MK Ultra – Stage Hypnosis As A Weapon?

Q’s raising of MK Ultra was out there. And yet, him sticking his neck out like that almost makes me think he might be real more, given there is a lot of evidence for what he alleged.

Here is a longish video of a stage hypnotist culling the crowd for the suggestible, and then making them do whatever he says:

Here is another short one showing how once you cull the crowd, how completely such suggestible people’s perceptions of their realities can be altered:

To get an idea how strong the hypnotist’s power is to make someone do something they would normally not do, check out notorious germophobe Howie Mandel shaking hands with everyone after he was hypnotized:

It eliminated an entire phobia, and made someone do something they otherwise would have been totally unable to do.

Now look at how Christopher Pitman described killing his parents:

That night, after receiving a paddling from his grandfather, Pittman went into his grandparent’s bedroom and murdered them with their own shotgun which he had been taught how to use. After the murder he set fire to the house using a candle and papers.

Pittman took his grandparents’ car, their guns, his dog and $33 and left. He was picked up after getting stuck two counties away…

He later claimed that he was under the influence of an overdose of Zoloft. Pittman claimed Zoloft caused Command Hallucinations, a voice telling him to murder his grandparents, and that it was almost like a dream or a television show he was watching but couldn’t stop.

Now suppose you could focus sound, so the sound would emit like a laser, producing an effect which would be described by those who experience it as a voice emerging from within their head, with no external point of origin:

The Voice of God weapon — a device that projects voices into your head to make you think God is speaking to you — is the military’s equivalent of an urban myth. Meaning, it’s mentioned periodically at defense workshops (ironically, I first heard about it at the same defense conference where I first met Noah), and typically someone whispers about it actually being used. Now Steven Corman, writing at the COMOPS journal, describes his own encounter with this urban myth:

At a government workshop some time ago I heard someone describe a new tool that was described as the “voice of Allah.” This was said to be a device that would operate at a distance and would deliver a message that only a single person could hear. The story was that it was tested in a conflict situation in Iraq and pointed at one insurgent in a group, who whipped around looking in all directions, and began a heated conversation with his compatriots, who did not hear the message. At the time I greeted this story with some skepticism.

Is there any basis to this technology? Well, Holosonic Research Labs and American Technology Corporation both have versions of directed sound, which can allow a single person to hear a message that others around don’t hear. DARPA appears to be working on its own sonic projector. Intriguingly, Strategy Page reports that troops are using the Long Range Acoustic Device as a modified Voice of God weapon:

It appears that some of the troops in Iraq are using “spoken” (as opposed to “screeching”) LRAD to mess with enemy fighters. Islamic terrorists tend to be superstitious and, of course, very religious. LRAD can put the “word of God” into their heads. If God, in the form of a voice that only you can hear, tells you to surrender, or run away, what are you gonna do?

And as Corman also notes, CNET recently wrote about an advertisement in New York for A&E’s TV show Paranormal State, which uses some of this technology. Beyond directed sound, it’s long been known that microwaves at certain frequencies can produce an auditory effect that sounds like it’s coming from within someone’s head (and there’s the nagging question of classified microwave work at Brooks Air Force Base, that the Air Force stubbornly refuses to talk about).

Wired actually did a piece on the army killing its own page on the tech which mentioned using it for subliminal messaging, such as in covert hypnosis.

Now understand the CIA has already admitted to doing similar experiments on innocent citizens:

The CIA convinced the Allan Memorial Institute to allow a series of mind control tests on nine patients in the Montreal school, as part of their ongoing Project MKULTRA.[7]

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the “psychic driving” concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His “driving” experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[8] His treatments resulted in victims’ incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[9][10]

When lawsuits commenced in 1986, the Canadian government denied having any knowledge that Cameron was being sponsored by the CIA.[11

Now imagine if today the same types of actors could merge a complete surveillance picture of everyone who was predisposed to hypnosis, with a list of all of those who had psychologies prone to violence, and they had the ability to get control of their therapy because they owned the therapists. Then they could get them in hypnosis. Now imagine that these leaders running the programs were big-government, anti-gun leftist ideologues. The incidents they created would look something like this:


Scott Ostrem, 47, was charged with six counts of first-degree murder and 30 counts of attempted murder. Ostrem was captured Thursday after he allegedly walked into the Walmart in Thornton, a Denver suburb, and began firing his gun, killing a woman and two men. Michelle Willoughby, his stepsister, told The Denver Post that Ostrem has been tormented by voices in his head since he took 16 doses of LSD at a party in 1988.


