Somali Cop Who Shot Justine Damond Was In Midst Of Divorce

Heavy has two interesting facts. Once, the partner was stunned when Officer Noor shot:

Authorities have been very vague and tight-lipped on the shooting, saying that it’s under investigation.

However, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune newspaper has reported, through three sources, that Damond, 40, was in her pajamas when shot and was speaking to Noor’s partner at the time through the window of a police car in which Noor was allegedly a passenger.

“Three sources with knowledge of the incident said Sunday that two officers in one squad car, responding to the 911 call, pulled into the alley. Damond, in her pajamas, went to the driver’s side door and was talking to the driver. The officer in the passenger seat pulled his gun and shot Damond through the driver’s side door, sources confirmed. No weapon was found at the scene,” the Star Tribune reported.

Her fiancee, Don Damond, said in a news conference that she had called to report a potential sexual assault.

CBS Minneapolis reports that Noor has an attorney, Tom Plunkett. The television station reported that Damond “made the 911 call and was speaking to police officers Saturday night. They were near the alley when the officer in the passenger seat reached across and shot her. A cell phone was found near Damond’s body…”

Noor’s partner was allegedly “stunned” when Noor opened fire, KARE11 reported through a source.

The partner will also probably never hear out of that ear quite the same again.

So it does appear the shooting was probably as bad as it initially sounded. It is also possible Noor saw the cell phone and thought it was a gun. It would be interesting to know if it was black.

Heavy also reports Officer Noor was in the midst of a divorce:

According to The Star-Tribune, he was named in a December divorce action. The Star Tribune reported that “Noor was described in divorce documents filed in December as a caring, involved father who was at times consumed by the demands of his job.”

The amygdala is actually very much like a muscle. I would assume everybody’s amygdala could, with enough stress, be overloaded to the breaking point, and manipulated into failure. Once in failure, conscious desire, intent, wanting the best – it is all meaningless. You will do what you always do, and the outcome will be bad.

Like a muscle, the amygdala is also conditionable. In this case, I would bet there was some aspect of the divorce which was coming to a head, and had his amygdala in high gear – and in this case firing off a threat stimulus and triggering action when it shouldn’t have. It is even possible that the amygdala had been conditioned to fire off in response to a emotional/agitated woman without him noticing it, and he didn’t even know it.

But when he saw an agitated woman, his amygdala loaded up, and next thing he knew her cell phone turned into a gun in his mind, she was a threat to his well-being, and he was firing. It is all very mechanical, and dependent on the development of the structure, which is itself dependent on the natural abilities the individual brings. If you begin with a weaker structure, then the pattern recognition process can be astonishingly unspecific and vague. It really takes a lot of cognitive power for the mind to begin perceiving subtle differences in the broad pattern in real time, and creating sub-categories of trigger with different forms of response. It is easy to shoot everything that moves in a microsecond. It is much more difficult to begin classifying different types of movement, and deciding which gets shot and which does not.

More ominously, it is also possible that his amygdala was conditioned to fire off in rage and/or threat in response to the visage of an agitated woman through repeated interactions with his wife regarding the divorce which each triggered rage and threat. When he saw another agitated woman he was overtaken with rage and a sense of threat, and that helped trigger the events. There is no way to tell now, but I would not be surprised. Everything cognitive is the amygdala-mechanism.

IQ and mental ability are important. Import low IQs, and you see how the mistakes they make can add up to much more than they are individually. This one amygdala blip will fracture the entire community in that area. It will split Americans from Somalis. It will split Police from the community. It will alienate people from their government. It will expose the fraudulent left-wing media as partisan shills selectively promoting their left-wing agenda. It will even spread across America. And it would all have been avoided if we had enforced our borders to begin with, and only run selection for everything based on a meritocracy. Violate that, and this path is unavoidable, because there will be hundreds of these incidences, and each will pile on top of the other.

Now we have a shooting that looks bad, and if it is anything like it looks, this officer will suffer some sort of consequence, even if just being moved out of the Police force (which, in fairness, it would appear he was cognitively unsuited for). If and when that happens, watch the BlackLivesMatters community explode at the fact this black cop shot a spoiled white woman and was punished somehow, while the evil KKK-loving officer who shot the innocent 8 year old schoolboy Michael Brown, for no reason, as he operated his lemonade stand, got off without any consequence. Buildings will burn when that happens. Even Americans will be pitted against each other over the color of their skin, all because some leftist idiot decided to import foreigners who, as a whole, lack the IQ to assimilate effectively.

We are entering the age of unrest, whether that unrest makes any sense or not, and it is all because of the r-selected reproductive strategy that is modern liberalism.

This is the age of high amygdala, and everybody has got it – and we have not yet even seen the collapse.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, Immigration, Liberals, Muslims, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Somali Cop Who Shot Justine Damond Was In Midst Of Divorce […]

7 years ago

This woman was outside at night, in her pajamas with no male escort. Probably, she was being treated with respect by his partner. That had to be galling, too. All things considered, it’s almost surprising the vibrant cop didn’t rape her before killing her.

