Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience, Part Three

This time, Finland. Despite the rise of the right, the left still won its recent election in Finland, which leads me to believe Cabal’s election-stealing intel ops are still going strong in the country. It is pretty clear wherever you find this intel operation, it has been corrupted to importing migrants, suppressing dissent, and probably supporting election fraud, so if you find a place where Cabal is still going strong in the face of a resisting populace, you will probably find Cabal’s ground-level intel ops.

I was not sure whether the google car would get coverage, given my belief it is a Cabal cover-op storing real world, on the ground photography for intelligence purposes under the guise of harmless hippie liberals devoted to knowledge. After Bulgaria and Russia it was clear it was getting coverage in the eastern-bloc and Russia, at least in a lot of places. But it appears it gets coverage in the West as well, which makes me think Cabal ops are highly compartmentalized. Ground surveillance has no idea the Google car is actually operating on orders from its boss (or at least it is not confirmed to them), so it treats it like the intelligence threat it might be.

We will start here, with these side streets, and take a look at what a neighborhood follow in a Western nation would look like:

Here is the availability of street view:

The three streets at the top, which come down and then peel off at a 45 degree angle are useless, and will be ignored. Those service apartments, which just create the plausible justification for too much foot traffic. All that extra natural foot traffic from the apartments makes it difficult to amplify the signal which is the strange occurrences which I want to highlight. If you want to see surveillance, you have to go somewhere where the natural activity around you dies down, so all that is left is the surveillance.

I also should point out, when you select your own detection routes, I like this one because it is incompletely mapped by street view. It is my impression normal street view tends to have all the time in the world. So if normal street view goes out, it moseys about through a whole neighborhood, mapping it completely. But there appears to be another street view op which is intel oriented, and I think those guys don’t fuck around. They go out, map only what they want, and then bail, often leaving parts of the neighborhood unmapped. They don’t give a fuck, because it isn’t mission critical to them.

So when you see a place that is partly mapped, that was probably a more intel-oriented google-car trip, which means there is probably something interesting there. And as a result, surveillance, which knows everything, knows that area is interesting, and turns out in force to document the interloper’s approach to whatever is interesting, and make sure it knows what they saw.

An alternative hypothesis is that the area is incompletely mapped because the google car was told to stay off certain streets, because they contain Cabal-ops which Cabal does not want documented. Surveillance, not knowing what is going on, still turns out to protect those sites, and document what the interlopers is up to. Maybe their job is to make sure the google car doesn’t get to go down those streets.

Either way, you end up with these partly mapped neighborhoods. I just notice these partly mapped neighborhoods seem to often have a stronger surveillance presence than neighborhoods which have been completely done up in streetview.

So we will drop here, and the first thing we notice is a car in front and a car in back, but no other cars on the highway:

It doesn’t necessarily mean something, but it should bother you of there are no other cars in sight. If you become able to detect surveillance, it will be because you have been under it and not liked it, and as a result, you will have developed a vague feeling of unease when you see vehicles around you in these various configurations, in areas where you do not expect to see anyone. If you are not under surveillance, you will inevitably find those cars leave and you are alone at times, and you will relax. However, over time, if you notice you are never without it, the unease builds in tandem with the statistical probability, and almost without thinking you begin to feel the probabilities of what is going on. You begin to get increasingly uncomfortable when you find yourself with company in places where there should be none. Those who naturally dismiss these things, and who fear detecting within themselves “the aura of paranoia” will never stand a chance against surveillance. But if you develop that sense, you will be among the most capable operators out there.

We will take the next right. I’ve cruised around Finland a bit, and what it has in common with the US is it does not demand a static unit be posted at all major intersections. In technical parlance that is called a “Commit Unit” and its purpose is to alert the rest of the team by radio of which path you have committed to. Russia and Bulgaria seemed to prefer a static unit at every intersection, loitering to call which way you went. In the US and here, they seem to be OK with a mobile unit/vehicle arriving at the intersection at the same time as you, and calling your decision to the team. Bulgaria seems more in love with the static position at the intersection, despite the fact this makes its surveillance more obvious by always having somebody loitering at an intersection when you are under coverage, even in areas where there is nobody else. (Which might point to Bulgaria’s security services caring less about exposure because the populace has fewer avenues to complain.)

