r vs K As Welfare Vs Defense

A stark difference:

Barack Obama was the first president of the United States to spend more on “means-tested entitlements”—AKA welfare—than on national defense, according to data published by his own Office of Management and Budget.

Historical tables that the OMB posted on the Obama White House website, include annual totals for both “national defense” spending and “means-tested entitlement” spending going back to fiscal 1962—which is three years before President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation creating the Medicaid program, a means-tested entitlement that together with the Children’s Health Insurance Program enrolled 74,407,191 beneficiaries as of November 2016.

In every year from fiscal 1962 through fiscal 2014, total national defense spending exceeded means-tested entitlement spending.

r-strategists prioritize creating a world of uniform resources that is absent scarcity, and they ignore the need to engage in defense, because they simply aren’t designed for such a world. K-strategists emphasize defense, because they are programmed for a world where you need defense to survive, and where some degree of shortage is expected and unavoidable.

These are people who are programmed – either for a world where resources are flush and ever present, or designed for a world where there are not enough resources, and conflict and combat are an integral part of the plan. It is funny to see each one, thrown into the world of the other, cling to their programming, because it is just how their brains are designed.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because it is all about resource availability

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8 years ago

[…] r vs K As Welfare Vs Defense […]