Senior Pentagon Official Approves Of A Coup D’etat

There will be no living with her:

A former Defense Department official under the Obama administration has raised the specter of a military coup to remove President Donald Trump from power. In an editorial penned for Foreign Policy, senior Pentagon policy official Rosa Brooks publicly suggested a military insurrection against the Trump administration may be the only option to oust one of the most divisive presidents in American history. “Donald Trump’s first week as president has made it all too clear: Yes, he is as crazy as everyone feared,” Ms. Brooks wrote. “[One] possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.” … her career in public service, including three years as senior counselor to the Pentagon’s policy chief from 2009 to 2011…

Pretty shocking.

This is more evidence that on the current path, the government is heading toward dissolution and civil war. It used to be that left or right, the leaders of the government viewed government continuity, and the sanctity of the electoral process as sacrosanct. But now, even former Pentagon officials are advocating overthrow of the lawfully elected government – and it was not even a contested election like the 2000 election.

At some point in the future, government will not have the funding to continue as it is. It will require a concerted effort by the whole of the populace to sustain it. From the look of things, the will required for that concerted effort will not be on the left, and I doubt it will be on the right either.

We are heading to a dissolution.

Spread r/K Theory, because when the government is gone r/K will be our guiding light

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8 years ago

[…] Senior Pentagon Official Approves Of A Coup D’etat […]

Sir Charles Pipkins
Sir Charles Pipkins
8 years ago

The problem is females in responsible positions. MSM & education target girls as the weak link. Muh feelz is shocked that not everyone is a brainwashed snowflake. She simply doesn’t have the sense of masculine integrity & foresight to realize how society would collapse if everyone dud what tge hell they wanted.

The name Rosa is also a giveaway. Prob named after that lazy black that wouldn’t move to go to the back of the bus the White man built for her.

8 years ago

Makes you wonder where those 7000 American nukes are going to end up. Maybe Vault-Co still has some space available.

8 years ago

Lest we forget, this is a “pentagon official.”
NOT a military officer.

Just another leftist professor installed by Hussein to implement radical perversion and myopathy in the US military.

And while Hussein did succeed on many fronts to implement as much weakness and SJW-ism in the military; there’s still plenty of hard-ass actual men in there to take the rifle he was given to use in the professors coup, and shoot the officer leading the idiocy, stone dead, in front of all his men.

8 years ago

This is one area where libertarian thinking shines. As Tom Woods is fond of saying, how the hell is it obvious the best form of government for hundreds of millions of people is to be ruled by a city-state on the east coast? I wonder if the Founders ever envisioned their system working beyond just the original 13 colonies.

8 years ago

a) Foreign Policy is the CFR outlet. OF COURSE they’re crazy. They’re CIA-CLINTON.
b) TRUMP has the BACKING of the Pentagon. The CFR is DELUSIONAL. The Pentagon HATED the idea of having to fight US Special Forces helping ISIS – pitting one US army against the other. They’re glad that’s over.

8 years ago

Do the globalist shitlibs really not understand which side the combat-arms branches of the military would favor? Have their stunted amygdalas completely overridden their capacity for logical thought? Has Rosa ever met Mattis, Kelly, and Flynn? As an example of self-delusion, this takes the cake.

8 years ago

In the UK, we have this lot… [motto = “Leading BEYOND Authority”]
(btw they have also moved into South America)

Leaked database of “graduates” from 95-04 at

Just put any state department (including BBC) into search field [organisation] and bear in mind that “courses” cost £3k-£10k and for a state employee but dont worry “the company will pay!” or TV-LICENSE payer will 😉

Does that qualify as “Excess resources”?

I found 3 Beeb rabbits there that attended the “28 gate” climate meetings
Many judges? I think so
Also happened across a Chief constable allowed to retire while under investigation for child abuse cover up… not charged because. .. he’d retired!

‘r’abbit central if you were to ask me…