Clearly Finland’s (and the US’s)position is the more professional, as a following or leading car can double as a commit unit. When combined with periodic static units, this means some major intersections you come to will have pedestrians and some will not, while some will have cars following and some will not. The randomness can make you feel more at easy, and is less of a pattern to detect. Though you still will notice an unusual number of people at intersections as you travel.

Moving on, when we jump off to the right, we jump to a new timeline. Again, we are at an intersection, so unless surveillance makes a mistake, or we have evaded it by driving crazy, somebody should be there to call our turn. But here, the only thing we see is a bus.

Surely it can’t be surveillance if it is a bus. Well, actually surveillance either recruits people who drive around all day, or it has its people take jobs where people drive around all day, so they can use those jobs as cover

And public transportation is actually a pain to follow targets on, because you have a target getting on and off a vehicle, potentially  with lots of other people, at set stops near areas with lots of other people, where they can get lost. If your target gets on board, and changes clothes and appearance on the bus, removing a hat, donning a fake beard and wig and camo BDU pants over his shorts, and taking off a sweatshirt, and then gets off at a stop with ten people looking completely different, you may lose him in that crowd. They even have incredibly realistic latex masks which could allow a young black target to morph into an elderly white man.

So how do you follow someone riding on a bus? Do you have a car sit at the bus stop, which he might see and recognize as a posted unit? Do you have a lone car follow the bus into areas with no traffic anywhere, and maintain the tail, which a savvy target will notice? Do you have someone follow him onto the bus, and maybe get made in such close proximity? What if there is nobody on the bus line he is taking, and he is using it specifically for surveillance detection, so the lone guy you have follow him on suddenly reveals his coverage by getting visibly uncomfortable under scrutiny (called the Burn Syndrome)? What would a domestic intelligence agency do, to address this difficulty? How about recruit the bus driver, or get your agent hired on as a bus driver, so he is one of your assets and can take “command” or visual coverage of the target during the bus phase of travel? He can keep eyes on the target for the duration of the trip, call the target’s exit and direction of travel, and tell the team if the target has changed appearance on the bus.

Cabal Surveillance has been playing this game for a while. They have discovered where difficulties arise, and what makes things a lot easier. You are not meeting them in their first rodeo, and their machine is exceptionally well crafted, well thought out, and as you will see if you encounter it, they have spared no expense in creating it or manning it.

So again, you are at an intersection, and you are not alone. In actuality, the bus is even more likely to be acting as a commit unit to call your turn, because intelligence agencies know rival surveillance outfits recruit bus drivers, as well as taxi drivers, delivery men, and other professional drivers who are out and about all day (ever encounter a chatty taxi driver who effortlessly solicits everything about you on a drive? Was he doing it innocently to make idle chit chat? Did you think that?). A sharp eye’d viewer may notice there may also be someone at the bus stop behind us, on the far side of the road, and they are correct, we cannot tell, but our question is, if we are at a decision point which needs to be called to the team, are we alone? The bus acts as the eyes which prevent us from saying yes.

We continue on, take the first right, and again, we have a pedestrian:

Could be innocuous, but again, if you are under coverage constantly, seeing these things in rapid succession where you would expect fewer pedestrians get irritating. As your amygdala amps up, so does the probability you have coverage, especially if you are purposely running a counter-surveillance detection route. Of course it is the google car, which we know gets surveillance coverage, so for our purposes, clearly this pedestrian glows in the dark. We are doing this to show you surveillance, because we know we will see surveillance during this drive.

As you reach the turn in the road, she will lose her sightline, but there is a guy at the end of the road who will gain one, and who is strangely uninterested in the google car as it reaches the end of the street near him:

Again, I would look, because a google car on my street would interest me. It is a car with a giant fucking ball camera on top of it, with wires and weird braces, and it looks unusual. But if he is surveillance, which is a reasonable assumption, he has seen this car hundreds of times, he follows it regularly, and moreover, he has been taught to not stare unnaturally at a target. He may also have aspirations of doing surveillance of a more interesting nature for Cabal, and to that end he may not want to be photographed while working, either.

I’d assume there is something interesting hidden in this neighborhood, which may be why this area has incomplete mapping. It could be anything from the home of a high-ranking intel guy, to a criminal in witness protection, or a safehouse, or an observation post. I’d think there is some reason they could not let you have one moment of alone time on this street. In my experience, when under coverage you can get moments of alone time in a neighborhood, though they will be short and quickly followed by the sight of someone making their way to your position.

