Should K-Men Protect r-Women?

An interesting question arose in the comments regarding the girl gang-raped on facebook:

Japan is a K population as a whole, many, as you called it, are ultra K, in big cities one can find many r behaviors/characters, given we assume your definitions. Japan has almost no crime. It has almost no rape cases (if any, some reports on rapes within marriage), almost no HIV cases, but many young men commit suicide mainly because they can’t afford to take care of a family. They don’t allow any ME immigration. Japanese people work a lot but they also love to go out in the evenings after work, karaoke, thematic bars. They don’t tolerate much alcohol and in the evening one can see drunk young women fallen on the ground. Here is my first point: no one rapes these girls! I have seen with my own eyes how men go and carry them to a taxi, the taxi drivers drive them for free to their homes, the men find out their address on their phone or ID. Everybody is helpful and no big fuss about it. The women feel safe.

In a predominantly K society no matter what your theory about ‘games women play with men’ is, the males protect the females.
Sweden is a predominantly and quite ultra-r today. In my personal view, this is socially and politically induced situation. People are heavily indoctrinated from very early age to extreme r-values and behaviors on daily basis and of course the historically atrophies amygdala. Yet, this is aggressive r. It can cost me my job that I openly support Trump, it is that bad.

In this society, what we see is the following: a woman is raped by 2 men and 1 filming on a FB group page and about 60 people in the group are watching online. Some ask them to go back to the room and continue, as it is sexually exciting for them.

The woman is completely drugged, does not move, she has no memory of what has happened, all she knows is that she didn’t want to have sex with any of them. They laugh at her that she got raped and wave around a pistol.

Of all the people watching the crime online only 1 woman reacts, 21, native Swedish, finds the phone number of the girl and calls her up, calls the police, this is about 8 am.

The men are 2 from Afghanistan, refugees, came in as ‘children, born 1996 and 1998, the third man who filmed is a Swedish citizen, parents refugees from Iran, born 1992. The last one just came out of prison for drugs and other offences. All took drugs during the night at a party, this is the apt of one of the men. The victim is 31, Swedish, foreign background, has been raped before by an African man who got away with it. One of the man has raped earlier another 21 years old woman who reported him now when she saw his face, also at a party, also drunk.

Now, here is my second and last point, when the young man who supported Trump was publicly abused in a toilet, also online streaming, by a few liberal black ‘youngsters’, everybody thought this was horrible and supported him 100%. Nobody said, well he deserves it, he agreed to go to a party with liberals, it is his fault. But now when a woman of similar state is raped, all of sudden so many comments by men saying that it is her own fault, after all, she agreed to go to a party with immigrants. This is the kind of thinking that makes the definition and application of sexual crime laws impotent and in effect, keep us going more demoralized and more r.

Interesting. I see the point, but disagree on one point. First, I support strong laws and strict prosecutions. I would support executions of these guys. I also support aggressive actions by anyone who sees this to put an immediate stop to it.

But I think the fundamental point where we are missing each other is I am trying to foster a world where humans see r-people and K-people, and they discriminate against anyone who shows r, and aggressively do whatever is needed to protect their fellow K’s. r’s are not our tribe, what happens to them should be meaningless to us, and we need to shame them over r at every turn.

The goal is obviously to create the Japanese model, which is typical of the wondrous world of K that rises from r. But note that such a model is inherently K, and as such, will eventually drive itself r. To get to that model, you need a model now that is not K, and much more unpleasant and r. That will feed the K.

My own feeling is things have to get worse before they get better, and first, the r-women need to recognize the reality for that to happen. Since the r-women seem resistant to common logic, letting them feel their own chosen fate – where it cannot be rectified – seems a viable pathway to that. Protecting their feelings would not produce gratefulness, or a respect for K, and would only reinforce even more contempt of K’s and out-group embrace. So where a rape like this happens, and cannot be stopped, I am for amygdala hijacking women observers by acting callous, and uncaring.

