Or, perhaps he was not even called up, but was ordered by intelligence to surrender his office to their operatives for the day, who were just playing the part of ATF agents when this guy was coming in. As I have said, the dude in the beginning of the movie Enemy of the State, walking around in his little Park Police outfit sipping coffee at the Senator’s murder scene, “Bingham?” That was exactly how they operate.

You are dealing with intelligence, in a nation with no laws or rules. A nation where somebody tells Acosta Jeffrey Epstein is “with intelligence” and instead of getting locked up in prison, they clear out a wing of the Sheriff’s offices and build him an office to spend his days, before returning home. A nation where we probably do not elect our leaders. A nation where I can be hit in my bed t night with experimental thru-wall weapons, and where nothing is now impossible. Nothing is necessarily what it will appear as.

The fact he could not walk in there, and meet the supervisor, is as strange as a law enforcement agency seizing his weapons, where there was no crime, threatening to prosecute him, and refusing to release the weapons “just because.” I do not think regular law enforcement works like that, unless it is forced to.

ATF gets a lot of flack, but the ATF agents I knew were pro-gun guys, who saw it as a job, with a perk that they got to lock up vicious street gang members for federal weapons violations all the time. Regular citizens held no interest for them, contrary to the image you see constantly in the gun community. If they had handled this, they probably would not have taken this guy’s guns to begin with, because before the raid they would have had all this paperwork in front of them while researching him.

The idea they hit some rando accidently, with no idea who he was, or what weapons he had, is ridiculous, if you know how this all works. And if they did grab the guns mistakenly, for the guys I knew, giving them back would have just been another part of the job.

That the conspiracy disarmed and disabled him, and then took her out is ominous, if you stop for a moment and think about it. If they were related, and I suspect they were, that is a lot of planning and a lot of prep, and a lot of moving pieces, just for one little Filipina girl. I keep wondering, what else she could have happened on in her life.

I know, this all sounds nuts. Fifteen years ago this would have all sounded like schizo ramblings to me, until I got into politics, “they” showed up in my life, I began getting vibrated in the middle of the night, waking me up in my bed. Pretty quickly, I realized this thing is real, and it has simply hidden itself from us very well – and for very good reason. If you think this must be impossible, please, read my page on US Domestic Intelligence and Surveillance here. Take  few more of these google car ride-longs, and see if maybe I may not be onto something.

You have to admit, two cases now, and I accurately nailed both from written accounts, as likely surveillance targets. I must know something. Two Postal Service Trucks of DeathTM, lurking outside two homes months before violent crimes were committed, like little red, white, and blue grim reapers, waiting for their moments. That is strange.

I would say I have developed a nose for this, but honestly, this just feels like the path. The serendipities, the coincidences that show up where I look in these pieces, which make the points so clearly. There are greater forces at work here than just me. I kind of feel closer to God when I do this.

And I have no time for these. I don’t even want to do them. I am sick of surveillance. I have looked at three or four places out of curiosity in the last six months, maybe a year or two. I am not looking at a ton of places and discarding them to find one cherry-picked spot. The other two may even get turned into pieces as well, I just don’t have the time now.

But whatever is going on here with these pieces, is just bigger than me. And I have to think it is a sign, it is all coming out in the near future.

When it does, the revolutionary period will seem like a walk in the park. Because Americans do not want to live like this. And nothing burns deeper than betrayal. Personally, I would take just about anything else offered, over a controlled and monitored life spent like this.

I suspect the rest of America will as well.

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2 years ago

Not necessarily related to surveillance, and I’ve hesitated for months to mention this. During the “COVID” psy-op, I was able to work at home for more than 2 years. I developed a habit of taking an afternoon nap when I got done with work. I don’t know when it started, but over the last year or so, when I take my nap, I will sometimes bolt awake after about 20 minutes and suddenly feel vibration in my lower legs/feet and sometimes head. Very strange. Not painful, but not normal. I don’t get it when I wake up in the morning.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

My two cents, for what it’s worth:
I’ve had life-long sleep problems. Even as a boy, I can remember waking up way before it was time to get up and reading in bed until it was. I attended a sleep study, that identified a very persistent leg twitch attributed to low ferritin, leading to a recommendation to start an iron supplement. Might be innocuous, also might be more iron in a man’s system makes him for sensitive to magnetic fields.
Remember “exploding head syndrome” from the 90’s? Whatever happened to those? Did they just stop happening, or did the black hat technology evolve past it?

