SuperFlus Spreading On Korean Peninsula As Olympics Approach

This is a result of shortage weakening humans:

Super flu outbreaks are ravaging the Korean Peninsula less than two weeks before the Winter Olympics — leaving North Korea scrambling to treat more than 81,000 people infected with swine flu as the South kills off nearly 1 million chickens to contain the bird flu on its side of the border.

Nearly 127,000 North Koreans were reported to have flu-like illness between Dec. 1 and Jan. 16, with 81,640 cases testing positive for Influenza A/H1N1, also commonly known as swine flu, the World Health Organization said in a report released Friday.

Three children and one adult have died from the flu, the health organization said.

Health officials said the bitter cold that began in December caused an “upsurge” in the flu cases — and it doesn’t seem like it is slowing down in the near future.

“The outbreak of influenza has been wide-spread in the country for more than a period of one month hence deployment of seasonal influenza vaccines to prevent the outbreak has a very limited role,” the WHO said.

More than half of the flu cases are people who are older than 17. North Korea requested flu vaccine support for people who are high risk in contracting the disease, according to Yonhap News Agency. The WHO also supplied the Hermit Kingdom with 5,000 tablets to help contain the outbreak.

Meanwhile, South Korea is also scrambling to contain the bird flu outbreak with less than two weeks until the Opening Ceremony at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. The South Korean government ordered about 764,000 chickens from farms near Seoul killed to prevent avian influenza H5N6 from spreading to people, the South’s Korea JongAng Daily reported, citing a government press release.

Nice. Bird flu and swine flu side by side, in an area with mass-nutritional deficiency, just waiting to swap genes and explode – right as the Olympics brings physically exhausted and emotionally stressed athletes from all over the world into town, before heading home on international flights.

Shortage weakens humans, and allows more viral replication, allowing the virus to search for mutations that can better overcome human immune defenses. This may happen in animals as well. Animals in nature may experience shortage due to some geological/astronomical linkage between periods of K on earth, and climatic disturbances affecting food yields. And it would not surprise me if it happens in domestic animals in farms, as farmers may seek to save money by cutting expenditures on food, supplements, and prophylactic medicines, and thus leave their animals more susceptible to illnesses themselves.

My assumption has been we will have a pandemic hit concurrent with the Apocalypse. But since K begins in the most impoverished areas first, it is not impossible the pandemic could get off the ground first in some small impoverished areas. And given travel patterns these days, if it becomes highly contagious, we will see it here.

On the bright side, given diminished disgust, high population densities, and migratory tendencies, the pandemic will hit the left worst of all

Spread r/K Theory, because ITZ coming in one form or another

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7 years ago

you left out of the first paragraph the athletes villiage which is basically full of young adults in that 15 to 35 range that are looking for fun. This was talked about in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Basically a chance to exchange a lot of STD’s. But even if protected from that, there are a lot of things transported in saliva or by touch. And I’d expect a lot of touching if not kissing in addition to more adult activities.

7 years ago

Captain Trips.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

A big problem is you can’t trust the vaccine makers. We know for a fact that they’ve slipped either up or in, a corrupted bird flu into other vaccines before. Whether this is incompetence, (supposedly with the level clearance and isolation they need to make vaccines this should be impossible), or malice has not been determined. We do know a microbiologist went on a California radio program and claimed they were doing it on purpose and the next thing you know he’s on TV being attacked by SWAT with an EMP pulse device and tear gas for, threatening to blow up the White house, as he tries to run for the Israeli embassy! I mean what the hell are we supposed to think about these kinds of things? I don’t take flu shoots anymore and I won’t take any other kind of vaccines I don’t care how much they tell us too. What’s bad is I could probably use these. I would take them. I have no problem with the theory of vaccines I just believe the people making them are crooked and we have very little assurance that they are not contaminated.