Rosenstein Threatened House Members With Text-Message Exposures

How our government works these days:

“A Congressional Source said that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago told Chairman Nunes and members of Congress that he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee.”

Then there is the bigger scandal brewing behind the scenes:

While the discredited FBI lead counter-intelligence agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, discussed forming a “secret society” which they now claim was a joke, there is a Sept. 20, 2017, article in True Pundit which describes how six U.S. intelligence agencies formed a “Stealth Task Force” headed by CIA Director John Brennan to run the unauthorized surveillance on Trump associates and possibly against Mr. Trump himself.

According to the article, after being denied two FISA court warrants applications, this group used the British spy element, headed by Robert Hannigan, embedded at NSA, Ft. George Meade, Md. Why this UK spy element? Because they were not constrained by needing a FISA warrant to wiretap Americans; it’s believed this activity commenced in November 2015, well before the compilation of the discredited Trump dossier.

The next step in the plan was a meeting set up by the DOJ and the FBI in Trump Tower among Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and a Russian female lawyer named Natalia Veselnitskasya. She should have been known as a high security risk, given that she earlier was banned from entering either the U.S. or U.K.

Not to worry: Attorney General Loretta Lynch arranged to have a visa granted to her for the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower. After the sham meeting, the British spy agency, acting as an intelligence front for NSA, could then plausibly justify wiretapping Trump associates because the Russian lawyer was a known security risk. The real question is, how much of the information gained from these “tainted” wiretaps is Special Counsel Robert Mueller using in his probe of alleged Russian-Trump collusion in the 2016 presidential election? In fact, this entire setup has all the earmarks of a KGB operation.

The head of Britain’s spy operations was reportedly forced out after Trump met May, which may mean the Brits have handed Trump the evidence of this illegal coordination.

You can see how, given one FISA warrant allows up to two “Hops” onto targets who are friends-of-friends of the initial target, (It used to be three) a FISA warrant targeting Carter Page would allow full surveillance of Trump, and all of his associates.

And most people still do not grasp that surveillance does not roll out piecemeal. If they tapped Trump’s wires, then they set up in buildings all around him with lines of sight to his position, video’ing him through any open windows. They listened to every conversation he had using incredible tech – even pillow-talk with Melania. They infiltrated operators into his companies, from maids, to janitors, to lawyers, to poke around and steal any intel they could find in his buildings and compromise all his computer systems with backdoors. And he had 24/7 mobile details with hundreds of people and aviation following him around, just like in the movie Enemy of the State only much, much bigger. It sounds very impressive to deploy, if you don’t understand that this is embedded all around everyone now, like a constant secret police force. It is a pain in the ass to deal with, especially when everything they gather is going right to Hillary’s secret server, to be reviewed in depth by her campaign team and used against your candidacy.

There are only a few ways this all can ultimately play out. The first is, Trump plays the game and becomes just like any other candidate would have. If that were the case, none of what has happened to date would have occurred, nor would things have been revealed this far. That means either Trump’s game is to up the pressure on the Deep State to bring them to heel, or he is seeking to destroy them entirely. This doesn’t feel like bringing them to heel. I think they would have already gone to him and made a deal, and this would all have been dropped before the memo came out, before the House Intel committee went this far, before the IG report, and before the media storm that is now brewing. It is possible he is upping the pressure, hoping they will submit, but it feels like if he is, they will not buckle under.

This feels more like he is going to try to take it all down. If so, expect several “nothing burgers” to come out, that are just incriminating enough to us that we see their importance, but which are not undeniable enough to draw in the lemmings. These are probably going to be laid out specifically to get the leftists to take the side of the Deep State. Already, with just one memo, we see the left taking the Deep State’s side, essentially saying all of this is nothing, and we should just move on. The left’s supporters especially are seeing this, and trusting their leaders, so they are taking the side of the Deep State as well. According to reports, this memo was the first tenth of what the House Intel Committee is going to reveal, there is still the IG report coming beyond that, and nobody yet knows what the Brits gave Trump about what they were asked to do, or what is in the NSA master database which I am sure Trump has.

If I were playing Trump’s game, I would do the slow drip at first to make everyone clearly define the battle lines, and to get the left defending the Deep State and its intelligence machinery, before I revealed something awful that affected every American, be it the extent of informer networks established in America, who they are reporting on, and the files they generated, or the extent of actual surveillance of innocent Americans, or the deployment of observation posts throughout the country, or the extent of and capabilities of the tech deployed on Americans, or the depth of the files each American has deep in some government database, or the cases of suicides of innocent Americans who were never charged with any crime, but who fell afoul of the Deep State. We know Dan Love of BLM supposedly was bragging that he had caused three suicides. That is one agent who wasn’t even real Deep State – he was just a quasi-law-enforcement guy playing around with the machinery. I will bet there are hundreds, if not thousands of such cases, many of people who did nothing but pop up on the Deep State’s radar.

