Scott Adams is Still Going On About How Nobody Could Know the Vaccines Were Bad

I’m doing this as a stand alone outside the brief because regulars will know this innately, but it will probably be important for newbies to understand, now that it would appear our public health machine is at least corrupt and dangerous, and might even have been taken over by very technically gifted, and very strategic depopulationists. (And to be clear, I think Vox’s analysis is very spot on.) I understand the theory behind vaccine science very well, having made conjugated vaccines designed to produce antibodies against endogenously produced peptide hormones a long time ago. I can say with 99% certainty, the architects of this shot were not ignorant of the fact it would likely produce auto-immunity and degrade health, at least somewhat. It is why they demanded liability protection, and will not allow the vaccine to be given to anyone who might not be trapped under that liability-protection umbrella.

Theoretically, I assumed the vaccines would have produced autoimmunity by presenting the antigen on the surface of human cells, right alongside other cell-surface receptors and markers. That is how you get an antibody response to endogenously produced peptides, by conjugating the target to a large antigen like Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin, or Tetanus Toxoid.

I had been thinking they didn’t care and viewed the damage as probably tolerable collateral damage, or maybe the unpredictability of biotechnology had caused some other mechanism to blunt the effect to tolerable levels. But given it is Gates and the rest of the depopulation crew pushing the vaccines so ardently, and what is managing to make it out through the controlled media, I am coming around to Vox’s position this was statistically more likely a planned removal of the elderly and the weak.

Meanwhile, the important part of the post is about how Scott Adams is still trying to claim you should listen to him on medical/biotechnical issues:

I am pretty sure if he had been right, he would have been telling us it was not by chance.

The problem Adams has is he wants to be seen as an expert in a field he knows absolutely nothing about. I was a Freshman in college, taking the first year chemistry lab course. There was some lab experiment, but everything all of the pairs in our lab class did got fucked up somehow, and when we were supposed to get out a precipitate at the end, filter, wash, dry, and weigh it, nobody got anything. It could have been we did something wrong, though the fact nobody who followed the written procedure got the end product made it seem maybe one of the reagents wasn’t what they said. Regardless, whatever fucked up was fucking up all of us. The TA watching us had taken off early, there was a professor wandering through a bunch of labs he oversaw, to be able to claim he was monitoring safety, but we weren’t going to see him. So we had time and privacy, and there were a few options. Submit empty procedure/results forms and take the grade hit in a class that was graded purely on a curve. Or we could hope there was no other lab class coming and we could all redo everything without whatever had screwed up, many of us probably missing another curved STEM class we all had after, and probably nobody getting the precipitate again. Or we could sit down, calculate the molar concentrations, and the volumes, and the reactions, the product, the amount produced, the weight, and what should have happened, and then smudge the numbers for real life losses, and fill out the forms with what should have happened and whatever measurements we should have ended up with.

As we all sat down with papers and calculators, a professor everybody knew of, who was kind of wacky, came wandering through the room looking for something. There was a moment of tension, as we thought “authority” had caught us. He took a moment peering at us through the small lenses of his coke-bottle-bottom glasses, broke into a big wide googly eye’d smile, as he knew instantly, and said, “Oh, the next generation of scientists, dry-labbing your results already. They grow up so fast!” He laughed  all down the hall as he walked out. We looked at each other still a little panicky a new lab was about to come in and kick us out, and resumed hastily calculating and concocting forms which more or less approximated what should have happened. But the point is, biotechnology is not Newtonian physics to begin with, and on top of that, dry-labbing is a thing, even when there are not hundreds of billions of dollars on the line.

Adams keeps saying he had bad data, but that isn’t the problem. If he is honest, and not a machine shill (and I am not saying he is honest, I lean against it), he is arguing he can understand biotechnology and advise on it because it is some f=ma equation, where if you know force and mass, you know acceleration. Biotechnology is nothing like that. There are too many known systems at play simultaneously in the body and cells of a living organism, too many unknown systems we don’t even know exist, and they all interact and affect each other in unpredictable ways. There is no predictability or reasonable expectation, beyond a general hope and then what happens.

And as that old professor noted, dry-labbing happens so regularly it is a joke, even in an undergrad chem lab, when no money is at stake. Take a multinational biotechnology company, with hundreds of billions on the line globally, especially with the political pull to get liability-protection for their product, and there will be no data you can use. They will make it all fit in the way that makes the most money. There will only be the effect, which is why you always wait to see what their products do to the population – ideally two or three years, at least.

I admittedly tend toward paranoia, though not without reason. I’ve got four houses immediately around me where the neighbors were moved out after I wrote EvoPsych and started this blog, and the houses were filled with people dedicated to watching me 24/7. I get followed by numbers of people nobody would believe, in cars and on foot, wherever I go. I’ve seen the domestic intelligence/surveillance machine, and everyone should be paranoid. But because of that, I am beginning to wonder if Adams really could be so dumb as to not recognize that Big Pharma would basically be Big Tobacco with just a thin veneer of the benevolence of medicine laid over it to make it look pretty. He seems sharper than that.

The corruption, between Fauci, and the governments, and the campaign contributions, and the industry, and with the whole Cabal-intelligence-infrastructure in the shadows, and the ground surveillance on top of it all – could Adams still not have any clue any of it is out there? Even after finding out our elections are all rigged to the point Trump, with his highway parades, and boat parades, and stadiums full of adoring fans, would get beaten by Biden and Harris, who couldn’t pull a single fan to their first dual appearance?

Is it more likely at Scott’s level, where the elites must talk to some degree, he would have no idea and be like Mary Poppins? Or is it more likely he knew on some level, and was somehow recompensed as an “influencer,” to aid the vaccination effort, maybe even with a plausible deniability of “helping public health.” Note how this article, written for people who hire and pay influencers, makes it seem like the whole point of becoming an influencer is to sell that influence. It seems to indicate being an influencer is just a well cloaked advertising business, complete with detailed stats on followers and engagement to pitch your wares, and not some benevolent genius spending hours of his life each day trying to help you out of the goodness of his heart.

Is it possible that now that Adams is seeing people are finding out what they were tricked into taking, he is trying to say he was tricked too, and the data was bad, so all of you should keep following him and doing what he recommends, so his influencer side-gig stats will not get too damaged?

I don’t know, as I admit, I tend toward paranoia. But I find it hard to believe anybody could look at the world today, and see government begin mandating everyone has to take a shot, but only after making sure nobody can sue the manufacturer, and not begin to wonder if there is any corruption at work in that system, and maybe things aren’t as they are portrayed.