While he worked there, two police reports from the past two months showed that he thought he was being watched.

On October 7, reports showed he went to his ex-girlfriend’s house and told her police placed cameras in his home and car. Police said he handed a piece of his car to her because he thought there was a camera inside.

In a separate report from September 7, May told police he could hear voices “coming through the wall” of his home. Police described May as “in a state of crisis.”

Colorado movie shooter:

Holmes’ parents took him to see a counselor when he was 8 years old, though testimony has conflicted as to why.

What they learned: Some psychiatrists later evaluating Holmes said his parents told them they took their son to therapy because he wasn’t interacting with other kids. Holmes told another psychiatrist it was because he hit his sister.

What they did about it: It’s unclear from testimony what the outcome of the therapy was…

First saw Holmes about 30 minutes after he had been given anti-psychotic medication, the first time he had been given such drugs since his arrest. Holmes told her he was hearing eight separate voices…

Lowdermilk spent about 20 minutes evaluating Holmes. She said Holmes told her he was hearing several voices, including one coming from behind a wall.

Then there was the Navy Yard shooter:

Alexis’ paranoia was in full display again as recently as last month. He complained to police in Newport, R.I., about hearing voices speaking to him through the ceiling of his hotel room, seeking to penetrate his body with vibrations from a “microwave machine” to prevent him from sleeping. He told officers that he had no history of mental illness in his family.

Alexis’ name is blacked out in the Newport police report, dated Aug. 7, but he is identified as a contractor for the Navy. He complained to officers about getting into a dispute with three people while getting on a flight from Virginia to Rhode Island. He heard their voices through the wall of his room at the Residence Inn in Middletown, R.I., according to the report. Alexis moved to a hotel on a Navy base to escape the voices, heard them again and moved to a Marriott Hotel in Newport…

Alexis, a former Navy reservist who was killed by police responding to the massacre, reported symptoms of paranoia including hearing voices, said the official who is not authorized to comment publicly. It was not believed that Alexis was ever declared mentally ill by a court. Such a finding would have prohibited him from purchasing a weapon.

Florida Airport shooter:

The suspect believed to have shot five people to death in a rampage at a Florida airport Friday was being treated in Alaska after complaining of hearing voices and had recently claimed to the FBI that the CIA was forcing him to watch ISIS videos, federal officials said…

In November, Santiago walked into the FBI’s office in Anchorage and claimed his mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency and the CIA was forcing him to watch ISIS videos, federal law enforcement officials told NBC News.

Nashville church shooter:

A detective says the man accused of fatally shooting a woman and wounding six other people at a Tennessee church told him he heard voices and had visions.

Seattle University shooter:

The suspect in the deadly 2014 shooting at Seattle Pacific University claims he heard the voices of God, Satan and Columbine gunman Eric Harris before the day he shot three people. KING’s Ryan Takeo reports.

Jared Loughner, who shot Gabby Giffords:

In another section of the FBI records, authorities noted an interview with a woman who claimed to be a psychic.

She said Loughner sought out her services in 2005 and that he frightened her, telling the woman, “I hear voices and they tell me to do things.”

Of course there was the most recent case, Nikolas Cruz:

The suspected shooter is believed to be mildly autistic, and was receiving treatment at a nearby clinic, but had not been back in a year. Cruz told police that he had heard voices in his head telling him to shoot up the school. He described these voices as demons, his legal team said.

And then there was Stephen Paddock, who actually thought he was part of some government experiment:

Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock told a Las Vegas escort that he was a “government experiment” and the CIA could “hack his brain and take over” in a series of disturbing text messages shortly before the worst mass shooting in modern American history, according to reports.

“There’s messages where Stephen is telling her he’s a government experiment and that they are listening to everything he says and does, and they can hack into his brain and take over,” the escort, identified only as Mikaela, told Radar Online…

Mikaela, who previously had a “sugar daddy” relationship with Paddock and is now cooperating with the FBI, has now fled the United States and is living abroad, fearing for her life.

Experience enough strangeness, and it will either become normalized or you will cease to function. The discussion on 4Chan’s /pol was funny, with one anon saying adamantly V2K (voice to skull sound transmission was real), and others chiming up that they were getting gangstalked, but had not yet experienced V2K, all as if they were discussing eating a certain food, or visiting a specific vacation spot.