Back out to the intersection, take a right, and we move on to the next intersection:

Notice the crossed legs. They aren’t even pretending to walk around.

As an interesting side note, in the interest of furthering your knowledge of surveillance, how it works, and what you might see, I took the loop on the opposite side of the main road coming in, and chose not to include it because it was new construction in progress, which can increase activity and make the surveillance signals you see appear more plausibly innocent. But among the pedestrians, I saw these two, pictured below next to the two girls loitering above:

Notice in the first picture blond girl has a moon face and large hips and lower abdomen, while black hair has a thinner face and a noticeable hunch in her posture. In the second case you have a girl with a moon face and larger hips/abdomen, this time in strangely black hair that looks odd, and a girl with a thin face and noticeable hunch, this time in what looks like a wig. The picture is obviously too blurry to tell for sure, but could those be the same girls? Would surveillance actually carry a change of clothes and wigs to change appearance on the fly during a follow? Yes, they actually call it their “costume kit.” In it, many even have glasses, hats, fake facial hair, different clothes, and some may even have thin facial prosthetics as well as the gum glue and makeup to apply them quickly. I thought it was funny when I saw it.

I look at this and I just think, can you imagine marrying a surveillance chick? They are girls who think nothing of just diving into the deepest, most private recesses of the lives of strangers they don’t even know. They literally have no boundaries, even with total strangers. What would they be like with a husband? I see Vince Vaugh in Wedding Crashers desperately telling Owen Wilson, “Red Alert buddy! I’ve got a Stage 10 clinger! What do I do?!”

Imagine a wife who says to you, “Honey, with this new phone app Control gave me, I can watch you all the time – All the time… It is like we will never be apart. I can see you when you are in the shower… when you are in the bathroom… When you are out with the guys… Isn’t this wonderful?!”

I can’t even imagine it.

You can drive down both side streets, and you notice they don’t even go anywhere the whole time, and they are still there as you drive on.

If you make a right, they keep eyes on you until the road curves. There you enjoy a moment of privacy (meaning to me either this road has nothing of interest to them on it, or they have a surveillance camera at one of the houses they were plugged into). But when you get to the end of the road, a bicyclist is just turning up to come up there:

Again, in real life you have to file it away by wondering how often these streets are so full you always, always have people coming at you. It is a probability indicator in your life, if you are in politics or post on the Chans. But with this being the google car, I would bet that guy was moving to your position in the event you slowed down on that road to meet someone or do something.

Back the way we came, and cruise straight through to the other side street by the girls. There will be another pedestrian on the left behind you the moment you pop onto the far side of the street’s timeline, and they could be surveillance, but because of the girls, for purposes of detection, their importance isn’t that great. All you know is you are not alone at the intersection, and this neighborhood is strangely crowded during the middle of the day. Have no illusions, if there was no Cabal surveillance, and you took this trip during the middle of the day, you might see three people. Might. And I would not be surprised to not see any.

As you continue, you see this van behind you, parked on the side of the road.

I actually know of a family friend under coverage, probably due to their association with me, though their’s is lighter than mine. In their case their neighbors, who are surveillance, would each morning pull a car out of their driveway and park it on the street at an angle pointing at the target’s driveway and house before they left for work. I assume there was some sort of camera system in it, connecting to Wifi and offering the people in an observation post somewhere nearby a picture of the front of the target’s house and driveway throughout the day while their neighbor-surveillance people were at their day jobs. When they came home, they pulled the car back in their garage, I assume charging it up and dumping any recorded video.

You come to the end of the road, and strangely, there seemingly is nobody there to call your turn at this pretty important intersection near the main road. They need to call if you are leaving the neighborhood. This could be a sign you are not under surveillance. If you see it and head for the main highway to get out of there quick, you might assume you have no tail, and it is safe to “go operational” and go meet with a contact who the government will kill if they find him meeting with you. If you were doing this for real though, you should try to be sure, and not rush things. Turn right, and head back into the neighborhood, looking at every position that has a sightline to the intersection.

