Racial Differences Trigger Amygdala – Even Mothers With Their Children

An interesting example:

“She’s getting very dark, isn’t she?” This is what one of my friends recently said about my much adored -12-week-old daughter. She didn’t mean to be rude.But it was a comment that struck me with the force of a jab to the stomach. Immediately, I was overwhelmed by a confusion of emotions. I felt protective, insulted, worried, ashamed, guilty, all at once. The reason? My lovely, wriggly, smiley baby is mixed race.

But when I turn to the mirror in my bedroom to admire us together, I am shocked. She seems so alien. With her long, dark eyelashes and shiny, dark brown hair, she doesn’t look anything like me. I know that concentrating on how my daughter looks is shallow. She is a person in her own right, not an accessory to me. But still, I can’t shake off the feeling of unease.

Even admitting to having mixed feelings about her not being blonde and blue eyed, I feel disloyal and incredibly guilty. I know the obvious comment is that I must have known how a child of our union would look when I married an Indian man, but it is a wise woman who thinks that far ahead when she falls in love.

These are deep instincts burned into the human machine’s programming, probably laid down during previous periods of hostility and violence, and probably designed to function on much more subtle stimuli. I have noticed that even among just Nordics, there are distinct facial structures, so ingrained in the genes that different people who are ostensibly unrelated can appear almost as if brothers, even today in the US, having been transposed thousands of miles and hundreds of years from their gene’s original regions of origin.

Imagine if you lived in that ancient time where such genes originated, and were a neighboring village, planning a raid. How useful it would be if you could insert one of your troops into the village to walk around, probe for weakness, and asses things like security shifts, force deployments, weapons availability, and so on. If he were to do it, his easiest way would be to simply pose as a citizen, and walk around as if going about his normal activities of daily living.

Now imagine if you lived in the targeted village, and all the members of your village had a distinctive appearance, which would make any interloper stand out clearly. Imagine if every member of your village had an amygdala which would immediately flag such difference, make them uncomfortable, and make them focus, uncontrollably, on the difference.

Now imagine you had such genetically imbued instinctual programming, and one day you popped out a baby which was of an entirely different race. You would see a response similar to this woman’s. In the context of our present world it makes no sense logically, but the programming is there, and it unsettles you regardless, even when the dopamine is flowing and your amygdala is completely deadened.

Now imagine what that programming will do to your amygdala when the Apocalypse has hit, and your amygdala is beginning from a position of hyper-irritation. Suddenly even minor momentary irritations will set you off. That baby that looks completely different from you will be an incredible stimulus which we cannot imagine today.

It is a further indication that there may be a splintering along all sorts of lines, from race and ethnicity, to religion, as K kicks in. If you are relocating in the coming years, it may pay to relocate into a racially and religiously homogenous area, regardless of what your personal opinions on race and religion are. Because even if you are blind to race and religion when the Apocalypse hits, it is a safe bet there will be a lot of other people who will suddenly not be, and their opinions will matter far more than your’s when it comes to your outcome.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because in the long run it will tone down amygdala

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Dopamine, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Psychology, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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Robert What?
7 years ago

If I am not mistaken, White genes are recessive. Meaning mixed race babies almost always look like the non White parent.

7 years ago

It is in the best interest of the war bride’s genes to raise her spawn from the invading army.

7 years ago

It’s all kind of disgusting when you think about it. An individual (usually a Woman) has a fling with a distinctly different person, not just a little different, but a distinctly racially different person. This results in a relationship (and child). Then as a mother (or father) they can’t give that child all of the care and love and attention that all children desperately need. That’s rabbitry. Or you have people who were in such relationships, that didn’t result in children, being thankful that children didn’t result. Which is also rabbitry. You also have parents who only care about themselves, seeking to virtue signal, which is rabbitry as well. I suspect rabbit amygdala’s seek out potential mates with MORE differences- not fewer- when picking a sexual partner.

In the example you provided AC, inter-ethnic co-mingling is common and differences overcome through Darwinian skill and ability. Inter-racial mingling is a much bigger hill to climb- with no clear new ethnic group being formed through such unions. The history of Europe shows this, people traveled all over Europe for thousands of years, inter-marrying, fighting, competing. National identities remained, mostly unaffected. Imagine if the Mongols or Muslims overran Europe in the middle ages- Europe today would resemble the backwards tribal areas of the middle east.

John Calabro
John Calabro
7 years ago

If they look like the other tribe, there is a chance they will join the other tribe. Just look at colin kaepernick, white mother, adopted by white family but sided with his black half during 2016

7 years ago

We instinctively love our children because they carry our genes, but any randomly-selected child of your ethnicity is genetically closer to you than the babies you father with a black or Asian woman. Hence the coal-burner’s regret — if your offspring don’t resemble you, you haven’t really succeeded in reproducing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I haven;t been to Europe but people who have commented how they never really noticed the diversity of Whites in the US until they went there. They said that you could go to different areas of Europe and different villages and it was easy to see a commonality in how the people looked. Subtle but marked enough to be noticed.

As for White Women who marry out of the race let them go live in their husbands culture.

7 years ago

“colin kaepernick, white mother, adopted by white family but sided with his black half during 2016”

And so he SHOULD! To use the less-than-polite metaphor: a 55-gallon drum of coffee, with a teaspoon of sewage in it is SEWAGE, not coffee! The one-drop rule fits perfectly into AC’s entry (good one AC!); if you are PART of another tribe, then you are NOT part of my tribe! Genetics is way too strong to be overcome merely by being raised in a different race/nation. (No magic dirt, no magic family!) Twin studies have shown that genetics overwhelms “nurture” in way more areas and facets that we could have imagined!

(I cannot imagine how my leftie-lib sister could NOT always notice his half-black son, her “not-us” offspring, could not recoil a bit from him — but then I can’t imagine how she could sleep and live with her black husband! One of the rare couples, still married after 30 years — but, SHE is the breadwinner (and, seemingly) the housewife; and he isn’t.)

I feel bad for half-breed kids; they will ALWAYS be outsiders. They cannot ever be fully accepted into either ‘camp’ and that shifting-sands place to stand forms them in ways that do not suit either tribe! NOT bad enough to accept them, though.