Standard Hotel Has 55 Gallon Drums Of Acid On Site?

Q did some drops alleging that Adam Schiff had some sort of blackmailable offense occur at the Standard Hotel in Los Angeles, and the death of two hotel employees in a helicopter crash was the Deep State tying up loose ends.

Crazy Days and Nights did a blind item supposedly on the Standard Hotel after the death of those employees:

Over the weekend, the head of this company, who had never been seen in person at this particular location showed up in the middle of the night. He had called ahead and the highest ranking person still left at this business was told to be there for the meeting. He instructed that no one else be there. The urgency was dictated because of multiple deaths that happened a short time before involving two very key employees of this company. Those two employees were in charge of the account number mentioned in the title.

That account number was established several years ago when the new owner bought out the original owner. It was an internal billing account, but the bills were never paid. They were never supposed to be paid. It was simply to keep track of a special group of clientele who are friends of the owner. The problem was that after the death of the two employees, one of the clientele showed up at the business with two very young women he said were his nieces and said he had a reservation. He used the name associated with that account. The problem is these clientele were always processed by the two dead employees. They were not always there in person but would arrange that all the formalities would be taken care of beforehand so whatever clientele were there could get on with their activities quickly.

When this man showed up with his nieces who really looked nothing like each other or the man and were really young to be wearing what they were wearing, calls were made. Did anyone know about the reservation and then someone looked up the history of the name associated with the account and sent a group e-mail asking about the reservation and included the account number in the e-mail. The man and his nieces were not given a room because none of them had or were willing to produce identification or a method of payment. The man explained that no payment was ever required because it was handled through Mr. Weishaupt. No one at the company had ever heard of Mr. Weishaupt and another group e-mail was sent inquiring about Mr. Weishaupt.

Only a few hours later, the call was made by the man who came in the middle of the night. Was it Mr. Weishaupt? I don’t know. The person who told me all of this only caught a glimpse of the man as he left the next morning trailed by that highest ranking employee available at the company. The person who spoke to me is adamant that the previous owner didn’t have a special account number. The employees had been trying to recall anyone they remembered who had used the account number or name when they checked in.

So people are alleging that this hotel was like a joint Deep State safehouse, and 24/7 honeypot. But did it have had another use too?

An interesting flashback:

For a few terrifying moments in the early morning hours of the recent Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, authorities in Los Angeles were concerned that terrorists had launched an attack in a downtown subway station…

But hazardous-materials teams were unable to find the source of the gas in the Metro station at 7th and Figueroa streets, so fears of terrorism began to fade. Ultimately, investigators determined that the toxic cloud was chlorine gas emanating from a storm catch basin two blocks away.

The culprit, prosecutors allege, was not some scary extremist group, but the owner of The Standard, a trendy downtown hotel with a reputation for celebrity sightings and a rooftop swimming pool.

Hotel maintenance workers initially admitted pouring a small amount of chlorine down a rooftop drain. But investigators did not believe that would have accounted for the noxious cloud. An FBI agent, who specializes in environmental crimes and who is known for her pit bull-like tenacity, conducted follow-up interviews in which employees eventually acknowledged emptying the majority of two 50-gallon drums of muriatic acid and chlorine into the drain, the complaint alleges.

As a result, the company that owns the hotel was charged by the U.S. attorney’s office late Thursday with knowingly disposing of hazardous waste. If convicted, the company could be fined up to $500,000…

James Peaco, coordinator of the FBI’s weapons of mass destruction squad in Los Angeles, received a message on his BlackBerry shortly after the gas cloud was reported downtown. Initially, Peaco didn’t think much of it. His team is summoned about a once a week to deal with suspicious packages and all manner of other potential threats. Rarely do they turn out to be the real deal.

But when Peaco saw the words “chlorine” and “subway” in the same sentence, he felt his stomach tighten.

“Chlorine is not naturally occurring,” he recalled thinking to himself at the time, “and the subway is a venue we anticipated as a target. So I thought this was actually a terrorist attack.”

Peaco said he was so concerned that he called his bosses in L.A. and FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., with a warning to be alert for potential simultaneous attacks across the country.

In addition to Peaco’s squad, hazmat teams from the LAPD, the Sheriff’s Department and the Fire Department converged on the scene. When they traced the chlorine to the drain outside The Standard, fumes were still rising to the street above, so police shut down the intersection of 6th and Flower streets, snarling traffic for hours.