When you do, notice these sneaky bastards, lurking behind the bushes, and watching the intersection:

Do you see the head, poking over the bushes? Here is a better shot of them:

That is likely a neighborhood observation post, surveillance lives there, and they came out to call the decision point. If you bought the house next door unwittingly, have no doubt, they would be listening to your private conversations in your house using their tech, and it would probably go in your file.

This is the real problem you face with Cabal surveillance. FBI has to mobilize a team. McCabe, when dealing with trained intel personnel as targets, couldn’t figure out, do we put it on Manning or Huma? He had to choose.

Cabal surveillance is everywhere, and they live normal lives, embedded in the world they surveil. They are more like part-time government informants than full time spies, which is what makes them so dangerous to Democracy. These people almost certainly have non-surveillance day jobs. They own that fucking house, and use it as a base of operations to monitor that neighborhood. Most of the time they have nothing of any importance to do. They will know everyone in that neighborhood because they have listened to them in their most private moments, and they will know everything which goes on in their lives. In the US, they will probably be able to monitor the entire neighborhood from their basement, through the tech mounted on the poles. It can make detection almost impossible to perform, and in reality, I suspect they only bother with the vehicular and foot for the intimidation/harassment factor.

And yet, in the most troubling conundrum of all, we still have mass shooters and terrorist attacks.

The truth is if they had stayed in the house and peered out a window instead of going outside, you’d have never seen them. If they had hidden better outside, you’d have never seen them. But they were there. That is why you have to look at the totality of your experiences, rather than any single moment. They make mistakes. Sometimes, a lot of them. You are looking for the people who fuck up, and even though they don’t fuck up all the time, they do enough for you to spot your coverage.

If you had seen all you had already seen, and for a moment found yourself alone at this intersection, could you realistically have said you were alone? In truth, I would have assumed there was a posted vehicle unit in the parking lot down the road to the right using binoculars, diminishing the importance of that intersection to any detection effort. Do this enough, and you will get a feel for what matters, what doesn’t and when you are never alone.

And one other point. The people recruited into Cabal intelligence live their lives for surveillance. They even seem to buy houses Cabal tells them to buy, and live in them as homes, with kids they give over to the program from their earliest ages. If they are told to move, I assume they pick up and move, and subvert their family’s life course for this awful conspiracy they know everyone else would be horrified by. It is very strange.

Given the Cabal has them buy houses in places Cabal wants to watch, and there are literally tens of thousands of them in some municipalities, you can see why merely looking for vehicular and foot surveillance and tech on the poles can be insufficient to pick up on your own local coverage. The coverage may be inside the houses all around a target’s residence. It may be houses near a place with activity they want to watch. It could be houses on a target’s route to work. And very often it is houses with sightlines to major intersections all over a community. In the US it greatly complicates detection efforts, so you have to double your paranoia level to properly calibrate your detection machinery, and try to focus on the strange incidents, like two girls, seen hours apart, who are wearing wigs around you. If you are sharp, you will notice the strangeness, because in these times there are strange people about doing strange things, and they seem not to be making a real effort to hide it.

We continue on, and don’t see much, though our two little surveillance honeys are probably watching the next intersection we come to from their position at the intersection up that street. If we took the right fork it would bring us right back up to them, so we will take the left.

Unfortunately, this timeline on the drive in will now run backwards. That is, the google car drove in not recording, and then it only recorded the drive out, so I’m going to jump to the end of this little side street, and then drive out, so we see the drive as the google car saw it. We don’t see the trip in, but we will assume we saw nothing, and our surveillance let us get in here alone. I have no idea, the area might have been swarmed with pedestrians on the drive in, but we will assume surveillance thought we were going to head out to the main street and leave, and instead we jumped in here ahead of them and there wasn’t anybody there on the way in.

Because of the turn in the midpoint of this road ahead of you, any following team will have lost their sightline to us as we got to the deepest point. These blind spots are not dispositive, since as I pointed out any surveillance program that has recruited even 3% of the population as informants, and gotten them to buy houses in places where they are useful to surveillance, can often watch you through much of a neighborhood from inside houses. If there is no house, previous follows like this will often have alerted them to the idea they are blind down an area like this, which I suspect leads to requests that go up the chain of command to have somebody buy a house here the next time they move. Those request are probably then prioritized based on the risk of losing a target, the importance of targets there, the importance of the location, the number of follows there, and so on.

