Summer Book Sale At AetherCzar

Over at Timeless authors, where everyone should have an account in the event we get shut down, AetherCzar has posted they are having a summer ebook sale, everything is .99 cents or it is free. From the post :

Just wanted to let the crew here know that our Super Summer Book Sale is live now:

Check out the Super Summer Book Sale running now through Tuesday June 21. Indie and small-press authors have banded together to offer over 160 ebooks priced at $0.99 with many titles free. The sale includes over sixty works new to the sale, and Terror House Press has joined in offering their entire catalog of ebooks for $0.99. Science fiction, fantasy, and adventure from established and emerging talents – there’s something for everyone.

The sale includes works from John C. Wright, Peter Grant, Russell May, Leigh Bracket, Tom Kratman, John Ringo, David Weber, H.G. Wells, Robert Kroese, and the sale also features “Centrism Games,” the first offering from Professor Rachel Fulton Brown and her Dragon Common Room.
Author Larry Correia recently explained,“There’s a lot of really good stuff out there that isn’t woke garbage. There’s a lot of amazing art from brilliant people that’s more focused on entertaining that shoving message down your throat… [T]here are lots of great authors out there who get zilch attention, in an industry that actively black balls them for wrongthink.”

So support non-woke creators and get yourself some great summer reading books from authors who don’t hate you, today!

If there are any authors who missed out participating this time, the next sale is set for September 7-13 to align with BasedCon.

Kindly boost the signal when you have a chance:

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2 years ago

Thumbs Up AC. Very much appreciate the referral.
As Ol’ Socrate’s said, knowledge is a gift nothing can take away.

2 years ago

i think this is a complimentary resource:
Found so many books from my favorite authors, awesome! Just amazing how many works some authors produce over their carrers, and this guy has ammassed a mountain of an historical reference including collating long out of publication works and alternative names authors used along with notes and dates etc.

here’s another resource been around decades, Project Gutenberg @:

they mention how they are under attack and striving to keep the revisionists at bay and NPC convergence horde outside the bulwark. No doubt.
Vox Day shows all evidence of outsmarting and triumphing over and creating sustainable platforms against that squalid convergence. Andrew Torba too and his evolution/revolution of building like Vox Day Alt-Platforms. And doing it in style. Great example of not just survival and self preservation, its Surthrival. Part and Parcel of The Honorable Resistance. Really, like Vox says, for all that is holy that which is the beautiful the good and the true. Somebody down south near where i reside who is from an original family who escaped the empire of lies in 1618, set up their homestead, put it this way; Time. Honored. Traditions. How, You, stick to your guns and don’t relinquish one iota of that and you’ll be OK, no matter what. so whats the most forbidden of all knowledge? Right? Dollars to donuts its whats at the link AC got up here. Its like ammo, books, you can’t have too much of either, take a look at what you got, double it, then your good to go.

