Now the Italians are getting split from the left:
Italian-American politicians blasted their paesano Mayor de Blasio for considering the removal of statues of Christopher Columbus as part of a commission to ditch symbols of hate.
“You’ve chosen to reopen historical arguments that are 400 years old,” Councilman Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island) said. “And your actions, whether you want to admit it or not, are going to be more divisive to New Yorkers than uniting.”
Borelli and others cited Columbus — who led expeditions on behalf of Spain that began Europe’s contact with the Americas — as a symbol of Italian-American pride…
“He’s flawed, we’re all flawed. I’m flawed,” Joe Piscopo said. “Does that mean I’m not gonna get a rest stop named after me on the Jersey Turnpike?” (Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News)
Councilman Vincent Gentile (D-Brooklyn), who’s seeking to become the next Brooklyn district attorney, praised Columbus as a “warrior.”
“There were Native Americans that weren’t welcoming to him,” Gentile said, “so he had to be not only an explorer but a warrior too. But we understand that…”
The press conference also drew support from independent mayoral candidate Bo Dietl — who did not appear to be part of the speaking program but eventually took the microphone to decry Mark-Viverito’s support for FALN founder Oscar Lopez-Rivera — and Controller candidate Michel Faulkner.
The left is actually being triggered by the images of K-strategists of old, who dominated in K-selection past, or at least dove into it merrily. Notice that r-strategist terrorists like Lopez-Rivera and mass murderers like Stalin or Mao are not an issue.
I suspect the increasing irritation is a mixture of the ease and power the left grew accustomed to under Obama, and the fear being triggered by the subtle perception that K-selection is approaching, and the realization that this ease cannot go on forever. Now the left is neurotically panicking at every reminder of what is coming.
This means the left can probably be goaded into attacking the K-strategists of any group, and the more successful the icon, the more easily an attack can be created. How will members of the military feel about protests of military heroes who are immortalized with monuments as a result of “imperialistic” American hegemony. How will Texans react when the left demands the Alamo be bulldozed under, because it was a part of oppression of poor innocent Mexicans? How will Christians react to demands Crucifixes be taken down, because they represent the imperialism of Christianity and the brutality of the Crusades?
A horrible example of cowardly American imperialism that needs to be erased from all of history
Pick a K-strategist victory of the past, which is viewed with pride by any group, including Americans as a whole, fixate the left on it, and cause the left to demand the erasure of that pride through attacks on the K-strategists who won it, and you can turn any group you want against the left.
Spread r/K Theory, because the left is destined to be at war with everyone
Please someone with a camera go to Columbia University and ask students if they support removing references to Christopher Columbus. I’d bet that most of them wouldn’t even know what Columbia = Columbus, lmfao.
Or Yale and ask students if they support removing references to the slave trade. Eli Yale was an actual, literal slave trader.
The idea to trick the left to going after new targets is already in process.