If they put surveillance cameras out, especially on the poles, and can watch from inside an observation post, you might never even see them in spots like this. So these spots where sightlines are lost are not dispositive. In America the informant population is probably at 5-9%, at least slightly larger than the pilot program for Operation Tips, and it is probably concentrated in various areas to even higher densities. So if one in ten, or one in eight citizens in an area is a Cabal-surveillance agent, nothing is ever certain. But when approaching a spot where sightlines are lost, you should always be on alert to feel the subtle unease of seeing something that could be surveillance just suddenly pop up, desperately hustling to eyes back on you – especially after you have lost your team for a precious few moments. And here you will not be disappointed:

Two bikers, right at the corner where you will go unsighted are rushing to get to the end of this street, as a car behind them is rushing in, and on seeing you come out, the car ducks into a parking lot:

When you pass the parking lot on your left, as you move by you notice the car in it is not moving to leave the lot, or parking in a space, but rather is just sitting there away from the other buildings:

He’s got to follow you out, so he isn’t bothering with performing a Cover for Action by getting out of the car, and feigning going into the building. My guess is after you pass he has to pick up those two pedestrians, throw the bike in the trunk, and hustle to catch up, or head to take part in another follow.

We’ve been over this stretch, so we will head out to the exit of this neighborhood. It is an exit onto a major side street, so you know you have to have a Commit Unit calling your turn, but nobody is to be seen. Could this be it? Might you not actually be under surveillance? Even if there were nobody, you have already seen enough to assume you are under coverage. I would assume they would be in the parking lot behind you, or even hidden in the woods opposite you, which is probably what professional FBI surveillance would do. But actually, we already saw the couple loitering in their driveway behind the bushes, who have a perfect sightline to whatever you do here. This is where they are, relative to your position:

It was a good example, but this post is getting long and the examples are growing repetitive and boring, so rather than do every time you see a pedestrian at an intersection, I may look for interesting examples and condense them into a shorter ending to this.

Jump out and take a left, and again we are back to being boxed in front and back. Next intersection off the right, we are led in by the car in front of us, and there is a pedestrian walking a dog with his little kid standing by the intersection:

I’d assume he was surveillance. Like I said, Cabal is the Secret Society, be it surveillance, local news anchors and reporters, or just ground-level informants serving the machine in various capacities. Imagine being brought up from the your earliest days of your childhood, in a Secret Society, doing strange things the normies would never believe anyone would do, and knowing the big secret, but not being allowed to tell anybody. Then visualize living among normies who have no idea any of this could be possible, and who would be horrified, horrified if they found out. Visualize that, and you have an idea how strange the Cabal is in our nations. They are a parallel society, with completely different mores, in essence ruling over the sleeping masses.

If you turn off with the car ahead of you, you will notice there was again, a pedestrian watching the intersection, this time a woman with two small children who is not actually walking anywhere, but rather is just standing there:

But don’t take that turn yet, instead go straight

As you take this neighborhood, surveillance pulls back tremendously and the coverage is exclusively from people who live in the neighborhood, coming out and watching you pass. I actually might have thought there was no surveillance, given the total lack of vehicular, but for the fact we saw what the last neighborhood was like. But given the last neighborhood, I think the reality is, this is some sort of surveillance neighborhood, where they have bought most of the houses and are all set up throughout it. For detection, it is a nightmare scenario, but for demonstrating how much of a neighborhood can be composed of watchers, keeping track of everyone else, it is a dream.

Rather than do this one by going paragraph by paragraph, we will just ask, how many people would you expect to be out in this neighborhood in the middle of the day on Tuesday June 9th, 2009, and would you expect their distribution to be as even as we will see, when you look at the following overhead with everyone in the neighborhood who is out on foot when the google car comes by:

Notice how people are stationed to cover straight-aways. Often they are near the turn in the center, or at the outer end of the road looking down toward the turn. And I have probably missed a couple who ducked down behind cars or bushes.

These will be links to the various shots of people you can find in the map above, in the Jun 2009 timeline:

Person 1

This is a definite. Notice how when you reach the intersection down at the end, there is nobody there to call your turn. But if you look back, this person takes the lawnmower out into the road, and stands up on it to get a better look, to see which way you turn.

