Schumer Slips And Says Who Is Really In Control

It is funny they just say it so casually:

The new leader of Democrats in the Senate says Donald Trump is being “really dumb” for picking a fight with intelligence officials…

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer…

“So, even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this,” he added.

Everybody knows, the President doesn’t really control the country. His own intelligence agencies will turn on him if they don’t feel lavished with praise, and it isn’t even viewed as shocking.

Fortunately Trump has intel professionals on staff, and Michael Flynn right next to him.

I hope they are smart enough to have a plan to infiltrate their people to where the real secrets nobody wants out are kept, because if Trump wants to play hard, he needs to be holding the power to bring everything down, Sampson-style, should the need arise.

He can only have that through blackmail, and if I were him that would be my primary focus.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because it is a secret that needs to get out

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8 years ago

[…] Schumer Slips And Says Who Is Really In Control […]

8 years ago

I’m going to disagree. The problem for the CIA is that they are a business with many, man competitors (Army Intel, navy Intel, NSA, etc) and only one customer. If that customer ain’t buying what you are selling, you are out of business.

There are lots of ways for trump to kill the CIA. Without money, they are out of business. The end. Nobody in the CIA is going to use their own money to run ops. Even with black/illegal sources, they need a budget to be cover for the illicit money. Zero the budget out, and they are rudderless.

Even better, congress just regained the ability to reduce a civil servant’s salary to $1. If Trump went to them with Intel that the CIA tried to interfere in OUR election (and I am sure the NSA, FBI and MI have it) that would give them political cover to abolish the CIA.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

One how much blackmail material has the upper CIA accumulated on members of Congress, high level LE, media, etc, so they can control everything. and shut down attempts to purge their ranks?

That’s the wrong question. The question is, “how can they save themselves from an all out assault with that?” The answer is they can’t. Any accusation against Trump is going to get grabbed by the pussy and dismissed by the general public. If they go nuclear vs Congress, then it’s Mutually Assured Destruction — but Congress sits around until the next election anyways, and now the CIA is too dangerous to anyone left in Congress (and any future Congress) to be allowed to live.

That’s the thing with blackmail — you can only blackmail individuals. When you expose everyone, it loses the punch. They can blackmail key people like they did Boehner and Roberts, but you can’t just shotgun everyone.

Two, to what degree is the real power in the hands of private contractors, who control the machinery the CIA contracts?

Then it is a different dynamic, but the CIA still doesn’t survive. They have two courses ahead of them:

1) They try to preserve the CIA in a losing battle, pissing off everyone else in the intel community. This taints their reputation (the only thing a contractor has to sell, really) and they end up going under from lack of customers. The other agencies already dislike the CIA and think they do a shitty job, and anyone closely associated with them (especially as they go down) will be mud. Think ISIS from Archer.

2) They let the CIA go under, maybe shiv them on the way down making sure the CIA goes out without making waves (and improving the contractor’s rep in the intel community), so they can preserve their ability to start contracting with other intelligence agencies in the US.

Remember, even the private contracters are in it for the money. They are after Trump because they think somehow they will make more money this way than by simply letting him come into office. The best reasoning I can come up with is that they either think that the can force Trump to succumb to pressure and spend a ton of intel money on fighting Russia (bad bet) or that they think they can harry him the entire term, keep him spinning and unable to focus on them, and have him crash and burn for them to install a candidate they prefer in 2020. I think this one is almost as bad a bet as the first, because Trump is a master at ignoring what doesn’t matter, staying inside his opponent’s OODA loop, and smashing their ability to harm him.

The CIA is an outdated agency whose mission has disappeared. They are simply duplicating what MI and the NSA already do, only not as well. Now, because they don’t have a real job, they have committed the unforgivable crime of interfering in the civilian governance of America. They have now operated against the American People within the borders of America. They have to go, and I think that Trump can make that case to the America people (and will in about 15 days.)