I have in near oerfect condition, an orgiginal print, classified WWII, Materials Handbook, the first edition created for the war industry. Its unlike all subsequent editions. Printed on some kind of sturdy onion like paper thats opaque. HVYDTY shop survival binding. Amazing reference work, used it for almost forty years now for metal forming and welding, heat treating, foundry work, and materials referencing. Lot if historic manufacturing and processes, nothing within is out of daye, only not employed much or st all. But for sy the handcraftsman and Maker its absolutely priceless. First if its kind and developed for WWII war production because there just was no existing singular materials and process resource at that time. Its composed with the skilled laboror and manufacturing engineer in mind.
Anyways, fgured throw that out there, cause at one point had just begun to get in touch with the great Lindsey Publications about lending them my copy so they could reproduce it for their library so lots of folks could use it. Anyone who seen it is like where did you get that? its like nothing i ever read. Its really a remarkable body of work and truly unique among materials and their manufacture, like i mentioned it was considered so important to the war effort it was classified secret in this first edition as it states in the first pages.Explains why and how and who undertook this giant project. They left no basic to up to the state of the art knowledge out. From hand forgining and basic sand/lost wax foundry work to the latest areospace metal and composite alloys. Lot of surprizes in it too, for instance they had a quite good idea how derp cryogenic processes effected martinsite transformation in tool steels, or its effects on crystal structure and enhancements on cast iron and steel. Quite extensive. But nobody had put so much info in one reference.
I’m open to anyone seriously interested in its possible reproduction. Its truly a priceless body of reference, has no peer., I been at welding and metal fabrication since 12, going on 52 years now, its all i ever wanted to be, a welder, make things from metal. This book is superlative, nothing is outdated or obsolete. Dead nuts serious on that. Its that good. I bought it from a flea market dealer it was in 4 milk crates of optical grade clear quartz crystals salvaged from a lense grinding company who produced military spec optics during World War Two. I almost didnt take it with the collection of crates of crystals as its a large book and i had limit dry cargo space to cart it home. I still am getting use out of both, its really super clean quartz and in fist size to large orange size crystals. Cut a lot of unique briolettes and other non-typical faceted shapes from this material.
I know first person experience Old Ways are best ways. Lot of new high tech is really cool, yet its the old ways pre NC and Cad, when craftwork and skilled craftworkers made our country the industrial giant it was and very easily can be even after what the insects have done.
This Materials Handbook is that kind of priceless resource. You could run and teach an entire trade school just using this handbook and no other. It was composed to do exactly that in order to facilitate an almost ompossible task of training peopke for skiiled crafts work on production scales. Everything is in plain english providing sound basic essential descriptions and concepts.
Its a shame if it never got reprinted and put out there in some kind of volume. We are gonna really need it before this bullshit we are going thru is over as the two legged rats have decimated large aspects of our traditional American skilled workforce and its tribal/institutional knowledge. I know, i tetired as a welder after 44 years because it was becoming a real serious pain in the ass to get a job because everyone who inteeviewed me could not concieve of the level of experience and skills i had built over my carreer and love of metal forming. Guys like myself began to become rare as hens teeth after Vietnam. We saw it, the greed and avarise involved coming from this new breed of college edumacated whizkids was based on elimination of “expensive” skilled labor costs, seen as a block to instantaneous massive immediate profits and costs of overhead.
Its a perfect start up re-start knd of handbook when all that poison destroys itself. It was put together on that very premise of absence of and starting up from nothing a highly skilled knowledgable effecient productive labor/manufacturing base.
Like i said no other book like it i have got my paws on. There is no resemblance with the Materials Handbooks publshed subsequently after this first War Time handbook. The The second editions has a modicum of what was in the first, but its like a fart in a mitten i. cmoarason, after the second print there is no more resemblance to number one. Blew me away back when i began using it for work and teference and still does, jst how could anyone utterly exclude whats in the first handbook in later revisions is just beyond my comprehension. Was it deliberate? Cant say but it happened, i seen it with my own eyes looking thru later efitions. It just shocked the livin’ shit out of me. So mich pure base knowledge thats timeless, principles and processes which never change because physics is physics and the basic nature of materials remain the same.
It was a conscious decision to elminate all that is contained in the first handbook, nevermind none of them have the clarity or the simplisity the foundational mechanics the first has that are so easily comprehended. Its almost like a deliberate effort was implemented to use vague semi translusent definitions and descriptions, like there’s hidden inowledge there but no keys are provided to get to it. Really strange.

Reply to  BFYTW
2 years ago

It sounds like a beautiful book well worth preserving and reproducing. It may not be in Vox Day’s wheelhouse in terms of books but he would almost certainly know someone who know’s someone who might help you.
He seems like a responsive guy to sincere communications.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  BFYTW
2 years ago

That’s awesome, I’d love to own a copy or even just a pdf file.

Also sounds like something Sam J. might be interested in…

Last edited 2 years ago by Macaque Mentality
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  BFYTW
2 years ago

I would love to have a copy of something like this. Could you print all the data on it. Like exact name, edition, editors, anything. A couple pictures of the cover and inner sleeves and index would be nice.

I’ve got a LOT of Lindsey Publications books. Hundreds of dollars worth.

2 years ago

If you aren’t yet following AetherCzar (aka Hans Schantz) on telegram
Recommended highly. Telegram isn’t perfect (they banned RT, but clones appeared and eventually one went unbanned), but there are good voices there to follow.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Scruffy
2 years ago

Good one. Thanks. I see something about Tartaria (Crystal Palace Burns Down).
Those with Translate on their browsers should like tart-aria dot info, a very interesting Russian site with several writers on the subject and related topics, including *many* amazing photos and illustrations, maps, etc.

Reply to  Scruffy
2 years ago

Thanks, AC for the signal boost, and thanks Scruffy, for the kind words.

2 years ago

Thanks for the plug AC.

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