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

Somali being a Somali. Big surprise.

Yep, this case has the potential to trigger a lot of civil unrest.

7 years ago

And the first victims of the collapse will be unmarried women. The younger ones will quickly get married and stay home where their husbands can protect them, while the older feminists will be treated as gang-bang whores, disposable slave labor, or dog food. Divorcing your husband means moving from the former category to the latter.

Of course Good Men would never be so cruel, but women loved Good Men so much that they voted to import millions of Bad Men.

Al shabab has arribed to amurika...
Al shabab has arribed to amurika...
7 years ago

July 19, 2017

Russia Reports US Cop Who Murdered Justine Damon Pledged Loyalty To Shariah Law

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grim Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) urgent action bulletin circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US police officer, and Somali-American citizen, named Mohamed Noor, who brutally murdered an Australian woman named Justine Damon in Minneapolis, Minnesota, had during the past fortnight pledged his allegiance to al-Shabab terror leader Sheikh Mukhtar Robow—and stated as his reason for doing so as being the “wickedness of American ways” that he claimed in an online Shariah Law message board caused his wife to file a divorce against him this past December (2016). [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According this bulletin, the Somalia Islamic terror group al-Shabab maintains one of the most sophisticated social media presences on the Internet—and whose message boards across the world “ignited like fire”, on 21 June, after the Trump administration quietly dropped its $5 million reward for this terror groups leader Sheikh Mukhtar Robow death or capture, and who had been on the US “most wanted terrorist” watchlist since 2008.
As Minnesota has long been known as a pipeline to al-Shabab, and whose Somalia community frequently demonstrates in public for the institution of Shariah Law, this bulletin continues, persons from this US region are constantly monitored by the SVR who maintains a list of suspected terror supporters that are, in turn, denied entry into the Federation should they request a visa for travel.
Minneapolis policeman Mohamed Noor, this bulletin details, was placed on the SVR’s “denied travel list” on 24 June (2017), this report explains, after making his message board posting supporting Sheikh Mukhtar Robow and his describing America as “wicked”—and whose “thoughts/views” supporting Shariah Law against women were previously demonstrated by his brutal assault of another woman that he currently has a pending US federal court case against him because of—and whose lawyers for the plaintiff, Teresa M. Graham, stated in their US federal complaint ”Defendant Officer Noor grabbed Plaintiff’s phone from her hand and then grabbed her right wrist and upper arm, thereby immobilizing her”.

With Minneapolis policeman Mohamed Noor having his wife file a divorce action against him in December 2016, then his brutally assaulting Teresa M. Graham on 25 May 2017, and following with his message board support for Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, SVR analysts in this bulletin question as to why he was left in an “armed position” of trust when all of his most recent disturbing actions clearly demonstrated that he was becoming mentally unbalanced—particular regarding his views towards Westernized women.
Nevertheless, and grimly, this bulletin explains, at 23:28 (UTC/GMT -6 hours) this past Saturday 15 July (as police radio calls recorded), Minneapolis policeman Mohamed Noor brutally murdered 40-year-old Justine Damon (whose death has been ruled a homicide)—and whose only “crime” was her not complying with Shariah Law’s strict adherence of appropriate clothing for females in public, as she was in her nightclothes pajamas.
Though Minneapolis policeman Mohamed Noor has now “demanded everyone respect his privacy”, this bulletin details, the “respect and privacy” of Justine Damon has been shattered forever as this Islamic terrorist gunned her down while this young woman was standing outside the police vehicle he was a passenger in while she was talking to his partner Matthew Harrity (who was driving) about a crime she had witnessed and had called them investigate—with policeman Matthew Harrity himself admitting that he “was stunned” by what his partner Mohamed Noor had done.

An SVR analysis of all recorded US police shootings of civilians over the past decade, this bulletin further notes, has failed to find any similar such shootings where a police officer opened fire on an unarmed civilian while being a passenger in a police care while his driver partner was talking to a person reporting a crime—thus reinforcing the SVR’s determination that Mohamed Noor was acting in accordance to Shariah Law, and not the American ones he had sworn to uphold and protect.
This report concludes by noting, as always, that the US mainstream propaganda “fake news” media is massively covering up the true details of this Islamic terrorist killing this white woman because she did not conform to Shariah Law—with one American television network, CBS, even astoundingly using the brutal murder of Justin Damon to justify their anti-gun agenda, without their even bothering to explain how this applies to an armed police officer shooting an unarmed civilian.

7 years ago

Appears it could be motivated by her gender. He may have also threatened his wife with his firearm as well, conditioning his brain. Stories like this are the result of deliberate multiculturalism and this is actually what an inter-cultural exchange looks like. This is why cultures should be kept separate from one another and people should probably be wary around police officers who are a different racial group than them. Voluntary interaction should be kept to a minimum.