r-stimuli – Vikings Had Slaves

Vikings may have used slaves more than was thought:

New clues suggest slaves were vital to the Viking way of life — and argue against attempts to soften the raiders’ brutish reputation…

Archaeologists are using recent finds and analyses of previous discoveries — from iron collars in Ireland to possible plantation houses in Sweden — to illuminate the role of slavery in creating and maintaining the Viking way of life.

“This was a slave economy,” said Neil Price, an archaeologist at Sweden’s Uppsala University who spoke at a recent meeting that brought together archaeologists who study slavery and colonization. “Slavery has received hardly any attention in the past 30 years, but now we have opportunities using archaeological tools to change this.”

Small houses surround a great hall at a Viking site in Sweden called Sanda. Some archaeologists believe this may have been a Viking plantation with slaves as the labor force.

Scandinavian slavery still echoes in the English language today. The expression “to be held in thrall,” meaning to be under someone’s power, traces back to the Old Norse term for a slave: thrall.

Of course you would expect the type of free resources slavery offers (literally other human beings who work tirelessly to serve your needs, for free) to produce an r-slide, thus you would expect those areas with high usage of slaves would tend to be more r. Indeed, the Norse slave trade was focused around Sweden:

The Scandinavian slave trade mainly occurred in the early history of Sweden when the trade of thralls (Old Norse: þræll) was one of the pillars of the Norse economy. During the raids, the Vikings often captured and enslaved militarily weaker peoples they encountered, but took the most slaves in raids of the British Isles and Slavs in Eastern Europe.

There is a very Yin/Yang aspect to r/K. Taking forced labor makes short term sense from a Darwinian standpoint, to aid in conquering as many enemies as possible. Slaves provide cheap labor and allow a greater fighting force to be fielded, which can prevent being defeated and killed or enslaved yourself.

Yet free resources will inevitably corrupt the most capable of bloodlines and shift the population toward r – and slavery essentially provides free resources. Any K-selected population which keeps forced labor following dominance (during the resultant period of ease), will produce a heightened slide toward r, and indeed probably is demonstrating signs of the r-addiction to free resources already, by taking slaves in the first place. You see this from the Roman Empire, to the Swedish Empire, to the US today, which offshores much of its manufacturing to foreign nations with cheap labor. Only a rabbit has the addiction to free resources, and the ability to self delude, which allows one to enslave another human being and still look themselves in the mirror each day.

In short the more ease you seek, the more you will ultimately shift toward r and initiate a collapse. The harsher things get (and the more harshness you embrace), the more you will be heading toward a golden age of ease and prosperity. It is very counterintuitive, and appears at first glance exceedingly difficult to hack in such a way as to produce a successful society which will not collapse at some point.

The apocalypse will always cometh, it will just do so faster if you are a pussy.

Addendum – this epigenetic corruption of our species’ toughness by ease is a longer term effect, and is not to be confused with short-term selection effects, which are far more potent and immediately affecting – and which probably require (and will produce) a lot of competition-mediated mortality to initiate their reversal.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

I don’t get the reference to the Swedish Empire (meaning roughly 17th century Sweden). There was no slavery in Sweden during that period; it had been abolished several hundred years earlier.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

there is also evidence that the Vikings traded with muslims. hordes of arab gold coins and swords found in Viking burials. what the Vikings provided was white slaves to the arabs.

9 years ago

The pickle here is ancient Sparta. That was a society that relied almost entirely on slaves economically, but had such harsh conditions set up for its nobility that it ensured that they were indeed K selected (not the least of which was the exposure of infants). It dominated for nearly a millennia until being conquered by the Romans.

9 years ago

My theory is that since the Jews managed to get a high IQ from selectively breeding (the rabbis had the most kids), that only some kind of social sanctions on offspring can solve the problem long-term. Maybe have everyone compete in MMA and chess tournaments, and any male below the 50th percentile on either can’t breed? I’m not sure if this would work, nor how one would measure fitness in females.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
9 years ago

I’m not sure slavery was widespread enough in that era to have an impact on the psychology of Swedes.

While the slaves could be fairly cheap, feeding them and housing them is nearly as expensive as a lower status kinsman. This means you’s already have to have enough resources to feed extras in order to afford a slave.

Also the ethnic stock of the Scandinavians doesn’t show that much intermixing and if there were large numbers of female slaves, they would have used them as concubines as the article noted,