Stefan Molyneux is Being Hunted

Stefan is being hunted:

My guess is he is playing it down, because he thinks you would never believe another word he said if he explained just how far it has gone.

Here is the thing. If you think you are being “hunted” through a city, your initial impulse is to think that it is whatever you see in front of you. That is logical. We know everything that operates out there, Police would never do this, Government would fear exposure, and so on. So you think it is some small group. Antifa, leftists, maybe a PI firm sent by the leftist political party.

It is not any of that. It is a massive, complex, globally-unified intelligence operation that spans national boundaries, even into nations we would think are our enemies (pro-tip – that ostensible sovereign nationalism is all for show). It probably originates somewhere in Europe. The people doing it are random tools who live in your town or city, and probably think they are some sort of national secret police. But somewhere up the food chain are very smart people who know the score and have probably been doing it a while.

It was my belief they would not be government-operatives, but rather private sector contractors linked entirely unofficially, almost-socially with executive-level FBI and CIA to offer legal cover, but I am not so sure now. That is how a smart person would have organized it. That is how I would have organized it, and I am not even a pro. But I also assumed the intelligence operation that I knew was going to target Trump’s campaign would have been run completely off-book by private contractors with no records of it, and shielding from Law Enforcement by friendly executive-level FBI working off the record to run cover. But in reality official FBI agents were exchanging official text messages on FBI issued phones, getting official FISA warrants, writing memos, and holding official meetings with people who were not read into the conspiracy present. They basically created a detailed roadmap that is about to utterly destroy them. So these may not be the sharpest tools in the shed.

They will use your natural biases to try and give themselves cover, by showing you exactly what will fit with your natural biases to lead you to think they are whatever will give them the most advantage. They understand their greatest advantage is controlling what you think. And they use that by showing you what they want you to see.

This will change from person to person. An idiot who poses no threat but who could accomplish some minor damage if he put his mind to it, can be presented with an image of whatever he doesn’t like, elevated to a position of power which makes him helpless. His hatred and helplessness will amplify his amygdala to a point he will be neutralized, or even self-destruct. Someone who poses a threat may be presented with images of something he likes doing it unwillingly, to tone down his amygdala and keep them from acting out. The point is, what you see is not what you are looking at.

What you are looking at is the operational ground game of the Secret Society. As far as I can tell, it is not left or right, pro-government or anti-government, Pro-life or anti-life, pro-law-and-order or criminal, pro-freedom or even anti-freedom. It is just foot soldiers sent to make sure the Society controls all the voices people hear, the ideas they encounter, and all the various forces which might move them to action. It is people following orders, maybe so they get advantage, maybe so the machine does not decide to come down on them. In some places it may be testing out advanced technology, and you will get that. In others it may be making MK Ultra-windup toys, and you might be a candidate for that – or like Brian Mancini, a threat to that. In others it may have some facility it doesn’t want the observant to notice, or some corruption it doesn’t want the principled to interfere with.

The “Rufschild” who answered questions implied he barely knew of it. He said it was created by the level just above us, which feared failing to control us and getting replaced by the Architects – and losing the marginally increased creature comforts they had become accustomed to. I assume that meant guys like New York AG Eric Schneiderman, who had threatened to deploy it on his Indian girlfriend when she threatened to leave him for beating her and demeaning her during sex. I would guess the creature comforts he enjoyed were being able to access the sex slaves of groups like NXIVM. What the ground level gets, the silver or the lead, I do not know.

From what I have seen it kills reporters like Michael Hastings, veterans like Brian Mancini, Cops like Miosotis Familia, and probably a lot of other people who had some significance to Cabal, which we never heard of. Others unrelated die when some of the the people they are winding up with angst blow, and take out random civilians. And the machine grinds on. But its primary job is simply to gather information on you, and everyone else, and carry out the orders it is given to harass some, elevate others, and so on. To the extent working you up exercises your amygdala and makes you prone to act out with less thought, it will do that, but it is just a tactic they have figured will help to control you.

