Refugee Resettlement Contractors Have A Lobbying Arm

And people thought the military-industrial complex was bad:

We have written often about the consortium of members of the refugee resettlement industry calling themselves the Refugee Council USA (RCUSA). Go here for our archive on the group which includes the nine major federal resettlement contractors…

As you read through this statement, remember that, in recent years, 70,000 was the target number for the refugees to be admitted to the US (from all countries). In FY2016, Obama is shooting for 85,000 and then he signaled he wanted 100,000 in FY2017 (begins October 1, 2016). (Yes, he has one more shot at dictating how many we take…)

The Refugee Council USA is urging Obama to go for 200,000 (from all countries) for FY2017!

Each contractor buys the political leadership. Each political hack is then delighted to be able to funnel more taxpayer money to the contractor, with an eye to their own cut of the allocated taxpayer’s money drifting back to them for their reelection campaign.

Free money is the Devil’s currency. If money weren’t so free, government wouldn’t be handing it out so readily, groups wouldn’t be springing up to grab it in return for doing harm to the country, and there wouldn’t be enough left over after all of that to buy the liberal and Cuckservative politicians who make the whole system run.

One of the biggest differences between left and right is the left’s desire for a massive government where things like this can happen, and the right’s desire for a small limited government where the only way things like this can be funded is if private citizens willingly contribute their hard earned dollars to it through private charity.

It is interesting how many minor urges, so complex in effect, are so perfectly designed to facilitate each side’s reproductive strategy – and how evolution has included them.

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, GOPocalypse, Immigration, ITZ, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Refugee Resettlement Contractors Have A Lobbying Arm […]

8 years ago

You nailed it. It is the ability of the Federal Reserve, in collusion with the people running the Federal government, to create spending power (issue debt instruments “everyone” basically respects as the same as wealth) from nowhere and then use it to shower benefits on themselves and their cronies, that is the foundation of the entire pathological system under which we sweat.

It is the wellspring of perception of unlimited resources (not, of course, the reality as no such thing exists.) This is a very rare event, perhaps once in numerous centuries. Its denouement will be equally historic.