r-strategist Germany To Deal With Migrants By Dumping Money On Africa

Good example of the r-strategy in action:

German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Müller is calling for Germany and other European Union (EU) members to send money to Africa to create jobs which he claims will prevent mass migration.

Likening the idea to the Marshall plan which saw the United States pour money into post-war Germany to rebuild its tattered economy and infrastructure, Mr. Müller said that the development of Africa is in the interest of both Germany and Europe.

Imagine, an invasion is forthcoming. Throughout history, the solution has been to raise an army, and fend it off kinetically. Now, the solution is to dump money into the invading nation, so the invaders will be too happy in their homeland to bother you. Only r/K Selection Theory can help you to understand the prevailing forces in history, and the forces driving events today.

r turns into K, and the more r there is, the faster it happens, because r produces K. If you could eliminate all r, wealth and success would increase infinitely, until some r had to re-enter the system. As that r eventually grew, it would then erode wealth and success, until K returned. r and K are yin and yang, you have to have both because they produce each other, and are integral to each other’s existence.

Now, as the economic Apocalypse approaches, these idiots will blow all of the remaining capital and credit on trying to repair irreparably corrupt and incompetent governments. If only you invest in Africa corruption while shorting Europe’s economic future.

K will only come that much faster – and then you will still have to eventually repel all of the migrants from the entire world with violence, because this migration wave is nothing compared to what you will see when the Apocalypse hits. But for a rabbit with an r-adapted brain all of that is impossible to process.

Spread r/K Selection Theory, because the rabbits will bring the Apocalypse

This entry was posted in Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

You could take the entire worlds GDP and give it to Africa and it still wouldn’t budge the needle when it comes to improving the health, wealth and security of that continent. IMHO – its a worthless shit-hole that has only brome less civilized since the “colonists” have left and/or their descendants have been killed.

8 years ago

[…] r-strategist Germany To Deal With Migrants By Dumping Money On Africa […]

8 years ago

Wow. That’s conflict-avoidance taken to pathological levels.

8 years ago

Easy to fix Africa

1. Build a load of coal/gas power stations.
2. Put TVs broadcasting western tv stations EVERYWHERE.
3. Watch them destroy themselves!

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

“…German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Müller is calling for Germany and other European Union (EU) members to send money to Africa to create jobs which he claims will prevent mass migration…”

I don’t know what’s happened to German efficiency. It would be a much wiser and quicker use of the resources if they would buy consumer goods and burn them up in fires. They would see the results of sending money to Africa immediately instead of having to wait.

Doc Sithicus
Doc Sithicus
8 years ago

The only way to solve the African problem permanently would be Africide. Either mass sterilisation of the population or deployment of biogenetic weapons. Otherwise we’ll be playing whack-a-mole for the next 50 years, either sinking the boats trying to cross the Mediterranean or building the walls and then machine-gunning the ten thousand strong waves of human tsunami that will flow from Africa.
The figures don’t look good. African population increased from 477 million (1980) to 1.2 billion.
Last year alone the number grew by 30 million. By the year 2050, annual increases will exceed 42 million per year and total population will have doubled to 2.4 billion, according to the UN. This comes to 3.5 million more people per month.
The future in Africa offers drought and rising temperatures. Not enough land, not enough food
and water. No jobs. Only the vision of the land of plenty in Europe and promise of easy life.