I would assume for whatever reason they want Stefan worked up a little bit, but not too much. For a libertarian who dislikes leftists, the idea of leftists acting uncivilized without some sort of just curtailing of their behavior is distasteful. So they have settled on that. It will irritate him, but not put him into full-war mode as much as if he thought it was the government doing it to him. Perhaps they are doing something else, like cutting his youtube numbers, of taxing his cashflow somehow, which they do not want him looking at too closely with a calm, analytical mind.

Unfortunately, if you encounter it, it will become the evidence nothing works the way you were told. Cops and Federal Agents, from what I can tell, fear it, and it has some sort of ability to put them in a box and exert full control over them – even, and maybe especially, the ones who want to help. News anchors, reporters, and anyone with a megaphone will probably either be a part of it, or know to fear it. It is the big secret a small part of society has kept from us. It is McCain in a national debate amusedly flicking his nose as he makes reference to JFK’s murder as “… the intervention, er tragedy in Dallas.” It is Felicity Huffman tweeting out “Don’t Cheat!” It is Pizza menus filled with pedophile symbolism. They know, we don’t, and it is funny how clueless we are. At least for now.

Stefan is getting harassed, so I would give him the advice I would give everyone who runs into this. Roll tape. Get some video camera sunglasses (this brand is good. With a big enough external battery pack plugged into them, and a 64GB MicroSD card, you can record for hours uninterrupted, in crystal-clear 1080p). Wear them everywhere you go. Run 1080p dashcams out all four sides of your car, and archive the video.

“It” fears exposure, so if you roll tape, it will still show up, but it will eliminate the overt harassment because it will not want it exposed on youtube by a channel with millions of viewers. Recording is also a threat to every individual operator, because once exposed, an operator is of limited use in the future to the machine. The last thing they want is multiple videos on youtube showing the same operators fucking with multiple people who don’t know each other. That begins to look like proof.

Then, sooner or later you will capture mistakes, where somebody accidently makes it obvious what is going on. As those accumulate, you will have leverage, and they will make less effort to harass you. The video is wise from an evidentiary perspective anyway. If something happens, leave us a record of who was around you.

You can go the route of opening up a youtube channel, and exposing everything you see, but I am not sure whether that is of use or not at this point for the individual. On the upside, it does give everyone else an idea of what is going on. On the downside, they will then begin to become much bigger pains in the ass. For someone like Stefan, I would expect he would find that no matter how many people visit his youtube videos, the numbers would never show more than a few thousand hits, and his deplatforming would escalate rapidly. They might even take more extreme measures. Whether you are up for that or not is a matter of personal preference. I suspect the diminishing youtube numbers he reports are not actually fewer viewers, but rather just someone in the machine at google manually seeing to it his hits are undercounted. And yes, it is my belief that as Cabal, this can change those numbers if they are motivated enough.

My own situation is such that they wait until I am about to drift off to sleep, and then use some sort of directed energy weapon to vibrate me, which wakes me up. Concurrently, I’ve been putting together what will be perhaps the most brilliant content I think this site has ever produced. It will simultaneously drive virality for it, destroy the ability of this machine to shill forums online, and it will blow your mind and make you about one thousand times more capable of operating in the real, intelligence-driven world. I had been slow walking it, as a threat to try and get whatever the irradiation is to stop, but that hasn’t worked, so I’m just going to go live with it when it is finished. Delenda Est. anyway. In a way, it is freeing.

For Stefan, hang tough buddy. If they haven’t killed me yet, you’ll be fine in the long run. And I will add I was once approached by someone, long before Q or Trump, when this was at its zenith and the force behind Obama seemed unstoppable. They were not clear, but they implied they knew of my situation. He then very clearly implied I should hang on, because he said all of this will be destroyed in the near future, and everyone who is under it should be glad, because the lawsuits are going to make them very rich. I nodded, but assumed it was probably one of them trying to tone me down. At the time, I was heading toward reaching out to Russian intelligence to seek help to tear it down myself. I assumed the Russians would not like it either, an American on the ground might be a real asset they could use, and my Russian-esque, Circus-like plan might amuse them to pull off. But there was an aspect of the approach which made me think it might not have been a head game. Fast forward a few years, and suddenly Q and Trump enter the scene, and now I think that might have been a genuine gesture of sympathy and common cause from a patriot keen to the Plan, who sought me out to help.