It would be interesting to see somebody ask him, point blank, was he ever approached by anyone, related to affecting the dialog on public health during the COVID crisis in any way.

Because there is no shortage of articles, from here showing the federal government was paying influencers to alter the vaccine debate, to here showing even rural state governments like Colorado were paying influencers to affect the debate, to here claiming a UK marketing firm was hiring influencers to oppose vaccines on the other side, for reasons that are not clear. If all those entities were employing influencers, it is a good bet all of their expenditures were dwarfed by the elephant in the room who was really making all the money and had the real interest in the issue – Big Pharma. (And notice, nobody will ask if Big Pharma paid any influencers, lest they end up like Brandy Vaughn.)

Was Adams, a noted influencer, not approached at all? That would seem unlikely if all those entities are recruiting prominent influencers. Was he approached and refused? Or might he have been approached and taken some form of recompense? If he was approached, as seems likely, why would he not inform his audience, saying, “Hey this is crazy, but, I was just offered $XXX,XXX to tell you guys “YYY YYY.” So be warned, not everything you see on twitter may be honest opinions. People with agendas out there are paying people off to manipulate you.”

It would be interesting to see somebody ask him point blank, but broadly drawn, “Did anyone ever approach you about saying anything related to public health?” For that matter I would also like to know if he is invested in any vaccine manufacturers.

Because all his dancing lately looks little like a persuasion trick that has everyone debating whether he was right or wrong, and not why he may have been advocating the vaccines, or if there was any personal interest or ulterior motive there. And he is, by his own words, a master of persuasion.

Nothing in an intelligence-operation-driven world will necessarily be what it seems. And you are living in an intelligence operation driven world.

Tell other people about r/K Theory, because those cocksuckers aren’t paying me shit to influence you.

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3 years ago

You have nailed it. Fifth eye of God if you have read Neville Goddard. Lets pray we move on to the sixth and seventh eye.

3 years ago

I am an ardent listener to Scott Adam’s daily show, Coffee with Scott Adams. I’ve heard every show since he started. Although he did end up taking the vax, he was very cautious and hesitant about it. And, he has never recommended getting the vax to his audience. He says specifically that he is not a medical professional and does not give medical advice. He says repeatedly, he does not care one way or the other what you do, get the jab or not. It is not a fair representation of his position that he is an advocate for the jab. Far from it.

Phil G
Phil G
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

SA has enough money that hes not easily bought. Scott never promoted the vax nor said non vaxers were lucky. That never happened. He reluctantly took the vax after waiting and was always careful to say others shouldn’t take it because he did. He also revealed he had co-morbidities that influenced his decision. I don’t agree with everything he says but listen to him for persuasion skills and thinking discipline. These attacks on him are unfair and out of context.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Here’s an even better meme of his positions:

comment image

Phil G
Phil G
Reply to  Lucan
3 years ago

I’m also a long time listener of SA and this is my take as well. I think he’s being misrepresented by people who disagree with him and haven’t listened to all his content. He’s pretty good at showing his work and changing as the info changes. I think Vox is not being fair here.

Reply to  Phil G
3 years ago

When Vox is concerned, He is so far ahead of the curve, I would question your own understanding before questioning His.
Could He be right? If so, how?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

AC, you might find this interesting,
This guy has planes watching him on the regular,

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Speaking of influencers, this guy has 10.6 million YouTube subscribers. He’s prominently wearing a t-shirt for a company called Bunker Branding Co which specializes in merchandise for influencers:

Looking at their influencer clients you get the sense of a bunch of distractors. Like Scott Adams, none of them will choose to endanger their subscriber numbers by actually revealing any real truths. But they’ll drape themselves in faith, flag, family, firearms, football etc ad nauseam while they monetize you. Anyone who genuinely threatens their propaganda will be canceled before they get to 1 million subscribers, never mind 10 million. It why “our guys” like Joe Rogan or Jocko Willink never talk the Cabal or our surveillance we talk here.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Bunker Branding is one of his own businesses. I’ve watched a few of his videos and haven’t picked up on anything but enthusiasm for firearms. Not everyone’s comp’ed, in the fight, or even aware of the fight.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The ranch is somewhere in Texas. As for Bunker, I recognize several of their ‘influencers.” I’m a fan of a few of them. They are normie content, all of which skirt the edge of Youtube’s censorship to remain monetized. Matt has two channels, Demo Ranch and VetRanch, because he is/was a veterinarian. He got his start on Youtube way back when they would monetize absolutely ANYBODY with no stipulations and the money was actually GOOD. Even with their current adjusted down rates, 10 million subscribers is going to get him a decent chunk of change per upload, not to mention whatever sponsors he’s lined up.

Matt Mentions an Apache flying by, so that means he’s by a US Army air base.

But no, that absolutely IS the game on Youtube. Get your view count up, get your subscribers up, and get sponsored and Google Ad Sense. It’s a job where opinions are for sale.

I currently have almost 80 subscribers on GabTV, and get between 500 and 1500 views per video, and I am doing VERY WELL for a first year content creator. I credit AC for that.

I am going to be monetizing via Gab ads when they get that up and running, I already have affiliate links to CNC products that I trust with OpenBuilds, and I sell merch. I am NOT taking any direct sponsors, so you will never see a paid tool “review” that is really a tool commercial. Or paid gun review. You get the idea. I’ve looked into how to make money as a content creator, and I don’t like most of the available options. Paypal/Patreon/Subscribestar is mostly honest aside from Paypal and Patreon being Cabal.

I have had to turn down a CNC job because MK1 just isn’t capable. I’m hoping to be paying all of my bills with MK2 by end of 2022. Including paying for MK3 and an upcoming laser-cutter build.

FYI, we’ve got helos and small planes around here all the time, too. Especially in Summer, but then I live in a place where you don’t do anything flammable outdoors during the Summer months because you might burn the county down. Even mowing the lawn. Plus there’s an airport with LifeFlight a few miles away from me.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Awesome, keep up the good work, brother!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I need to add to what I said – the reason I NEED to be able to pay my bills is because all of the CAD files for MK2 are going to be made available online at someplace like Github, where anyone can download and replicate what I am doing. I forget which license exactly I’m going to be releasing under but it will probably be GPL commercial, so that anyone can use the files however they wish, including making and selling them.

