Rabbits Try To Make Wolves Fight Each Other

University of Missouri Professor executes the classic rabbit strategy:

In particular, one student photographer, Tim Tai, was seen in a much-watched video arguing with protesters who surrounded him and pushed him back. Toward the end of the video, the person shooting it identified himself to Ms. Click as also being with the media, and when he refused her demands that he leave, she yelled: “Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”

In r-selection this would be a smart move, because every guy would go, “Oh, Oh – A fight – I’d better run away.” She wouldn’t even need to get anyone. Then the guy would run away to a field of endless grass somewhere else, and get his grass without the risk.

In K-selection however, the only choices would be to run away and starve, or stay and fight. The only people who would survive would be those who stayed and fought. This professor would get knocked around until she fled. If not, she’d be killed, and the guy would take the food for his own family. Obviously single mom’s don’t last long in K-selection either.

The funny thing is, this all appears to be programmed. Nobody will have to die, and violence will not even need to make its appearance to begin the process of reprogramming everyone. Indeed, it has already begun in many places. Just restrict the dopamine a little, and introduce a little threat. Maybe somebody got mugged at your subway station. Maybe migrants were moved into your town and they look a little shifty. Maybe you can’t afford your cable bill, and it angers you that you missed the last episode of Game of Thrones.

Suddenly there isn’t even any violence or real K-selection, but when this professor tries this trick, the angry gaze of death you lay upon her sends her running in the opposite direction, and now her amygdala is being reprogrammed too.

It makes you wonder how fast the shift will be when the apocalypse gets under way.

I want to know – very, very badly.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

North Star
North Star
9 years ago

The first thing I thought when I saw this video was of your amygdala-trigger articles.

When the videographer starts calmly answering her (with a bit of a shit-eating grin, you can hear from his tone of voice), there’s a split-second in the video when you can see her brain just fizzle and pop and go bananas. You can see the sudden rage in her face. She calms herself down just enough to keep from shrieking at the top of her lungs or physically attacking him. But then of course her first instinct is to start calling for “some muscle over here.”

I guess you could call her a high-functioning amygdala-jackee.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

I can attest to that. The meltdowns are entertaining.