Refugees, Trump, Terrorism, and Blame

Jeff Sessions tries to argue for stopping the flow of Syrian refugees:

Here’s how well refugee vetting works.

Senator Jeff Sessions has a list of some refugees in this country turned terrorists. It’s a recent list and there were 8 refugees indicted in one month.

In February 2015, Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim, a Somali refugee, was sentenced to prison for aiding Al-Shabaab, an affiliate of Al Qaeda, a section of which has switched its allegiance to ISIS.

In that same month, Abdullah Ramo Pazara, Armin Harcevic, Nihad Rosic, Sedina Unkic Hodzic and Ramiz Zijad Hodzic, Mediha Medy Salkicevic, Jasminka Ramic, Bosnian refugees, were indicted for joining and aiding ISIS.

That’s just one month.

This is the difference between Trump and the GOPe, like the Bushes, and it is why he is so popular. If a refugee kills an American, Trump will hammer everyone who sought to import them, relentlessly, and make sure it never happens again. He will make the stupid afraid to be stupid. Bush and the GOPe would say it would be unbecoming to ascribe blame to anyone from the liberals to the terrorists, and anyone who does blame the root causes is being un-American. They will seek to make the smart afraid to speak wisdom. Trump represents a world where failures have consequences, and where good strives to defeat evil and failure. The GOPe represents acquiescence to failure and the surrender of America to our enemies, something K-strategists will innately oppose.

We tolerated that GOPe bullshitfor a long time, but it didn’t make the GOPe right – it made us tolerant of their stupidity. As a result of that tolerance, we got Obama, the mess the nation is in, the utter failure of the GOP, and now we have finally reached our wit’s end. Just as we reached our wit’s end, Donald showed up, and it is a match made in heaven.

Donald won’t stop the apocalypse, but his election will make sure that those who should bear the burden will.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Stuart Miller
Stuart Miller
9 years ago

I love your work. I love it so much, and it has affected me so greatly, that a normal letter of gratitude is not appropriate. I’m hashing out the particulars of a huge Thank You Letter.

Two things: 1) What is GOPe? and 2) why haven’t you accepted my new email addy for the blog?

I look forward to your every missive. But, are you hypnotising me?

Stuart Miller
Stuart Miller
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

My Great Letter of Thanks is forthcoming. I owe you. Keep up the great work. You are changing lives — and maybe solidifying an otherwise confused group that will save the nation. Either way, r/K has brought a life changing clarity to this reader.

I am NOT looking forward to the inevitable, but your work has crystalized my objectives.


9 years ago

All countries taking in refugees should change their National Sport to Russian Roulette.