I’m going to do that with every machine I design. MK3, 4, a lathe, 3d printer, whatever. So, if I want people to use my designs, I kinda need to prove that they (A) work, and (B) work well enough that they can sustain a small business.

At some point I want to grow to making and selling machines.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

And something that I just discovered – Owen Benjamin is NOT allowed on Subscribestar, and he’s obviously a heck of a lot bigger than I am, or most of the people I know of who were accepted on Subscribestar.


For the record, Subscribestar rejected me when I started BOOTSTRAPPY. They responded that I needed to grow my following, but that they believed that I had the potential needed and to check back at a later date.

Bunker Branding has a cut off of one million followers, below that they will make & sell you merch for you to store and ship to customers.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Oh, forgot this link: Like I said, the influencer gig is largely a massive scam:

How to buy YouTube subscribers that are real and active

This is why I want to maintain a buyer-seller monetization model, where I provide a manufactured good to a willing buyer, instead of going all in on building up the channel for the ad revenue, which would be a lot quicker I reckon, but dishonest as hell.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Lowell Houser says,”…And something that I just discovered – Owen Benjamin is NOT allowed on Subscribestar…”

Maybe it’s because Owen Benjamin says rocket ships can not escape earth because they run into a shield around it.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“This is why I want to maintain a buyer-seller monetization model, where I provide a manufactured good to a willing buyer, instead of going all in on building up the channel for the ad revenue, which would be a lot quicker I reckon, but dishonest as hell.”

Just want to add, sounds like you will be approaching the cutting edge, where there may be many monetization strategies available once you get to a certain point. An easy one to predict is consulting. I can definitely see more wealthy (and based) people wanting to hire you simply for your insight. I know I would. And this can help you create jobs as well and build a real community of builders around you. But there might be other, better ideas like this so I hope you make sure your plans aren’t limiting you in any way for unexpected opportunities or keeping you from an open mind and open eyes.

3 years ago

To any folks who, like me two years ago, are used to dismissing conspiracy theorists as cranks, paranoids, and ne’er-do-wells please consider: is it true, or not?
NOT: “is it hard to believe there are 10-15% of my own neighborhood taking money and benefits to spy on their neighbors?”
NOT: “would Scott Adams truly be evil enough to take money in return for giving advice that would kill hundreds of thousands of people?”
NOT: “would you be MORE COMFORTABLE living in a world where these things aren’t true?”
THE ONLY QUESTION THAT MATTERS IS: “is it true, or not?”

3 years ago

Robert Kennedy’s new book is meant to undermine the credibility of big pharma and fauci, and according to ron unz, it interestingly focuses most on the connection between HIV and Aides and how skeptics of the connection have been suppressed, including the guy who actually discovered HIV. But really, it makes sense to focus on something historical which has a lot more data and history to parse because that gives you an idea of the character of these institutions and allow a more informed opinion on their current bullshit campaign. Since of course it will be some years before the complete details and consequences of the current stuff is known. I

Sorry to post this a third time, but it is clearly important to how intelligence/cabal hires and/or manufactures “influencers” to spread shit narrative. Its especially interesting in that in this case its not a rino, but a dino. In this case, you can probably bet there are plenty of extreme left useful idiots out there who, like a broken clock being right twice a day, would be skeptical of big pharma and the vax. So the whole compaign was to shape pro-vaccine as being a left thing and inverse no-true-scotsmening any leftwing resistance to it. Although really, to vax or not to vax isn’t actually a left-right thing except insofar as intelligence is able to shape that as the narrative. Which they seem to have done an effective job of.

>I’ve got four houses immediately around me where the neighbors were moved out after I wrote EvoPsych and started this blog, and the houses were filled with people dedicated to watching me 24/7.

I am not saying this is surveillance, cause honestly I don’t know. But when I moved to my current location, both neighbors sold their houses within a few months. On one side it was turned into a airbnb rental, so there was always an excuse for all sorts of random people to be coming and going from there. To be fair, though, it is a perfect property for vacation type renting, so this explanation does make sense without surveillance. The other was bought by some local lawyers, who are rarely there as a weekend property. However, they hired people to build a cover to the backyard deck and something that probably shouldn’t have taken more than a month stretched out for the better part of a year. Strange, but again not what I would consider proof. Now, I have some work were I am not actually home a lot of the time and the airbnb neighbor is suddenly selling again. Do I know its surveillance? No, there is plenty of plausible deniability to throw around. And honestly, I don’t think I am all that interesting anyway. However, I can’t rule it out either.

3 years ago

Here’s something to consider:

Not everyone who is either controlled opposition or a controlled asset knows that they are controlled.

Most people tend to think of all of this in very explicit, direct terms. They think of such a person having a person they view as their handler, being given scripts to tell them what to say, and receiving a specified sum for services rendered.

It doesn’t work that way.

Here’s a better way to conceive of it: IF you are altering or editing what you say, or self-censoring in any way due to fear of illegal force being used against you, you are a controlled asset.

Once we look at it that way, things become more clear. Where people get confused on the issue of “controlled media” is that to them that means “everyone being in on the conspiracy” on the level of all following a master plan. The thing of someone giving an asset a direct script and telling them way to say.

Cabal works so much more subtly than that.

Take Joe Rogan as just one example. It’s most likely he is controlled. But that doesn’t mean he has secret meetings with his handers where they scheme things.

All it takes is Rogan knowingly self-censoring. And then, you just need one person in Joe’s inner-circle (say, a producer) he IS controlled and spends his time making innocuous suggestions and recommendations to Joe. All the better if Joe has no idea that this particular person is even his handler. If you trust someone who is a handler and you don’t know they are a handler, you are a controlled asset.

That applies to many more of you reading this than you might imagine, btw.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Useful idiots.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I believe that with Adams it is his girlfriend.
I think she not only influences him in the normal ways a woman influences a man but also is the one who got him to “study” hypno porn and may even perform hypno therapy on him herself.

Indigo Arc
Indigo Arc
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I too think it likely that Basham was “given” to Adams, much like Amber Heard was passed first to Johnny Depp, then to Elon Musk. (Musk had, unlike Depp, the good sense to dismiss her without black eyes…)

There is a literal stable of such sweet young things kept for this very purpose. It’s part of the “entertainment” industry’s reason to exist; to draw them at least somewhat voluntarily to a controlled location where they will be immersed in the grooming system.

3 years ago

>> all his dancing lately looks little like a persuasion trick

Not lately but always.

