Request A Favor?

If you can, please download this LibreOffice document and save it. It is where the book is now, or books, as the case may be,

It is nowhere near finished, just rough chapters, really, but if I cease writing, or disappear, obviously nobody is coming after anyone over copyright issues if you polish it up and get it published.

On the upside, we are striking a real nerve, but on the downside, we are probably going to see just how far the rabbit hole goes, because it is pretty clear God put us here for that reason.

Trust unto God and he will guide your path. Book2.odt

I should also add, I think the heat is turning up because I am looking at combining a flyer campaign with a chain-letter request, where everyone who sees the site and sees the surveillance agrees to spread it by mailing 20 or 50 letters, or hanging 20 or 50 door hangers promoting the material elsewhere.

I think they fear us leaving this internet they control. I almost think you could get in nearly as much trouble as me by promoting a modern luddite movement, devoted to meeting up in person and doing things together as a form of rebellion against the Cabals control.

Don’t let them trap you here.


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9 months ago

I’ll download it.

9 months ago

Yes sir, I very rarely say anything here. I understand, I see, and I know you are telling the truth.

Gerard Vanderluen wrote once about being a prophet as a vocation. If you read that, you know what I mean. If not finding it, will help you. God has his hand in this.

Steve in KY

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

If anything happens to AC, rest assured, his work will spread much, much farther than if you assholes had just left the man alone.

9 months ago

For you sir, anything.

9 months ago

GOD wins everytime…. Prayers and blessings be upon us all and especially AC!

Reply to  Am_Free_USA
9 months ago


Down South
Down South
9 months ago

Thank you for the opportunity to help out, even if only in such a small way!

English Tom
English Tom
9 months ago

Always AC. ALWAYS.

9 months ago

Done – wish there were more could do to help, esp along kinetic reciprocity lines. Sidebar… “acoustic cavitation” – new one to me, possibly related to clown’s remote activities?:

9 months ago
  1. Copied and only holding off on distribution only because you keep showing up and posting that you’re alive.
  2. I hope they realize the FAFO problems of Streisanding you.
  3. In fact, I hope after the reveal there are copious records where you can look at the AC file and report back to us just how high up the organization a Stasi member had to go to do anything to you. E.G. “beam freely/degrade and maintain surveillance, but do not kill without explicit permission from a 34th degree Baalite. Violation will result in you being excommunicated to the Screwtape table.”
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Hey AC-
This is Google-ex checking back in after many months away, Real life got weird, and I took a hiatus from reading you after nearly ten years of checking in basically daily. Funny timing to cycle back and have this be the post, when one of the last things I reached out to you about before going AWOL was whether you accept deadman switches.
Do you have a plan in place for how we would know you got disappeared if cabal had someone step in to impersonate you?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I’d like to think so too- you have folks here who have been reading you for 10-12 years. I’d feel so lame if I got tricked!

9 months ago

I’m unable to download the book from the link, also, your site crashes with a 404 for me lately when I comment.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Works for me, but multiple links aren’t a bad thing.
Personally, I’m feeling more and more isolated and blackpilled because I see far too few people I’d trust anywhere. Success requires enough good people to take a stand, be competant, and be sane, and be capable of educating others. Finding all 4 of those is rare, and most fail at least one of those criteria. Even in spaces like this, i see far more people I wouldn’t trust at my back than anything else.
I certainly wish you all the best, AC, I just feel like the ‘ghosts’ reflect the actual problem of ‘other people’, not some effect of a machine or tool or illusion generating plan. We live in a weird amalgam of Idiocracy, 1984, Burn Notice, Nowhere Man, and Philip K Dick’s fever dreams. And I don’t see it getting better, or even approaching a positive tipping point.
I used to think it was possible to push back, and was active in doing so, but no longer do. I still hope, on good days, but those come less and less often.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  scruffy
9 months ago

It’s not about trustworthiness per se.
People are not willing to work with others, such that any “Movement” becomes a “bowel movement” (all crapped up). One big reason is that America has been diverse for way longer than the Hart Celler act. All those other White groups added their own elements of chaos to the mix and really should not have been encouraged. Since Civil War times, yet.
A homogenous culture is far easier to work with.
Look at the Irish in their recent huge assemblythe other day. .
Look at the NS movement in Australia, which is well worth following for just this reason. In Ameria, even the true/real/original Americans are now totally divided religiously — with religion being of top/crucial importance for people who are so-inclined, and apparently for the success of any movement. Americans have been cleverly separated from their ethnic spiritual roots, of course, since Charlemagne’s time.