r-selected Values – Socialized Medicine

To the rabbits, individuals are value-less:

A girl who died of leukemia was given a final send off after her friends signed her casket with loving messages on January 30.

Laura Hillier got to experience a few normal childhood milestones like graduating high school and getting her senior year book signed before she died on January 20.

Laura might have experienced a few more milestones if a Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, hospital had been able to accommodate a bone marrow transplant for the young woman.

Numerous donors were a match with Laura and ready to donate, but Hamilton’s Juravinski Hospital didn’t have enough beds in high-air-pressure rooms for the procedure.

Hospital staff told her they had about 30 patients with potential donors, but the means to only do about five transplants a month.

It seems it is always the sweet girls who end up sick.

To K-strategists, every life is priceless. You can literally get your dog a bone marrow transplant in America tomorrow if it gets a similar cancer like lymphoma, because K-strategist dog owners judge their furry loved one’s lives worth the cost, and they built the machinery to treat every case on demand through a capitalist system. Not only will we K-strategists try to save every human – we try to save every loved animal too.

To r-strategists, uniform mortality applied to all the rabbits randomly and equally is perfectly acceptable. This girl was just a small piece of collateral damage on the path to the leftist utopia. They are so stupid they can’t even see the grossly apparent majesty of all they seek to destroy – even when you show them pictures of the innocent girls they killed. If you support socialized medicine, you support killing girls just like this. Think about that.

It is exactly like Bill Whittle’s example of the antelopes on the plains. To the r-strategist antelope it is fine if every so often a lion swoops in and grabs an antelope. They will accept that happily because they don’t have the brain circuitry to love, or to be appalled at the loss. But not us.

K-strategist antelopes will get together and formulate a plan. It won’t be easy. It may kill a bunch of us. But the next time that lion shows up we are going to do whatever it takes to make sure that lion is gored on our antlers, and none of our people are ever taken by that lion again. We won’t write off one precious life. Nothing is as much an expression of the K-strategists superiority as their inability to give up on any member of their clan, and the pure love which underlies that.

Along those lines, you don’t see him publicize it, but…

The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport Tuesday morning, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness.

The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area…

Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.

Donald is a K-strategist, with all the attendant virtues. It is actually quite impressive given how bathed in free resource availability he is, and how easy it would have been for him to fall to the dark side.

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9 years ago

What did they mean by “means to save her?” Did they mean that the rooms would be crammed full of patients on the waiting line ahead of her every single second of every day so there was literally no room for her? Or that the Hospital Administrator Borgs decided all THX-1138-style, that the “Saving Young Girls’ Lives” budget had been drained for the month and they would have to wait for the next month to tick over? Why didn’t they send the girl to another hospital? Why didn’t they do a massive fund-raiser and send her off to the US for the procedure? Why weren’t this young lady’s friends having a “sit in” within the hospital lobby, screaming their lungs out in protest? Why wasn’t the girl’s father shoving a shotgun into the back of the hospital administrator and snarling “If my daughter doesn’t walk out of here alive, neither do you?” What the fuck is wrong with these people?

They are literally sick in mind. Here’s a video of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog roasting a group of these feckless rabbits. Look how afraid they are to stick their heads out of the warren and state the Bleeding Obvious:


I almost think an apocalypse is the only thing that can clear out this detritus.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

“beacuse some idiots”

Correction: ” becuase of corrupt and treacherous idiots “

Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

Good thing the article mentions the child is Jewish, otherwise I wouldn’t have known to give extra credit. Here I was thinking it was some white kid who’d grow into a straight white man. Gross!

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
9 years ago

This is one of the rare occasions in which you are a bit off AC.

So as to be clear, I’m quite close to the European New Right not the Republicans, I do support Trump and I’m not a Socialist in that i don’t think government ownership of the means of production is a good idea

I also agree that the current surge in “R” social traits are terrifyingly bad for society and will lead to ruin.

That said I also believe that within a generally K context, wealth redistribution works well enough and because if technology and the way the market allocates resources is necessary

Its main challenge being avoiding creating an R population bloom.

More on topic In the bigger picture, the greatest common good more human lives saved and quality of life improved socialized medicine is probably better for more people than pure market medicine.

Hybrids with public/private care options are better still. Canada kind of has that and had this young lady rich parents, she could have come to the US. Maybe.

In any conceivable case rare things like high pressure rooms are going to be rare. Not a huge demand for them and they are expensive and difficult to maintain.

She might have died anyway.

