Superbug Hits LA

Matter of time before it hits the gays:

Los Angeles County public health officials announced Tuesday that they identified drug-resistant E. coli bacteria in a county resident, the first instance of the “superbug” in California.

The bacteria carries the mcr-1 gene — which is resistant to the antibiotic colistin, one of a few antibiotics that are considered a last resort in treating highly-resistant bacteria.

Investigators believe the county resident probably acquired it while traveling internationally.

Translation – the migrant picked it up in the course of travelling through fifteen different countries on their way here.

The real problem with this is, that gene can float around. So let it begin living in a bunch of people’s bodies (Cough, cough – gays), and it will swap that gene into other bacteria. Then you have several different bacteria, doing different things, all antibiotic resistant. That means untreatable pneumonia, untreatable bladder infections that wreck kidneys, untreatable diarrhea, untreatable skin ulcers, untreatable sore throats, and on and on.

Suddenly being around gays will mean that maybe your child dies from a hangnail – literally.

Think homophobia will come back into style then?

Homophobia was an instinct, not any sort of conscious judgment. Like it, dislike it, it doesn’t matter. If it promotes survival, it will be an integral part of the human machine.

Tell others about r/K Theory because it may actually save lives

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8 years ago

[…] Superbug Hits LA […]

8 years ago

It’s funny really. If Leviticus and Deuteronomy were followed none of this would be happening. To me it seems as if antibiotic resistance is like a slow moving nuke. Stay away from immigrants and homeless people, unless you want some vibrant mcr-1 colonizations. Expect this to be moving into emergency rooms and retirement homes within the next year or two. Hotels too.

8 years ago

I was taught in school that it wasn’t an instinct but simply cultural attitudes. For example that tribe in Papua that has ritual oral sex with adult men to “gain power”, or ancient athens. Of course it might just be that K = disgust and disgust implies exclusion of gays (there’s a gay talk show host I listen to sometimes and the things he describes are vomit-inducing). But it would fascinating if it were somehow built into the K suite of traits itself, so that it really is a natural aversion instead of a learned one.

A follow-up question is, do you think a few gays could be accepted if they practiced monogamy? Although I think it’s unlikely to succeed, the talk show host I mentioned is 2 years into a monogamous gay relationship, but the cracks are already forming.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

It is definitely outside the norm, but this particular gay talk show host is also outside the norm of gays in other ways. He’s highly intelligent so takes more precautions than the typical gay does. E.g. he gets himself HIV tested regularly, is careful with condoms. The norm is definitely promiscuity. There was a caller who said his doctor discovered he was gay when a test showed herpes-2 in his GI which could only be transmitted genitally. His response was, well I guess that’s what happens when you get plugged in the ass by a couple hundred guys (the caller was mid 20s!). Stefan Molyneux had some gay flatmates in theater school and reports much the same thing. It makes the whole gay marriage thing kind of laughable.

It’s eerie looking at it with what I know now, because this sort of behavior gets you killed very quickly without a wealthy medically sophisticated society. I try to imagine how the first AIDS patient must have felt, dying at 19 from impulses and drives that he couldn’t personally control. It’s sad:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

It is definitely outside the norm, but this particular gay talk show host is also outside the norm of gays in other ways. He’s highly intelligent so takes more precautions than the typical gay does. E.g. he gets himself HIV tested regularly, is careful with condoms. The norm is definitely promiscuity. There was a caller who said his doctor discovered he was gay when a test showed herpes-2 in his GI which could only be transmitted genitally. His response was, well I guess that’s what happens when you get plugged in the ass by a couple hundred guys (the caller was mid 20s!). Stefan Molyneux had some gay flatmates in theater school and reports much the same thing. It makes the whole gay marriage thing kind of laughable.

It’s eerie looking at it with what I know now, because this sort of behavior gets you killed very quickly without a wealthy medically sophisticated society. I try to imagine how the first AIDS patient must have felt, dying at 16 from impulses and drives that he couldn’t personally control. Look up Robert Rayford.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
8 years ago

Yes, and you referred to the malaria problem a couple of posts ago.

I would add Tuberculosis. Thinking back, I am sure I remember resistant strains being reported from London and New York as long as ten years ago.

I did not know enough to join the dots at the time, but later learned the problem is mainly among the Vibrant.