Somalian Storms Hospital Delivery Room In Italy, Attempts To Rape Delivering Mother

A measure of what was imported:

An unreal situation in the Italian capital Rome, according to Libero; a Somalian man managed to get past the security of Sant’Eugenio Hospital and stormed a delivering room where he attempted to rape a woman in labour. Migrants have been found guilty of various terrible crimes but this is a first. Luckily the monster was stopped before he could harm the woman and her baby.

The criminal is a 38 years old Somalian, already charged for other crimes in the past. The man managed to get his hands on a green uniform and sneaked in the delivery room where he started to touch and fondle the woman in labor while masturbating. The cries of help of the woman alerted the personnel in the surrounding area who entered the room and incapacitated the man and subsequently delivered the animal to the police.

These people are so r, they are not even human. He sees a mother in labor, and his first thought is he should rape her.

It sounds, evil, and insane, and so on, but this is biological programming, designed to produce as many offspring as possible. This is a guy who would have fifty or a hundred offspring in the r-environment, through rapes. Migrants will tend to be r-strategists.

This is a reproductive strategy.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need to impose a new reproductive strategy on the migrants

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Question: these migrants come from places which are quite harsh and they should thus be more K. Or it it only the r’s who migrate?

Cecil Henry
7 years ago

Should of been taken out and shot right there.

And then the politicians and NGO’s who enabled this brought to the scene to account.

7 years ago

How does a guy like that even make it to 38?

7 years ago

If the Italians need someone to kick that thing until it’s dead, let me know.

Michael Wittmann
Michael Wittmann
7 years ago

Whenever I read about this sort of thing, I’m reminded of the Cane Toad, one of the most r-selected invasive species on the planet. From : “They have such a strong sex drive, in fact, that scientists have caught them mating with rocks, clumps of dirt, human feet and road kill. ”
It’s hard to read about Somali invaders and not think of Cane Toads.

7 years ago

Ain’t it great that St Paul MN is full of Somalis?

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I wonder if this is fake news. I find this hard to believe that anyone would do such a thing.

Cecil Henry
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Have you been watching the news for the past CENTURY???

Its perfectly consistent. Completely.

Robert What?
7 years ago

By all means let’s bring in more of these hominids into our country as well.