How are so many mass shooters hearing voices in their heads that are not their own, those voices are not innocuous or benevolent, but are telling them to do violence, and they are following those voice’s orders, rather than arguing with them? And why do many see it as some sort of government program? And why has all this become prominent just since the eighties, and transitioned to children just as putting children in therapy became fashionable? It feels like we are missing something.

It would surprise me if the CIA had not experimented with using hypnosis and sound transmission tech to turn people into completely deniable, hypnotized proxy killers, given it appears entirely possible. The question is, if that technology were developed, would a leftist in the CIA, or any other agency, be willing to use the technology to advance gun control within the United States by creating mass killers and then unleashing them on society? I would tend to think so.

Although there are other explanations which may be likely for many of these cases, the possibility that any of these instances could be instigated using modern technology, and the fact an American intelligence agency has a history of conducting such activities, would seem to make the MK Ultra possibility worthy of a deeper investigation.

If Q can be believed, we may find out all about it before all is said and done.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because we need every leftist hearing in their skulls when they are alone

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7 years ago

Julian Jaynes mentioned tests with direct electrical stimulation to subjects which induced command hallucinations as far back as the 70s in the context of his bicameral mind hypothesis. It’s not that far-fetched to imagine an action at a distance version.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I think I know how the long range sounds are done. I happen to reading about aircraft lift and other vortexes recently. Vortexes can persist a long way if they’re shaped right. They can also be directional. Kids toys shoot vortexes.

7 years ago

One of the interesting things about Q is that there may be an inoculating property from simply being aware of V2C technology. If you are aware that it exists, it may be more inoculating to be aware that it is a person, not a supernatural being.

(I’m sure that there are people who have been so preprogrammed and psycotropically conditioned that it doesn’t matter, but it seems like people who are naturally misanthropic are naturals for telling a voice in their head, “fuck off, I know you’re the CIA, and I’m not your tool.”

English Tom
English Tom
7 years ago

Re: the misuse of hypnosis. Check out the book: Secret Don’t Tell by Carla Emery. I cannot praise this book highly enough. It is a massive tome chock full of incredible information about hypnosis and it’s misuse, from someone who was a victim of this type of thing.

7 years ago

And then there are the men in Cuba damaged by sound

7 years ago

The stage hypnotist and magician, Deren Brown, creates a hypnotized assassin.

7 years ago

Deren Brown tricks someone into committing murder in this show.

7 years ago

To put this in the most neutral form: perhaps traditional religion (meaning Christianity, maybe others too) is a shield against this phenomenon, whatever it is. Wondering how many of the people mentioned above were in the least religiously devout and how many weren’t, thus becoming completely defenceless.
Draw your own conclusions.

7 years ago

I was trying to find a TV documentary I saw some 4 to 8 years ago on Discovery or similar cable channel where an university professor with a super dorky hat appeared on a segway and then proceded to explain that he had developed a mask that would make the user ‘s voice directional, that was achieved by mere accoustics the mask had noelectronic components at all. He then proceded to prank students in the library as a demonstration, he would go to the 1st floor which had a big part of its floor non existent, making it so that people on the 1st floor had line of sight into all the tables on the ground floor, and the he would put the device in front of his mouth, aim at some student sitting down and he would go like : “Hey you. Yes you, with the blue shirt, this is God, no body else can hear me. ” as the student would look around kinda confused looking for the sound origin, while people near him heard nothing and thus kept doing what they were doing.

I tried to find it on the net, but I can’t find it. They showed some other unrelated gadgets (I think the show /doc was about innovative science ) that I can’t even recall what were about, but the direcional voice mask stuck with me at the time because it was really funny.

7 years ago

Been interested in hypnosis for over a decade and one of the biggest questions still remains: Can you make someone do something against their will?

The answers vary. The official, “professional” mindset is: No, you can’t. But quite honestly, would they really admit it? This would not only make hypnosis get banned, but people incredibly wary of it.

Personally I have not found an answer simply because my morals would keep me from trying. That being said: You can definitely use hypnosis as a very strong brainwashing tool. It’s not necessary brainwashing by itself, but it’s a powerful tool to use as part of your brainwashing routine.

Additionally there is the chance to slowly change someones will with time. I quote from a book about manipulation I read years ago: “The most efficient way to manipulate people is repetition.”

And don’t forget that the weaker a persons mind is, the easier they are to control. Same happens for submissive people. So loners, women, recovering cult-members, etc. are all great targets.

Reply to  Iprefertostayanonymous
7 years ago

Oh yes. Also needless to say that instable teens are pretty easy targets as well.