Clay Aiken, His Baby-Momma, and the Leftist’s Inability to Judge Threat

Here is our electoral situation in a nutshell.

The Democratic candidate for Congress was Clay Aiken, a gay singer who can’t get work, artificially impregnated his best female friend because he wanted a kid, turned on the friend, is milking her for 7,500 a month in child support, and who used the entire electoral process as the basis for a reality television show.

This guy wanted to dictate law to the rest of us, and would have, if the rabbits had their way. You can see how leftist revolutions eventually promote guys like Stalin to leadership positions. No amygdala equals no ability to discriminate between good and bad. The hardware to flag bad as significant just isn’t there.

Thank God the K-shift appears to be underway.

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10 years ago

Is this perhaps why the left is seemingly obsessed with being non-judgmental and indiscriminate? It defies all logic, people should seek to make the right judgements and the right discriminations rather than dismissing them as innately wrong when they clearly are not so.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 years ago

So if I understand your response correctly, what you are saying is that a functioning, sensitive amygdala is not the problem. The problem is an amygdala that fires off to the wrong stimulus.

E,g. If some SJW gibbers it’s usual outgrouping threats, a properly trained amygdala will categorize the information as meaningless.

But the same amygdala will fire off in alarm if it recognize the facial expressions of a stranger as indicating perversion/pathology.

10 years ago

I am new to your site and your r/K theory analysis. In this story you relate how the rabbits failed to elect one of their own, Clay Aiken. I suspect that part of Aiken’s failure was the K voters overwhelming the r voters at the polls. But I also suspect the r voters weren’t very enthusiastic about Aiken so they didn’t turn out in droves for that election. Was this lack of enthusiasm because the r voters saw Aiken as just like themselves i.e. weak?

In January of this year, Terry McCauliffe won his election as governor of Virginia. McCauliffe is a well-known financial con-man who is agressive and competitive in the crony-capitalist competitive arena. He is also a liberal and appeals to liberals. Why do the r voters like people such as McCauliffe when he is seemingly so different from them? Is it because they like strong and duplicitous leaders as long as they believe those leaders will fight for their interests? Is this why conservatives who talk about self-reliance and turning power back to the people have a disadvantage with r voters? Because r voters don’t want to have to compete for themselves but rather want to elect someone else who will do the fighting for them?