Refugees Turn on Their Host – In South Africa

The script is the same all over:

THE good Samaritans who took onto their farm over 100 refugees displaced by this year’s xenophobic violence, now claim they have been threatened with murder by the same people they had set out to help.

Besides property being destroyed, the ­family who took in the immigrants have also been accused of not helping them to be ­relocated back home or to another country, driving a chasm between them.

Owners of Hope Farm in Cato Ridge, ­Andrew and Rae Wartnaby, were yesterday forced to evacuate their 10 children from their farm house in fear that they would be attacked or used as “bargaining tools.”

This, after a group of the foreign nationals they are housing on their farm attacked their home in the early hours of yesterday morning and threatened to kill Andrew…

“Then in the early hours of the morning, at around 2 am, they came smashing on my windows and doors and saying that they will kill me…”

Andrew said that as he looked through a window, he saw the tent at the group’s camp engulfed in flames. “I immediately asked if everyone is okay but they kept shouting that tonight was my night and they will kill me. I haven’t slept since then… to be honest, I don’t know what is going to happen. All I know is that I don’t want to be murdered tonight,” said Andrew.

Refugees tend to be high DRD4 7r carriers migrating in search of ease and free resources, and they are thus opportunists who will turn to savagery if they think they can intimidate their way to ease and comfort. Occupying the high ground of violence will be vital in the coming turbulence.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

A friend and neighbor trains beagles for rabbit hunting.
Rabbits run, nothing else. There is no excuse for this.

I suppose SA is disarmed at this point?

9 years ago

The host must ask SAPS to help him and chased these people they are dangerous to him and his family