3 years ago

All influencers get the rope. No fucking exceptions.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

This actually ties into the vax.

I left a comment noting that they did something similar with the bird flu contaminating swine flu vaccines. I found a reporter who sued the vaccine companies for genocide and wandered what happened to her(still don;t know). Following a few links ran across this guy who wrote a book, free download, called, “Bio-Terror Bible” he wrote in, get this, 2012 where he says,

“…The Bio-Terror Bible ultimately connects the dots of an upcoming false-flag bio-terror attack and subsequent pandemic through the lens of over 1,000 data points of news, information and propaganda in the spectrum of bio-terrorism.

Based on the cumulative data of bio-terror research, a made-for-tv bio-terror “event” will likely occur involving the use of agents known as Anthrax and Smallpox. However, the real pandemic that will kill of millions of people will the result of poisonous vaccines that will be issued to the public by the government and medical establishment in the aftermath of a major bio-terror attack…”

Wow. This is new to me but reiterates that this has been planned for a long time and people who were clued in could see the signs of this happening.

Robert Totino
Robert Totino
3 years ago

I remember years ago ( 2016 or 17?) Mark Dice did a video saying an alphabet agency had approached him about finding out how he was able to get so many views and saying they wanted to work with him. In the video mentioning it he laughs at how dimb these people are. Now it’s possible he actually did take a deal and the video was meant to boost up the public perception of his honesty, independence, and reliability but it still stands in stark contrast to Adams. I imagine that if Dice got approached who despite his followers at the time would have still been way less well known than a nationally syndicated cartoonist and author, it would be inlikely Adams wasn’t as borh men were boosting Trump at the time.

3 years ago

I listened to Scott for a year, until I got a severe case of covid. Then no more.
The reason for him to get vaxxed was his trophy wife Kristina. He’s very proud of who he’s married to and not afraid to tell you so. Before the vaxx he lived separate from her because of her kids that live with her, as he often talked about.
He openly admitted he didn’t think it was a good idea to be part of a family who were still going out and doing things contrary to living in isolation.
Sounds like Kristina enjoys family, friends and living a normal extravagant life. Because I can remember at least 2 times he went on holiday with her by air travel, but vowed never use a car for vacation again.
Nope, it wasn’t science that convinced Scott. It was pussy. Beautiful, acrobatic pussy at that.
And you know what? I don’t blame him. With all his money and good health, why not take a chance on a vax so he could enjoy freedom with his wife?
If you’re the type who can’t live without female companionship you may have to make compromise’s. I don’t know why he couldn’t just admit people do things for various reason’s that have nothing to do with predicting the future.
Friday Christmas Eve, my parents hosted a party for 28 family members. Only 3 didn’t get sick or test positive for a mild case of Covsars-2 two days later.
Most were triple vaxxed. I wasn’t as were about half dozen. Made no difference. Surprisingly my elderly parents never got sick, who were vaxxed. I had previously tested positive in october, and got sick again, but, not very bad. Still no vax for me.
Tell me about how science can explain that.

Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Adams is a gamma. This is classic “I cannot be wrong” gamma behavior.

3 years ago

Scott Adams is the poster child for what happens when you cross-breed Dunning-Kruger with projection.

When someone who obviously doesn’t know anything about which he opines, and which he got spectacularly wrong, by explaining that no one could possibly be smarter than he himself, you’ve got a textbook case. He literally could have done better 50% of the time by flipping a coin.

He could simply excuse his failure by admitting the obvious, by saying “I don’t even know what I don’t even know, and I got bamboozled”, but that’s just too hard for him. His ego/total lack of humility can’t admit the obvious. He is a real world Fox from my namesake’s fable, muttering, “The Grapes were probably sour anyways”, because he couldn’t get them.

He writes comics. He’s fairly successful at that.
Turns out what he understands about epidemiology and immunology could fit inside one panel of any of his strips, with predictable results for him. Color me shocked.

At the risk of telling him, “Soopergenius, heal thyself”, this creation of his comes inevitably to mind:
comment image

A working COVID vaccine – any of them – would be as common anywhere right now as gold nuggets are on the streets of San Francisco. Instead, the nuggets one can find on the streets of San Fransh*tco are an apt metaphor for what the vaccines really are, and are worth.

COVID not-a-vaccine: an idea so good you need a gun to your head to want it.

3 years ago

>I’ve got four houses immediately around me where the neighbors were moved out after I wrote EvoPsych and started this blog, and the houses were filled with people dedicated to watching me 24/7.

Within a year of moving in, US Marshall’s were staking out one of my neighbors. My wife and I had left the house to drop off one of the vehicles to the dealership for a stud replacement. They pulled her over and showed her pictures of the neighbor. Asking her some questions. Evidently, he was wanted for some type of fraud. He ran off the Mexico. Then 12 months later the Sheriff’s office was delivering court subpoena and he ran off to Mexico again.

The neighbor next door was moving out with a week or so. Union carpenter and lost his house because of the housing bubble at the time. The next lady who moved in has two kids from a deadbeat dad, who disowned his kids. She moved out to get her kids closer to the school across town. Interesting tidbit she worked as a hair dresser, but her dad foots the bill for everything. He is in “finance” and owns a bunch of houses in town. Not sure if he rents them or not. He has another adopted daughter from South Korea and she doesn’t work either. How they afford this shit is beyond me. Now the hair dresser just got remarried to a guy who just quit his job as a parks/rec landscaper for the City.

A new couple moved in next to us big democrat supporters, but I’ve had no issue with them. Interesting fact is that they have a son in the same grade as my son. Coincedence?

The other neighbor next door moved out within a couple years and a cop moved in. The cop just got divorced. The ex wife was beating herself up and trying to blame it on him, according to a news article we found. He used surveillance cameras in his bedroom (that his wife didn’t know about) to clear him. He appears to be undercover cop (based on the nondescript white vans going and coming) and moved from a different town a few years after I moved in. It used to be a rental house (I think).

The neighbor to the cop is an interesting story. He moves in. Pisses everyone off in the facebook group for the neighborhood, by trying to sell insurance (he’s an agent). Then out of the fucking blue one day he pulls into my driveway, while my family and I are outside doing chores. I put myself between him and my family. He goes off bitching that someone called him in about his garbage cans being outside (HOA) and he got fined. Then brags that he got them back by making them fix his driveway/sidewalk or something and then leaves. WTF. My gut told me he was trying to get a closer look at my wife, because I was watching his eyes and moving myself between him and his line of sight. A few years later on, we were trick or treating with the kids and the dude pops off with the other (7-8) people he’s with that I’m a son of a bitch for having a No Soliciting sign up on my property even for kids sports. Weird because I don’t think we put that up till after the garbage can altercation. It was like he was trying to goad me into fucking punching his ass in front of everyone. A year later, he was arrested for some pedo charge on some teenage girl. Then on neighborhood facebook group WOMEN came out of the woodwork how this dude was surfing through their profiles and liking all the pictures of their daughters in swimsuits (because how stupid do you have to be right). Also some housecleaner lady got approached by him if she wanted his big sicilian sausage. Her words. After that the police got involved and the moderators shut the fucking group down. So much for brave women standing up to predators. They all caved until the dad (who’s a lawyer) of some young girl got involved.

A couple houses down there are two faggots who moved into a house my wife and I were looking at. The older faggot is real asshole, maybe people really are what they eat. 🙂 Anyways, my wife was on the PTO board and he bitching to her about some parent who wasn’t responding to some fucking valentines party games they set up for the kids at school. Goes off on a rant at my wife calling her “WHITE Privilege”. I told my wife the old white guy who’s an “artist” who drives a fucking mercedes benz needs to look in the fucking mirror. The PTO had some contest for donating money where the largest donation would win the top prize. They made it randomized (pull a ticket) and the old white faggot called in to tell them that his daughter wouldn’t be contributing (let’s be honest it’s him) to the fundraiser, because she couldn’t win. Fucking hilarious.

So apparently, I’m neck deep in fucking cabal cunts.

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

“All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time!”

– Chesty Puller, USMC

3 years ago

Good post. You’re jerking me out of retirement to respond …

If the vacs were aimed, ultimately, at depopulation they would take one of two forms:
First, a targeted depopulation of countries deemed ‘undesirable,’ or
Second, a targeted depopulation of particular subsets of a population within a country.

Both require targeting.

But first, you need to show motive. Environmental apocalypticism could provide them sufficient moral justification to kill undesirable people or peoples. It’s no secret that environmentalists don’t reproduce at nearly the same rate as ‘normies.’ They also loathe people who don’t share their apocalyptic outlook. For these reasons, we are a huge reproductive threat (naturally — without immigration — we would overwash them in a generation.) Furthermore, an increasing number of people are taking environmentalism less seriously — there are good stats on this.

So, back to the first form: This secular fixation on environmental disaster may be enough for extremists to want to reduce the population as a whole — historically, plagues have decimated entire societies. So, a virus or a vac could be a convenient instrument of their ‘guiltless’ murder.

And to the second form: That same secular fixation may provide them with enough moral justification target people who do not share their apocalyptic environmental view, that is, eliminate those who block ‘progress’ as they conceive it, or are ‘useless eaters’ in their way. One important trait of those they would want to eliminate would be non-compliance: targeted would be those who do not jump on board with their programs, or not submit to their logic, or have alternative worldviews that rival their own.

The problem with your argument, as I see it, is they have no way to selectively depopulate within a country, though it seems rather easy to target particular countries. In the United States, the entire population seems targeted, though perhaps I’m wrong about this. What they need is a way of choosing to inject, per individual, a viable or non-viable vaccine. They need to make certain that their friends get the non-viable, saline dose, and enemies the viable vaccine that messes up genetic code.

Can you see this happening? I’m not sure I do. Are subpopulations being effectively targeted? Obviously, herding old people into confined areas disproportionately killed the elderly, but this wasn’t a consequence of the vac, but of intensified exposure. Forcing people in corporations to be jabbed seems a bit counterintuitive unless these worker-bees were given a non-viable vac. The push to vac kids makes sense only if they want to reduce the population as a whole, of the next generation.

Americans are increasingly associating only with pods or social collectivities which are either for or against the vaccine. This is important. Frankly, I think it’s great — as a nation, we’re pulling apart, which only means an eventual civil war. War isn’t pretty, but coercion is worse.

(An example. I spoke with a retired pastor in California, yesterday, who told me he left the church he was going to because they did NOT require masks. He’s a compliant sort and self-selected into a new church that shares his values. This sort of thing is happening everywhere. Schools, churches, any voluntary organization including friends …)

A few examples:
1, Private- and home-schooled kids aren’t getting vaccinated, but public school kids are — who benefits? Note the fraction of kids who did NOT return to school, whose parents selected non-compliance.
2. Small businesses are able to ignore vaccination requirements while corporations hunt down the noncompliant — who benefits? Small businesses are highly independent and critical of the government. Hmmm.
3. Vaccinating the military is horrific — ‘we’ don’t benefit at all, here. Some people quit rather than submit — others chose to submit.

So, who is getting the vac? I see leftists thronging to get the vaccine, people who are fear-consumed, unhealthy or naturally compliant are getting the vaccine.

And, who is not getting the vaccine? People naturally suspicious of the government. People not inclined to worship ‘experts;’ those who think for themselves. People who are not dependent on the praise and kudos of neighbours. Christians with an alternative worldview that does not include environmental apocalypticism. Free-thinkers. Libertarians. Heritage Americans. People well-trained in science, but not easily cowed by authority.

To varying degrees, we’re able to self-select or regroup according to our view of the vac. Such self-selection is being done on the basis of your r-K selection theory, AC. Put it all together, please. Synthesize what you see. This is a perfect this-worldly, right-now exposition of your theory!!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

No one in Israel is getting vaccinated.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

Agreed. I don’t believe the Jews are getting the spike at all. Maybe saline for show.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

As I posted before the Grand Solar Minimum and possible decline of fossil fuel production will be reducing carrying capacity.

This means they believe that it is time for quality control.

Reply to  KR
3 years ago

I think they overestimated their ability to get everyone jabbed and didn’t give enough thought to what kind of people would not get jabbed and what kind would.

I think they have now realized what is happening and that is why they are getting insanely desperate to force everyone to get jabbed.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

YES! YES! I think you have it exactly. Just because they have a lot of money from ripping people off, bribery and blackmail does not mean that they know what they are doing.

As Trump would say they are highly overrated.

3 years ago

I have to wonder how effective the liability limits will prove to be if the injections end up having obviously bad effects on a lot of people.

In a first attempt to clear up the savings and loan problems 40-some years ago, healthy, well-run S&Ls merged with troubled S&Ls (which were often in trouble due to fraud) induced by promises from Congress to be allowed to count goodwill as an asset. A few years later more S&L problems surfaced and Congress wanted the problems ended once and for all, and reneged on their promises, destroying those healthy S&Ls.

