Stormy Daniels Says She Is Not Paying Her Legal Bills


Stormy is drawing up quite a bill. A high priced celebrity attorney doing TV Shows left and right is going to rack up the hours, all for a case they will never win. Could be Trump funding a false flag attack that he knows will go nowhere, or could be a leftist Cabalite who thinks they have found a weak point.

All of this is great training for the disorienting world of real Apocalypse, where intrigue abounds and you never know who has been compromised, and who is faking being compromised to distract attention and keep your enemies confused.

Trump is a walking, breathing incarnation of the Art of War. Face him in the Arena, and before long you will have no idea who is who, which way is up, and what is going on. You’ll have no ability to make any certain decision or take any decisive action. And that is just how he likes it.

Anyone facing him might as well just give up and surrender.

Spread r/K Theory, because the God Emperor is a hell of a show

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Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
6 years ago

Part of the Law-fare that the left is engaging in is just an extension of the family court system. Money, the type that is funding the rubber boats with outboard engines carrying people to Europe or financing the March for our Lives is finding its way to Attorneys like Avenatti and Gloria Allred to fund bogus sexual harassment and sexual assault charges with the hope that some will stick effecting political electoral outcomes.

Hillary Clinton’s major political kill shot at Trump was the dubious “19 women to come forward” . Lisa Bloom was offering $750,000 to try and get a statement to drop right before the election. And of course,we have the hookers peeing in his bed nonsense. The Corey Lewandowsky incident with Michele Fields was meant to harm Trump not Lewandowsky. Something similar went on in the Alabama Senate race with Roy Moore . Bill O’Rielly and Sean Hannity had something similar happen to them. There is nothing ambiguous about what is happening.

In one sense, Trump is truly a ‘red pill ‘ for the nation. By attempting to use his personal sexual life against him, both real and imaginary, it is waking up the country to the pernicious side of feminism and the liberals who want to pathologize and criminalize men while furthering their own political ends.

6 years ago

Only because there’s currently nothing important going on. God is the news boring now.

6 years ago

Or he’s doing it on contingency based on damages for the defamation suit. The NDA might have an atty fees provision in it for the prevailing party, so he might have it on contingency of that.

I’m sure he has a plan to get paid, even though it might be a longshot/windfall plan.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
6 years ago

he is going to take it in trade. would love to see how he puts that on his income tax form.

6 years ago

He’s being paid by outside sources, Soros-like people. This isn’t probono.

6 years ago

It’s all part of the Moral War as this article by Z man illustrates. The Left believes it has the moral high ground and the Stormy Daniels thing is keeping the spotlight on Trumps supposed lack of morals as the Left sees it. The fact that a lot of his supporters, both men and women, have no issue with the fact that Trump is an Alpha or Sigma male is what they are fighting against. It’s why you can’t fight the Left on facts as their ideology is a religion where they get to be righteous and feel they are morally superior.

6 years ago

O/T May I ask if you are aware of Integral Theory by Ken Wilber or Spiral Dynamics as it’s known? Having read Michael Krieger’s articles (there are 5 or 6) about it, it seems to me that the r correlates to the green in the Spiral with K being orange. I would be interested to know if you think there will be an alternative to r/K if this theory of an increase in human consciousness actually manifests itself (yellow in the Spiral). By that I mean in addition to, not a replacement of either r or K.

His most recent post about it: