Something Is Strange About The Nashville Bombing

First, this video shows the flash of the explosion:


But as the explosion flashes, the RV is undamaged, and the windows of the RV are dark, meaning it would appear the RV may not have been what housed the explosion:

Interestingly, in this tweet’s video, at :16s, you can see below there is a massive hole in the ground, originating in what someone said are channels they have in the ground to pump hot gasses to buildings to heat them:

In other news, /pol may have a decent enhancement showing the driver of the RV:

The above image was actually a joke about a guy they keep blaming mass casualty attacks on.

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Noxious Swamp Miasma
Noxious Swamp Miasma
4 years ago

Maybe the burn it all down by any means necessary brigades were triggered by that vintage NASCAR street legal retro racer cars parade?

Irritable bill
Irritable bill
4 years ago

Does anyone here actually use Twitter? Seriously? No adult I know does and so your articles which only allow Twitter users to see what you are talking about…the real actual conservatives…cant see them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I appreciate that you embed the entire Twitter feed for both president Trump and Don jr.
I also scan through the tweets you post. I click and have the option of opening the tweet 8n my browser without the requirement to be logged in or even have an account or I can open onTwitter. Very convenient that you find some very interesting tweets for us.
I’m astonished at the lack of commentary in your Twitter threads. I read them every day.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Kirls
4 years ago

The reason is, Twitter pays all kinds of games to make it VERY aggravating to view the feeds, our host does his best, but I’ve had my browser freeze often because of twitter, so I rarely check them out, and leave that page as soon as possible.

Kentucky Packrat
4 years ago

Lots of cities have steam utilities; centralized steam generation was (and still is) extremely cheap, and newer utilities (electricity and phone/internet) piggy-backed on the tunnel network to carry underground cables.

It looks like they may have used the RV to cover that the explosives were being lowered into the underground steam tunnels / wiring tunnels, that then blew out like shaped charges. Clearly AT&T is having serious single point of failure issues caused by this bomb (cell phone outages in Kentucky, for example), enough to make one suspicious that that was a deliberate target.

Mina Smith
Mina Smith
4 years ago

I am a proud Twitter user (well, during the times they aren’t having like Leftist assholes … but I repeat myself)

I knew it would be Sam Hyde. He strikes again!!

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

I don’t use twitter and unfortunately I have to turn on java scripts[I try to keep all javashit off at all times] they use to see the twitter post. But I can see them. I just choose which ones I’m willing to let through.

“…But as the explosion flashes, the RV is undamaged, and the windows of the RV are dark, meaning it would appear the RV may not have been what housed the explosion:…”

I’m not saying you are wrong. but…I could easily see, from that one frame, that the blast goes out the side. Mostly to the left as we view it. Then you see the RV has been blown over to the right form our view. The cab of the truck would block the explosive for a short time. They could have put sandbags in the rear that opened to the side. If I was trying to blow up a certain building that’s what I would do. It’s not some secret knowledge. Remember shape charges are based on just a thin cone of copper so anything in the way of the blast will vastly effect it and channel it. I’ve read they can even do this with nuclear weapons. There was a steel ball coated with carbon a few hundred feet from a nuke test when they just started testing them that survived.

I’m just saying that, at this time, there;’s easily explainable reasons it doesn;t engulf the whole rv at once. My opimion could cange. The only thing that won;yt cahnge is my belief that the Jews did this. No on, no one anywhere has any wons doing this. The Syrians, the Arabs, White Nationalist not a single fucking one of them would get anything of value from doing this on Christmas but the idiot psychopathic Jews would think it’s some super secret weapon that will fool the goy as they don’t have normal brains. They will actually believe that this blast will do wonder for their stupid psyops.

The jews are not near as smart as they tell everyone. I see this big time in my verbal sparring with them on Unz. They say a mass of stupid shit and these are people who are proctored and have their agencies watching what they say to bend the narrative and a lot, I mean a whole lot, of what they say is childish nonsense that I can cut through easily with a hand full of “reality” sentences.