Once the society is K-ified, and the women are K, then you can go the Japanese model with respect to social shaming. But even then, in creating such a great world, you will sow the seeds of r, unless we can somehow insert r/K to create stimuli that prolong that world.

I of course still support simple culling of the rapists through criminal enforcement, or even violence where circumstances allow at all times. It’s a perfectly viable and effective way to reduce the reproductive advantage of migrant r-strategists. I would never sit back and allow such a rape to happen. But once it happens to a female r-strategist because of r-stupidity, the bimbo who let it happen needs to be forced to own it, and others have to ridicule her for letting it happen. In the 1950’s, where a woman did not even go to the hotel room of a single man without feeling it would be seen as inappropriate, that was the prevailing attitude in America too, and social shame kept the populace K. To do otherwise, is to remove an amygdala constraint, and drive r.

Note that the disabled Trump supporter could not be reasonably expected to avoid his circumstance due to mental debility. But this girl, especially having already been raped once, got drugged up and naked with foreign migrants again. Kill the migrant rapists, but shame her as well – and do not ask her opinion in immigration policy or other political matters.

Additionally, I don’t like being dishonest. This is a reproductive strategy, and rooted in biology. This particular woman was raped because she was programmed to be raped. Her r-selected, migration-related, high DRD4 7r-related biological predisposition to sexual deviance is putting good K-women at risk – by fostering the import of migrant rapists and fueling their raping behavior. Who gets raped by a foreigner once, and then gets drugged up and takes a shower with a group of foreigners later? How many other times has this happened to her, and she was either totally drugged, or she just accepted it? She is teaching these guys to rape, and when they grab an innocent K-girl on the street and rape her, she will have had a hand in it.

Even more, I’ll bet she supports importing more of that filth. That all puts local K-women at risk, and it is a direct byproduct of idiots who do not accept the reality of human biodiversity. There are genetic dregs, more often than not they are migrants specifically, and the nations they come from are usually shit to begin with. That needs to be recognized, and the import of them needs to stop.

The alternative is creating a society so degraded that horror shows like this are a normal and regular occurrence, and even affect the innocent K-strategists who would themselves prevent it if they could. In my own opinion, just about anything is worth that.

So I fall firmly on the side of being callous here, though I see the point about Japan, and recognize we should all be working toward that. I just feel that going there personally now, and white knighting dumb r-bimbos to assuage their hurt over their own stupidity will drive the slide to r, and not foster the K-world we should be looking to create.

I’m also hoping all of this here can turn the world into r vs K at some point, and foist as much horror on r’s specifically as possible, to drive them from everyone’s lands. That just can’t happen being nice and equally protective to everyone. Tribe first.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need to make things r vs K

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

The goal is obviously to create the Japanese model

This is only possible if you have a single, high average IQ (long time preference) tribe with a strong identity. In that case the strength of the tribe looking out for its members will cover for more than a bit of r behaviors within the K society. Also, the high population density and 24-hour lifestyle, especially in urban areas, means that there will almost always be witnesses or cameras, which is a considerable deterrent for, again, a high average IQ (long time preference) society.

8 years ago

K men should only protect r women when those women are property of the men. That is the only system that has historically had long-term success.

K women can self-govern. r women (and r men) cannot self-govern.

8 years ago

[…] Should K-Men Protect r-Women? […]

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

hell no, leave the r’s to their own devices. let the r “men” take care of their own (or not).

8 years ago

Also note, the excessive care given to Japanese women who are acting irresponsibly will eventually lead to a segment of the male population (not the good ones who are currently sacrificing time and resources to clean up after these women) turning r; right now there’s no rape, but that won’t last if Japanese men keep white knighting.

8 years ago

Well to start with. In Japan there are two differences from Sweeden. Symptomatic differences that point to r/K differences. First Japan is largely one group. Japaness. Sweeden is now multi ethnic.
Second, culturally, Japan is more resistant to the not broken window. It goes like this. If a car is left vacant, but in good condition on the side of the road, it won’t be molested. It will be ok, and remain as the owner left it. However if some damage were to happen to the car to make it look abandoned, then it will be striped for parts. I use this example because it ahs been tested and found to be the case. I forget the study. But it involved a car left in NYC on the highway and one left I think in So Cal. Both were stripped clean within 24 hours of removable parts once they were assumed abandoned by say a window being broken.

So in Sweeden, there is more an assumption of unprotected persons than there is in Japan. But again this points back to r/K

8 years ago

Spot on AC. I think r-women will naturally try to place K-men into unwinnable situations. It extracts resources from K’s and removes K from the populace, making society more chaotic, and allowing r to spread even more. It probably works on a scale as well, the most common being a step-dad with a good job raising his wife’s children. The K in him got him his job and made him a decent person, but sadly he lives in a time of r. His K genes being defeated by r, in a time of r, and serving the wife’s “adventurous” DRD4-7r genes. Epigenetically because it is a time of r, he is somewhat r as well, because money is easier to come by. Take the same man, raise him in a time of far less resources, and he would never support the DRD4-7r single mom, and the adventure ends.

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
8 years ago

“So I fall firmly on the side of being callous here…”

Callous? No. you have been programmed to be defensive about saying ‘No” to anyone who is irresponsible (“No”, as in the community is not responsible for your choice to be irresponsible).

It’s really about short time-horizons versus long time-horizons.

Those who emote but who do not think see the suffering of one particular person in the foreground, but are unable to consider the long-term effect upon society of being “compassionate” instead of “callous” towards that person for his/her irresponsible choices.

N’est-ce pas?

8 years ago

On the matter of the gang rapes in Sweden. To clarify, as it seems misunderstood, the girl who was FB gang-raped by 3 men, 2 refugees from Afghanistan and 1 son of refugees from Iran, did not take a shower in the apt of the rapists. They were at a party, she drank, like many Swedish people like to do, with no bad consequences, she decided to wait (e.g bus, train etc.) at her friend’s apt, passed out in the kitchen and got raped by 3 men, one of whom streamed the event on FB. Now, these men will most probably be released. It seems the winning interpretation is that the woman wanted sex but denied it later because she was convinced by the girl who called her and the police that this is rape. Word-against-word, and the 3 refugees are free to go.

It appeared, that one of these men had at an earlier occasion raped another girl (age 19-20 then) when she was with friends at her place, took a shower (as they had plans to go out?), the guy came in out of the blue, locked the room and raped her. Many Swedish young people live with trust in each other and no one had any reason to expect that she needed to lock a bathroom, it is after all rude to disturb people in a bathroom, this is how they reason. Most people don’t even lock their houses in small communities. I am not defending anything, these are the hosting cultural conditions.

This girl (the shower rape) reported the refugee-rapist to the police but the police did not investigate. Now this is of importance. The Swedish prosecution dismisses and lets free ca 6300 reported rapists per year, since a few years ago. This means that the number of empowered by the law rapists grows, they are everywhere, there is general mistrust in what the women say, and this is done knowingly and consciously by the Swedish state authorities.

This past weekend, a young woman who was walking home at 11 pm in a small town was gang-raped and tortured so badly that she is still in hospital, in a hardly communicable state. She was not drunk, as you say, innocent K girl.

The police now issued a statement, I posted it above. This is very good signal for the society and for women, they will finally start acting more responsibly.

The conscious lack of prosecution is one thing. Another is the Salvation Army’s efforts to create a ‘more open attitude’ by arranging mating between underaged Christian girls and Muslim refugees with rape history.

Don’t forget that Swedish people pay 50-70% taxes, i.e. they pay for the welfare of the criminal and other refugees and the salaries of police/prosecution. Yet, no action, no outcry. Instead, everybody choses to ‘hate Trump’. Many Swedes now started studying Arabic (new positions open at the University and other educational forums) and there is a boom on vacations to Dubai.

8 years ago

If women are more r than men? And this is “far r”

Then the answer is no.

Reply to  180degreesout
8 years ago

Another person who doesn’t believe in math.