I have seen the response of an ultra-left, ardent Obama supporter who was simply told of what goes on behind the scenes. They actually volunteered on Obama’s campaign, and they were horrified, in a way that clearly shook them to their core and which would reset their perceptions of everything if they saw the actual evidence. Rabbits fear being confronted with utter helplessness more than anyone. The truth of the all-powerful government we live under would be an amygdala-stimulant they would do anything to escape. Those revelations are out there, and ironically they might just have the ability to shatter the partisan divide, and unite the country to some extent under Trump.

My guess is Trump is gaming to destroy the entire Deep State, and to do that he will ultimately let loose with the big reveal that blows everyone’s minds. I just don’t see his personality, or how far things have gone, pointing to a peaceful resolution. I am also not sure at this point he could ever just leave office and return to the business world, without the forces that are out there now hunting him and his family until their dying days, simply to even the score and make an example. And as Berezovsky showed, billions of dollars are no guarantee against a first rate intel operation. At this point Trump may have no choice.

But until the big reveal, we will have the drip, drip, drip of a slow burn that will make everyone take their sides in preparation for what is coming.

If he plays it right however (and Trump seemingly always does), the democrat party will literally be destroyed for the foreseeable future.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because they will hear about it sooner or later anyway

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7 years ago

If they tapped Trump’s wires, then they set up in buildings all around him with lines of sight to his position, video’ing him through any open windows. They listened to every conversation he had using incredible tech – even pillow-talk with Melania. They infiltrated operators into his companies, from maids, to janitors, to lawyers, to poke around and steal any intel they could find in his buildings and compromise all his computer systems with backdoors.

I’m sure they tried all these things. The thing is, Trump was already surveillance aware. His bodyguard and head of security for 20 years was an ex-NYPD detective, who knew all the dirty tricks. I’m sure Trump’s office was positioned so that there were limited sight lines to it (due to the height) and that his desk was positioned so that there were no sight lines to it. There would be laser reflective material on all the windows of his office and apartment space. I’m certain there were well-paid electronic security men hardening Trump’s computer systems and constantly watching logs for unintended connections to outside sources. All of the employees who deal with Trump would have been heavily background checked, including PI details following their movements — to be repeated periodically as they stayed employed.

Trump has lived like a Roman Emperor for the last 20 years. He’s been security aware. He strips his own bed and remakes it before he sleeps. He locks his door from the inside. He gets his food securely and anonymously. He never carries a cell phone. He does his tweets from a (hardened) laptop. Remember how there are always stories with a new president about “oh it’s so hard getting used to the Secret Service rules?” None of those stories with Trump — he’s lived this way his whole life.

He’s the sabot in the gears. He’s dealt with the NY AND NJ Mafias. The IC ain’t got shit on them.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  everlastingphelps
7 years ago

Then why did he move the entire campaign operation out of Trump Tower to his golf club at Bedminster, NJ, the day after Admiral Rogers (NSA) visited him in Trump Tower to tell him that the campaign had been under surveillance? That was 8 days after the election. And why did Clapper and Brennan demand that O’Bama fire Admiral Rogers that same week?

No, whatever Trump and the NYPD might have known, the Deep State has technology o far beyond their knowing that they did whatever they wanted to. It’s just incontrovertible evidence of their sheer arrogance that they didn’t think twice about electronically documenting their criminality–because Herself wasn’t supposed to lose the election. In the end, though, Herself couldn’t even win a “fixed” election.

7 years ago

>My guess is Trump is gaming to destroy the entire Deep State, and to do that he will ultimately let loose with the big reveal that blows everyone’s minds.

I agree. Trump said he would need 2 years to prepare USA before going full speed on the winning. Winning would entail the full destruction of the deep state cabal because as you saíd he is long past the point of non-return, he now Wins, or dies.

>Its not going to be peaceful.

Agreed. Deepstate is facing existencial threat and like cornered animals they will not stop at anything even if it means using far-left groups like antifa and BLM, as well as MS-13 and muslim terrorists to try and destroy all that support Trump. This includes people from all countries because deep state is an international /multinational criminal organization.

7 years ago

This analisis of Martin’s global confidence model aplied to social unrest shows that its plausible that deep state willl further radicalise its paramilitary groups (antifa, blm, ms-13 and islamic extremist orgs) against the people as they keep losing ground. Its really scary, even here in Portugal we can see the tentacles of the deep state pulling strings, including targeted harassment and unlawful espionage on innocent citizens, both of which have happened to me and keep happening. This world is rotten, and I hope i get to live long enough to see evil being defeated. Praying has became a daily activity.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Thanks mate, no worries thou, even if I become toast a rather colourful dead man switch shall provide massive lulz to be had in the after life.

And I take great pleasure in knowing that even if evil was to win (which it wont),all the useful idiots on the other side would be the first to taste the wrath of the evil empire they fought for, and all the elite criminals have long forfeited their souls and are incapable of repenting.

On another note, although the price of knowing and spreading the truth has basically cost more than I ever imagined anyone would pay, I’m glad I became awake. When a slave dies he loses but his shackles.

Thanks for all your work.

The truth shall set you free.

7 years ago

“especially when everything they gather is going right to Hillary’s secret server, to be reviewed in depth by her campaign team and used against your candidacy.”

AND every foreign govt who was tiptoeing (or swaggering!) around in her bathroom server!