Roger Stone: GOPe Will Steal The Election At The Convention

Roger Stone weighs in:

I am a veteran of nine national Republican presidential campaigns, including the floor of the 1976 Republican National Convention for Ronald Reagan. My sources inside the Republican party are warning me:

The insiders have a stunning plan to stop Trump even if he wins the primaries.

The plan involves stalling Trump short of a majority on the first ballot, since many of the delegates pledged to him would no longer be legally bound to support him on subsequent ballots. There are many, many Trojan Horse delegates inserted by the GOP establishment who could bolt from Trump after that first ballot.

Remember, up until March 14 all primaries have proportional delegate allocation. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Chris Christie, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Jeb Bush and the rest will be winning delegates, too.

There are 278 Super Delegates who are GOP establishment insiders, likely opposed to Trump. They constitute 4 percent of the convention. Thus, Trump must win 54 percent of delegates elected in caucuses and primaries to guarantee he could block a plot to stop him.

To make it worse, Convention Rule 40 B says the Candidate must have a majority of
delegates in at least eight states. The Romney people passed this rule in 2012 when they had control of the party. It hurts Donald Trump.

By hanging in the race long after they have any chance of being nominated, sustained by Super PAC money, Trump’s opponents can drain votes and could perhaps stop Trump from gaining a majority in any state – even while he is winning a plurality. Bush, Christie, Rubio and Kasich, I’m told, are in on this plan. Many GOP insiders calling it the “BIG STEAL.”

For example, Trump could win every primary, but the Bush-Rubio-Christie-Kasich-McConnell-Ryan-wing of the GOP could block Trump and seize the nomination for an establishment alternative. Rule 40B could block Trump from the nomination, bypass Cruz and pave the way for a backroom BIG STEAL deal that nominates, say, a Rubio-Kasich ticket.

Totally possible, if not likely. The GOPe are liberals who are just smart enough to know that openly identifying as liberals makes them look like tools. To that end, none of us should be surprised if they use every leftist tool in the book to steal this.

What will be interesting is to see if Trump or Cruz ally in the end, and throw their delegates to the revolution. At least that will tell us unequivocally who is establishment, and who isn’t.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

El-Viejo (@ricosadao)
9 years ago

Trump will run as independent if they shaft him…

Reply to  El-Viejo (@ricosadao)
9 years ago

They don’t care. They’d rather have Hillary win than Trump. All they want is an open borders neocon globalist. Whether it’s Hillary or Jeb or Marco Roboto doesn’t much matter.

9 years ago

Sigh… I should have stuck to the woods and never gotten involved in politics.
GOPe county caucus meeting tonight.

Well at least I can practice my narcissist spotting. Maybe try a hack or two.

9 years ago

And that would be the end of the Republican party.
End the world now!

Gail Combs
Gail Combs
9 years ago

I would suggest that ALL republican voters who want a true election, switch to INDEPENDENT directly after the primary. You can even send a notice to the state GOPe committee if you want to rub their nose in it.

If the GOPe does not want to go the way of the Whigs they better start paying attention to their voter base

They think they OWN us after 8 years of Obummer. I think not.

9 years ago

It’s all good. If Trump is denied the nomination or the presidency by dirty procedural tricks, or if he is allowed into the Oval Office but all his orders are ignored, Trump will have done us all a valuable service by exposing American democracy for the utter sham that it is.

Then Americans will be ready for dictatorship, for it is better to be ruled openly by one man than enslaved by a cabal pulling strings in the shadows.

9 years ago

Best to you, Mobius. I have never met so many petty, insignificant and socially marginalized people as Republicans in their party meetings. I commend you for sticking it out!

9 years ago

I predict GOPe shenanigans will result in the party’s complete implosion. Candidate A wins every primary and yet the delegates all vote for Candidate B? Why would the lay people of that party even bother to participate in that system if they see hard evidence that it’s rigged? The GOP is finished for sure if it tries to pull a stunt like this. Better for them to rig primaries through crooked voting machines…

9 years ago

They will try to do the same thing to Trump as they did to Ron Paul.