Rotherham Sex Abuse Gang Shouts Allahu Akbar

Not that we didn’t already know:

VILE members of a Rotherham sex gang shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ today as the group were handed sentences totalling more than 80 years for their crimes.

Six men were given sentences between 10 years and 20 after the court heard details of how two young girls were groomed and sexually abused in the South Yorkshire town between 1999 and 2001.

There were emotional and chaotic scenes at Sheffield Crown Court after two of the defendants shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they were led from the dock…

Professor Alexis Jay’s report, in 2014, provoked a wave of shock when she described how more than 1,400 children had been groomed, trafficked and raped in the town over a 16-year period.

The right needs to start looking at the amygdala’s aversive stimulus conditioning and reinforcing pattern – that is irritation —> action —> relief/joy/success. Then they need to create memorable images/mems/videos/sounds to burn examples of such conditioning experiences into brains.

This image, of vanquished Muslim child-rapists, defiantly calling out Allahu Akbar as they are led away, should be made into a viral hit and used frequently in political advertising in the next election cycle. It will irritate, demoralize, and out-group the left, while enraging the right and reminding us of a defeat that our enemies have endured.

These images should always carry an air of victory. An image of a leftist mob, getting away with hurting a lone Trump supporter would be enraging. But it would not have the same effect as the same image ending with the leftists all overrun by a mob of patriots who beat them senseless.

What you want to do is two-fold. You want to exercise the anger neural circuitry in the amygdala, to build up the cognitive response to enraging stimuli that produces motivation. You do that by showing enraging imagery and presenting enraging ideas over and over again, to get the brain performing repetitions of expressing anger, and developing the structures involved. But you also want to link the images and ideas which produce anger to the concept that taking action creates relief and is fun. Anger, felt constantly without relief can provoke desensitization to the stimuli, as a defensive mechanism. Anger, followed by enjoyment will produce more anger to motivate and more of a drive to execute solutions to it.

The brain is a muscle, and those in control of what people see can exercise it to adapt it to display desired urges and responses with vastly increased strength. Given we now have the bully pulpit, expect to see a lot of amygdala exercise.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need everyone to see the Koranimals for what they are.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cuckservatives, Immigration, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Rotherham Sex Abuse Gang Shouts Allahu Akbar […]

8 years ago

I like this brain/muscle metaphor. It might also be profitable to think about how children experience anger and frustration compared to adults, since that implies some type of structure or growth has to happen to make the transition (you don’t see adults crying over spilled milk… usually). One common thing is impatience – if a child doesn’t get what they want quickly enough they can cry or meltdown. There have to be some studies of drug addiction as well showing a lesser ability to delay gratification as what one sees in children. An example of the opposite might be Tom Brady training for the Super Bowl. Or Andrew Wiles working on FTL for six years alone in secret without ever giving up in frustration.

Robert What?
Robert What?
8 years ago

We joke and say that Leftists would sacrifice their children rather than appear to be Islamophobic, racist, etc. But I’m beginning to wonder if that might really be true?

8 years ago

In Islam its an Honor to die. That’s why they shouted “Allahu Akbar” They love death more than you love life