Medicine wise In an “R” system , socialized everyone gets a certain amount, usually the basics, sometimes not enough. The UK has funding issues anf the Veteran Administration can be great or terrible I’ve heard both from veterans

Socialized medicine can end up in tragedy like this young girl or it can be a lifesaver for people with low wages, the clerk at the local store who wants a baby but has small obstetric risks say, that $10,000 US is more than she can save in 5 years. And yes she might have health insurance which may also ration for profit and is often no better,

Socialized medicine certainly enabled this young lady to receive care that could cost half a million US which is pretty good. If they had to pay market, say half current rates, saving this young lady would have cost a quarter million dollars. This is more money than anyone has basically ever in the US or Canada ever. We aren’t that wealthy a country.

In that “K” system, yes some people get great medicine but if her parents don’t have resources, say they aren’t wealthy enough to afford it she dies anyway. Her life has no value because her parents or she is poor.

Any any case, the value judgement is identical. money over life . The R system, measures a wider range than her families (or charitable) resources whereas the K system weighs cash on hand.

In this case the rabbits actually have the moral high ground. That is of course rather unusually but money isn’t the only judge of value

In the event we had pure market medicine, few people could afford a hospital and we’d be the nastier parts of the 3rd world supplemented with charity hospitals . Prices wouldn’t drop that much because modern medicine is complex and resource intensive in any case.

Also in such “K” systems, its possible to die from very common ailments like an infection that “R” systems do have the resources to treat. Its one reason why the US has an appalling infant mortality rate.

And the only reason this isn’t default in the US is the Hospitals were forced to operate like R systems which is stupid but so be it. It would be better to simply pay for the basics and let people get the rest on their own dime

An example ,huge sections of Texas 35 counties have no physicians


And note too his doesn’t cover areas that basically are under served all over the US.

socialized medicine would reduce the death rate and improve health in those communities a lot. Where gaps exist, private care and charity can fill in.

As it is, there is no incentive for the private sector to do anything.

Fact is for civilization to work some degree of sharing and pooling of resources often involuntarily is necessary

R and K selection are not excuses to avoid paying for the cost of a functional civilization

That said keeping rabbitism in check is THE challenge and I don’t think anyone does a better job pointing out the dangers than you.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

The problem with the emergency room system is that it isn’t reimbursed . This mandate has caused enormous damage to the California health system . It would be fine if we had few poor but our ruling class wants a 3rd world country to run and the “Right” is all about wage arbitrage

That is fairly stupid if you claim to want a smaller state because in the end, the young rabbits will put is Leftists who make Grandpa Bernie seem like Ayn Rand

We’ll get the apocalypse though no guarantee many K folks will survive it

Beyond that the US is an appalling waste of resources where you’ll see sick children who just need a GP brought in because its the only option.

Ideally we’d have community health clinics but the cultural shifts engineered by the rabbits degrade the stability too much to make these work.

Also national health care is pretty cheap. They get by with about $300 a month US in the UK , a better system would cost about $400 and change US which is about 10-20% cheaper than most group health plans anyone can buy. In terms of health outcomes White Europeans are probably healthier than White Americans , not all of this is health care. Its mostly culture and its corruption as well.

national Health care is not better than an HMO or PPO its just different and uses a different moral calculus to deny care, the good of the whole as vs the bottom line. Which is better is up to you, in any case some people are going to die. It does cover everyone but again its won’t work with much immigration as Europe is discovering, won’t work with declining wages and requires a sound K selected population. We have to many armed idiots, dopers and scum to make it work well

And forget mental health care, its impossible in the current leftist system

A hybrid system might work, private coverage with Medicare buy in to keep costs down but the ACA isn’t it. Its an insurance company handout . I’d like to say its a Coward/Pliven’s play to crash the healthcare system fora State takeover but we aren’t that smart.

Now the reason we don’t have national health care really is one of culture, Even when we trusted each other enough to make it happen, we aren’t honest enough to make it work and the people here that would pay for it are either economic refugees or descended from economic refugees or in the case of the oldest stock, tax cheats basically.

Hauser’s Law


basically shows that we aren’t getting more than 20% of GDP in any case is we are kind of screwed.

Assuming we make it through to K we can come up with some method that works I hope. if we don’t, the emerging diseases, tainted food supply and drugs are going to make it a heck of a ride. Only the most diligent K will make it

Mob Barley
Mob Barley
8 years ago

Perhaps you can clarify to me why in the last debate Trump said Canada’s socialized medical system worked well, praised it?