Regardless of whether it was or not, there are certain realities of nature which you don’t need to understand to see clearly. Long before anyone knew about solar orbits or planetary cant, they understood the summers were fleeting. Likewise, I don’t need to know everything going on to grasp, this is coming down. It has gotten too big, those who issued orders have gotten too reckless, and the ability of people to make connections online grew too great. That I see a clear mechanism in Q and Trump, only strengthens that assumption.

So keep the faith and subscribe to Stefan. Soon, we will all be free again.

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t know what freedom is, until you realize you no longer have it.

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Intel, Politics, Q, Surveillance, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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No Name
No Name
6 years ago

Here’s a video of Stefan being interviewed by NZ media about an appearance of his being canceled in NZ. Note that Stefan doesn’t seem to quite know what’s going on, presumes the resistance to be purely political or ideological in nature. He’s ran into Cabal but doesn’t seem to quite realize it yet in this video.

6 years ago

They are not the sharpest tools in the shed.
“These people are stupid”-Q.

Too many generations of absolute dominance have caused an r shift towards devolution in the current cabal and they have reached the point where they are vulnerable to being overthrown from within or even from without, if they aren’t then in a few more generations they will collapse on their own.

6 years ago

“I had been slow walking it, as a threat to try and get whatever the irradiation is to stop, but that hasn’t worked, so I’m just going to go live with it when it is finished. Delenda Est. anyway. In a way, it is freeing.”

I can empathize with this. I’m not doing anything particularly useful or interesting in quite the same way, yet I’ve had the sense the powers that be have wanted to shove me in a corner and make me invisible. The greatest act of defiance has been to exist so utterly and participate in all aspects of life that have seemed closed to me. If this is your form or participation, then good for you to keep going with it.

I pray for justice because I feel my family has been held back and prevented from enjoying the success we deserve. It’d be nice to see how we’d do on a level playing field. Some examples: My dad was almost single-handedly running his workplace, surrounded by useless people who only kept their jobs because of unions making them impossible to remove. After decades of good work, he wanted a promotion to a job were he’d make more, yet have a lighter workload and get to wear a nice suit. He was getting older, slowing down, and felt he deserved it. They passed him over and gave the job to a gold-toothed dindu who bragged about saying the ‘f-word’ during the interview. It’s like they wanted to not just deny him the job, but also humiliate him with the message ‘because we can’.

My mom had to fight for her position against a group of misogynists who thought she shouldn’t deserve a management position only because she had a vagina. Her work was exemplary. After getting the job finally, she reorganized production in the whole building with a system they are still using today. One of the guys broke into her computer, stole her work and turned it in to a higher up as his own. He got a 30K bonus that was basically stolen from our family. On top of it, she was heavily pregnant at the time with a fourth child and could have used the money.

In that case, one of the sexists who tried to deny her the promotion and tried to get her to clean up after the guys dropped dead of a heart attack at age 40. The guy who stole from her…his wife had a baby so deformed, it only lived a day. Then they never had other children. It’s not justice, but it’s a comfort to know that for all the cheating, stealing and taking advantage the cabal people do, the good lord will still choose to take a dump on them as much and as randomly as the rest of us. 😛

Joe Katzman
6 years ago

“But I also assumed the intelligence operation that I knew was going to target Trump’s campaign would have been run completely off-book by private contractors with no records of it, and shielding from Law Enforcement by friendly executive-level FBI working off the record to run cover. But in reality official FBI agents were exchanging official text messages on FBI issued phones, getting official FISA warrants, writing memos, and holding official meetings with people who were not read into the conspiracy present. They basically created a detailed roadmap that is about to utterly destroy them. So these may not be the sharpest tools in the shed.”

Contemplate, too, that these weren’t low-level grunts. These were guys who were supposed to be *elite*.

This is the consistent reality of EVERY sizable human organization, with exceptions that are both rare and limited in duration. Scott “Dilbert” Adams is a millionaire for a reason.

This reality creates a flaw in your theory re: a consistently competent and yet world-spanning Cabal. If they are that big, you must assume a fair share of incompetence, not to mention succession problems whose consequences scale at rates above linearity.