Meanwhile, an LAPD officer made his way to the roof of the hotel and interviewed employees who acknowledged pouring a small amount of old pool chlorine into the drain, according to the complaint. The officer noticed an empty 50-gallon tank labeled “muriatic acid” under some stairs near the pool, but employees denied dumping any of that into the drain. There was another unmarked 50-gallon tank — this one nearly empty — nearby.

In follow-up interviews, Annette O’Donnelly, the FBI agent with the reputation for being tenacious, discovered that the two tanks contained chemicals that were left over from when the pool operated on a different cleaning system.

She interviewed two supervisors and a graveyard-shift maintenance employee who ultimately acknowledged pumping the contents of the two tanks into a drain, according to court documents. Running water from a hose was used in an attempt to dilute the discharge.

The terrorism scare notwithstanding, it is illegal to dump chlorine and acid into the sewer system because such contents can corrode pipes, overcome maintenance workers with fumes and harm the environment.

Mark Rowley, the hotel’s chief engineer, allegedly told O’Donnelly he knew the “best way” to get rid of the chemicals would have been to hire a disposal company to truck them away, according to court records.

But he decided “we could deal with it this way,” the court documents state.

Muriatic Acid sounds like a good cover but it could also have been the more concentrated industrial Hydrochloric Acid, which is actually quite good for dissolving bodies. Either way, if they tested the container it would just have tested for HCl.

Here is the thing. If you have a pool, and you buy chemicals, even from a professional wholesaler who supplies the professionals, they never sell chlorine or muriatic acid in 55 gallon drums. A 55 gallon drum will weigh almost 500 lbs, and it has no handles. Even if a pool truck has two guys, they can’t each lift 250 lbs and move that drum into the back of their pickup, and even if they could, how are they going to get the acid or chlorine to each pool they service? Will they carry the drum to the pool?

When you go to a wholesaler, they sell the Muriatic acid and Sodium Hypochlorite liquids in 5 gallon plastic drums, with handles to carry it to a pool. I am not sure that if you asked, you could even get them to special order a 55 gallon drum. Plus you do not use much muriatic acid to alter the pH of a pool, and you use it rarely, so you don’t buy 50 gallons and store it around. A normal pool owner will rarely buy more than a gallon per year. Even a hotel pool, getting more chemicals, is probably going to be well served with three or four five gallon bottles of acid per year, if they even use that.

Which raises the question, where were they getting these drums? What acid specifically was it that was in the drum? Plus imagine how long it would take to pour 50 gallons of a caustic acid, with noxious fumes that can burn your lungs, down a drain. You’d have to stand there adjusting the flow, and dollars to donuts, you would be bathed in fumes. And how are you even moving the drum?

It is not impossible that hotel has a quite interesting history of things none of us would believe could occur in the US.

If this is what everything is like now, imagine the excitement we will have when the Apocalypse hits.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because real life is like the movies lately

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7 years ago

Check out the post on Heartiste: The Deep State Is The Deep Left State

How through controlling hiring the left has by accident, but deliberately, created the deep state.

Vox day always tells us that SJWs always infiltrate via HR, now imagine that over multiple years in multiple agencies. Shudder….

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

I guess anything is possible when a government have declared war on their own citizens.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…Here is the thing. If you have a pool, and you buy chemicals, even from a professional wholesaler who supplies the professionals, they never sell chlorine or muriatic acid in 55 gallon drums…”

I can somewhat verify this. I’ve worked around two different pools one Olympic sized and one even bigger and they did not have chlorine in 50 gallon drums. I knew the guy that took care of the pool in one and talked to him about keeping it because I had a pool. Now others may do different but this is what I saw. Another problem is most chlorine is powder, it would be hard to pour down a drain and pouring water on it would be really choking. Another problem is, did they get rid of the pool? Why throw away chemicals you need?

I admit that there are suitable answers for this. A lot of people are going with salt water cleaning systems that use electricity to make chlorine continuously by separating the salt. Good system.

7 years ago

Wow, they really planned to have the pools clean for 4000 years didn’t they?