Nobody was killed by the S&L crisis, but to avoid blame and possible future losses congress broke their word. If big pharma kills or disables enough people to turn everybody against them, what legal agreement would help them? Judges imprison people to avoid the ire of BLM etc. Would they enforce agreements protecting big pharma from liability? Do they think that everybody that’s not “them” will be taken out? That would explain the desperation to get everybody vaccinated. But as KR says, it seems that the more compliant are being taken out. We live in interesting times.

3 years ago

The target isn’t the elderly – it is everybody. Too many folks dying on the soccer field, too many stillbirths, etc. It’s just that the elderly are the weakest target and so die en-masse quickly. The rest die later, with a few dying earlier due to exertion.

Too many unexplained plane crashes, too many kids dying unexpectedly without autopsy. The signs are there. It’s just that every body expects the elderly to go first in any crisis, so will accept that as mostly normal, and use that mostly-normal tidbit to override the extremely not-normal deaths.

Thus the ads on buses saying kids get strokes too. Accept that and you stay in the matrix. Understand that it is a lie, and the world changes.

3 years ago

>I can say with 99% certainty, the architects of this shot were not ignorant of the fact it would likely produce auto-immunity and degrade health, at least somewhat.
If there was some efficacy in countering genetic damage caused by radation, I could see the vigorousness of the roll out in part being a bluff called by non-Sino aligned entities (as suggested by other mRNA patents with just that language).

>I would like to know if he was invested in Pfizer, or if he was ever approached as an influencer to take any position
He’s a Thiel stan. Could be. Charitable take: setting up sheep for megaton cognitive dissonance once it can’t be papered over anymore, so they act on it with appropriate civic dutiful vigor; alternatively, to attenuate the same.

>I believe that with Adams it is his girlfriend.
Instathot Persian GF – also a Berkley alumnus – moving in next door was fortuitous.

>With the right people, it can be incredibly powerful.
In the mind control tropes, a person must be genetically susceptible for the most hardcore applications.

>Manson doing hypnosis and all the prisoners feeling just like they had just taken shots fo heroin in the jail
Seen certain gene correlations to eye colour offering additional myelination protection; perhaps useful against ‘field perturbations’ of this kind. Suspect the molech tropes and ‘traumatic hypnotism’ leverages this when its lacking, mainlining through the materium as conduits.

>the boomers coming of an age where they will retire and begin consuming retirement resources Cabal would rather milk into their coffers
Catherin Austin Fitts said as much, “You don’t get it; they’ve given up on the country and are pulling all the money out of the country in the fall [00s].”

>[No] nation has been driven to get everyone as vaxxed as Israel. So how does that fit?
If the They can structure injections with placebos and 4-8 boosters for full effect without causing too much alarm for the media to handle, no reason why the same couldn’t occur there but more favorably (or targeting regionally or ethnically). Withered yenta-boomer shekels are as good as any other’s after all . . . one of the more creative posts I caught suggested a practical immortality (and/or senescence) gene-edit solution was being mass tested; if you subscribe to non-standard human antiquity possibilities, it wouldn’t be the first time for lifespan reduction either.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“>Manson doing hypnosis and all the prisoners feeling just like they had just taken shots fo heroin in the jail
Seen certain gene correlations to eye colour offering additional myelination protection; perhaps useful against ‘field perturbations’ of this kind. Suspect the molech tropes and ‘traumatic hypnotism’ leverages this when its lacking, mainlining through the materium as conduits.”

Genes aside, I suspect the only phenotype a hyptotist needs to know someone is highly susceptable is the capacity for self-delusion on a criminal level. If you’re self-deluded enough to have gone to jail for certain crimes, chances are you can put them under. The confinement of jails and prisons mean they are perfectly primed to reject reality and inject delusion just because they are bored.

This is also why SJW liars are so susceptable to brainwashing that programs completely illogical tripwires. These tripwires are so evident they had to recruit the word “trigger” and invent the fake word “microaggression” to explain the illogical explosion of indignation they have been programmed to feel when they hear anything resembling wrongthink. The tragic reality is, despite their tremendous ability to lie to and manipulate others, they are far better at lying to, deluding, and ultimately destroying themselves.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

I still think a severe case of Delta level midwittery is the best explanation for Adams’ take on the vaccine, plus some gamma traits as another commentor mentioned. I don’t believe he’s a cabal asset, there are numerous MSM hit jobs out there on him like this one,

and while that doesn’t rule it out because it could be Cabal building cred for an asset, combine those hit jobs with Adams’ staunch and consistent opposition to both the Fine People and Impeachment hoaxes, two of cabal’s biggest anti-Trump hoaxes, and his endorsement of Trump in both 2016 and 2020, and I think that combo takes Adams being a cabal asset of the table. That doesn’t necessarily mean he wouldn’t or hasn’t taken a payment from big Pharma for pushing the vax, but I kind of doubt that too. He doesn’t really need the money and it just doesn’t sound a good fit to me for his gamma traits, which would value being right and being seen to be right above a some extra dollars that he doesn’t need.

No, for mine he is just another midwit, another ‘clever silly’ wandering into a field he doesn’t understand, and having become unstuck, lacks the candor and humility to simply admit that and declare that he got it wrong. Typical of the gamma, if he can’t be right, then NOBODY can be right, and thus he will attempt to figuratively flip over the chessboard and declare those who were actually right were simply lucky. No one can be smarter than him, ever, and did you know he’s the number one persuasion artist in America? Yep, he’s the Secret King of persuasion (source: Scott Adams).

