Rabbit Liberals Pit the Wolves Against Each Other

An emailer sends in an article on an anti-gun group calling for the SWATing of law abiding gun owners. Obviously, this is a case of the rabbits pitting the K-strategist wolves against each other, in blatant fashion. As in other areas of life, you can best elucidate what is occurring in the middle by closely examining the extreme areas on the margins, where everything is rendered obvious by its extremism.

No anti-gunner would dare come to my home to take my guns themselves, but they will send K-strategist armed agents of the government, if they can. The only difference between SWATing and passing a law to have police forcibly disarm the law-abiding is that these SWATing rabbits are less patient. They are all our enemy, and expecting straight dealing from such spineless cowards is utterly foolish.

The impatience of the SWATers is merely more intense amygdala angst, here driven by feelings of inferiority and impotence at the mere sight of an armed, self-sufficient American who can handle himself. So irritating is this feeling of inferiority, it will force action immediately to relive the intolerable irritation. Since personal violence is not on the table due to their cowardice, they will try the next best thing. Call some Police and try to get them to shoot at the gun-owner themselves, while the coward hides, off on the side.

This will get worse in the near future, as conditions deteriorate. You can see it in Obama’s desperate drive to offer ever more government largesse for free. You will also see its counterpart on the right, as the K-strategists rise and callously throw off the yoke of socially-enforced rabbitry, fearlessly demanding the freedoms the rabbits seek to deny. Whether it is Gamergate, Vox laying waste in the publishing world, the rise of open carry, or just a pizza delivery woman not fired for shooting her attacker in the face, cracks in the façade of the rabbity social-control are beginning to show, and that is not relaxing the rabbity amygdalae. Indeed, Conservatives are beginning to relax their amygdalae by blatantly flouting rabbity social strictures. Can ridicule and laughter at rabbity impotence be far behind?

The rabbits see what is coming, and want to deaden the populace ever more with their soma-like government freebies. (Even the rabbits see, the best way to engender r in a populace is to provide free resources). Meanwhile, the wolves see what is coming, eschew the freebies, and hate the rabbits ever more for creating the mess, even as they dreamily ponder how much freer they will be when the government has no money to operate its ever more oppressive machinery of state. How the wolves and rabbits can ever possibly end up united as a nation, ever again, I cannot imagine. It would seem we are approaching a point where one or the other will have to go, and judging by the rabbit’s rabbity panic, it would seem they realize as much too.

This insight, that the rabbit’s entire strategy is akin to the mating strategy of “sneakers” in the animal world, such as the transvestite cuttlefish, is a key understanding that we need to promote within the Conservative movement. In nature, we see an animal where one psychology, cowardly and weak, adopts an appearance that drives conflict among the stronger specimens. They actually pit the stronger more aggressive specimens against each other and as they fight, the weaker specimen avoids the fight and seizes their advantage unopposed.

It is exactly what we are seeing here, in its most blatant form, and the outcome could not be more tragic. Proud American gun owners, thrown into conflict with loyal, service minded Police Officers. Two groups of men who would naturally respect each other’s freedoms, and even enjoy each other’s company, were it not for the machinations of weak and cowardly rabbits manipulating them into conflict, and feeling so clever in the process.

This is a major leftist strategy you will see everywhere, from the hobbling of successful businesses under the yoke of government regulations, enforced at the point of a gun, to the taxation of rich individuals, so another population can be rendered dependent on the resulting largesse – and become willing to fight as it diminishes when the economy collapses. From Communists to the Nazis – it is how they operate. If anyone grows strong or successful, don’t meet them face to face. Send the wolves of government to them, and lets make them fight each other. It is my hope everyone would one day see these leftist machinations through that lens.

However, if r/K Theory can have no other effect, I hope it will promote an understanding among the K-strategists that we are all one, and could easily live in peace side by side, respecting each other’s K-selected rights, were it not for the cowardly rabble-rousing r-strategist rabbits among us, constantly degrading our society, stirring dissension, and turning us upon each other. They are our one true enemy. At the very least, I hope in highlighting our enemy, it will promote our dealing with this one true enemy after the dust settles, in such a way as we need not deal with them ever again.

Imagine a world without rabbits.

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10 years ago

[…] Rabbit Liberals Pit the Wolves Against Each Other […]

10 years ago

“How the wolves and rabbits can ever possibly end up united as a nation, ever again, I cannot imagine.”

With the rabbits inside the wolves of course, just as in nature.

10 years ago

[…] Anonymous Conservative Rabbit Liberals Pit the Wolves Against Each Other […]