Sharyl Attkisson Shows There Are No Rules

Sharyl is still waging the battle:

I just filed my latest appeal to the FBI’s improper withholding of my FBI file.

You may not know it, but every American citizen–even a lowly reporter–is entitled to see his FBI file, if one exists… The FBI has refused to do this in my case…

“It’s impossible to believe that the DOJ refuses to provide or even acknowledge the investigative file they must have created in allowing a journalist to travel with Presidents and First Families as Sharyl has,” says Glasser. “It makes no sense at all. Every reporter should be able to see what file the government has on them. This is America, not East Germany…”

So far, the government has not cooperated with my lawsuit. For example, without even filing the required motion, government officials failed to show up for a properly-noticed deposition in the case.

So the evil FBI was doing all sorts of bad things to Sharyl? Not so fast. This is the hall of mirrors.

Sharyl had classified documents planted on her computer. It is not impossible that if FBI agents were given orders to do that, they would carry it out. But FBI agents tend to be guys who joined up to do good. I would think even asking them to frame an innocent woman would be dangerous, as one could decide to go rogue and go public. Who knows where that leads.

My guesses of what is going on, in order of decreasing probability are as follows:

One, her FBI file is unremarkable, because FBI was not involved in what happened to her. When she figures that out, she will then move to the more procedurally kinetic moves she should be making now to target and identify who was responsible more directly. Given that her husband is former LE Intel, and he is not pointing her in that direction means either he thinks it would get her killed, he still feels loyalty to the LE intel community even as it is targeting his wife, or something even more unsettling.

Two, she was under FBI surveillance, and though they were not the ones targeting her for imprisonment, they do not want it known how much they surveil reporters in their normal course of doing business. She may even have FISA warrants herself, or at least they were sought. Also there may be confidential sources they maintain, both in CBS and near her which they feel may get outed, and it could all be embarrassing. I tend to doubt this as it is my understanding all sensitive/embarrassing surveillance files are stored under minor offices of some unrelated agency. To get it she might have to specifically FOIA the Office of Domestic Agricultural Diversity and Immigrant Affairs in the Department of Energy. Or maybe something obscure in IRS.

Three, her normal FBI surveillance documented someone targeting her in the course of their normal surveillance of a reporter, and that produced an official investigation to ID the parties. Once the interlopers were ID’d, the whole thing got shut down as anything associated with those parties does. That part of her official file could lead her to the parties responsible – and to something that would fundamentally change how the nation views the surveillance world, producing reforms that would crush the FBI’s ability to operate as well. Somebody has had an awfully big hand in the surveillance cookie jar, and it will blow people’s minds when it comes out, hurting all surveillance, from NSA data collection, to the local police department keeping tabs on neighborhood pot dealers. Probably even less likely than number two, as the responsible parties would just have made the FBI delete the file long ago.

Finally, it is possible FBI assets were at some point attached to whatever targeted her, that request is in the file and it would ID the agency or individuals involved.

Of greatest interest is how when push comes to shove with these entities, they control everyone – even the FBI agents themselves, and the rules we are told must always be obeyed to assure our free society and the confidence in our government’s honesty, in reality mean literally nothing. When the domestic Intel machine snaps its fingers, it can do anything, and there is no law enforcement. Adapt now to the idea that there are no rules, because when the Apocalypse comes and they begin killing the liberty-minded, there will be no rules.

This is an astonishing story though, on so many levels. An innocent woman was framed for having classified documents – by a government agency bent on arbitrarily imprisoning her without any due process or right to criminal defense. She was spied on as if it were East Germany and she were a foreign agent working for the US. The executive/enforcement branch of government has wholly abandoned any pretense of the rule of law in her case, and would never even bother to fake an investigation, had she sought one. Had she gone to local PD with evidence of crimes against her, the local PD would have been forced to ignore her, almost certainly under duress. And to top of off, the courts are just blithely ignored by the entire government, and nothing comes of it.

Add it to the list. A CIA task force including the DNI and NSA targeted a Presidential candidate looking for damaging material for his opposition during an election. The FBI sought FISA warrants on four of his closest associates. His close friend Roger Stone was almost killed with a radioactive poison – which would require a huge operation to deploy. You are not in Kansas anymore, and the rules you were taught no longer apply. Buckle up, because this is where the ride gets wild. As soon as the Apocalypse hits, this will look like a by the book, rule-obsessed phase of our country’s history.

I wonder fairly often now, have I just always been naïve? Was I living in my own fantasy Matrix, blind to the real world around me? Were local police always totally powerless in the nation against everyone but the lowly pot dealer who wasn’t linked to government somehow? Was the whole thing always a lie? How could this happen, when the majority who would gravitate to work in all of those agencies have to be moral and trend toward patriotism and freedom? How could a few rabbits at the top corrupt it all so thoroughly that an innocent woman would be framed and thrown in jail for decades for treason, without triggering a revolution in the agencies themselves? It is all very weird.

Did this start with George Bush’s naiveté, handing so much power to rabbits? Or worse, was my view of him as basically moral totally off base? I’ve always felt pretty savvy, as if I could at least create a high-probability model of the likely truth, but lately I can feel my amygdala spinning in all directions, questioning every assumption. Are there drug dealers who work for the government, and the drug war is to assure their monopoly? Do lizard people run the UN? Anything is possible.

It is very weird times, but exciting too. If ever we were going to see answers revealed, it will be under Trump. I do not believe there is a single politician anywhere else who would offer even the possibility of a revelation. And I believe he has an idea of what is up. Even better, the agencies themselves have taken it so far it seems destined to unravel even without Trump’s help.

It will be interesting to see if in four years everyone else’s mind is as blown as mine.

Pray for Donald and his family.

Spread r/K Theory, because this may be the most exciting and shocking Presidential administration ever

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8 years ago

[…] Sharyl Attkisson Shows There Are No Rules […]

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
8 years ago

“………..Did this start with George Bush’s naiveté, handing so much power to rabbits?………..”

Bush was very compromised by the Saudis. Bush was a NWO and not unlike obama but without the lack of grace that the office of presidents hold.

In my opinion obama weaponised the FBI (as well as IRS, CIA, EPA etc) and those that would do the right thing found themselves without a pension and very quickly subject to the same weaponised branches of government. So very little would leak out by someone trying to do the right thing. The complete control of the media ensured obama and commie crew that they were untouchable and so far they have been untouchable.

8 years ago

Did this start with George Bush’s naiveté, handing so much power to rabbits?

Poppi Bush was the former head of the CIA. It wasn’t naivete, it was malice.