Signs of the K-Shift – Soldiers Respected

An encouraging sign:

Army Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, a Green Beret once selected for involuntary separation from the service after he struck an Afghan police commander who had admitted to raping a child, will remain in uniform.

An Army board on Wednesday determined Martland’s military personnel file contained an “error or injustice,” an Army spokesman said Friday morning. Removing that error from his record means Martland, 33, will continue to serve at least through the end of his enlistment.

When the K-shift begins, it isn’t so much that everyone has gone K, so much as the rabbits have retreated because they think supporting r will affect them socially. As the K-shift continues, rabbits will eschew r even more, up until the point they are doing so desperately in order to save their lives. As that occurs, the Cucks and mushy moderates, who do little more than ape their perception of the crowd’s beliefs, will themselves go K. Or they will at least convince themselves that they are smart and superior because they are doing what everyone else is doing, and therefore they are actually K.

This decision is significant. It did not happen for the Haditha Marines, or any of the other Leavenworth Ten. That it has happened now signals a sea shift, perhaps partly due to combat vets rising through the ranks, but also due to a perception among rabbits that letting this soldier suffer could have negative social consequences for themselves later on. That is good.

You have to wonder whether this is entirely resource restriction, or if Trump’s rise and widespread acceptance has had anything to do with the psychological shift in perceptions.

Next up for the shift – No more men watching children change in the girl’s locker rooms.

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8 years ago

[…] Signs of the K-Shift – Soldiers Respected […]

8 years ago

I would be betting on the brass seeing a sea change coming with Trump, and knowing that they need to start papering over their record of the last 7 years. Officers, especially staff officers, are remarkably astute at reading political changes.

dc. sunsets
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Until those female black cadets at West Point who posed in uniform giving the black power sign are cashiered and billed for the full cost of their taxpayer-provided educations, I will wait and see.