These things would have consequences.

I’m not saying that conspiracies don’t exist. The conspiracy theory of history is consistently validated by known historical events, and the American Deep State is real and verified. At the same time, conspiracies that remain covert have inherent human-derived limitations, and expansion of reach and aims multiplies any such conspiracy’s difficulties enormously. Theories to explain the things we see must take these factors into account.

“I had been slow walking it, as a threat to try and get whatever the irradiation is to stop, but that hasn’t worked, so I’m just going to go live with it when it is finished. Delenda Est. anyway. In a way, it is freeing.”

If your beliefs are true, you just painted a target the size of Mt. Rushmore on your back.

Why would you tip off an organization like that, in order to make yourself a higher priority target? Wouldn’t it be a much better play to slow down blog postings, claim listlessness and low energy, then just spring the thing?

There’s something in the game here that I’m not getting. But it’s your game. As always, we wish you well.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Joe Katzman
6 years ago

“Contemplate, too, that these weren’t low-level grunts. These were guys who were supposed to be *elite*.”

I’ve seen this thing operate on a local level and my sense is that they were able to get away with so much because they knew that local law enforcement and courts would look away. I have no doubt that at the Strzok and Page level that they really felt above the law. After all, they were the law.

Also, it’s obvious to me that Cabal’s communications from top to bottom are, in fact, very constrained. Intel rises up the chain and orders run down it. But they clearly aren’t working from a shared and unfolding similar orientation. I also strongly believe that lying is so intrinsic to these people and their operations that they don’t fully inform the underlings.

So why do I bring this up? I think the signals from up top in 2015-16 were very, very clearly “Trump Bad! Trump Bad!” But the nature of Cabal’s communications means that they weren’t able to distribute detailed memos that analyzed the threat. And a lot of stuff that they were pumping out about Trump was purely to make him look bad, not to give their ground level operators a deeper understanding so that they could act more appropriately.

This is Cabal’s vulnerability. If you watch them closely you’ll note a lag time as narrative forms. They can’t broadcast with specifity to all members of the team in a way that richly detailed. Because Cabal fears to leave written records. Its members have to look around and basically act like and talk like people they know to be of relevance.

This gets to your point about conspiracies and whether AC’s read on things is accurate. I’m sure that, more or less, he’s accurate. The liabilities or risks that you pointed to inherent in human organizations are mitigated by cabal because it’s not like they have fully onboarded members. Low ranking members rarely see more than a level or two above themselves. And so much of what they do know is speculation. Now, what they do know is that there is something there and a few specific people in their lives apparently hold great sway and it’s best to kowtow to them. They’ve been scared and enticed and they’ve got a handler. Along with that, many organizational problems are mitigated but it also limits vertical communication bandwidth and quality as I noted above.

6 years ago

Godspeed AC! Can’t wait for this brilliant conent your’re talking about.

Offtopic question. Anyone got any information on “the rot” or Cabal in Norway?

6 years ago

I read this with tears in my eyes. Prayers for you and Stefan.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

The subversive virgin cabal operatives VS the chad Patriot AC blogger

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I should have clarified: for your safety. And boredom is definitely not a factor for people in our situations! You are one of the few websites that keeps my hope alive.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

You wrote: “As far as I can tell, it is not left or right, pro-government or anti-government, Pro-life or anti-life, pro-law-and-order or criminal, pro-freedom or even anti-freedom”

Umm… Cabal is inherently leftist, and in many ways ideologically so. Cabal has a definite bolshevik streak that seeks to chew up other cultures. But it is also ruthlessly business oriented to the extent of really no holds barred. This was my biggest shock, really. I really felt that most leftists/liberals were good people with just silly ideas, but I didn’t take them to be unethical or worse. Low ranking members may not be that bad. But the political operatives? It’s all slogans that serve for cover for making money. It’s all about chasing money and power. And to some extent this will lead towards leftist political thought because leftism seeks to tear down existing power structures and also seeks control revenues from taxation. This will always lead to a growing state, growing tax revenues, and destruction of community structures that form what may be considered rival to Cabal.

Cabal does reach into the Republican party, but my sense is that the presence is primarily along the lines of merely bribing or blackmailing members. Many traditional conservative ideas don’t really run along with the conservative game plan.

