Sugary Drinks Associated with Earlier Age of Menarche

It is difficult to pin down any biological mechanism from the study referenced in this article, but it is interesting that those girls who consume high amounts of sugar become fertile earlier. Earlier age at first intercourse, or earlier sexualization of young, are r-strategy traits, designed to facilitate greater total reproductive rates. Here, girls who experience something one would associate with free resource availability (high blood sugar and associated insulin levels) begin to become sexually mature earlier in life. I’m not surprised. Simulating free resource availability changes the very nature of man, promoting every element of the r-strategy.

Interestingly earlier age of menarche has long been known to be associated with paternal abandonment and subsequent promiscuity, likely through genetics. I’d imagine, based on other readings indicating r-strategist humans may be more adaptable strategy-wise than K’s, that among all girls, those genetically predisposed to earlier menarche had a much greater response to sugary drinks, while those less genetically predisposed to earlier menarche had less of a response. I would also assume epigenetics has an unseen hand here as well, with the effects increasing over subsequent generations.

It will take a short while of resource shortage to change this, and according to this article, we may be approaching just such a point, especially since peak food doesn’t even begin to contemplate a collapse in confidence in our currencies, and the associated economic turmoil that will produce.

Crazy, horny, panicky, weird, insane, angry, fearful, cowardly r-strategists, borne of a perfect storm of genes, epigenetics, and conditioning, are about to run face first into a K-selection they are horrified by – and cannot escape from. Will they successfully pit K-strategists against each other and live? Will the K-strategists turn their backs upon the r’s, as the savages pick their low-hanging fruit, killing r-strategists horrifically? These are the periods when events occur which subsequent generations will be transfixed by for millennia. Invigorating, terrifying, or come combination of the above, in the next two decades, we are about to make history.

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10 years ago

Photoperiod (including artificial lighting) also influences puberty.

10 years ago

Sorry for going OT. I hope you will excuse me as I ask this question

What can a man like myself do in my daily life short of joining the military do to stimulate my amygdala to such an extent that it causes my psychology to shift to K-type or go even further across the spectrum?

Personally I would want to turn out to be like the Korean war veteran you referenced but modern society does not give much opportunity to become like him.

Your analysis is dead on in this article, it is interesting that environmental changes can have such an impact on a person’s psychology.

10 years ago

I guess if I’m reading this, I’m probably K-selected.

But I wonder, how much R I have in me.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 years ago

That makes a lot of sense. I used to worry for a time that I might be a narcissist.

At this point, I’d think that I have narcissistic tendencies, adopted through copying what I must to carry on in this maladaptive world.