This is kinda unrelated, but very interesting:

Amanda Fight
Amanda Fight
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

9/11 was done by the 13 family bloodlines, you know the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, etc etc….the 13 family bloodlines are the direct bloodline of CAIN… YOU KNOW SATANS and EVE’S CHILD and brother of ABEL, ADAM and EVE’S SON…. but they had their PUPPETS, the Bushes, Clintons etc. etc. do their dirty work for them!! Mossad is solely not responsible for 9/11, please do not make the American people or anyone hate Israel, because God WILL STRIKE anyone down who tries to destroy Israel! People must understand that ALL bad/evil things that happen are of SATAN PERIOD! The 13 bloodline families are lucifarian and they are the worst of the worst! They are the most evil because they are directly connected to evil….CAIN/satan! Lucifarians know the true story of Adam and Eve and what happened in the garden, they know that Eve had sexual relations with satan, HENSE where the evil Cain comes from, she had TWO sons by TWO FATHERS and most people dont know this because they dont read the bible correctly. You must read the full context and then use scripture vs scripture to figure it out. God tells us what happens in the garden but he was so disgusted that he did not go into detail!! Eve DID NOT EAT AN ACTUAL FRUIT!! “She ate of the fruit”, means she had sexual intercourse with satan, because our mouth is a hole and a female has a vagina, which is another hole and that’s why God describes it that way. Back then they spoke very different than today. And every book has an end, we are living in biblical times yet and the bible is not finished quite yet but it’s close. These 13 family bloodlines and the other evil people connected to them, like the deep state, illuminati and the very rich evil elites, are the 4th beast of the bible, the one that looks very different from the other 3 beasts. Get saved today if you are not because you don’t want to be here after God separates the Sheep (good) from the Goats (bad) also known as the RAPTURE because right after the Rapture, comes the Tribulations period for the Jews, non believers and the wicked to live through the antichrist gaining power to give the Jews, non believers and the wicked, a taste of their own medicine for not listening to Gods commands. God says, fine you want to stay on this worldly plane where we dont belong and believe in evil and worship evil, fine here…. have a taste of evil power for a bit, then I’m gonna come and wipe ALL EVIL out once and for all! PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH!!

Reply to  Amanda Fight
4 years ago

Try harder.

Regardless if you are a Christian or not, it is useful that you know about these facts pertaining to Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion. Remember why this is important:
The biggest voting block in the US, the Evangelicals, make up 25% of the US population, and they have been psyoped into supporting the terrorist state of Israel (which was complicit in the 2nd 9/11 attack on the US) for religious reasons via the Scofield Bible, which was commissioned to Scofield by the Rothschild.

And also remember that the True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not the Rothschild created earthly country we call Israel today.

Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel: – “How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1” – “How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2”

Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats:

Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him:

7 years ago

You can check out any time you like,
but, you can never leave.

Hotel California

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

Just read all those lyrics. Creepy.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson
7 years ago

” The man explained that no payment was ever required because it was handled through Mr. Weishaupt. No one at the company had ever heard of Mr. Weishaupt and another group e-mail was sent inquiring about Mr. Weishaupt.”


Snow Mercy
Reply to  Steve Johnson
5 years ago

Well that’s illuminating!

5 years ago

@Steve Johnson Good catch….
“a German philosopher, professor, and founder of the Order of the Illuminati”, born in 1748…

Amanda Fight
Amanda Fight
4 years ago

9/11 was done by the 13 bloodline families and their puppets. This bloodline is directly connected to CAINS bloodline!! Cain is SATANS CHILD WITH EVE whether you believe it or not that is the truth and the bible tells us what happend with Eve and satan. God was so disgusted that he did not go into detail! You must understand that our mouth is a hole and a female has a vagina which is another hole and that’s why God describes it that way, “she ate of the fruit”. You must read the full context and use scripture vs scripture to understand fully what God is saying. ISRAEL IS NOT SOLELY RESPONSIBLE, THE BUSHES, CLINTONS AND THE REST OF THE 13 BLOODLINE FAMILIES AND THEIR PUPPETS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR 9/11! Please do not attack Israel for GOD WILL STIKE YOU DOWN!!! ALL EVIL AND ALL BAD THINGS THAT HAPPEN ARE OF SATANS DOING!!! THE TRUTH IS STANGER THAN FICTION. The lucifarians know the truth regarding Adam, Eve and satan. Go do some research.

Reply to  Amanda Fight
4 years ago

Try harder.

Regardless if you are a Christian or not, it is useful that you know about these facts pertaining to Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion. Remember why this is important:
The biggest voting block in the US, the Evangelicals, make up 25% of the US population, and they have been psyoped into supporting the terrorist state of Israel (which was complicit in the 2nd 9/11 attack on the US) for religious reasons via the Scofield Bible, which was commissioned to Scofield by the Rothschild.

And also remember that the True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not the Rothschild created earthly country we call Israel today.

Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel: – “How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1” – “How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2”

Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats:

Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him: