Site Outages

Lately, r/K does seem to be spreading more exponentially via the email freebies. The last month averaged almost 250% more signups per day than the month before, which was itself about twice the last release’s rate per day. Those who are getting it are telling others who themselves can be relied on to find still more spreaders. I greatly appreciate the help, as readers telling others is the only way r/K will ever take off in politics. The media and conservative establishment will never help, and the Deep State will be horrified to see it dominate the entire political debate.

Unfortunately, I suspect this will lead to increasing signal loss, such as the blog outage we just had. The outage began with a manual reset of page permissions at my host to 0, and when I reset them to 755, someone killed the entire site at the host within the hour. When I complained, I was told it was a false malware alarm, and the site would be up in 48 hours. When I called back to complain again, it turns out nobody had done anything, and after 48 hours the site would have been kept down. These things happen fairly constantly, and not just online.

I cannot control these outages, so when they happen, just roll with them. I’m looking at a Russian Host and Russian VPN, in hopes the site will be left alone for fear of attracting Russian attention at the host, but the bottom line is until I am physically in Russia on freshly Russia-bought tech, moving the site itself overseas probably will not stop the outages when things pick up. If I have to connect from US soil, it is difficult.

It is a sign of the times that those who feel most American find themselves looking behind the old Iron Curtain for freedom. I am increasingly thinking the Apocalypse may be very bad for the most popular voices of the Alt-right, and it may be a wise move for everyone to begin thinking in terms of a temporary tactical retreat to foreign soil, at least until the collapse begins to sort itself out and the government, or the private sector contractors who really run it, are forced to adjust to the vastly reduced resources. If it helps, I would expect many leftist voices that are not machine porperties will also be taken out early on.

On the bright side, I am not the one who spreads r/K Theory now. I have never been able to, and have always relied on those who see its utility, namely all of you. So long as you can share it with others and emphasize its utility, this site can come and go all it needs to, and none of it will matter. Now it is out in the wild, and I am pretty sure it has gone far enough it can’t be taken back.

God’s will is being done, one way or another.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is practically divine

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7 years ago

Sorry AC. I disagree. Your blog has radically changed the way I think. I am sure that I am not alone. I don’t do social media, BTW.

7 years ago

An old Army Air Corps saying is, “if you’re taking flak, you’re over the target.”

Cynic In Chief
7 years ago

It just sounds like you have a sucky webhost. Not surprising, a lot of them are rubbish. If you need help switching hosts, let me know. I run the technical side of A King’s Castle (

7 years ago

I figured “they” whacked your site with a DDoS attack. Glad to see it is back up.

I appreciate you giving the book away. I got my copy a few months ago with your last give away.

I was the “Thanks for all the Fish” guy. Was trying to be funny. Thanks for letting me back on.

The book has made all of which you post sooooooo much more understandable.

Keep up the good work. I’ll purchase the other book on Amazon when I finally finish the first one. I’m pretty busy but 2/3 the way through.

Great writing.

7 years ago

You could try setting the site up as a hidden service over Tor. No one will know where it’s hosted. You could have two versions of a site: the one you have now, which is easily accessible over the clearnet but could be shut down, and a version run as a hidden service which people will need to know about to access, but which cannot be taken down. Then just put a link to the hidden service on this site so that people who come here will know that the hidden service exists. Just don’t have the two sites hosted on the same server or by the same hosting provider.

Also, to prevent the possibility of actual malware issues, I’d suggest running the site on a server running Linux or some variant of BSD that’s open source, if you’re not already. If it isn’t too much of a problem and you’re worried enough about the issue, you could try compiling whatever HTTP server you’re using yourself using compiler security features.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

>how do you get access to the server initially, or set up an account, or buy any service, without them getting exactly how you are getting there and then accessing it they same way you did, so they can spoof you?
If you do everything through Tor, they won’t be able to see which website you go to, or see when you purchase the service. They’ll just see that you’re using Tor.

>install antivirus
I don’t know if it would be very effective to do that. Writing malware that evades antivirus programs is exceptionally easy (people sell kits on forums that render malware undetectable for ~$10 a pop). I don’t suppose it will hurt too much — there’s always the possibility that there will be a vulnerability in the antivirus program that allows files being scanned to execute malicious code, but that’s unlikely compared to the massive attack surface in every modern operating system. But I wouldn’t expect it to be too effective.

>TOR, or a perfect copy with a backdoor which is designed so your system cannot tell it is not real?
If you use Linux, everything is signed by the people maintaining your distribution’s package manager. So they could only compromise your download if they can compromise the maintainer’s private keys. The level of security will vary from distribution to distribution, but I’ve talked to the people that maintain Debian’s package manager, and they sign all their packages using an offline keycard (it’s like one of those new credit cards with a chip — all the cryptographic operations are performed on the chip in the card, which cannot be accessed by the keycard reader the card is inserted into or the computer the keycard reader is plugged into). And all packages are signed by all four maintainers, two of whom live outside America.

>numerous backdoors in the OS
If you use Linux or BSD, there couldn’t be any overt backdoors. All code is publicly viewable, and people (including me) routinely check it and would notice if there was some program that overtly allowed someone to connect to the computer or caused the computer to connect to some external server.

The only possible backdoor would be a covert one — a backdoor that didn’t actually operate by listening for an incoming connection. It would have to be disguised as a bug. A buffer overflow in some externally accessible code (like a WiFi driver) or something like that. The best way to deal with that is probably to compile a kernel with security-based compiler options like stack smashing protection, ASLR, RELRO, etc. You could also get a kernel that has the grsecurity patchset, which renders many exploit classes unexploitable.

>Then you have to at some point connect through a pipeline where they get everything which goes through it in both directions, as it goes through it, which I would assume gives them how to access your site.
I don’t know how you’re using the site now, but if you SSH into the server using a key you generate on your computer, anyone observing your internet connection won’t be able to see your login details. They’ll just see you using SSH to connect to some IP. Unless you’re using Tor, in which case they’ll see you using Tor to connect to an entry relay, and your Tor exit relay will be able to see that whoever your Tor circuit belongs to is using SSH. It still won’t be able to see your login information.