Scott Adams Sees The Republic Falling

He is probably right:

I also think we are seeing with the recent leaks the first phase of Mutually Assured Destruction of our government. The leaks will destroy Trump if they continue. But if that happens, no Democrat and no anti-Trump Republican will ever be able to govern in the future. Payback is guaranteed. The next President to sit in the White House will be leaked to the point of ineffectiveness. And that’s how the Republic dies.

That isn’t necessarily bad news. The Republic form of government doesn’t make sense in the modern world anyway. We already evolved into a form of direct democracy via social media and polling. Our politicians can’t risk going against a big majority – even for noble reasons – because social media will organize to drive that person out of office over the issue. In effect, we are already a direct democracy. The Republic is already history, except in a technical sense.

If you can sit passively while watching the Opposition Media turn “hope” into “asked Comey to end the investigation,” you are part of the slow assassination of President Trump. And you are also part of the slow assassination of the next president, and the next. If Trump goes down from leaks, Mutually Assured Destruction kicks in automatically.

Again, this is the shift from a long term perspective, which will emphasize the importance of government over the importance of every minor issue, to a short term perspective which will emphasize the importance of immediately seeking gratification on every issue.

Whether it is free resources, importing more genetically tuned short term psychologies, or some mix, this is the decline. It can only be reversed by a change in the biology of the citizenry, either through culling, or epigenetic alteration courtesy of shortage and hardship.

The Apocalypse is literally the only thing which can save civilization. It is crazy to think the only way you can save civilization is to let it be destroyed, but every time you save it you only draw out the decline. Let it gall, and let the hardship re-instill the qualities needed to recreate it and protect it.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because we want everyone to welcome the Apocalypse

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7 years ago

[…] Scott Adams Sees The Republic Falling […]

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

“The next President to sit in the White House will be leaked to the point of ineffectiveness”.

Leaked to whom? Without the legs that the MSM lies provide, nothing will gain any traction and won’t be remembered by the room temperature IQ sheep. Plus, the left or the Rinos will not have any hesitation punishing anyone in the WH or elsewhere that is not a whore. Now, Trump has staff that support his ouster. If the next president is a dimocrat or Rino, any existing staff or Federal employees will be fired and no one will scream “constitutional crisis’ over and over. It will just go down the memory hole.

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

I disagree. Under a Democrat President, leakers will be arrested and prosecuted. Republicans don’t have the stomach for doing that even when the leaker acted maliciously or even illegally. They forget that they are dealing with people who have no honor.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

And I disagree with you. Dimocrat presidents will not let anyone that is not a fellow Kool-Aid sipper in any position to provide opposition by leaking information. But, let’s not forget how absolutely committed Dimocrat bureaucrats, congressmen, senators, and K-street panhandlers are about leaking information to the MSM. Of course, Dim presidents or any other Dims in authority are all about DESTROYING their enemies, but you have to be a true believer before they will give an appointed position to anyone that could use it against them.

7 years ago

DNC leaks et al were e-mails that could be cryptographically verified.
These current “leaks” seem to be some goon telling the NYT something. Likely all forged anyway.
This will not destroy the government but the media who run with it.
See that AP story where they hired a leftist extremist who went on to write complete fantasies about KellyAnne. Under the AP name.
That’s a torpedo mid ship for the credibility of AP.