How is cabal on the environment? Again, there’s no coherent ideology here other than the raw pursuit of power and tax revenues. They’ll justify scorched earth if it benefits them, and my guess is that most other obviously “pro environment” positions stem from putting the brakes on their competitors. I’d really like to look into who benefited from the Dakotas pipeline and who was paying for their protestors.

What makes all of this so dangerous is that your average decent person looks at the political left and sees policies that don’t seem to be intellectually consistent or perhaps even hypocritical. And they mistakenly assume that these are just dimwitted, confused, but otherwise well meaning people. You could be confused into thinking that they really believe in civil rights. It’s a stunning realization when you find that instead you’re dealing with ruthless sociopaths who lie without hesitation. People who have a heart that would shock Joe Pesci’s character from Good Fellas.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

I would tend to agree with this. The people who value the concept of freedom also understand that a small government makes it harder to control all the different parts of society. To institute that kind of control requires a massive and intrusive state that can worm its way into every aspect of a person’s life, from how much a person is taxed, to what kind of car he can drive, to what kind of food he is allowed to buy and on and on. For the left there is no area of human life that they consider to be off-limits from their continuous attempts at intervention. Thus a massive government and the ideology that justifies its existence would be vital to those at the top of this system who are driven to maintain their position, power and wealth. An honest merit-based system would certainly not work to their benefit, nor would it offer them the kind of protection from competition that they would need.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“Cabal is leftist, but the machine it uses may not be. It is like Obama’s government was leftist, but the HRT guys they would send to knock down your door would not have been.” They are. Your biggest remaining blind spot is your belief that Cabal has not yet infiltrated many police and sheriff’s departments. They have.

One example for now: During the raid on Mayor Cheye Calvo’s home, a SWAT officer hunted for and shot both of Calvo’s dogs to death, one of whom was trying to run away from him at the time. Only a Narcissist would do such a thing.

There are many more examples, historic and recent.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

If you remember what I suggested about a 2d spectrum then it is only natural that the cabal is a mix and a compromise between r and K.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

The unity is power and profit and preservation of family rule. Everything beyond that is theatre and pragmatics.

I promise you that you’ll find things like this, however: small businessmen who are in areas under cabal control who openly support left-wing cabal approved candidates even though they aren’t left-wing. Cabal asserts astonishing control and it does it all without written directives or explicit commands. I noticed this in 2016 when I saw many low level cabalists posting anti-Trump memes in what i’m sure was a way of signaling those above them that they were on the team. And I think that this in part contributes to the surprise of Trump’s election night victory: many people knew better than to openly support him.

Cabal’s level of control that you seem to marvel at really comes down to nothing more than an unstated threat of criminal violation or professional/career sabotage. People will shut up to protect their family. It’s absolutely identical to how mafia neighborhoods work in the movies. To really understand how cabal works, all you need to do is read The Godfather by Mario Puzo. It’s not really an impressive work of literature; it’s quite ordinary, actually. But every single scene offers an instruction on the basic rules to keep in mind. No scene is accidental. In fact, I suspect the reason the novel was made into a bestseller was that it’s a de facto training manual. I’m not joking.

Watch the movies closely. Pay attention to each interaction and motivation. Now imagine those rules being applied in your local chamber of commerce or in government agencies. You’ll no longer marvel at the mechanism. Their training manual is hiding in plain sight in every public library and bookstore in the country.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
6 years ago

while I like much of what Stefan says, there is a collectivist underlying in his mindset. I think he is unaware of this.
human nature does not change, I think he doesn’t accept this point. that is the basis of most collectivists, the perfect human can be molded. NOT.

6 years ago

“If your beliefs are true, you just painted a target the size of Mt. Rushmore on your back.” They already knew. He will still have an insurance policy.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

“But in reality official FBI agents were exchanging official text messages on FBI issued phones, getting official FISA warrants, writing memos, and holding official meetings with people who were not read into the conspiracy present.”

This, and other instances, point to the Cabal being penetrated at a high level by white hats. To the point that some parts of the machine are following orders from people that apparently no black hats know are part of the away team.