Rabbits Try To Out-group Trump

Out-grouping is an ingrained strategy when you spend a life incapable of direct conflict:

Sure everybody makes mistakes, but making a sensational false charge against a new president at the very first opportunity he allowed reporters into his Oval Office on Day One of his presidency sure looks like one of those narrative-confirming, “too-good-to-check” stories of journalistic lore that just happens to portray Trump as a racist “white nationalist” in the eyes of progressives. Zeke Miller of Time was allowed into the Oval Office as a pool reporter and tweeted out reports that the Churchill bust was back (true) and the MLK bust was gone (false). He was quickly corrected…

They are even trying to do it to Trump with intelligence allies:

Now that Donald Trump is officially its commander-in-chief, America’s foreign allies are being forced to grapple with a highly sensitive question: Is it still safe to share information with U.S. intelligence agencies?

The global spy community — a fractious world where friends, frenemies and sometimes enemies often enter alliances of convenience — always holds its breath when a new U.S. president takes office. But Trump is an anomaly even for a group used to strange things. The new president, who is due to visit the CIA headquarters on Saturday, has spent weeks insulting the intelligence agencies he now oversees. He also has pushed for warmer ties with Russia, a country that several European states view as a dangerous aggressor, and which U.S. intelligence officials have had difficulty coordinating with in the past.

Liberals do this all the time. Their entire debate strategy is to subtly link a person to people they think the crowd will not like, and then appeal to the crowd to bully them as an outsider. Trump was liked by David Duke, he was associated with deplorables, the alt-right supported him, and on and on.

To a liberal the issues, truth, honest debate, and a search for the best way forward are completely disregarded in favor of cheap psychological tricks to try and gain the upper hand at trying to turn the crowd to bully everyone into the leftist agenda. That tells you all you need to know about where liberals fall on the scales of good and evil and right and wrong.

Of course it doesn’t leave them many options when, as with Trump, they do their best to out-group him and the group still turns on them, and embraces their enemy.

Sprear r/K Theory, because it out-groups liberals

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8 years ago

[…] Rabbits Try To Out-group Trump […]

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
8 years ago

“Liberals do this all the time. Their entire debate strategy is to subtly link a person to people they think the crowd will not like, and then appeal to the crowd to bully them as an outsider…”

Of course, you have just perfectly described the female herd mentality and the Jewish group strategy as well…”[Women] do this all the time…” and “[Jews] do this all the time…”

How does that fit into your theory of r/K?