SJWs Don’t Always Lie

Occasionally they forget, and let an honest little piece of themselves out into the open. Usually it will occur in a moment of bliss. Case in point:

Last night at Dallas police headquarters, a man opened fire on officers after planting bombs around the building which police later detonated… CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield described the attacker:

“It was very courageous and brave, if not crazy as well, to open fire on the police headquarters.”

These are the same characters who bombed military dances and police precincts in the sixties. Today they support terrorists in Guantanamo, they protest against our troops using effective tactics when we go to war, they fly to hostile lands to act as human shields, and they even traded five hostile Taliban with blood on their hands for one traitor who got our men killed trying to rescue him. They hate anyone who appears even the least bit K-selected, to the point of being so overjoyed when they are killed they can’t even remember to lie about how they feel.

And most notably, they idolize and love the type of “courageous and brave” mental defective who can’t control their own emotions, and whose idea of justice is killing a bunch of police who never even heard his name.

Read that quote, and tell me how she would feel if she could watch 100,000 cops on a battlefield fighting with 100,000 conservatives, each side butchering the other. Now think about this : characters who think just like her have laid the groundwork for that to happen in the past, and they will lay the groundwork for that to happen in the future.


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9 years ago

[…] SJWs Don’t Always Lie […]