2 years ago

Most likely she was an intelligence agency honeypot. Knee-jerk would be China’s but who knows. Plenty of leverage on her because of family in US and Philippines.
Green Beret novel, used as a starting point for a John Wayne movie, glamorized US doing a honeypot in Vietnam. That chapter of the book didn’t make it into the movie. Her case officer trained her in how to insert an IUD. Risque for the times.

English Tom
English Tom
2 years ago

Thanks for this AC. Outstanding as usual.

2 years ago

> A nation where I can be hit in my bed t night with experimental thru-wall weapons

I doubt they’re experimental. You’re probably getting the real deal, such as it is.

As a tool against people who are oblivious and possibly not too tightly wrapped to start with, it probably works reasonably well. You’re neither, but they use it anyway because it’s almost free of cost and risk to them, and probably because it’s The Way Things Are Done(tm).

2 years ago

Don’t know if this is related, but this is from the same town, 10 years ago. A 22 year old male with the same last name as the photographer was shot and killed while allegedly burglarizing a home…

I’m curious as to why you think that they’d target this woman…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

If I asked you to design a global Earthling farm that maximizes suffering, without making it obvious to the Earthlings that you are controlling and farming them, could you design a more effective system than what currently exists?

This is why everything is currently so terrible on your world. You are living in a global farm that harvests human suffering.

Very out there, and from a website that I don’t trust all that much, but an interesting article.

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

this is of course one of the craziest damn things ever here on AC! it is also, in my estimation, 1000% correct.

what started my awareness of {{this shit}} was 1 boring day when I got tired of thinking about tits (if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them both), and started thinking about statistics for awhile. stats are just numbers, and in smallish doses, you can make them say/do pretty much anything you want. larger sample sizes are harder, and very large sample sizes are basically impossible to move a point or two, much less fudge. so take modern life: 8 jillion aspects of modlife, all constantly changing and evolving and popping up/dropping out – so you have to consider it in the aggregate.

statistics says that if you have 8 jillion ‘modlife aspetcs’ (MLA’s) and that most as assumed to be more-or-less random, your results on those MLA’s would be more-or-less Bell Curve-ish. i.e., the vast majority of your MLA’s would be bunched up there in the ‘meh’ middle, becoming more great or crappy depending on which edge you’re looking at. OK? here’s what my epiphany was: given that ModLife consists of 8 jillion MLA’s we should have a smallish percentage of stuff that’s real REAL crappy. and of course we do! y’all know what they are, we all know. but as I pondered this, I realized that there’s like waaaay more _really shitty_ MLA’s than there oughta be. hmm. oh, well.

next up! a look at all the real real real wonderful MLA’s. where I found….. like, maybe 5. I could think of a whole laundry list of MLA’s *back in the past* that used to be pretty wonderful – marriage, kids, dirt-cheap college, movies, reasonable rent, going to the beach, cheap motels, banking, air travel, low-cost utilities, Austin, Texas; Miami, Florida; Seattle-LA-Vegas-Nashville-Minneapolis-NYC-et al; the entire state of California, our first-class top-notch American educational system that was the envy of the entire world, etc etc – but are all fucked up now. but only 4 or 5 Wowza! MLA’s and a couple of them are specific to me.

I’ll cut to the credits: 1) in any randomly-organized batch of random data, distribution of good-meh-bad WILL fall along a standard bell curve. 2) here in Our Modern Life, that ain’t happening. the ‘bad’ end of the BC is 50-100X more represented than the ‘good’ end. 3) in random distribution, that’s impossible. 4) therefore those MLA’s aren’t random. 5) since they ain’t random, they’re INTENTIONAL 6) which brings us back to unknown farmers growing, fertilizing, and harvesting human suffering…

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Hmmm…I wonder if anyone tried to run Benford numbers on stock prices?

