Sharyl Attkisson Tweets There Are Bigger Scandals

Sharyl Weighs in and Chaffetz Responds:

Never forget, Breitbart, Scalia, Michael Hastings, and others seemed to die under mysterious circumstances. Sharyl and James Rosen were both targeted by intelligence operations, and those are just the two who noticed. Obama imported MS-13 and protected them from deportation, as his senior Justice leadership made ATF turn a blind eye to the arming of the Cartels with American weapons. In the Ukraine, an unmarked plane pulled up the airport, all of the country’s gold reserves were loaded on board by men in ski masks, and a few days later a government official said their gold reserves were gone, and nobody knew where they were. Roger Stone said he was hit with a radiological poison. Pizzagate has pointed to all sorts of strange cabals and cliques in positions of power, some of which may be pure evil. And our previous leaders were drawn from a group of commie radicals who have been talking about seizing total control over the capitalists, and even executing them, for decades. And there is much more, you can be sure.

A lot of stuff has gone on. In perusing some documents, one of Trump’s confidants caught spies who were spying on him and his family personally, for no reason other than he was successful. I cannot tell if he knew what he spotted, from what I saw, or who exactly sent the spies, but I would assume it was the left-wing of the Deep State, and he knew. And from that moment, if he knew, he has probably not had a moment’s peace, since he is being hunted 24/7.

So we are looking at this and thinking, “I cannot believe they did this to Trump.” But the truth is they may have gone to these lengths here, and stuck their neck out like this, because there are much worse things, affecting many more people, which have been going on for far longer, which they feared would be exposed if Trump had power.

What we are seeing may be only 1% of what is to come.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is guaranteed to be ore going on than we know

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7 years ago

We always talk about the camps and gulags they would set up, to kill us all in, but what we don’t realize is that their bodycount- the number of people that they’ve killed over the years- approaches genocide levels, a genocide against honest, right-wing, successful people. It’s just distributed instead of centralized so we don’t notice.

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

Things look so bad at this point that they may decide to just take out Trump and let the chips fall where they may. The media will run with any lone wolf story they are fed, and a significant chunk of the blue staters will applaud it not realizing the whirl wind being unleashed.

Reply to  Robert What?
7 years ago

I hope that the Main Man has set up a dead-man’s switch so that if the worst happens, Loyalist elements will have a clear set of directions. Hopefully the Marine Corps, the DIA, and Erik Prince’s band of merry men have protocols and procedures in place for when it’s Go Time.

7 years ago

2012: Germany demands repatriation of its gold from the US Fed

Germany is told that it can’t be done immediately and will take decades.

By the end of 2013, only 37 tons have been repatriated.

2014: Ukraine destabilizes and its gold reserves are stolen.

2015: A surge results in 210 of Germany’s 300 tons of gold have been repatriated.

2016: Germany announces that its gold is being repatriated at an “unexpectedly” high pace.

2017: Germany’s gold is repatriated.

Reply to  Phelps
7 years ago

Makes you wonder who knocked over Ft. Knox first- Bush? F.D.R.? J.F.K.? L.B.J.? And just who got the geld anyways?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

All roads lead to Rothschild and the (((bankers)))

7 years ago

Its a pandora’s box: once open, the USA will never be the same again.

No more “benefit of the doubt”, no more “plausible denial”, goodbye innocence.

The USA will have “grown up”.

(That is what the left really fears.)

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  rien
7 years ago

Bingo! That’s why I say that the revelations will be strictly contained, and they will be related exclusively to the 2016 election cycle, although MAYBE Uranium One and Imran Awan/Debby Wasserman will be included, but none of the human trafficking or paedophilia or spirit cooking or Bohemian Grove or any of that pizzagate stuff will be brought to light. First of all, the vast majority of the population simply would not believe it–not a word of it–and second, even if presented with incontrovertible evidence so that they HAD to believe it, they would be utterly incapable of dealing with it; of handling the truth. So none of that is going to be revealed. The results are incalculable, so the decision-makers will not take the risk.

The decision-makers, whoever they are, know this. They know full well that the decisions in all this will be political, not judicial. And they know that fully HALF of the population–our willfully ignorant, superstitious population–worship these criminals as gods. And that 50/50 divide would make the necessary divisions nearly impossible even for men slap full of moral courage, and how many such men are there in DC?

So whatever facts and truth are handed out to the general population will be chosen and filtered very carefully. Because their choice is (1) Admit to the whole people that the law applies only to them but not to the new aristocracy, OR (2) put on trial people whom fully HALF the population worship as gods. So the decisions will necessarily be political, not judicial, let alone moral.

Because the decision-makers also know that even if the malefactors are put on trial, it will–in ALL cases–be before a jury of their peers, which is precisely the danger.

Remember these two things at all times in the months to come: (1) Jurors in ALL cases will be drawn from voter-registration rolls, and (2) The OJ Simpson verdict.

Also, the path forward from here will be that of a pinball in a pinball machine because with every single new revelation of truth, the Dems will react with far more than their usual tiresome hysteria–backed up every step of the way by the Ministry of Truth, which is where the mass of the population (who follow this sort of thing at all) get their “news”–and that will act as a post in a pinball machine, and the ball (the public’s attention, such as it is) will zoom off in a completely new AND UNFORESEEABLE direction.

And that’s who ALL of this will go down. We have the government we deserve.

Reply to  Mr Darcy
7 years ago

Another wildcard: the left has no inherent group-fidelity. When leftist are taken down, they WILL squeak. Even when de govt decides not to go all out public, the wire will be abuzz with so much rumour that the same effect will be obtained.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
7 years ago

I once heard someone on the radio talking about why Richard Nixon did not rat on the ‘Plumbers’ when he found out that they had broken into Watergate. Had he done so, he would have never had to resign in shame. This guy answered that Nixon and his operatives had been in cahoots for so long and had committed so many other crimes together that he simply could not separate himself from them without stirring up other worse crimes. Had he turned his back he surely would have had a knife stuck in it.