Report On GOP Train Crash Out

A puzzler:

Witnesses told investigators that a garbage truck struck by a train carrying Republican congressmen through rural Virginia entered the railroad crossing after the safety gates had come down, the National Transportation Safety Board said in a preliminary report released Wednesday. The report on the Jan. 31 crash said the probable cause of the accident has not yet been determined. But it offered some new details about the crash, which killed a trash collector and injured several other people, including another trash collector and the truck’s driver.

The Amtrak train was carrying dozens of Republican lawmakers to an annual strategy retreat in West Virginia…

The NTSB report said data taken from a track image camera on the train showed that as the highway-railroad grade crossing came into view, the gates were down and the trash truck was on the crossing.

So there was no security at the crossing gate at the moment when the train came through, despite witness accounts that there had been security there all day prior to the crash checking IDs. And the truck passed the gates while they were closed, at which point it just sat on the tracks.

It seems oddly coincidental that the very moment a Garbage Truck, of all vehicles, would pass the gates and sit on the tracks, was the very moment that the bulk of the Republicans in Congress were all in one place, traveling together at 60 miles per hour, to that very spot.

And all as there are whispers of a covert war behind the scenes between the President and some covert network of intelligence operatives that runs things behind the scenes. What are the chances?

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we live in interesting times

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7 years ago

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Insider gives more reasons to distrust the feds and MSM:

Please share as far and wide as you can, only the people can spread the truth that will damage the MSM that needs to be destroyed before a free press can take its place.

7 years ago

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I think everyone should visit this site everyday (after you visit this one first off course):

Give it a read frens.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

You guys really need to get on the AIM4Truth (AIM=American Inteligence Media) train. Take a look:

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

It’s hard to take seriously people who toss around the word “treason” when they clearly haven’t bothered to spend the 30 seconds it would take to learn what the word means. Treason is a wartime crime, as defined by the Constitution and by statutory law. Nobody has committed treason. Sedition, privy conspiracy, perjury, criminal conspiracy, fraud upon the court, and other felony offenses, yes, but nobody has committed treason. “Treason” is not defined merely as “something I don’t like.” The crimes that have been committed–and that continue to be committed–are more serious than that.

It’s also hard to take seriously people who post stories about space aliens. Or who ignore the solar cycles and their effects on climate so that they can write stories about chemtrails. Chemtrails are real–everybody sees them all the time–but insisting that they alone can change the planet’s climate is silly, and it makes it almost impossible to pay serious attention to people who say such stuff.

AIM does do some good You Tube vids now and then, though.

Robert What?
7 years ago

What would cause a truck driver to sit on the tracks with the gates down? Wouldn’t the first inclination be to barrel through the barricades and get the hell off the tracks? Maybe he was deliberately incapacitated or maybe even already dead by the time the barricades came down?

7 years ago

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If you have or you know someone who has a twatter account, please read and share:

7 years ago

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Leader Technologies miller act could instantly KILL the Sillicon Valley tech mafia that hates freedom of speech and BRING FORTH the free press.

THIS IS NOT A DRILL, pick up your twatter accounts, your 4chins and START SPREADING THAT. Tweet at POTUS en mass and this could be a MASSIVE WIN.

Do it, for God and country!

7 years ago

Newton’s 3rd

7 years ago

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Israel proves the NRA point:

7 years ago

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Guys, this is unbelievable, just read it, seriously:

7 years ago

Is there a way to block certain comments on this site? Asking for a friend….