Rabbits Degrade Defense Ability

Obama’s legacy:

Years of budget cuts have taken a toll on the Navy’s fleet of strike fighters.

Nearly two-thirds of the Navy’s strike fighters are sitting unused because there is not enough money to repair them, according to DefenseNews.com.

The Navy has had to deal with declining budgets in recent years even though the demand for military aircrafts carriers remains the same. Congress was unable to produce a budget before the October 1 start of the 2017 fiscal year. Political leaders say Congress’ inability to pass the military budget on time is hurting the fleet.

In addition to the grounded planes, there isn’t enough money to fix the Navy’s ships, either…

This is the outgrowth of so many rabbit urges. There is the urge to get K-strategists killed. In the rabbit’s mind, it is amusing to picture all of America’s hardened warriors being thrown into the meatgrinder without the tools they need to survive.

There is the desire to support out-groups. Just as liberals take the side of migrants over Americans, so too do they reflexively take the side of foreign fighters and terrorists over our noble warriors. Deep down, if the terrorists won and took over America, all of the liberal’s enemies, the K-strategist conservatives, the successful businessmen, everyone who believed in patriotism, would be destroyed. The rabbits, who would grovel and attack their fellow countrymen on the terrorist’s behalf, will do just fine by comparison.

There is the broader drive to avoid all conflict, and demand preemptive appeasement.

This is a pattern. When Reagan took over, Navy supply guys spoke of how the empty supply bins from Carter rapidly filled up as all of our planes and equipment began to come back online.

Rabbits place no importance on defense, and it is all produced by the instincts imbued by r/K Theory.

Spread r/K Theory because a strong defense is important.

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8 years ago

[…] Rabbits Degrade Defense Ability […]

8 years ago

The Trump fleet build up is going to be amazing. I hope we can find enough diapers for the liberals and chinese.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

“…Reagan took over, Navy supply guys spoke of how the empty supply bins from Carter rapidly filled up as all of our planes and equipment began to come back online…”

I know this to be true as I was in the Air Force at the time. When Carter was President we had to wait for parts. What we would do was we would take the plane not flying to a hanger (hanger queen we called them) and tear all the parts out of them to keep others going. That way we seemed to have all the planes flight ready but in actuality in a real war 1/2 would be grounded. After Regan was in a year or so you order a part and in 45 minutes they delivered it. It saved an enormous amounts of headaches not having to move parts from plane to plane constantly.

8 years ago

I’m in the US Air Force. This winter our base announcement system, “The Giant Voice”, that broadcasts music during the raising and lowering of the flag, is primarily designed to alert the base of an impending attack, stopped working this winter. A base wide email alerted all personnel that they system was currently nonoperational because is was SOLAR POWERED and, unfortunately, the base had not received enough sunlight to run the system.

8 years ago

Not the first time we’ve skimped on defense to pay for socialism at home. If you enlist today, you’re signing up for the next Bataan Death March.

8 years ago

The problem with modern American defense spending is that its not predicated in regards to “Bang for Buck” either budget cuts or the enormous bullshit expenses that do not yield the results concurrent with its expense are the result.

Either something is worth the money it buys or not. And the expensive stuff is not necessarily the best value for money.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

We’re spending a damn shit load of money on Defense just what are they doing with all that money?????