The only things jews have is lots and lots of money, blackmail, no morals at all and a serious shitload of aggressive behavior. Sometimes this works but eventually people understand this and then…they’re fucked. All utterances from them from the point where you figure out they are just lying psychopaths will be laid bare as just blathering nonsense. It’s easy to see if you just question all the blather they spew. And let’s be clear I’m not some genius or super stealth truth weaver that can see things with great clarity. I’m just some average guy. If people would just look at what they say and then ask,”does it conform with reality” then immediately anyone with a lick of sense would see they are nothing but psycho animals.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“…I could see this being a gangstalkee who had enough, and targeted that building because he thinks it is US government/NSA surveillance on his ass…”

If your right it would give me great joy as the security state has become a virulent festering pustule on the face of the US. They’re nothing but criminals.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I don’t think so. I’m a smart and handy guy. I’ve never seen a terrorist attack where I didn’t think, “yeah, I could have done that” or more often, “I could have done that better.”

I could not have done this attack. I have serious, significant doubts that a single person could have done this attack. It’s always possible, but it’s a fleeting possibility here.

This was a highly, highly sophisticated attack. If I hadn’t seen the driverless RV photos myself, the whole “drone RV” thing would be giving me eye-rolling injuries. Looking at the photo, it sure as hell looks like an empty drivers seat on an RV driving down the road.

Even IF there was a driver (who somehow slipped out without being caught by any surveillance cameras) the rest of the engineering is astounding.

This wasn’t ANFO. This was either a shit-ton of black powder (which the loading on the RV suspension in the camera snap doesn’t support), homemade TNT (that’s your Huwite Supremes MO), something like homemade PETN, or it was actual commercial/military explosives.

On TOP of that, this was an expertly shaped charge. This wasn’t something that you learn blowing up pipe bombs in the back 40 or from reading whackaloon geocities sites that provide their own glow. There was an engineer involved in this. I can make a shaped charge. I can’t make a shaped charge with THAT much throw that also doesn’t leave behind the backplate material as evidence.

I don’t think this was a gangstalkee. I think this was a military A-team.

The war is now officially hot. This is Fort Sumpter.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>”The jews are not near as smart as they tell everyone.”

Very true and this VoxDay’s article proves it quickly without any margin for any doubt:

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

One thing I did notice about the bomb is it seems way to bright for too long. A real bomb blast doesn’t seem to do that. Maybe they added stuff to make it illuminate like a massive bomb but to lower actual blast. The more people they kill the more likely lawyers start hunting for answers. Better to have BIG BOOM graphics than actual bodies.

I don’t know what they use to do it but I have seen stunt men show, for education, huge fiery explosions right next to them that look like they would blow them to pieces or burn them to a crisp but…nothing. It’s all visual.

4 years ago

Does this building control or monitor internet traffic coming out of Georgia by any chance?

4 years ago

Its an outlier. None of the usual flase flag dog whistle typical spin and fake narrative elements. Dont mean they wont simply come up with them, no crisis goes to waste, right.
My instant impression is asymetrical warfare. ala opening act of 4th G War. Which was a high probability possibility, nows its possible fact.
Passes the smell test-Not cabal. Something different. Its certainly something we have escaped having it occur. Strikes me as early IRA, photos have that look to them, just total personal opion on my part having grown up thru that oeriod of history witnessing hundreds of aftermath photos of historical events. Like early Weather Underground bombings, has the grass roots look, nothing i can put my finger on specifically.
From the start, if it was cabal/cia/fbi, would not look like any of this, pre planned pre staged false flag have too many controls, ruins the natural look and feel.

One possibility why detonation has the remarked upon characteristics may be due to a directional detonation, an EFP, or a platter charge, improvised, use of powdered aluminum and or magnesium to boost the brisence of the explosive formula, both useful for rather large boost effects, may have used too high a ratio, or the casing of the device produced a relatively long large flare effect.

If i had to make a bar stool guess, it is a directional improvised platter charge, maybe an EFP, aimed downwards, targetting something below the street surface, like trunk lines for communications, an underground facility or comm bunker, possibly 2 or more buildings connected underground to hide personal movement access and activities. If so, think targeted take out of valuable assets or personal.

Those Black Water Soldiers where hung out with their arses in the wind, convienient scapegoats for obot tools/cabal objectives. They all where very highly experienced, blooded combat cadre, they took out what 17 highly qualified musloid actors in that ambush, thats about as good as it gets combat skill wise. Its payback time motherfuckers. Trump just pardoned 7 of those who where railroaded. Maybe they decided to free lance, pay off a marker or debt, or changed employers or their loyalties are motive.

