Snowden Almost Rendered?

Interesting, to the extent that we may all find ourselves trying to sneak into Russia one day while avoiding the emissaries of the machine:

THE UK GOVERNMENT is facing demands to reveal the details of a secret flight through Scottish airspace which was at the centre of a plot to capture whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The plane, which passed above the Outer Hebrides, the Highlands and Aberdeenshire, was dispatched from the American east coast on June 24 2013, the day after Snowden left Hong Kong for Moscow. The craft was used in controversial US ‘rendition’ missions.

Reports by Scottish journalist Duncan Campbell claim the flight, travelling well above the standard aviation height at 45,000 feet and without a filed flight plan, was part of a mission to capture Snowden following his release of documents revealing mass surveillance by US and UK secret services.

It appears the plan was to force down any plane Snowden was on by denying it the right to cross airspace of friendly nations. They tried with the Bolivian President’s plane:

The presidential plane of Bolivian leader Evo Morales was forced to ground in Vienna, after four EU nations refused airspace access on the mistaken belief that Snowden was hidden on board.

I’d imagine the secret plane had the team that would then swoop in and grab up Snowden once he was on the ground. What they planned on doing with him then is unknown, especially since they were trying to keep the flight off the radar, even before anything went down. I could see them not wanting the publicity of a trial, or potentially making him a martyr.

At that level there are no rules, no laws, and no morals. If they are after you, their only goal is success, and all of the machine, even foreign governments and regulatory agencies, will bend their rules, laws, and moral behavior to the machine’s will easily. That commitment is a strikingly different psychology from what we are adapted to in our peaceful, resource-rich lives, where everyone obeys laws and rules because with our ease and free resources, it is all just so much easier that way.

When there are no resources, there will be no rules. Everyone would be well advised to begin imagining what that might be like, and how their current planning, around the various laws, rules, and morals we are accustomed to might change.

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