2 years ago

I too feel this is a critical part of God’s plan–to reveal the surveillance. Praying for your continued safety and for him to fortify your energy levels. Can’t imagine how tired you have to be at end of the day. Anyway, thanks for all of it. Hope your work gets recognized by the only editor that matters, and you hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

I always found it curious in the days of limited bandwidth and pricey optics how many streetlights would “burn out” as I drove by.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Out-fucking-standing, once again!!! Thanks for the hard work and the info, AC! Top Kek

2 years ago

[…] Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience – Part Twelve, Preparin… […]

2 years ago

The more I think about this, the more I think the photographer woman probably wasn’t involved in anything shady at all. My guess is that all of this has to do with her brother. They took his guns and whacked his sister because they still want him for something or he pissed them off.

There’s speculation that they victim was a honeypot, by which I think people mean honey trap. Yes, she’s attractive. But attractive Filipinas who will do such things are a dime a dozen. I can tell you that she’s in the top 1% in terms of artistic talent. She’s really good at her photography stuff, and also good at the business end. That requires a clear, focused mind that can study hard, master equipment, do accounting, and also is sufficiently at peace. That kind of creativity, the ability to richly imagine an image and then take all of the steps to make it a reality is rare. I’d say very unlikely for someone with the stress of looking over their shoulder.

The other possibility is her husband, of course. No, I’m not saying he had her whacked. A wife like that, driven and successful, is bringing in income and respect and too busy to be causing problems and annoyances. I’d say someone was sending him a message. I’d also guess that her store front business was a result of his capital investment after she perfected the basic technical skills in photography. I simply can’t imagine getting that good and then opening the business while having an acrimonious home life.

I’m so far unable to tell what the husband does or what the brother did for the navy.

2 years ago

God bless you AC, you do good work. Thank you for it, and for teaching us, and for exposing this evil.

2 years ago


Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I kind of feel closer to God when I do this.”
God used cabal gangstalking to rescue me from atheism. He subsequently gave me some preternatural events in my life to let me know (with 100% certainty) that He is very real, so my faith is now unshakeable. If I had discovered your site before the supernatural activity, I might have lost faith. And then, as you said, this would have really messed with my mind.
But now it just strengthens my faith.

2 years ago

WTF are the lines around her nose?

2 years ago

Would it make sense to ever run a “control” street view article? Car goes through the entire neighborhood, no cars sitting with open windows, few if any pedestrians, and so on. Maybe it’s not worth anyone’s time, but the contrast seems potentially helpful.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I would love to see that, but I don’t think you can get it because the google car itself is so unusual it always attracts pervert coverage. If you could find dashcam footage from someone who isn’t covered, it could be done with that.

2 years ago

Thanks for this, AC. I’m relatively new here, but this all smacks of truth. Very interesting, to say the least.

AC, do you have any recommendations on how one can go about ID’ing their surveillance? You mentioned a couple things like too many coincidences or always at intersections etc, which are very helpful, but I was wondering if you have any additional info on counter surveillance measures one can undertake to ‘catch’ themselves being surveiled…?

Reply to  FtR
2 years ago

They will reuse assets, if you are observant. Take note of particular characteristics of cars, and think of them like tattoos and scars. License plate covers, dents and damage, unusual stickers, etc. It’s much harder to change the profile of a personal car than a person or a commercial van, so when you see the same car in four different places at four different times in your day in varied locations, you’ve burned them.
Three rights is the classic, if you have real unskilled perverts. There is never a good reason to take three rights rather than a left, so if you have one that isn’t paying attention, you can burn them that way.

2 years ago

One question.

Why would surveillance cover the Google streetcar?

Reply to  map
2 years ago

Compartmentalization. Even if google is part of the same faction as the local perverts, you tell the local perverts to follow it like anything else, because you don’t want those perverts to know that google is protected.

2 years ago

I was addicted to meth and sometimes after 5 or 6 days without sleep I could get almost this paranoid

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It burns out your brain eventually.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Your concern is noted, collect your meth on the way out.

2 years ago

[…] departure at 3:53:38. If you are not shocked, terrified, and awed, Especially after the cases of Irah Sok, and Jay Danielson, then there will be nothing I will be able to post which will blow you […]

2 years ago

[…] its single drive-by to be between the google car and the house as the google car passes. Shades of Irah Sok. You get the same thing by my […]