The PA adress warning is a prime tell it probably wasnt a cabal run op.
Trust but verify that and everything, in no uncertain terms cause it is uncertain times with a sudden vegeance.
Somebody asked me when do we start recently regarding action. I said everyday motherfucker. Every. Day. You should already have started being in that mindset and Def Con mode.
Lot of shits about to get real serious. As a given. Only variable was when. This an opening move?
Cabal is not the only ones who can play this kind of 4G warfare. Not by a long shot. Only they been the only ones before now. All other OpFor players been playing nice. Even the US based musloids, they have been tactically quiet watching to see how shit blows.
Any of this proves reasonably close, everything just changed and cabal is no longer king of the mountain. Will then it be a signal, and its game on guys. Prepare ourselves.
This is outside the yellow media’s capabilities, they will find themselves far out of their element, this will be readily apparent and a tell it aint cabal.

If its not cabal connected or driven, if its not long term acclimation black block teams making a move, nor musloid, think leaderless FUSA resistance, think open source insurgency.

Unless the device use and plans went ary or fumbled, it was specifically targeted at somebodies discreet hidden high value asset, and this is why it appears to have no object to it at first blush.

Dollars to donuts its not false flag for specific intentional psy-ops purposes, maybe revenge or retaliation, there’s inside factionalism, or possibly people or factions fighting inside cabal’s networks. Some people want out, or some know the jigs up, maybe something cabal has planned, and even for them its depravity has caused somebody in its organization to stop or take out cabal or its assets? Cabal must undertake some pretty nasty shit here pretty soon even for cabal if it expects to win or stop opposition and resistance to it. Very high chance the election coup has been spoiled, its been recognized they fucked up, and the possiblilties remaining are terribly serious.

Pretty interesting to say the least.

AC put it best; r/K because you cant trust anyone.

My pile of ammo looks very small all of a sudden. That I can trust.

4 years ago
The link above points to an interesting possibility. One would assume that NSA datacentres all mirror their data across several different locations but given the kind of volume data centres process this might be unfeasible. Furthermore, one would assume that Trump’s team had the relevant data downloaded to multiple secure locations offsite. But they’ve been doing things by the book so far, so maybe not.

Anyway, watch this youtube video:
Note that the feed goes almost entirely white for almost exactly 40 seconds and then the image returns but in greyscale. Considerably longer than the duration of the blast linked in your video. Now this might simply be something that happens to video cameras when sufficiently close to an explosion, I’m not an expert in their design by any stretch. But it seems to me that what happened was the camera was bathed in electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum, enough to take out the camera’s colour reception whilst leaving the rest of the circuitry in tact.

Which leads me to my [extremely] wild theory that the RV either housed an EMP device or was itself an EMP device disguised as a van. Suppose you had a good idea of the geometry of the surrounding area and the nature of the NSA buildings construction. In particular, the layout of the building, the location of the target machine within the building and the precise materials used to construct the building and the target machine. With this and a LOT of know how w.r.t EM fields it might be possible to generate a sequence of EMP pulses such that if you were to map the field strength in the area, you would see a spike at the location of the hard drives you want to nuke a, a steep potential gradient in a small region surrounding the RV and a relatively minimal field elsewhere (which would explain why the RV was a block away from the NSA building). Now naturally you would expect to see sparks, but it’s possible that the potential gradient was sufficiently steep and tight to cause a big enough a big enough reaction that any sparks were obscured behind the smoke cloud. Or the electrons weren’t even radiating on the visible spectrum. Pretty far-fetched, but I can kinda see how such a thing would be possible if you were to figure out the right surface charge distribution.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Yeah, there’s an interesting theory called the Electric Universe theory [of which I subscribe to no particular interpretation but merely consider interesting] which basically claims that all forces are really just the electromagnetic force in different guises*. I wont bore you with the details (iIve only recently started learning about them my self) but basically it points the way to solving some very sticky physics problems [dark matter comes to mind] in a testable manner (unlike string theory) and is more or less completely verboten in academia. Very strange given that the field was more or less founded by Tesla.

Anyway, I strongly suspect that the reason that the theory is given such short shrift is because of the potential for building devices like these. There was even a guy who supposedly figured out how to leverage this theory to build low-energy hover craft [John Hutchison]. Very worth looking up. The government of Japan was openly courting him until Cabal came in, took all his research materials, bankrupted him and completely discredited him.

*One of the biggest divergences from mainstream physics is that EU theorists posit gravity as a pseudo-force arising from the Van Der Waals force rather than a consequence of graviton exchange.