When you entered the last neighborhood, surveillance called ahead to all of its operatives who live in this one, and told them to get out and adopt their covers for action because you might be coming through. This one hopped on their lawnmower, laughing at how impossibly paranoid you would have to be to think someone just mowing their lawn would ever be surveillance. And they would have been right, had they not had to pull out into the road to see which turn you took at the intersection.

Person 2 I’m not entirely clear if this was also coverage, but it could have been, mainly because it doesn’t appear to be advancing its position toward anything as you drive by. If this was surveillance, they would have been smarter to have them walk out into the road, as if they were going somewhere.

Person 3

Person 4, perfectly positioned to pick you up as you turn the corner and the last ones would have lost a sightline to you

Notice how far down the road you are here, and yet that door, even though behind slight leafing still has a sightline to this position.

Person 5

Person 6

Person 7

There is a natural tendency to say this couldn’t possibly be surveillance. Clearly a surveillant is not going to rent a hydraulic lift and buy all that material, and get it to the site on the fly. All of that makes it seem as if it couldn’t possibly be coverage.

And yet, Operation TIPS, I suspect a cover for this operation, said in its proposal it would specifically recruit contractors in those types of trades, employ them as agents, and only call them up as needed. In addition, that type of coverage is the Secret Society, and the Society will give preference to its own in hiring for contractor jobs. So if the building owner who hired this guy lives in a Secret Society neighborhood, it is not impossible he himself is Secret Society. And if he is, then he would give preference to Secret Society contractors. So he may have hired this guy unrelated to this specific follow, days or even weeks before.

The guy didn’t even know you’d be coming. But as the car approached, control scanned their software for the phone locations of Secret Society members in the area, this guy’s Secret Society phone app buzzed, his handler apprised him a target would be passing by shortly, maybe there was a photo of the google car, the app opened the mic and camera on his phone, and he then came online as a follower just for these moments in the course of your follow. He reported your passing to the mic on his phone, and your decision at the intersection to the team. He might even have held the phone camera pointed at you covertly, and said (without moving his lips), “You’ll see him now.”

It is a very impressively constructed machine when you see it, even if it is horrific from the perspective of small-government, libertarian, Constitution-supporting conservatives. You could see how it would be a high priority to grab control of it if you were running a hostile intel operation with the goal of taking over America. If it ever had a time when it was national-security oriented, that time would have been long ago once Cabal hit the scene.

Person 8 Again, a perfect position to observe that end of that loop, and what the google car did and would record in that area.

Person 9 – In backyard, required to call intersection decision.

Person 10 – Vehicle, because there are no houses there, and timed to call next intersection perfectly.

Person 11 Caught before he could get in the house, he watches from that corner. You will notice surveillance houses are chosen for sightlines to intersections, and up and down streets. The Secret Society strangely seems to live its entire life to give the machine optimal advantage.

Person 12

Again, these are contractors who you would not think could possibly be running coverage. But because of the cult-like nature of the Secret Society, they could be watching that corner, as well as the main intersection with the more primary roadway. You can’t rule them out. And their presence absent any other commit unit, on the google car, which we know is a target, makes them suspicious.

Person 13 This one is a different timeline, when you passed by the main intersection which might have been being covered by the roofers. Here in this different timeline, when there were no roofers, you have a lone pedestrian loitering at that corner where he can see both the main and secondary intersections.

Again, we arrive at a point where there is more surveillance than we can cover in merely one post. Now I acknowledge, not everybody in this post is necessarily surveillance. But I do assert that one, the google car is under surveillance, by the same actors who harass innocent citizens and spy on them for no reason.

As you can see, this machine is everywhere. Look at how many houses you saw here which appeared to be observation posts. There is no way they populate those neighborhoods to that degree, and they do not get into their neighbor’s lives, in the most intimate, horrific detail, on their down time. It is just part of the culture (and purpose) of the Secret Society.

Two, if you want to see what it looks like to be under surveillance, you have just driven around in a car that is under coverage. That is what it looks like.

There is no greater threat to freedom than this machine. The people in it could be marvelous, but it will get taken over and corrupted, and used by bad actors. It is a shadow dictatorship, already created and sitting in the shadows. Even worse, it knows society as a whole would be horrified by it, which is why it pressures those who speak of it to try and shut them up. So you live in a world, with an essentially all powerful quasi-governmental organization, beyond the reach of the law, which has something to hide. If that isn’t problematic, to put it lightly, I do not know what is.

