I need you to go back in time a little over a decade ago. Much like last year it was a big political year. Candidates from both parties were desperate to be the next President. One of those candidates had some political baggage. Baggage that was going to come out. Baggage in the form of a written diary that this female former A- list celebrity had kept in longhand for decades. This diary spelled out some very big secrets when it came to sex between herself and some of the most powerful people in politics.
Attempts were made to buy the diary. Attempts were made to find and steal the diary… Finally, they decided to incapacitate her…
They waited until flu season. She always got a shot every year. She always did it at an event to encourage others to get theirs. An event that had dozens of volunteer nurses giving shots. One of those nurses gave a very special injection to the celebrity.
Just as predicted, she got sick and developed tumors… Then, our candidate thought about that diary and thought about it turning up again if they decided to run again. What would happen if they did it again to her? The scientist said it would probably end up killing the person, especially with the last illness so recent.
Well, once again, our celebrity got a flu shot at the same public event and the same nurse was back four years later. This time the celebrity got sick and never got better. She died.
There is a footnote to this story… Last year this A+ list politician was at a public event getting a flu shot and what looked to be the same nurse from before. Before you knew it, the A+ lister was near death…
Eleanor Mondale was rumored to have a diary that might have threatened Hillary’s political aspirations, and she had two bouts with brain tumors, which would make anything she said unreliable, and which killed her in 2011.
I have no idea if it is true, but I will tell you there is a path you can take which would leave you totally unfazed if this were proven true tomorrow.
And of course you see the shills coming out saying there is nothing that could be injected into you that would cause cancer, so the story is ridiculous.
Also in its favor is the part about a politician who heard the stories, remembered a cute, sweet nurse somebody claimed did something horrific at a previous event, now giving shots again, and thought, “No way, she wouldn’t – I’m being too paranoid.” And then he found out you cannot be too paranoid, and nobody is necessarily what they seem. That is exactly how you would think, it is exactly how innocent the nurse would look, and it is exactly how things would play if you were sane. To adapt to this machine would mean becoming insane by the standards of the uninformed. If they are not where they need to be, they can be put there. Nothing is impossible.
I will also say this. You would likely never spot the nurse, unless you had the most astute senses and the knowledge of how to provoke amygdalae and did it all the time to see what would happen. She would be young, cute, sweet, very nice, very happy, just a little geeky, and say all the right things. Don’t bother looking for Nurse Cratchet.
There is a weird machine out there, and I cannot rationalize the existence of the little pieces I see. There is some small piece in my understanding which is missing, so it makes no sense to me. Maybe International Intel hires professionals all over domestically, in all fields, and keeps them on ice filling their professional roles day to day, only sending them afield and turning them operational rarely, and once in a while they are drawn upon domestically. Or maybe there is a massive black budget like nobody could imagine. Or maybe somebody else is preparing for the Apocalypse. What I am missing, I cannot imagine. But something doesn’t fit.
So don’t expect something which seems reasonable to you, which makes good sense, and which is moderate and limited in its abilities the way you would expect it to be.
Perhaps I need to go back and study domestic state security operations in their most extreme forms in the past. Perhaps our massive resource glut has allowed the easy formation, almost on a lark, of something that would dwarf what was done only under the most extreme force of a fiercely determined tyrant’s will in the past.
The short of it is, you need to think in the most paranoid terms possible if you want to be up to speed.
Basically, the more insane you think you have become, the more Apocalypse-ready you are.
Tell others about r/K Theory, because nothing is as you would expect
All the missing trillions go somewhere…
That nice young nurse?
“No way, she wouldn’t – I’m being too paranoid.”
Lol, no you’re not.
Add a nice smile, and a happy laugh, and who would ever think they’d kill you? Yet each one of them almost certainly has a price they’d strangle a puppy for.
Good selection.
I would like to think that under resource constriction, if they were around an Alpha-male type, that combined with a wash of estrogen hormones from pregnancy would make them behave. That and instinct to raise children would come out and they would behave like domestic women at least. Running around and being a criminal certainly isn’t very ladylike.
[…] I was thinking more about the blind item at Crazy Days And Nights discussed here. […]
What I don’t understand is why Trump. if he’s our guy, has not wholesale fired a majority of the FBI, CIA, NSA. Any one of a numerade of these massive scandals, simple ones might be, 9-11, Boston bombing or Sandy Hook. Lots and lots and lots of public documents that if anyone was to force officials to cough them up would immediately tell you if they were real or not. He could make these public before he did so and everyone would accept it. Shut them down.
I have a very bad feeling that Trump is opposition to make people “think” that something is being done. That Hillary actually threw the election instead of losing the thing fair and square. I mean passing out in public??? Now we all hear that Trump would be threatened if he did anything but he could arrest these people, surround himself with special forces, move his office constantly with no one knowing where and do most of his business by electronics. I’m fully aware these things take time but look at how long it’s been, Look at Sessions. He looks like he has PTSD. I’ve watched him very carefully over the years. He’s never been outgoing but he was always straight forward and not wishy washy. He looks frightened and snaps at people whenever they ask him why he’s not investigating all this corruption while doing nothing. This is NOT his character. Remember how happy he was when it looked like Trump would win? What if right after he’s sworn in at the Justice appointment one of Trumps guys came to him and said. (as they slapped him around a little),”You will investigate nothing, you will not quit and you will say nothing or we will kill all your family and you and yes Trump is with us”. WOOOW what a blow that would be to him. You don’t think they slap them around? look at John Kerry, hurt playing hockey,
broke his leg on his bike, Harry Reid’s Home Exercise malfunctioned and punched him in the eye.
Another time I think he had the same sort of injuries and he “tripped”. Trump being a plant actually seems to fit the facts no matter how silly assed paranoiac it seems. If I could come up with other more rational less “freak me out” conclusions, believe me I would. I’m not happy about thinking this way it just seems that this fits the facts at hand. All Trump has done is the exact same thing your average jeb Republican would do. Maybe not even that. Lowered a few regulations. Big take on the web about arresting child traffickers but I haven’t seen any. Where are they if they’ve arrested so many. Big talk about all these sealed grand juries. I’ve seen nothing. Things may get worse. The point where I really started to believe that this is just another “fix” is the Las Vegas shootings. Trump could have fired all the FBI in Nevada as they are surely covering the whole thing up. Way to many actual, I heard it myself, videos of more than one shooter and he doesn’t know this????
I don’t think he can fire the FBI, DOJ, or CIA people. As Federal employees, I think they are protected from firings, either by a union, or by regulations. He would have to show wrongdoing.
But one, I think how you are thinking is Apocalypse ready, and perfect for the times. Nothing is like it seems, and everyone is trying to play us. And you’re dead on about all the weird injuries. Clinton “broke his leg” at Greg Norman’s house, IIRC, Robert Byrd burned his hand on a 12V reading light in his car right after he advocated for Clinton’s impeachment and he turned 180 right after it, NJ Governor Jim McGreevy broke his leg jumping off a sandbar, everybody is wearing leg braces lately, brain cancer is everywhere. So who knows? I liked GW Bush at the time, but he destroyed everything, and turned out to be a pro-Hillary north eastern liberal.
We’ll know about Trump eventually. I think he is a big player, so I am not put off by the pause. If he is setting up a big win, that is how it would look. What will be the decider is if he gets the big win or not. Hopefully it is coming.
Mostly off topic AC. I was mentioning your facial bifurcation to a coworker and we were looking at political figures. Al Franken’s official senate pic is great for seeing the bifurcation. HRC however doesn’t seem to have any. Obviously she’s taught herself how to not have two faces…. which actually macks her look more fake.