Reply to  valis
4 years ago

was just reading along with no particular ideas about anything. not a IED guy, not a bomb-damage expert, certainly not conversant with modern physics/particle physics (the second-biggest con in the world, BTW)(if you’ll recall, they told us they needed to piss away those billions at CERN because isolating the higgs boson would do all kinds of marvelous shit all for The Betterment of Mankind. then they did it, result being “BFD.” so now the story is they just need to piss away more billions on CERN upgrades, looking for the Double Secret muon, etc)

then you wrote the magic words: “[a method that’s] completely verboten in academia.”

there a *very* smart guy out there. I’ll not name him, but I know for a fact he reads here. he can chime in if he’s so inclined. an engineer/physicist who’s also some kind of tsar fellow (sp?), inventive, father of twins, he occasionally writes wildly original YA fiction and (according to my 11-y.o. nephew) needs to get off his ass and write that 4th book. let’s call him “Fritz.”

reading between the lines of what he’s written, it’s pretty clear Fritz thinks there really ARE scientific/physics concepts that are verboten (or more correctly, suppressed) by academia – to the point where corrupt academia itself leads the charge against that Forbidden Knowledge, and is always first to banish the unbelievers from the ivory tower. which, maybe, explains why I – a very well-read dude indeed – have’t ever heard of Electric Universe theory.

this banishment & exile happens despite the fact that (Fritz seems to think) some of those scorned and hated concepts are actually correct.

the more I look at this, and think, and discover… the more I tend to think he’s right. if Fritz is right about this … if I’m right to agree with him about this …. then all you conspiracy whackos with your Q (lol) and your Deep State and your Cabal following you around and your JFK Jr is still alive are not only A) correct but B) haven’t been thinking anywhere *near* big enough.

what if it’s ALL lies? Everything they tell us? All of it?

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  ardwoll
4 years ago

I want to see that 4th book too. I think it’s supposed to be called “A Hell Of An Engineer”. “Fritz” left off on a HELL of a cliffhanger…

Reply to  ardwoll
4 years ago

>haven’t been thinking anywhere *near* big enough.
These past few months I’ve begun to think the same.
As for the CERN thing, you’re absolutely right. It’s insane that so many governments spent that many billions on what essentially amounts to blue skies research. Things become more interesting when you consider that:
A) There is a giant statue of Shiva the destroyer outside of LHC
B)The modern internet was invented there.

A good rule of thumb imho is that scientific research from before 1945 can be considered considerably more trustworthy than after. The main reason is this: Suppose that you were a physicist (for example) and you made an incredible discovery in high-energy physics. After Hiroshima there’s just no fucking way that your local intelligence agencies would let it see the light of day.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Another thing to note is that this kinda thing is exactly why something like a 5G network could be really bad for freedom. Probably why it was pushed so hard by cabal actors.

Reply to  valis
4 years ago

Dude! Man did you just make my memory spike! I had a really zany friend who worked for DECA up in Manchester NH. All those guys are mad geniouses. This guy designed a home built EMP device, it was basically a magneto in tube form, the armature driven by an explosive, the dimensions deliberately made to fit in a 1984 ford 150 Econoline van taking the passenger seat out. Like I was saying, a mad scientist, he had a grudge with a computer company who stole a patent from him and he said one day it might come in handy for a little payback. Never built it, he was mostly doing it for the mental release factor, but the design was so crude simple lookning it struck me as easy to produce. It was directional also so aiming it was important he said.
Back then you could still get various blasting powders and dynamite with a paper blasters card, so the drive componant was simple pie. The only difficult part was the field/armature componants of the magneto, but I’m no electrician or resistor head, probaly like a barbeque ingnitor of crank.
We had got us a few growlers of Red Hook ale to go from the brewery resturant and we where’ntvfeeling much pain emptying those gallon jugs on his porch. But I remember the mad scientest glee in my buddies eyes describing how it would take out the whole plants electronics and the computer assemby line.

This what your getting at?

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Yeah more or less. The scheme I had envisioned was more complex, but what you’re talking about makes much more sense honestly. You’d probably need rare earth metal magnets for the magneto which are difficult to source. But I doubt that would be an issue for cabal.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  valis
4 years ago

“…camera was bathed in electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum, enough to take out the camera’s colour reception whilst leaving the rest of the circuitry in tact.