I will tell you someone who has my spidey senses prickling over this whole vaccine thing, and that is Claire Lehmann of Quillette. She exhibits an ostentatious credulity of all things vaccine that stands at curious odds with her reasonably high intelligence and her magazine’s alleged reputation for taking an independent line. There is also a snarkiness at anti-vaxxers that Scott Adams doesn’t exhibit, but which I would expect a paid influencer to exhibit. Interesting that Lehmann has liked and retweeted Adams a fair bit on covid related stuff, but I think this is just Lehmann trying to cover her own shilling ass by saying ‘look, another big influencer agrees with me’. But I think the preponderance of evidence points to Adams himself being just a clueless gamma midwit out of his depth

3 years ago

I used to watch his videos for a time until I realized he was part of the machine. He can;t not be once you see the patterns.
He probably knows he can’t get cancelled and was for a time saying he was trying to say things to get himself cancelled no doubt knowing he’s part of it and won’t be, can;t be will never be. Taunting them to cancel you would seem strange.
Interesting if you look at his wife’s Instagram and then the related ones connected to hers its lots of the same type – the scantly clad honey pot – something you would see on a russian scam site on one you would imagine to be having never seen one – and each account although a different woman looks to be created with the same template – like its a army of these women. I think you can briefly scan someones Instagram account and you can get a good read of the person straight away. You look at his and for a creative person who uses a visual medium his looks awful and probably is true odds of him as a person. His house is kind of awful in the same too much money and no artistic talent and one wonders if he is the figure head literally for the cartoon. He seems off if you don’t get hypnotized. I am sure the bullshit about all taking a sip at the start is some ruse and then he doesn’t even drink the coffee just a sip. You would have to tread carefully if you are listening to trained hypnotist. They no doubt tell you they are to put you at ease.
He has a few times let on that he knows far more then most people would know about elites and the world they live in. He seemed adamant verging on arrogance that Q was not real and he knew supposedly. He just seems like an extension of the mass media and explains the news in depth for people who can’t think. I hadn’t watch for about a year and then when the injection push was at its height I checked briefly on one of his videos and wasn’t surprised in the least he was pushing to a degree. For someone who has a daily video blog with his opinions he doesn’t tolerate alternative opinions much

3 years ago


Adams is also fairly educated, and a big problem with modern education is that it teaches people to ignore patterns. There is almost a fetishism over randomness, where everyone is ready to dismiss data as a “correlation not equal to causation” problem. People are being trained to simply not believe their lying eyes.

The greater the level of education, the greater the belief in randomness.

This is almost like a system designed to identify the intelligent, and then cripple the processing ability with nonsense. You were in the sciences. Imagine making some breakthrough discovery that is treated by your professors as a random event. You would believe it, but your research is then funneled off to Cabal scientists to develop while you are sent on wild goose chases.

This belief in randomness is also a method of embedding strategic lies in whole disciplines that negate much of the information learned in that discipline.

In economics, you have the random walk and free trade.

In physics, you have dark matter.

In biology, you have vaccines.

Each of these positions undermine the fields and they are all driven by a skepticism in pattern recognition.

3 years ago

I bought two of Scott’s books. I used to listen to his streams regularly. I tried to get other people to listen to them when I thought he made really good points.

I believe he is intentionally dishonest in order to manipulate the perceptions and beliefs of his audience.

Two things stand out to me that led me to this on top of less memorable little things. One of his common refrains was that if someone is claiming to have seen something outlandish and other people didn’t also see it, then they’re just crazy and not worth listening to. I don’t remember the metaphor he would always used to convey this sentiment – might have been something like a pair of people on a trip and one says they saw an elephant and the other denies it – but he would say it frequently enough that it annoyed me because I had seen the awareness test video and knew personally that it is trivial for the mind to filter out crazy things if your attention is directed elsewhere: This is something a “trained hypnotist” like Scott would know intimately.

The other was when that guy with the van covered in bumper stickers allegedly put fake pipe bombs in various democratic politicians’ mailboxes. Scott openly dismissed any possibility that this was a false flag, and accepted at face value that this was a lone nut republican who wanted to hurt democrats. I asked him about this directly on a reddit “ask me anything” which I happened to chance on very shortly after it was opened to questions, and he replied. He said that his belief was that it could not be a false flag because that would mean a democrat was trying to harm other democrats, which did not make any sense. I said that the bombs were fake, so how would it harm them? He said the psychological terror those politicians suffered was harmful.

Later on, Adams began promoting occult/new age concepts – the ideas of affirmations and beliefs actively warping reality in a magical way, and that the individual is a god, more or less. I don’t know if reality works that way or not (given the extent of the network you have written about, I could see it easily being capable of coordinating events to produce that effect to some extent), but I do find these ideas frequently seem to be paired with very bad people. He also often talks about hypnosis, says he is a trained hypnotist and says he is hypnotizing his audience as they listen to his streams.

When the topic of conspiracy theories would come up in the streams i watched, Scott would dismiss them as crazy. He said the Havana Syndrome stuff was just crickets, and anyone who thought differently was hysterical. And there’s one last thing that I never delved into deeply but because I now believe he is a liar I wonder if I ought to – there’s a woman who claims Adams abused her, and apparently she has caused him some considerable grief in the past by trying to tell people about it. He says she is mentally disturbed and that he never met her. If I am not mistaken I think he may even have mentioned her briefly in one of the books of his I read.

My gut feeling is that he knows, and is playing a gatekeeper role. Based on what I’ve learned from you, I suspect the girlfriend was assigned to him, and he knows and is just happy because she’s young and attractive. I haven’t kept up with his content in a while but i would be surprised if she was doing hypnosis on him and controlling him like has been suggested elsewhere in the comments here, given his claimed training and engagement in the practice of hypnosis on others – but maybe that’s how it goes sometimes, you get hypnotized and MKULTRA’d etc. and think you’re the one who is running the show. *shrug*

3 years ago

FWIW, I just now tried to buy a copy of EvoPsych EPUB from Castalia House. Their PayPal checkout insisted on a phone number and so I backed out.

If there is a website that will sell the EPUB (or PDF) version without using PayPal, kindly give me a link. Not expecting you to be responsible for other’s business processes, just asking for any alternative you may know of.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That was very kind and trusting of you. The mobi file reads fine in Calibre.

As a thank you, I will buy a new paperback copy from Barnes & Noble and give it to someone else.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You’re very gracious. I would have paid for the EPUB, PDF or MOBI regardless as I prefer a searchable, excerptable e-document for my study & note taking.

It was more than an offer. I made the purchase earlier, I should have it by Friday. You’re entitled to compensation however modest, although I understand your willingness to not let that stand in the way of disseminating your message.

D. C.
D. C.
3 years ago

Sounds like Scott is one they gave the blackmail he failed to refuse. Tape and murder this cabal trafficked baby or child, saved to video, or we kill your kids and wife, while you watch.

