Signs Q-Anon May Be Real

First, the media has covered it, in incredibly dismissive tones. I would blockquote this article, but basically it can be summed up as, “Q-anon is a ridiculous conspiracy which melds the totally fake idea anyone associated with Democrats might view children sexually, the lie that anyone was spying on Trump, and the total falsehood of any intelligence agency ever overstepping any bound, seeking to control any aspect of the US government in any way, shape, or form, and Trump’s normal propensity to lie to America about everything.”

There was one nugget within the article though:

“The storm” conspiracy has actually been pumped up… by Alex Jones’s highly trafficked website InfoWars, which claims to have a reporter permanently assigned to the #Qanon “beat.” Due largely to InfoWars, the conspiracy appears to be growing. Media Matters, a liberal-leaning nonprofit site, noted that InfoWars has already managed to get the conspiracy trending on Facebook, where a massive audience can see it.

“You know, I’ve been told by five different Pentagon sources, high level, that that whole 8chan thing is real, and that they’re basically forecasting what they’d like to see happen, and giving you information,” Jones, who has promulgated lies about everything from the Sandy Hook mass shooting to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, told his audience. “So, that’s definitely real.”

“We’re being told by the White House, ‘Please cover this,’” Jones boasted. “So, what does that tell you?”

Newsweek reached out to the White House for a comment about Jones’s claims, but has not received a response.

Remember, Jones scored an interview with Donald Trump:

You don’t often get a touchstone these days, which you know is almost certainly true, and which you can then try to extrapolate other truths out from, but this would appear to be one. Jones would not lie to Newsweek about what the White House was telling him. It would destroy a very valuable relationship, and although there could be explanations why Jones might do that, none are high, or even medium-probability explanations.

If The White House wants this covered, then either it is real, or it is part of a plan of some sort to manipulate minds. I do not see any means however by which it would be an effective psyop to advance the Trump Administrations’ agenda, unless it has a large element of truth to it. Spinning up ardent Trump followers, getting them to expend great efforts and energies on this, and then letting them down and making them feel as if working for Trump was a waste of time would be a prescription for destroying his movement and support.

So my assumption would be that we now have our marching orders, straight from the top patriot at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Support Q, advance the meme, and accumulate the evidence.

It may be the most important thing anyone may ever have the privilege to do, to honor the sacrifice of the founders.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because history is going to be made by the God Emperor

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7 years ago

A caller mentioned Q on the Rush Limbaugh show earlier this week. Rush didn’t dimiss it out of hand, just saying that “you have to be careful with these things”, the caller added he thought Q was Michael Flynn, which seems unlikely as Rush said.

Mountain Farmer
Mountain Farmer
7 years ago

I just read your book “The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics”. It definitely opened my eyes. It explains so many things in politics and personal relationships, Everything you wrote can be verified just by looking at liberals and conservatives today.

It also helps me understand individuals I know. I can tell right away whether someone is a rabbit or a wolf. It explains why I was so confused by passive/noncompetitive friends/family. Their worldview is completely different and subconsciously driven so that logic and reason do not affect them.

Thank you for writing it. Your footnotes are extensive and convincing. Everyone should read it.

7 years ago

Useful thread with links to compilation of proof:


When the deep statists get the perp walk Internet may be down, backup the info on cloud and pc if you want BUT have it on more than 1 physical média, and printed out so you can red pill people as soon as the deep statists start trying to get the useful idiots radicalized and big false flags begin.

Prediction for date of death for deep state :

21-22 September 2019

Martin’s AI model predicted Trump’s victory –

7 years ago
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago
mr darcy
mr darcy
7 years ago

Interesting but unconvincing. It depends on what Jones might have meant by ‘the White House.” Did he mean the President? Or was he speaking more generally about somebody who works in the WH? I’d love to believe it, and I can’t dismiss the possibility out of hand, but this is not conclusive.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I commented on the next article you put up about why I have doubts. I’m very impressed with Musk and I have learned to do something he talks about a lot. Everything should be understood from first principles. Look at things from the lowest level possible. My comment on the next article is mostly “don’t we have enough false flags to arrest people now”? Why do we need more? Looking at Alex Jones we KNOW he has been controlled opposition in the past and probably is now. We can see this from first principles. The Jews own the bandwidth and the radio station system he is on. They own the towers. If they wanted to they could shut him off anytime they wanted. Jones goes on about the Illuminati and the New World order but just how many TV, Radio, newspapers, etc,. does the NWO own???? None.

Trump talks, talks, talks, talks but does…not much of anything. Yes he’s done some things but not anything Cruz or Rubio or jeb or any other number of politicians could have done.

I’m getting a really bad feeling about this because all this talk and writing don’t really correspond to the action and evidence you can see on the ground. At best they could throw a few of the actors to the wolves to say something is being done but the truth is the game goes on just as before.