r-strategists Appease, K-strategists Confront

r-strategists appease to please others and avoid conflict, K-strategists demand acquiescence and dare you to oppose them:

President Vladimir Putin has signed into law the bill allowing the Constitutional Court to overrule the decisions of international courts if such decisions contradict the principle of supremacy of the Russian Constitution.

The new act published on the government website on Tuesday reads that the Constitutional Court will look into every decision of any intergovernmental body based on an international treaty and find if it matches the Russian Constitution and the rights and freedoms guaranteed by it. Upon such consideration the Constitutional Court can allow the decision to be executed in Russia, in full or in part, or ban its execution – also in full or in part. The ban would automatically cancel any national acts allowing the execution of the unconstitutional ruling.

Could you imagine Obama doing this? Could you imagine Trump doing it? Those are two very different psychologies.

These traits only make sense if r-strategists are meant to employ them in an environment of free resources, and K-strategists are designed for a world where fighting for your own rights and resources is the only way to survive.

These psychologies aren’t set in stone. Europe and America have enjoyed a massive credit expansion which has provided free resources and copious dopamine which Russia has not partaken of. As the hedonistic r-strategy took hold, the loosening of sexual and moral standards released more dopamine and sped the decline. However it will reverse at some point, inevitably. When it does, the K-psychology will return and with it, conflict, traditional family values, traditional sociosexual values, intolerance of degeneracy and deviance, and simple common sense.

For many it will be a relief.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

” enjoyed a massive credit expansion which has provided free resources and copious dopamine ”

My correction: replace enjoyed with experienced.

The dopamine rush of the Great Credit Bubble/Great Asset Mania is akin to a monkey sitting in front of a button that, when pushed, sends electrical stimulation to electrodes planted in its brain’s pleasure center. The monkey sits there pressing the bar while it slowly starves to death.

The social mood mania that began in 1995, forming as it did the final wave up in what was also the final wave higher in a formation going back to 1784, has been just as destructive as that monkey sitting in front of the stimulator button.

Today we look at the freak show (LGBT-etc.) and legal compulsion to enable its leapfrogging extremes of deviancy, the open-borders irrationality, the denial-of-objective-experience of Blank Slate multi-culti (cultural Marxism) and what is the metaphor?

A woman addicted to methamphetamine who has sold her once-luscious body to all comers in exchange for her dopamine rush, degrading her soul and physical self until all that’s left is a sinking, broken husk that was once human.

Social mood’s endogenous sine wave is a natural result of human social behavior. So too is the attraction and indulgence in vice, defined by Spooner as an action undertaking with the expectation of producing happiness, but which in fact is self-harming. This social mood mania has given vice an unprecedented latitude, and the destruction it brought is horrifying.

Our entire Western culture has sunk to the metaphorical level of a vibrant, intelligent young man dissipating himself by sitting in front of a computer screen, splitting his time between video games and pornography while he eschews actual human contact and neglects his health. He produces nothing of value while squandering the human capital that was his birthright.

This credit bubble and the social mood mania that fuels it cannot end soon enough. Each day it continues contributes more degradation of social, physical and financial capital. The hole being dug is so deep, one has to wonder if recovery is even possible.

9 years ago

Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren 2016!! Bring on the apocalypse!

Robert What?
Robert What?
9 years ago

“Could you imagine Obama doing this? Could you imagine Trump doing it?”

I’m not sure which side of this Trump would be on. I can see him acquiescing to “international law”. Although not as readily and with all four paws in the air like Obama.

In any case, it’s almost like the old USA and the Soviet Union switched places.