The leadership of this deployed it on Brian Mancini and killed him. It riled up a mentally unbalanced man who had said he would kill a cop, and directed him to where Detective Miosotis Familia had been stationed in front of a big picture window in an NYPD command post van. That is unacceptable. I really could care less what happens to me in light of all of that. I should be doing more, but circumstances are stalling me, and I feel Trump and Q should have first bite at this, so I will wait. But I feel guilty every day, and remiss in my duty as an American as I do.

Now for the critics, who will inevitably declare they don’t see anything. Understand, the hand of God is behind me when I do these posts, I suspect because He sees this as an affront to the beauty of His free world. When I did the Bulgarian roundabout, I picked a random spot in Bulgaria. Lo and Behold, I actually had someone reading this site who would frequently visit relatives in that very area, and he did his own google drive-by of his relative’s neighborhoods, and said this:

Been following the series – how did you pick Stara Zagora? I have relatives from that area and from a couple villages close by. I did the same type of google drive-along in those villages and was amazed to see how many pedestrians are on the street – esp during a colder time of year. I’ve been there in the summertime and rarely see anybody. Strange

What are the chances of that? Have no illusions, I am not making this up, nor is God displeased with my efforts. I have seen this firsthand, and it is the biggest threat extant to the American Republic.

One other thing in one other spot, before we leave, as you will see it again in the next installment, and it will highlight an important aspect of this I keep reiterating. Here, there are no vehicles on the road to relay our action at the intersection to the team as we approach it, but if you look closely, you do have a person standing at the bus stop watching:

That bus stop is actually a little shed with benches you are supposed to sit inside of. So he is standing instead of sitting, and pointed in your direction watching your street instead of watching the highway in front of him. It is all to get a sightline to you as you come out of this neighborhood, almost as if he knew you were about to come out (he did). And he is watching you, with what appears to be a baby-stroller, no less. Where have we seen a baby-stroller before? Clearly if he has a baby stroller, he is not up to anything hinky. The baby stroller is a surveillance classic, from Russia, to Finland, to Sri Lanka, and strangely, there will often, if not always be a real baby in the stroller.

Again, I would never drag a helpless child of mine into an environment with a potentially hostile target my organization may be riling up to do some sort of mentally unbalanced murder. And I am definitely not doing it in an environment where I am forbidden from carrying a weapon and being able to secure their safety. And I am definitely not doing it if I know of other cases where kids were used for surveillance, thrown in to uncontrolled environments, and were killed. But again, the people involved in this sacrifice everything in their lives to this machine. It is very strange, and I can not help but feel somehow probative.

Up next, Sri Lankan motorbike surveillance – and the disturbing realization this massive conspiracy is global and extends even into the deepest recesses of third-world shitholes, the Secret Society behind it crosses national boundaries freely, and therefore there is some strange, massive, global entity out there which pays no attention to national laws or sovereignty, which intrudes on the most private moments of many, of not most people, and which a large portion of the population is aware of, and keeping from our sight, despite the obvious risks inherent to themselves and their families.

Most disturbingly, there are not a lot of banal explanations for this which fit easily into the paradigms we were raised with. I increasingly think that to fully understand this we may have to rearrange our understandings of the most basic foundations of the reality of the world we live in.

Spread r/K Theory, because for every person you tell, ten surveillance people hear about it.

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5 years ago

Why would Cabal want to surveil the Google Maps car? Google is Cabal, right? Cabal surveils Cabal?

How many locales did you have to look at before you found one that was worth writing up? Cherry picked?

5 years ago

Also, that’s wayfar north. You can drive from there to Murmansk in 7 hours! WTF is Cabal doing up there? Not that close to a national border.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

Thanks for the post. It feels like you are fleshing out with detail the things RIchard Kelly Hoskins wrote in his book “The Wolf and the Sheep”. He spoke in an allegorical way, but still made himself clear. Highly recommend that book.

5 years ago

DandyDan doth protest too much.

Shut the fuck up Dan, nobody asked your opinion. Go make your own site and community.

5 years ago

Speaking of “nobody asked your opinion”…

2 years ago

[…] Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience, Part Three […]