Which leads me to my [extremely] wild theory that the RV either housed an EMP device or was itself an EMP device disguised as a van…”

That is not a half bad theory at all. It would explain the flash which seems so odd for a bomb. EMP weapons use a big electric charge run through a coil then they collapse it with explosives. You can also make them out of stacked conical sheets. So let’s say the van filled with explosives, big coil and a pile of lithium Ion batteries. You could easily make a stupendous field in a big sized vehicle like that. Really big. Also explain the offset blast. If you look the van gets blown to the other side of the street or what’s left of it. Or it appears to me to be blown to the side. Bit hard to tell. I do see where when it first blows it seems to stay in one place.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Yes you’re absolutely right. Logically one would expect that the direction of the van’s momentum to be roughly opposite to the direction of the data centre. If this map is accurate ( then that would imply that the direction of the van’s momentum would be diagonally backwards to the other end of the street.

4 years ago

There are two Thermite compounds Im aware of. Thermite used for metal joining in the welding and foundry industry. Have personal experience with this, welding railroad track sections for seamless track. Its pretty vigorous stuff, burns hotter than hell. Easy produces temps in its crucible ontrack sections of near 3000 degrees F molten metal. It burns pretty darn bright, and if you use magnesium to ignite Thermite, that shit is like millions of candle power bright and adds a lot of smoke also, which lights up like the thermite smoke. Its a dynamic process to put it mildly. This is iron oxide/aluminum powder formulation, i believe its fairly similar to .mil destructive device for Thermite grenades.
There is another formulation which is explosive, it has combined high rate of burn effects, cant remember its technical reference and trade names. A foundry supply salesman mentioned it, i was in my 20’s, been a few years. What I recall is it can go thru feet of plate steel and concrete almost explosively, thats relative terms. To the naked eyeball its an explosive, but no 30,000 ft per second rate brisence, also understand amfo, which i know from being a coal miner, is a relatively “slow” progation rate explosive, one reason its good for shooting pattern shots to break up rock overburden incoal mining. In school they termed it more of a push. Though amfo can get pretty brisk, depends on the “booster” used, higher the booster higher order the amfo rate of propagation. Propane is used with amfo to help boost its effects.
The problem with producing improvised munitions is the primer and or booster charges, very high order materiel, very dangerous to manufacture, highly unstable as its made, and difficult to obtain the high order grades needed for such IED’s for hand grenades to platter charges and explosively formed projectiles.

In this light might be the cause of the noted explosion characteristics. Because say RDX which is Plastique, aka C4, is extremely fast, the over pressure highly lethal. From what I can see in the pics it strikes me as not RDX or TNT, but amfo. I can judge this due to watching hundreds of amfo shots as a coal miner. They are spectacular events, everyone gets towatch, as when a shots to go off the whole mine has to shut down and get back the proscribed safe distance. You can see the boosters at the top of the bore hole go off they preceed the amfo detenation. at a distance its very easy to see the process. Amfo just doesnt have the overpressure effects of the high order boosters, its not even close.
The pics strike me as amfo produced debri and damage, unless it was a downward directional aimed platter or EFP device, then the secondary blast effects could produce similar damage as an amfo device.
I’mtotally winging it here, but having first hand experience felt it might help out somehow in the discourse.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

If you haven’t seen this yet, it’s worth your time:

I wouldn’t mind having a dueling expert’s commentary.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

A very interesting and explosive comment.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Good link. Interesting. Very black residue???

4 years ago

The radio guy in me instantly went to the two bubbles on the RV, fore and aft. I’ve NEVER seen an RV with two identical bubbles, because there is no point to two bubbles. They house antennas for SATCOMs, either sat tv/internet, or for GPS. No one has two of them, because they are expensive and you don’t get anything from the second one as an everyday vacationer.

I can think of two reasons for there being two bubbles. If you absolutely have to have constant, several nines internet connectivity, I guess having redundant systems would guard you from downtime (and also help with keeping LOS on the bird), but I don’t think that is what is happening. It’s also not for some sort of telemetry and piloting system, because UHF would make more sense for that (although I guess there is more of a danger of interception and direction finding, but that is what surprise is for.)

I think that the two bubbles are very, very high gain GPS antennas. I think that they are dual frequency receivers with centimeter level accuracy (like surveyors use, see this):

and I think that there are two of them to provide directional information and to protect against the building reflections the signal would take downtown. I seriously think that this was a state of the art drone system, and those two GPS antennas are a key part of its guidance. They would also be key for getting the explosive in the exact right position.

4 years ago

Aside: The exchange between my wife and I just now:

Me: This was an op. I just don’t know if it was the good guys or the bad guys that did it.

Her: Or the bad guy versus the badder guys.