Its not his lies and bullshit now that are important, it is that he complied. The stark choice does not change the truth, the guy turned traitor, he is now a tool, a present media Quisling. The truth has no agenda, it does not con gull lie or bullshit us. Sympathy for the devil changes nothing.
Would I myself be able to defy the fuckers in a similar circumstance? I think about it every day because my familiy friends and i are surrounded by gangstalkers.
All i can say with honest intention is I sure as fucking hope i refuse to comply, because in the long run if I submit, some other poor sucker is gonna die for my liberty.
Some point here this chain of tyranny must be broke asunder. It all begins with each if us, if I fail, then i fail to break the shackles, and i essentially pass the buck, intentional or not, good or bad intentions, dont mean shit. It is that we as Men have failed before to break that chain that holds us in thrall to these fuckers, is how we first got in this pickle. Start breaking the chain of their tyranny and the entire machine fails, its institutional order collapses.

We win when we add thinking critically about strategy, to our tactical mind sets, we are the K Strategist’s after all.
We can not be beat. We win the moment we start breaking the chain.
Fuck You.
Live Free or Die

Fortunately, blessing in disguise, the fuckers can not use the child rape/murder blackmail on all of us. We get a choice to write Scott off. We then are defeating this weapon, with the greatest weapon ever devised, withdrawal of our consent. “I WON’T!” We see proof positive irrefutable Fuck You is powerful medicine indeed as 100 million of us pure bloods, many of us armed to the fucking teeth with both the weapon between our ears and the one in our hands on a sling, we exist, we defy. We are Legion.

The idea is we no longer allow ourselves to get trapped in that conundrum, when we defy we are stronger than the sum of our individual selves.

Nothing is more dangerous to the machine than unorganized leaderless resistance inconcert with low intensity conflict of the open source organic grass roots action of resistance and its sister insurgent, defiance.

This is the honorable resistance.
For all of Scott’s air’s of thought leadership and influence agent, the guy is a dumbass. Blinded by his own hubris. The truth, he totally missed the profound nature and power of the honorable resistance. This, is what they think holding up to us will control our manipulate our K Strategist thinking and nature.
The secret here is thats adding stupid you cant fix on top of stupid beyond repair. Stoopid so stoopid the stoopid don’t even know they are stoopid.

Its akin to the January Sixer’s, we got a collection of glowies and their gangstalkers who ran their false flag event and everyone with a functioning brain cell see’s the whole thing is fake, completely contrived, and quite frankly really poorly executed, even down to the murder of a vibrant beautiful young Woman who unfortunately ended up dead because the fuckers needed a touch of blood and terror to create their plausible deniability which they employ to gull us with in all false flag operations.
But whats happened is out of their control, good folks going based, which opens the eyes and minds to reality within the web they spin to control us. Once you begin to see truth and reality at such a level it can not be unseen. The machine loses thrall over good folks then. And those people really begin to add up, one heart one mind at a time. The glowies and gangstalkers are then the ones without a clue, and it is they who are vulnerable, and they can not grok such a turn of events. Which only makes it worse for them. Their reaction is to double down and they dig that dirt nap deeper.

When the machine talks, listen.
When the machine reveals itself, you learn.
This is basic essential counter-intell.
If you can’t beat them at their game then you beat them by playing their game.
Begin to watch your glowies as tgey run coverage on you. At first many tells appear to you, its like drinking from a firehose, then one day shit starts to click, and you see a new gangstalker, and while there’s a shit ton of them, that no longer intimidates your perceptions and K thinking, you begin to see a really lame organization, while dangerous as a heart attack, they are an organization, rules based construct of appears to be the dregs and lowest skum of society, they are animals of their environment, the network, doing petty crim shit, organized crime street gang hits, they definately possess a group instinct, a hive and herd mentality, they feed in a group loop back cycle on sadism and thrill, fucking with good folks caught unawares, and knowing they will get away with pulling nasty stupid shit, its an organization of hierarchy of bullies and predators. No doubt on my part as I see these pieces of human shit in operation no small number of them are from and in the peedo=network. It is one reason why they are gangstalkers, may be the preffered cadre to fill the ranks of gangstalkers, as what is a peedo to begin with? A predator, but one that preys on those who are most vulnerable, who can not fight back and hurt or kill its tormentor preying on them. This profoundly fundamental difference between us good folks and these moral monsters. Granted, it may be too that many gangstalkers are themselves victims to start with, and thru the terrible emotional instruments of creating permanent victims thru institutional organized sexual and mental abuse from these peedo’s they create a different kind of gangstalker, or maybe best to phrase it as gangstalkers with a victim/slave mentality where they know nothing else but being in this depraved gangstalker community, thus they are fully converged and co-opted for life, and see nothing wrong with any aspect of being in this network, its home to them. Trained slaves. How many are literally institutionalized gangstalkers. Little gangstalkers sociopaths running around with their “club” members, a truly depraved clique that employs the ultimate peer pressure. And wveryone not if their hive, outside their tribe are enemies, and anything goes. The only rule being there are no rules, only orders from the chain of command.
Imagine such a culture of hate and envy, what was it a community organizer gangstalker said; “…fully funded…a civilian police force…just as strong just as powerful as the military”

Understand, there is something truly defective, a rancid thread of diabolical nature, which is destructive, self destructive that runs thru this organizaton, underlying its existance, and it requires, feeds on a diet of subversion and undermining and destruction.

Gangstalkers got a lot to survive for. They are a monster, at what point is the departure from machine instrument, weapon, to an entity which takes on autonomy, where it grows and understands the need to be self surviving, a point where the machine, cabal somewhere makes a critical mistake or misjudgement, and gangstalkers go Ronin, they turn rouge, break off and are then a faction unto themselves and transfirms itself into an organized street crime gang thats the size of North America?

Reply to  D. C.
3 years ago

Excellent analysis.

“Understand, there is something truly defective, a rancid thread of diabolical nature, which is destructive, self destructive that runs thru this organizaton, underlying its existance, and it requires, feeds on a diet of subversion and undermining and destruction.”

Think of Yuri Bezmenov talking about subversion and destabilization. Ultimately Cabal is Marxist, which doesn’t mean they want to address class warfare. Marxism is ultimately about undermining a society, breaking up relationships, subverting things, and destroying and killing the creators, builders, and leaders of any society so that they society is ripe for takeover by outsiders (bankers or Cabal.)

What all of these degenerates who participate in cabal are doing is not only eliminating creative and intelligent families from the gene pool via their slow skill. They are weakening society. They are generating low trust, suspicion, dishonesty. They are in a very real sense destroying themselves morally, and their children’s future. Because like the communists revolutionaries of previous generations that were taken out and shot once their work was over, these people will also be liquidated by their bosses if they ever really succeed.