Rabbits Welcome the Death of K-strategist Heroes

Yet another example:

A Canadian magazine has caused outrage after it featured a convicted terrorist who murdered a US soldier on the cover.

Maclean’s Magazine has been criticized for using a picture of former Guantanamo Bay detainee and former Al Qaeda member Omar Khadr on last week’s edition alongside Rinelle Harper and Amanda Lindhout.

Toronto-born Khadr spent a decade in the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay from the age of 15 and was returned to Canada in 2012.

He was convicted of throwing a grenade when he was 15 years old that killed father-of-two U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer in Afghanistan during a 2002 firefight.

Note how they don’t just get this little fuck released into society, they celebrate him as a celebrity, and go out of their way to make his dreams come true, while our soldier’s children grow up without their dad. Here’s the soldier:

Every so often some liberal comes on this site and says in a whiny voice, “I’m a liberal and I don’t want K-strategists killed. You don’t know what you are talking about.”

Well, asshole, these are the worthless pieces of shit that lead the group you want to put in power. These are your idols. They are who you support. You enable them to do this shit. These assholes wouldn’t exist without your support. You can see why I’d call bullshit on your claims to be a patriot who loves the military.

If you really don’t support all of this, might I put forth the idea that you are genuinely too stupid to be in procession of a heartbeat in America? Here, come over here and let me fix that for you – my pleasure.

Like it or not you are the enemy of all that is good merely by your stupid associations, and once resources contract, you should be ready to be treated as such by everyone. The only reason we aren’t bothering now is we all have it so easy that you aren’t worth our time.

The apocalypse can’t come fast enough to give you what you deserve.

When it comes, somebody needs to remember to take a trip north and punch this little shit’s ticket too.

God I hate leftists, liberals, and everyone who supports them.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

>When it comes, somebody needs to remember to take a trip north and punch this little shit’s ticket too.

Alas, I have prior engagements with the so-called intelligentsia of our once-great nation, and that is assuming I’m not indisposed in a FEMA camp.

9 years ago

Send them on a one way trip to the shithole of the ISIS they love so much.

9 years ago

The left has a fascination with evil it just cannot quench. I remember growing up in the NYC area during the era of William Kunstler, one of the nastiest and most subversive criminal defense attorneys walking. His prodigy Ron Kuby isn’t much better, and it just reminds you that the left’s behavior reflects spiritual choices, not just r/K choices.

Not undercutting your fine work here, just observing that for people, the world has more than one plane of existence.

Agree on this turd, would love some retired special ops “star chamber” type group to form up in response to these regular outrages.

Reply to  JimP
9 years ago

I read a little bit about Ron Kuby and his wiki article alone is jaw-dropping. He’s defending everyone from japanese terrorists to blind clerics, and he even testified in defense of someone who tried to kidnap and murder his on-air cohost of a radio program! AC you should check this guy out, he sounds more like Rabbit Kuby than a real person:
