School Shooting In Broward County – Was The Shooter Muslim?

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. Shooter in Custody, supposedly named Nicholas Cruz.

Subject was nodding off when being arrested, either from drugs or amygdala.

Photo. Check out the pained smile.

Instagram here, mostly him with a bandanna wrapped around his face, and posing with knives and a toy handgun, and one of some long guns on a bed, including an AR.

Turns out he had a Muslim/ISIS type Instagram account which Instagram has deleted, to make him look more right-wing, and less pro-Muslim:

Facebook-owned Instagram just deleted one of the two Instagram accounts of Florida high school shooter Nicolas Cruz.

One of Cruz’s accounts seemed to display a fascination with ISIS terrorists and Islamic extremism; the other one showcased Cruz wearing a MAGA hat and contained imagery such as him killing toads.

If you guessed that Instagram removed the ISIS one, you got it right. Why would they remove that one but keep the MAGA hat one up? To control the narrative as this story develops. Unfortunately for them, Gateway Pundit has screenshot the entirety of both accounts.

Tell everyone you meet about r/K Theory, because Lying leftists will never tell you about it

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7 years ago

We need a campaign to bring back high school boxing teams. Those were common until sometime in the 1950s. Considering weight classes, boxing with headgear likely safer than football (Though American football likely on the way out in white middle class areas.)

Reply to  curri
7 years ago

An excellent suggestion that, sadly, would never fly.

7 years ago

Children will naturally form groups and sometimes fight. Suppress that and the gammas won’t have betas or alphas to follow within their peer group. Yet another reason to homeschool or private school. Or at least live in a less diverse area.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Also, this guy was some CAIR loving antifa. What a loser.

Matt Lawrence
Matt Lawrence
7 years ago

Diversity + Proximity = War

7 years ago

Good noob redpill for sharing with normies:

7 years ago

Guy doesn’t go to the high school but he shoots it up. Let me guess…girl still in school breaks up with boyfriend because he’s a crazypants. BF validates her decision.

7 years ago

Apparently he is a registered democrat, and there’s a picture of him floating around where he’s doing the whole antifa “raised fist” salute.

It seems to me that most of these mass shootings are carried out by democrats (Aurora, Sandy Hook, etc), and that the political establishment responds by demanding that red-state Americans disarm themselves.

It’s like that old Mark Twain quote about telling a man he can’t eat steak because a baby can’t chew it. They’re essentially saying that because leftists go around shooting anyone they disagree with, no one can be trusted to own guns.

Reply to  Sentinel
7 years ago

The very “people” who turn these kids into leftard useful idiots want them to do shit like this in order to attack your 2nd em.

Some months ago I was really blackpilled, and I think I might have been kind of a downer, but I’ve been lurking twatter and gen z makes me feel hopeful again.

Also, I need a 23andme, I must know if I have jewness in me or not, cuz if I have I must self deport the West and advocate for whites from the belly of the beast.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Damn. I hate hypocrisy and would like to know if I am as non-jew as I would like to not be. Is there any other way to know my ancestry? Like, if you have the cash, what do I look for in order to map my genes?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

Dos6, being a smidge Jew doesn’t make you a Jew. You could convert, but then you’d probably want to be in Israel. Even mischlings served in the Wehrmacht.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Thanks for the replies mates.

I have no evidence of having jooness on my dna, but I wanted to make sure. Anyway fug that, not taking the test anymore.

7 years ago
7 years ago

The high schools are designed to infantilize the males and turn them into retarded self indulgent obedient nerds. They are not designed to help young men harness and control their natural aggression. After all, most of the teachers are worthless emasculated garbage,

One day, after the K shift hits, it will be necessary to figure out how to properly train the young men. Im picturing a day when high school will be more about agriculture, horse training, blacksmithing, outdoor survival, weapons training, tracking skills, falconing, than about rote memorization and political indoctrination.

Imagine a high school where the young men gather together to learn how to track rabbits in the forest by a grizzled veteran, or where the teacher is cheerful old woman training them how to find and actually grow an entire host of herbs that could replace 99% of the poisonous crap we currently use in our medicine cabinets. A high school where the carpentry class requires them to build from scratch all their own tools, and even make a house using what they can find. We could have them not just learn how to rode a horse, but how to raise their horses from foals. They wont just learn historical sword fighting, they’ll be required to forge their own swords as well. Then onto modern welding, electrical wiring, etc. and for an hour a day they can be taught the basic principles of math and grammar.

Just some thoughts.

Reply to  Ron
7 years ago

I want you as education minister of the ethno state.

All horse people say horse maintenance is super expensive, is that because they are all gay about it? How did people in the old times of the cowboy western movie times maintained their horses then?