r-strategists Don’t Migrate To K-selected Regions

And we are seeing that now:

Border Security: Just by saying that he would strictly enforce immigration laws already on the books, President Trump is already on his way to solving the illegal immigration problem. Imagine if previous presidents had done the same.

In February, border agents apprehended just 18,762 people at the U.S./Mexican border, a 40% drop from January, which was itself a 27% decline from December. In fact, illegal border crossings have fallen every month since Trump won the election. And February’s number was lower than any month in the previous five years, according to data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

“This trend is encouraging because it means many fewer people are putting themselves and their families at risk of exploitation, assault and injury by human traffickers and the physical dangers of the treacherous journey north,” said Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.

Another clear sign that things have changed: Smuggling fees have skyrocketed. Since November 2016, “coyotes” — smugglers that help illegal entrants cross the border — have hiked their fees in some areas by about 130%, Kelly said.

Those here are already preparing to go back:

The nation’s third busiest Consulate General of Mexico is in North Texas, and it’s even busier than usual.

Many parents are rushing to ensure that if they are deported, they can take their American children with them.

You will see a stream of U.S. born children and their undocumented parents on any given day at the Mexican Consulate in Dallas.

Javier Ordonez is among the 700 people being served on Thursday.

Ordonez is trying to ensure his daughter will come with him if he is deported back to Mexico.

“She’s so young, so I have to take care of her,” he said.

r-strategists instinctually seek ease and absence of conflict. These Mexicans are putting their finger in the wind, and their amygdala is telling them there is less stress and conflict in Mexico.

This is really great. These are not the people with the aggressive, intolerant amygdalae that will fight to produce freedom and protect the greatness of the nation at any cost. These are the cowards who surrender whatever temporary homeland they land in to whatever savages threaten them most viciously, just before they flee.

Imagine how truly great the nation will spontaneously become when the Apocalypse hits. Between all the leftists being killed, and all the migrants fleeing back home, our populace could easily revert spontaneously to a fully K-selected society.

Everything good in life is about hardship. You cannot grasp the risks of the narcissist, or be hardened against them unless you encounter one, and the worse the encounter, the more you are able to deal with them effectively in the future. You cannot lift heavy weights without enduring the pain in the gym. Your brain cannot adapt to any stress without exposure to it, and no nation can be great without having great hardship foisted upon it at some point.

Lucky for us, great hardship is on its way.

Tell your friends about r/K Theory, because it will help to drive migrants from our land

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] r-strategists Don’t Migrate To K-selected Regions […]

8 years ago

“less stress and conflict in Mexico”, that’s a good one. I couldn’t help but chuckle, it really is all perception with r. The really great thing is as self deportations rise the Overton window becomes easier to move, and move it we shall.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

“…Imagine how truly great the nation will spontaneously become when the Apocalypse hits…Lucky for us, great hardship is on its way…”

I don’t disagree with you about much but this is one thing I don’t agree with at all. The Apocalypse will swallow up everyone, r/K, whoever. Ever see the movie “the road”, or even better read the book? It will swallow everyone with no discrimination. Even those that save food and other stuff will eventually be swallowed by the hoard. You think the K will be the winners but I think it will be the most ruthless. There will be a balance that will survive. Not the most intelligent will live. It will be those that are quick thinking and with no compulsion about killing. Decency will have nothing to do with it. Very much like the people that run the deep State now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Amen. Humans congregate into groups for a reason. Survival from predation- namely barbarians/psychopaths/outsiders. The serial killer types will only get more extreme post collapse- don’t become their food.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
8 years ago

I just found out that the “Gulag Archipelago” is in the Russian National curriculum, that explains a lot….

Way to K your population Vlad, well played.

Reply to  Mr Twister
7 years ago

The Russians have not run from their Communist past, including the atrocities of that past.

They are the most K Christian nation in the world today.

7 years ago

Again o/t

r selected state grants encourage r selected collapse
